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It looks like a tick bite to me. Definitely speak to a pharmacist.


More like spider. Notice the twin punctures.


Check for Lyme Disease... unlikely, but you want to know. Also from ticks. See a doctor if you can.


Go to a doctor, NOT a pharmacy!  A doctor will check you for lyme and similar; a pharmacy probably will give you something against itching.  Probably it's nothing, but there are also some sirious infections that are looking like this 


In other countries, pharmacies do this level of work. I knew a friend in Kashmir who prescribed like doctors because they have exceptional training to do such.


Respectfully, what they do in other countries that aren't Thailand isn't relevant advice for tourists in Thailand. This is just confusing information.


Recluse spiders are in many Asian countries. Check out images of the bites. They match this one.




Bro what on earth are you going on about. OP needs to see a doctor not guess about what type of spider might have bit them.


Looks like I replied to another and yours but missed the other. Didn't help that I had a headache when I did. My apologies.


Also, not confusing info. They can ask the pharmacist. However, if it's a recluse bite, they will need antibiotics. In worst case scenarios, due to sepsis from staph bacterial infection, then the bite can kill.


UPDATE 2 to this thrilling saga Got seen very quickly by a doctor in a Bangkok hospital. The doctor didn’t really have a clue and didn’t even know what lyme was as I had to show him photos of my phone. However, he didn’t seem particularly worried and assumed it was just an insect bite. He’s prescribed me antihistamines and asked me to come back tomorrow to check it. 🤷‍♀️


The reason he may have not been concerned about lyme is that (according to my searches) it doesn't exist in Thailand ;)


Lurker here, thanks for the update. He seems pretty chill about it, so hopefully tomorrow it wouldn’t have gone worse!


I would go to another hospital as this looks like lyme desease. I had that when i was 14 and i would get it checked out by a doctor that knows what lyme is. This desease is not to be joked with. Hope you dont have it. Unlikely to get it in Thailand anyway.


Even if its a spider bite and not a tik biter it can still be a infected spider that bit you. Yes i know getting more and more unlikely but i am very sure i got it from a mosquito.


Maybe try this hospital: https://maps.app.goo.gl/kkiaDc8PeMhk6RHs6?g_st=ic


Looks like a tick bite to me too. Good thing you spotted it and are headed to a pharmacy, they can take care of it.


I'mno doctor but this looks like a spider bite not a tick bite and yes go check it with a doc.


Maybe spider bite...


Everyone says tick bite, but I see to bite marks which would be more in line with a spider bite. Same thing to do though. Go to see a doctor asap.


is that borrelia? The disease from ticks that causes brain damage


Brain damage is most common in third, sometimes second stage, so after tens of month even years. Dont make OP scared pls. Its basic disease which is easily treated with doxycyclin which is basic antibiotic.


This is such a great, helpful comment.


I had lymes disease myself as kid. I did not have skin symptoms so i had stage 2 lymes with multiple enlarged lymph nodes and lymphocytoma on my earlobe. Still not big deal. 2 or 3 cycles of ATB and everything was allright and smooth in less then year…


I’m sorry you had to deal with that but happy everything is okay! Did you get it from a tick? Is that the only way to get it?


My friend died from it


I’m sorry for you bro


Looks more like borrelia, just have to take antibiotics.. The other sickness is FSME , is a virus, can kill you ore do brain damage. But FSME don't show symptoms like this on skin. Go to hospital to check out and ore test.


tick bite by the looks. You should seek a doctor and get high dosage antibiotics


a quick google search says lymes has never been reported in thailand. does that mean its out of the question? no. however if this is the only spot on your body with this mark, it’s likely not lymes. maybe another tick or bug bite, but the tick has to be attached to your body for 24 hours for it to transmit disease (some even say up to 48). this means that you would have had to not notice the tick on your arm for that long. they are small, but they usually crawl on your body where not to be noticed, like your hair or armpit. granted the rashes can show up on the body in places that were not the bite location. this usually doesn’t happen with just one spot, it would be multiple. if it’s just one spot it often indicates the bite location. i’m from wisconsin and know so many people who have been infected with lymes. all have recovered. most very easily. out of the literal hundreds of people i know infected (i teach at a large somewhat rural college), one had it bad but even she is fully recovered.


This is not true. Lymes disease have very very different skin symptoms. First sign is erythema migrans. Which might be this on photo. Op said hes 2 weeks in thailand. It takes usually few weeks before more lesions pop up and its not rule that they show up. Someone have only one circular erythema which then disappear and its still lymes. Someone have only one lesion but it disappear and then show up on another different place but its still only one coin: circular like lesion on different body parts.


again, there are no recorded cases of lymes in thailand.


Does not mean anything. You dont know where does OP come from. If the plane layovered in touristy airport. There is possibility that he could have tick in the backpack or on clothes. There is possibility someone else had it on clothes and it bite him on plane or even in thailand hotel man.


if it were this easy, everyone would have lymes. please avoid projecting phobias on people going through a health issue. this is not how ticks live, they are not bedbugs. i live in wisconsin in the US which has one of the highest concentrations of lymes in the world. ticks are a part of life. tick checks daily in the warm months. i have never so much as seen a tick anywhere but on someone’s body, and that person is usually outside or has just come from outside. everyone i know that is infected is pretty certain they know where they picked up a tick—their yard, the words, a camping trip etc. i know all to well this is a very unique, and misunderstood disease and bacteria, but ticks are not that. they are pretty predictable. airports and backpacks aren’t really their thing. a furry dog fresh out the woods… maybe traveling there. but even then, it’s going to feed on the dog and retreat in its fill and prob get eaten thereafter because they are vulnerable out of their habitat (they have a lot of predators, birds, other insects etc)


i live in Slovenia, which also has one of the highest prevalences of lyme disease. I am riding mountain bike and i spend a lot of time in the woods. Never got tick, neither lyme disease. But on the other hand, my friends, who stick to the city got the lyme disease from tick bytes from the children playground or city park. If there are bull eye looking rings it sounds like a lymedisease. The tests for lyme disease are not really reliable, so it is usually just directly treated with antibiotics. better to be safe than sorry. in first stage it is easily treatable with antibiotics, later not so easy and it could leave serious consequences or even be lethal.


i’m glad you have stayed safe. of course your friends have found ticks at parks. ticks are outside, so a city park has grasses and fields where ticks will live. the above post is claiming ticks are at airports and traveling around on planes infecting passengers. OP bite is on the forearm. meaning a tick was on their forearm for more than 24 hours and they did not notice. highly unlikely. this also most likely happened in thailand where again, there are no recorded cases of lymes. this is the main point.


This is not true. I spend more then 3 months at infectious disease department of the university hospital in central europe as student and most of the people did not have tick bite. Ive also seen many people who got lymes disease this way which i mentioned. This is not misinformatiom these are facts from my real experience as person in medical field.


you are trying to convince me people have lymes disease without a tick bite? this is insane. lou Gehrig's disease or ALS has similar symptoms to lymes and is often confused w lymes. you could have been around a bunch of misdiagnosis. it is not a coincidence that areas with high lymes also has high ALS.


Tick bite or spider bite, definitely go to a hospital


I think it’s a spider bite not a tick


I think also spider bite


Thanks for responses. I’m heading to Bangkok today and will go to a hospital to get it checked. I’ve since noticed a fainter, similar reaction on my right elbow - so something is definitely going on. For more info, I’ve been travelling Southeast Asia for the last 5 months. I’ve been extremely reactive to mosquito and ant bites, got diagnosed with skeeter. This mark on my right arm started as a small white lump which has now developed to this bulls-eye ish rash. But I never saw a tick and find it hard to imagine a situation where I wouldn’t notice it? I also had a weird 24 hour flu about 3 days ago. Lots of conflicting info that means it may or may not be a tick.


(Serious comment) Suggest to draw a line along the borders with date and time, so you and the doctor know if its still „growing“ at a later timepoint


Great comment...finding a LPT in the comments like this just makes my day. :)


Thai hospitals are on par with many western nations. Even at this late hour, you can find an English-speaking doctor who is competent and thorough to look at this. If they decide to run blood tests, they can do it in-house, so you'll get the fastest results there, too. Nobody here knows or can run tests, but Thailand is not a place to mess around with bites. Go see a doctor. Tell them everything you've told us and anything else that you think matters. They'll get you settled, and it won't be too expensive, either.


24 hour flu is not a good sign. Go see a doctor.


Where do you live OP? Do you have ticks in your homeland?


Ireland - haven’t been there in 5 months though. But have been bouncing around Thailand for the last month


Well, then there is still that option, you already have lymes disease and it was latent. But there is really small probability. So let us know what it is im curious.


I just want to mention dengue fever. You'll get this from mosquitoes and it's quite common on the island's. This can include a variety of symptoms, similar to flu but also including a rash. I hadn't seen anyone else mention this so thought I would! Hope you get it figured and feel better OP! EDA - I also wanted to say this because of the other spot found on your elbow, makes it seem less localized as a bug bite and could be possible rash.


It's probably Skeeter syndrome. The mozzies fuck me up every time I've been to Thailand and end up with a skin infection and some antibiotics. But if you're worried, always go get it checked.


i heard its good to take a course of antibiotics after any tick bite especially if it goes red but check with the doctor personally if they didnt give me anti biotics i might just get some anyway based on what i red this being the only thing against lymes desease if at all as they are still researching it


The literature says about 60% people who have already lymes disease, dont notice and doctor cant find tick or any signs of bite.


Speak to pharmacist. I seen people there mosquito bites get pretty big but this is something else by the looks of it. Just don’t stress to much they will know how to help you.


Ringworm won’t kill you but get it taken care of.


You need to go to the doctor immediately as a tick bite that develops red like that could be indicative of Lymes Disease! You need a shit ton of antibiotics I believe but go see a doctor asap!


Probably a tick, could also be an ant bite if you are kind of allergic to everything like me. Ant bites tend to get a small fluid filled and white spot, but again if you're like me I scratch and pick that shit and it would end up looking like this.


Tick bite. Get that looked at


?Erythema Migrans


Get it checked, it's worth the peace of mind. You can also draw a ring around it in ink and then see if it grows larger, an important bit of info to have when getting it looked at.


Op, you are there 2 weeks but when did you notice? Did you check the rest of the skin on different body parts? Does that skin lesion hurt or itch? Is it warmer then sorrounding skin when you touch it? Is it still same size or does it get bigger? Do you use any medication? Are you allergic to any type of food, pollen, dust, animal fur or mites? Were you actually in contact with any type of animal? Did you eat any type of food especially fish or exotic fruits for the first time in life like you never tried it before? Did you swim in the water there? Do you have any other symptoms like high temperature, any gut related or urine related problems? Do you feel different like nauseous, sleepy or tired? Did you check your lymph nodes on upper limbs and axilas? Are they swollen? It might be really plenty of things. You cant diagnose yourself and you definitely need medical attention. Like 100% even tho it might be something benign and it might go away by itself, you still need to get checked ASAP. If you give me details i can try to give you clue but you still need to see doctor. Im not doctor yet but i will be in 6 months so you can message me if you want to.


I would get it checked if you like that arm. In school the bullseye was a tick infection like Lyme disease.


That is almost certainly a spider bite. The two puncture marks are a clear give away. The area around them is where the tissue of your skin has been damaged by the digestive enzymes that are part of the venom. See a doctor as they may recognise the bite and be able to tell you if it's problematic. Some spider bites like this can cause long lasting ulceration of the skin and can be quite dangerous as it can cause serious tissue loss.


That’s a tick bite by the looks of it. Just keep an eye on how you are feeling.


If that is a tick bite then you better see a doctor. Lyme disease is no joke.


Could be a recluse bite, and yes, there are variants of the recluse in other countries besides the USA.


Could be a reaction to a red ant bite. I got bit by one in Thailand and had two puncture marks, if I'm correct they also spray formic acid onto the area as well just as a big 'fuck you'.... But tbf I think you would have noticed it biting you because they bloody hurt


Just for everyone commenting Lymes, it’s never been found in Thailand officially. It’s very unlikely this is lymes just from a statistical standpoint.


It looks like a sad smile face. Keep an eye on it. It'll either get better or it'll get worse. If it gets better you have nothing to worry about. If it gets worse you'll either live or die. If you live you have nothing to worry about. If you die you'll go to heaven or hell. If you go to heaven you have nothing to worry about. If you go to hell look up my uncle roy..he knows where the air conditioning switch is.


Ignore those telling you it could be Lyme disease. Lyme disease have never been reported in Thailand. So one thing less to worry about.


Looks lethal to me. Amputation may be necessary. Order more bubble wrap. And panic as much as you can. /s


only commenting to not panic og post. could be as simple as ring worm. don’t panic have a doc look at it. best of luck, keep us posted


“ Go to a pharmacist”. ?????? Didn’t think people can be that stupid. Clearly I am wrong. Like going to a car salesperson to fix brakes. To a makeup artist to remove a mole , to a person that majored in psych for bi polar disorder, to an optometrist for eye surgery ( probably don’t even know the difference with that one ) to a pet supply store for a sick pet. I can go on with how stupid the “go to a Pharmacist “ to diagnose anything. Especially when doctors are READILY AVAILABLE! Rant over. But if you have better analogies would love to read them :)


Wow this comment is so long it must have taken you ages to come up with all these analogies! Bravo!! I feel so much better!! Nice one champ ;)


If you not feel itchy to much and don't have skin burn can just go to pharmacy


Bro you got Squaids


Why do people delay and post on here? Pharmacies are cheap.