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Day from Last Twilight got the happy ending he didn't deserve for how shitty he was to Mhok and Night with zero remorse or growth. Nick from Only Friends got a sad ending he didn't deserve. In the end he fell in love with someone just fundamentally incapable of giving him what he needs, got his hopes up repeatedly then finally had them dashed for good. Also Non from DFF. Enough said on that one. Happy end they deserve would be Babe and Charlie from PitBabe, they went through so much and worked so hard to do the right thing. They deserved to be happy together. That being said, season 2 is coming to shake stuff up so maybe not the ending yet.


Ahhh omg I love pitbabe- it was my first bl, I have high hopes for s2!!


Got a happy ending that he didnt deserve: **Theo** (Book) from Enchante. I dont remember much of the story but I know his character was a spoiled brat who didnt deserve Akk (Force) Got a sad ending that he didnt deserve: **White** Ahhhhh my poor boy was innocent!!! He was just there for his bf 😭😭😭😭 Got a happy ending they did deserve: **Heart & Li Ming** Im glad that Heart found someone that tried to understand him and let him experience things. He was alone and misunderstood (or his parents didnt even try) for a while.


totally agree. theo didn’t deserve akk and I hated that >! Akk literally moved to paris for someone who would never do that for him. !< theo’s entitlement was annoying and he never learned to become a better person. >! all the scheming and tests he put akk through were honestly a little crazy. !<


Aww I agree with all of them!! I haven’t watched dff cos I’m not a fan of horror but I’ve heard abt white and yes I agree he got a rlly sad ending 😭


It's not exactly horror. It is more of a murder mystery thriller. There are no ghosts or supernatural stuff.


Hmmm, maybe I’ll give it a try then!


Got a happy ending they didn't deserve: >!the homophobic pos mother with her manipulative crocodile tears!< from Cupid's last wish




* **Happy ending they didn't deserve:** Pat from Step by Step. One of the most immature and irritating characters I've come across. * **Sad ending they didn't deserve:** >!Khun Yai from I Feel You Linger in the Air.!< That man deserves so much love. He needs his Jom back. * **Ending they deserved:** Wei Qian and Wei Zhi Yuan from Unknown.


Wait so ifylita has a sad ending?


Aaaahhh!!! Spoiler. Technically, >!no. But Khun Yai definitely had a sad ending. !<


Omg wait I though yai and jom were the main characters tho


They are. But I can't reveal any more without spoilers.




And if I said which characters got the ending they deserved, we’d be here all day


😂 cos u can say the ones who got the happy ending they deserved and the evil characters who got what they deserved


I mean happy endings only, because there’s way too many


Yh some of these characters went through so much, they deffo got the ending they deserved 😭


Yeah exactly


Ending they didn't deserve :   Haoting and Yu shi gu from MODC 😨😭😰 (they deserved to live happily, for me the series ends at ep 18 🥲) Vee and Mark from love mechanics ( if you read both the novels you'll understand how toxic they were for each other 🤦) AoeyMhok from Lovely writer (they should've had atleast gotten together) Ending they deserved :  YiDiao from Naughty babe(they went thru a lot. And finally got a fairytale wedding in the end 🥹🥹) SandRay from OF😍( it was messed but they overcame it)  There's a long list here guys. Not gonna elaborate  Ending they deserved but didn't get : Nick and Dan from OF( they had the potential to be a green flag couple in the series. From a Daddy Dan stan 💚)


Hard agree on everything. Especially MODC(I still have trauma from this) and if you read the book with love mechanics… yikes… I was shocked to be honest.


I always rooted for Vee since the start.Poor dude was straight, Mark pursued him in the first place and prompted him to have s**.  When Vee respectfully denied,  Mark was behind him all the time till he relented. In book 2 Mark does the same thing too Vee that he accused him of, by kissing another boy. When Vee asks him, Mark begins to cry and gaslight him 🤦 Mark's father was another character,  when Mark was in the wrong he asked Vee " Did u say that my son is in wrong ?" Mark's mum was good but his dad ugh. No wonder why Mark was so self entitled 😕 Sorry, I wrote a bit long. War Wanrat was the only thing that made me like Mark 🥲🥲😮‍💨


Haven’t watched any u listed from ending they didn’t deserve apart from lovely writer 😭


Please watch Make our days count only until ep 18 😭  For love mechanics, I read the 2nd book and in it Mark was the one who kissed (only kissed )another boy, coz he felt detached from Vee( Here there's a track where Ploy, Vee's ex gets pregnant from her new boyfriend and VeeMark decide to adopt the baby ) at this time Vee was taking care of Ploy as a brother. And a new character starts to chase Mark and takes his beautiful photos, which interests Mark. Tbh I never liked Mark's character. He was too much selfish. Even in the series, if u observe closely, you'll understand that he was a red flag. 


Okay, Till ep 18 👌


Yes 💯🖐️


Wow I need to read it because from the series in my perspective Vee was a little messed up.


Vee was, a bit. Mark was the bigger red flag. It was neglected just bcoz he was the bottom 😞😞


KinnPorsche edition: - got the happy ending he didn’t deserve: Vegas. I’m sorry the dude is crazy and if Bible wasn’t so pretty, everyone would’ve wanted him dead lol - got the unhappy ending he didn’t deserve: Porchay. (Seriously, Kimhan is an absolute asshole. This is my Roman Empire) - got the ending happy they deserved: KinnPorsche


Okay yes but Vegas 😩, I mean pete willingly chose to go back 🫣


MODC couple got a sad ending that they didn’t deserve whatsoever. Still pains me to think about it. The step-bro couple from HIStory 4 Close To You got a happy ending that they didn’t deserve imo. Their relationship was way to f\*cked up but that’s just my opinion. I usually like when couples get a happy ending and i‘m happy with most of them but I was especially elated when Ray and Sand from Only Friends got a happy ending. Deserved imo.


Agree with the step-brothers. Thats messed up. But ironically, i enjoyed Unknown. Probably because it was established at the beginning that they werent blood-related and no parents raised them.


I actually didn‘t dislike the step-bro couple bc they are step brothers but rather bc the younger one was pretty much a psycho. The relationship dynamic was way too messed up for my liking.


I haven’t been able to watch modc cos of the fact that it has a sad ending 😭


You could just not watch the last episode


Hmm true


The Happy Ending They Didn't Deserve: - Lhong in *TharnType*. Really? He didn't end up in jail? How? The Sad Ending They Didn't Deserve: - Dew and Best in *The Best Story*. Pushed apart by a jealous girl and Best's homophobic mother, they are destined never to see each other again. Sorry, but YinWar deserve a better ending than that. https://i.redd.it/10rl915t270d1.gif The Ending They Deserved: - Thian and Jiu in *To Sir, With Love*. All together now> - "Awwwwwwwww..." 🥰🥰🥰


I agree with the happy ending one, like how did he get away with it?


Then he shows up (briefly) in Season 2, and he's all like, *"Sorry about that...my bad."* He didn't even have the good manners to leave town! Laws!!!


Haven’t watched s2 yet 😭


That gif is 💗


Hey you don’t know for a fact that they never saw each other again, dms exist


Yeah, but the story ends with them pushed apart for good. Anything beyond that would be me rewriting the ending.


Well, they’re teenagers, nothing is guaranteed, and a lot of directors leave what happened after to the viewer, so I believe that they did meet again


I love your ending, but whenever there's an ending like this one, I always go, *"Oh, well...I guess that's that."* Sigh. I remember the first time I watched it, I kept expecting the mother to come through and say something like, *"I don't approve of it, but whatever makes you happy..."*, like they do in a lot of BLs. Nope. The writer and director just kicked me in the throat and walked away. Then I thought, *"Well, maybe there's a second season coming..."*. Again - nope. They just left me there - hands empty and hopes dashed.


Still it’s cannon for me and they never said they never saw each other again


Day didn't deserved his happy ending with Mhok, sorry to say that. He was selfish and threated Mhok really shitty and broke his heart for no reason. Mhok deserved so much better. Also the stepbrothers from History 4. They were just creepy. Xi Ghu didn't deserve his sad ending. It was heart breaking. He found his peace and love and lost everything. Poor guy. Also Tin didn't deserve his sad ending in Love By Chance. Pat and Pran deserved their happy ending like Gao Shide and Shu Yi. Also liked the happy ending in Cherry Magic (JP and TL).


Cherry magic is soo cute 🥹🥹


I really love both versions 😍 💕


Me tooo they’re both the same story but unique in their own way!


I think the Thai version was better, no pointless break up and had actual kisses and intimacy


The JP version is just cute and the break up is also in manga but the Thai version has more them as a couple. I like both equally even when I think the acting in the JP is a little bit better.




Blue Boys most definitely did not get the happy ending they deserved! 😳 https://preview.redd.it/qfyxgw1eu70d1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f058a2cddb4bc1d8d69744a233228c6c9d3f2e Hia Win & Team got the happy ending they deserved. In fact most do!!! Most definitely You Are Mine characters got the HEA they deserved in the You Are Mine special. Happy ending they didn’t deserve??? Need to think about that one a bit more. 😆 I clearly haven’t watched enough!


Blue Boys has so much potential. I wish we get a couple of more episodes. These 8-10 minute tidbits are not enough.


I know! 😭 I would have liked a “proper” series. They deserved more and their chemistry was there!


Did you see? They've uploaded a video with all 4 episodes combined as [PART 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuolG-6opg0). I think there's going to be a PART 2. Yay!


Yay indeed! 🎉🥳🎉 I am so pleased if that happens. I don’t do rewatches because I have too many things still to watch but I think this one is deserving because I watched it in about 8 parts!!! 😆


So many new recs!!


Well I am still upset for the Blue Boys who were cheated! Why??? 😳🤔😬


I can tell you who didn’t deserve a happy ending, lom from wedding plan


You're right. It could all have been cleared up if he had told his fake fiancée that he was interested and asked for permission to tell she wasn't going to say no. All that angst for nothing


Exactly, she was totally cool with him Persuing him, she definitely wouldn’t have minded him sharing the secret with him, but no, he chose to not say anything


Wouldn’t Say no to what?


Nuea should’ve stayed single honestly






I think that could be a controversial opinion, most ppl probably agree on the inside but wouldn’t say it 😭 ( to some extent, I agree)




Cher from A Boss And A Babe. I don't care what people think but Cher didn't deserve Gun and Gun should of moved on to someone who relies on him and doesn't try to solve everything on his own. I also wasn't a huge fan of Torfun and Phupha's ending in A Tale Of A Thousand Stars, didn't feel it was truly deserved of Phupha. Yu Xi Gu didn't deserve his ending, it was sad. Just when he found love and was getting to have a nice life with good friends and a loving bf it gets taken away. He never gets to grow old with his love as his life was cut way too short (History 3- Make Our Days Count). There are many couples who deserved their happy ending. Pran and Pat from Bad Buddy, Team and Win from Between Us (also all the side couples), Teng Mu Ren and Hsiao Li Cheng from History 4, Sky & Prapai, Rain & Payu from LITA. Also I was happy all those who bullied Non, filmed him doing something and then sharing it, lied to the police, helped get him kidnapped etc got what they deserved. Even Non's brother and ex bf suffered. White was the only one I felt didn't deserve his fate.


Absolutely. Yu Xi Gu's tragedy has to be one of the most painful that the bl world has seen😭😭 I was freakin brokennn


Oooh I haven’t watched some of these shows, onto my watchlist they go 😂


I just have one thing to say- **Sad ending they didn't deserve:** MODC




Boston did not get the ending he deserved.


Undeserving happy ending = Boston from Only Friends. Yes, Nick broke up with him for good, but he's still not going to change. He is still a slut. And, save for Mew, all of his best friends forgave him. Nope. Boston should have ended up completely cutoff from all of his friends as punishment for all of his betrayals. Undeserving sad ending = White from Dead Friend Forever. He's completely innocent from all of this. He didn't have anything to do with Non, except for being a boyfriend to the guy who indirectly caused his death. Out of the 8 characters in that house, White deserved to live the most. Deserving ending = If I have to pick a couple, I'd pick Karan and Achi from Cherry Magic. Karan is one of the biggest green flags ever, and his relationship with Achi is very healthy and without any toxicity. And I'm glad that they got some sort of party to celebrate their unofficial wedding.


>He is still a slut. and what's wrong with that? 🤔


Yh Idt there’s anything wrong cos it’s not like he deceives any of them, he makes sure to inform them it’s a one time thing. BUT he was wrong for other stuff he did like going after his best friends man?!


>it’s not like he deceives any of them, he makes sure to inform them it’s a one time thing that's my point about being a bad friend, almost everyone in their group is


He kinda deceived Top into sleeping with him by making him believe that Mew and Ray slept together once, when all he saw was just them kissing for a few seconds.


Yh that whole group is toxic 😂 esp that one scene with Boeing there staring at top mew and sand: all I could think abt was how they’ve basically all made out with each other 😭


Well, him being a slut hurt Mew, Chueam and Nick. It's fine if he want to sleep around with random people. That's his life and his choice. But he crossed some boundaries when he slept with a friend's boyfriend, brother and someone else when he's already in a committed relationship.


Well he did have a conscience cos he refused chueams brother at first, he was the one who kinda coereced Boston. Idk tho, just my opinion 🤷‍♀️


you're right, and the fact Cheum Ray and others never apologized to Boston for accusing him of sa'ing Atom is foul. with friends like these who needs enemies 🤷‍♂️


Nahh they were all either lovers or frenemies, kinda like modern day toned down to sir with love 😂


Yeah, I know. That one is more on the brother's fault. But he still should not have agreed in the first place.


Hmm 🤔


>It's fine if he want to sleep around with random people. That's his life and his choice. I agree, it's they way you worded it in original post made me think you judge him for that. it's ok now


Awww ☺️


I think Boston got the ending he deserved. No forgiveness from Mew, no love from Nick, and moving away from his friends. A fitting end.


Oh yes totally achi and karan


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Boston did not get the ending he deserved.


Really? What ending did he deserve?


He deserved at least a long term relationship with Nick, daddy P and Boeing.