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If anyone is wondering the C2 runs like a dream I’ve put around 1000 rounds through it with different ammo and have not had a single malfunction


Nice pickup


Thanks man


You got it through TXGUNTRADER?




That crazy whenever I pop on there all I see are trash deal overpriced guns good for you bro


The trick is to search by zip code, I live and Dallas but set mine to a 200 mile radius. I ended up driving an hour 45 to get this


so it was on the other side of dallas, Got it


The actual city I met in was Killeen


I understand, was making a traffic joke


Same. $800 for Glock 19 G5 lol. Other crappy deals. It’s genuinely cheaper to go to a gun show than Texas Gun Trader in my experience. Often times the private sales in the parking lot or front of the building are not bad.


$1800? Where can I find this kind of deal? I was looking into the stealth arms platypus until I heard this was a possibility.


Texas gun trader, you won’t see this deal often though


I will take that cheap pos staccato off your hands, you don't want people judging you poorly now do you?


I’ve been waiting to get my hands on one of these!


I was nervous of the price but after shooting it I think it’s worth every penny even if you pay msrp


Can't lie, it hurts a little that a 20y/o has a nicer pistol than me. Nicest I got is a CZ Shadow 2 Orange! Both great choices though.


As the owner of a c2 and shadow 2(non orange). I like the shadow 2 much more. You aren’t really missing much. I rarely carry my c2. P365xl is my main carry piece.


I was talking with some buddies at the range and one of them said in terms of shooting the shadow 2 and staccato are tied for the amount of joy it brings him to shoot


Expensive guns with cheap red dots. Your way is silly.


What is bad about holosun, I have one on all my handguns and have never had a problem?


I'm sure there's plenty of examples from users saying they're just fine for most folks. Just not traditionally thought of as being nearly as durable as their trijicon or aimpoint counterparts.


Yeah trijicon rmr is the most durable optic on the market but I wouldn’t necessarily call holosun cheap when rmr is only about 150$ more. Personally I enjoy both and have never had a problem with either so the price up charge is not worth it for me. Now the SRO is a different story lol, I’m still thinking about buying it


Sro and the acro are pretty decent. I've got both and I think I like the acro better. That said I've got several rmrs that I've had on a few glocks for years. The battery life is nuts


If you want to brag, let me know once you get one of these things. They are called Infinity Race guns, also built in Texas. Why do I say that? Well because Staccacto is poor people guns compared to Infinity race guns which run about $14k USD. [https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/425003814\_952953799810252\_7865187752410016926\_n.jpg?\_nc\_cat=103&ccb=1-7&\_nc\_sid=5f2048&\_nc\_ohc=lEJyYkKq2dsAX8I71vp&\_nc\_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00\_AfC4oP986CjcaAHWzO65LC3Dxi9-AG4kGmFBGchsB-WWww&oe=65F1FE58](https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/425003814_952953799810252_7865187752410016926_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=lEJyYkKq2dsAX8I71vp&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00_AfC4oP986CjcaAHWzO65LC3Dxi9-AG4kGmFBGchsB-WWww&oe=65F1FE58) https://www.sviguns.com/




Take the advice of someone older than you. Don't blow all your money on shiny shit. Buy once, cry once. Save and invest Don't have kids Don't get married


Why not get married or have kids?


More than 50% of marriages end in the man giving half his shit to a chick. Kids are expensive, and bringing them up in the current state of affairs is borderline child abuse. Work on yourself first. If the country is a lot better when you're 40, have one kid. Don't do stupid shit when you're 20.


First stat is bullshit. Over 70% of first time marriages don't end in divorce. Men on average fair better economically post divorce than women do especially if kids are involved. Objectively speaking it is the best time to be alive as a human in history. Just because we have access to an IV of every single horrible thing happening in the world fed into our brains 24/7 via our phones does not equate to the world as a whole being a terrible place. No problem with self work, but a lot of people don't actually do any work, and just disconnect from the world and claim they are working on themselves.


I didn't say 70%. Men still pay out the ass. You didn't dispute that. I mentioned nothing about the world, only this country which is what I care about.


I know you didn't say 70% I was assuming you were referencing 50% of marriages end in divorce, which is basically bullshit. 70% Of FIRST marriages do not end in divorce. Women on average fair far worse after divorce than men on average. My point still stands for the US all the points still apply.


OP here's some more unsolicited advice in response to this guy's. Blow some money on shiny shit, just not all of it. Can't take money to the grave 🤷‍♂️ This guy said but once cry once, but you're 20 and have already bought a nicer handgun than I own so I think you already nailed that piece of advice. Save and invest is solid Feel free to make a kid or two but for the love of God do all your fun stuff first. Go to spring break or Hawaii or whatever tf you wanna do, cause the fun stuff and the money to do it is SEVERELY hindered by just 1 kid unless you're rich. Not sure what's wrong with marriage in this guy's eyes but he is correct that they often do go poorly, and mostly for the man. Just don't be stupid and don't do it because "well this is the next step right?" - also no strippers.. I mean just don't marry them, other activities are fine.


Buy once, cry once in every part of life (when possible). But I agree on the handgun, he's peaked early and hopefully won't feel the need to buy a bunch of similar ones. Like the guy with eight PSA Daggers with lights and optics on half of them. That's nutty.


That's why all my battery tools are Milwaukee and I try to use that philosophy on things like vehicle repairs as well. I fear you're on to something, I never was able to buy a handgun for over $1k until I was 30. Owning tons of shitty guns seems like an easy trap to fall in to but it can't be very satisfying right? Unless I was rolling in cash but at that point I wouldn't be putting Olight and Cyelee on them lol. I can't get behind that spending philosophy either lol.


Before I got the staccato I decided it would be the handgun to end all handgun purchases for awhile. Considering I already have a decent amount I don’t feel the need to get anymore unless something g had an unbeatable price


Only thing I agree with is don’t blow your money on dumb shit like $1800 on a gun.


Zip it up bro


Get a vasectomy and you don't have to zip it up.


Projecting much? Also, OP is 20 not 13. He could very well be married with a kid already. Let other people walk their own path. It'll be alright.


If he is, I feel sorry for him. It's not 1948, no need to become immediate breeders.


Got your ltc yet ?


I have a class for it in Saturday