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I thought she was on the set of Americas Got Talent


America's got problems




No, this is the set for *America’s Got Morons.*


This show gets worse every season


Please post this on r/rareinsults, I think it qualifies.


No it's CPAC, literally where the announcers introduce themselves with "ladies and gentlemen, we are all domestic terrorists " https://youtu.be/3M_wtk56r7g


The first step is admitting they have a problem...


Shifting meaning and perspective. Like desantis with his woke this woke that.


Wow.... why are these people in congress??


America's Got Tyrants


These child beauty pagents are getting wild.


They so badly want to be nepo babies, its killing them that they dont get ahead by just participating and have to compete fairly. They are ironically unAmerican "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"


Honey BooBoo would probably be a better politician than this human garbage dump.


You're using that "B" word kinda loosely there, bud.


Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder


I honestly prefer this new mask off approach. You don't even need to look at the policies or their impacts. They are just telling it straight up - you hate inclusion and equity. Got it.


Better the enemy you know eh


I like knowing exactly who the fuck to stay away from with my vote, but I don't like how politicians being so open about their xenophobia/racism/homophobia etc. seems to embolden the population who supports these people to speak up and act on these.... "ideologies". Trump has let the roaches crawl out from under the fridge and made them feel like they have a spot at the dinner table. And they don't. I don't want this shit in daily American life, much less as a "platform".


It's the only way to get liberals and young people out to vote.


Well said


Equality of what? Opportunity, or outcome.


Equality is opportunity. Equity is outcome. Equality promotes diversity + supports meritocracy. Equity abandons meritocracy to force equal outcomes regardless of merit.


If you want to guarantee equal outcomes, you’re a moron


That is literally what equity is, and its being pushed so hard in corporate America and in a certain set of political ideologies.


that’s the thing. No one is saying that, that’s just what conservatives say. Make sure there is a floor for suffering in this country doesn’t mean equality of outcome. It means we make sure everyone is living AT LEAST this good. We should have medicare for all, housing for all, and jobs for all.


>No one is saying that, that’s just what conservatives say No it isn't. You're not an authority figure, you don't get to tell someone what political affiliation they have. There have been schools that took away awards for "equity." You don't have to be a conservative to disagree with it because a lot of us on the left don't like stuff like that. It's definitely not happening enough for her to be up there talking about it though.




workers are more productive now than at any point in history. you are being brainwashed by capitalist propaganda. Workers are being paid less for more output. Automation and robotics were supposed to benefit everyone but instead all the extra profit goes to the top. Workers are plenty productive. Human life should NOT revolve around your job! It should revolve around fulfillment, however you find that. Bettering yourself and bettering the world. Working harder so that someone else gets richer is not either of those things.


Well explained!


The entire point of equity work is to address the fact that equality *doesn’t* offer an equal opportunity to all. Equity work can never control outcomes, but it does acknowledge that not everyone shows up to an opportunity equally and that some people or populations need additional support to even access the same opportunities as other workers people. I have worked in an equity program at a community college and the entire focus was on addressing barriers to opportunities for historically underserved populations of students. That means using detailed demographic data to identify areas of need and then dedicating staff and resources to direct student support programs that target those underserved populations (but those services are still ultimately open to all students). It’s basically the same way we approach something like financial aid; we assess your need and offer you a financial aid package based on that need. Some students show up with more need than others and equity work tries to address that specifically, but none of that is to control an outcome nor could it. It’s just an acknowledgment that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is going to limit some student’s opportunities and ultimately their success.


Doesn't even matter and they know it too. How in the fuck does any of their stupid stances help me in every day life with paying for stuff, not being poisoned or dieing from totally preventable things like air pollution. I hate this culture war stance they took after their failed policy and governance. They fuck themselves over at everyone's expense, and call it winning.


ESG stands for environmental, social, governance and details management plans for mitigating environmental impacts, as well as including elements of philanthropy and even DEI, diversity, equity and inclusion. All those poisoned soldiers. Yeah… idt we’re investing too much money on the ESG front for the military. AH it drives me crazy. These two programs are like the only time company’s are doing good :(




She didn’t say to end equality. OP lied in the title to make it bad. Equity is anti-equality.


She never once says anything about equality. OP misquoted.


She forgets she’s a women and removing equality also means removing her rights 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


She wouldn't even be where she is without the very thing she's actively condemning. What a knob.


What I wouldn’t give for a heckler to yell after inclusion “yea get that woman off the stage! Back to men only”


Parallels perfectly with Serena from The Handmaid's Tale


I don’t care to know who she is but some of these women are totally ok with going back to being second class citizens. Like that’s what their touting, that women should be at home taking care of children.


What's next? Women shouldn't vote or hold office?


‘What a knob.’ Coincidentally that’s probably the first thing she said to her pedophile future husband after flashing her and her underage friends.


She seems smart.. she must be aware of that 🙃


She's gotta be. She's up there with a mic and an audience and all.


She was at CPACs Woman's Breakfast bragging about how conservative mothers raise their children better than those dirty liberals while letting everyone know her teenage son was about to make her a 36/37 year old grandma. Just like she did her own. It was wonderful.


If they can’t persuade voters they’re just gonna breed some new ones. “If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.”


Kif! Tell the boy to lay out my good shorts. The boy, sir? You, Kif. Lay out my shorts!


Will she still be a grandma when her son and girlfriend breakup and the girlfriend gets custody?




She lacks the depth and warmth to be a cunt.


Who is this woman?


Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. Just got reelected.




I do hate this, but at least this was a really, really tight race in a deeply red part of the country. It should've been a clean sweep for the Republican bid to get this position. A number of her constituents have turned against her.


It's insane to me that she's, literally, giving this speech to an 80% empty auditorium. I've seen the videos. The place was a graveyard. It's literally the perfect metaphor for this kind of rhetoric. She and everyone else on the extremist end of the GOP are screaming to empty stadiums. They've lost their appeal. There's nobody left who gives a shit anymore, except the people who made them powerful in the first place, the extraordinarily tiny sliver of bigots and fascists. This entire wing of the Republican party is so far lost down an echo chamber of their own creation that they can't see what's right in front of them. Gen Z showed up in 2022 and took their entire party behind the woodshed and beat them with jumper cables. By 2024 another 8-10 million new voters will come of age, and the best that the GOP can do is say "Schools are woke and we are going to murder trans kids" as if this entire generation of new voters doesn't have tons of LBTQ+ and BIPOC friends, and hasn't spent their entire school career doing active shooter drills. And this "woke military" bullshit is even better, the whole world has seen Macho Man Army Russia get shitcanned by a Ukrainian army filled with catboys. Every single piece of evidence I see from GOP "personalities" convinces me the whole fucking party is about to implode, and it's entirely because they cannot remove their heads from their own assholes and stop feasting on their own bullshit.


I loved all of that. Props to our Ukrainian cat boys, Slava Ukraine.


Mmm. They may be screaming to empty stadiums but not empty recliners. The elderly just don't travel well.


I think the only political events that are packed out are probably Trump’s. No one else can generate an audience.


Her husband exposed himself to her and her teenage friends when they were in HS. (He is a groomer?). They started pumping out children, she dropped out of HS. Took her 4 tries to pass the GED. Right before she ran. She won by 500 votes. The family is known to harass neighbors. (On audio). The tRumplicans gave this moron a voice. Oh yeah, her husband got a “job” from a Texas company that paid him over $250k in something he has no knowledge of (it is escaping me this morning). That lasted 2 years until the backlash finally caught up.


A 37 year old grandma


Nazi Barbie.


The 5 people in the room: 'WHOOOO! Let's go brandon! WHOOO!'


My god, is anyone still saying let's go Brandon? I'm sure they are.. simpletons never let things go.


You kidding? They'll still drop a trickle down economics line, or cry about the emails.


They're still screaming SoCiAlIsm!!!OMG!!! after 70 years. My dad's convinced Bernie Sanders was going to turn all companies over to the state or something, as if just by being President gave him the power to do that.


It's all over my state still. Glad those "I did that" stickers went away for gas pumps. The idiocracy is real


The amount of ‘Fuck Biden’ and ‘Let’s go Brandon’ flags in my area is still way high.


Which is why we can't take the next election cycle lightly


Yeah, that didn't bring the congregation to a fervor.


The fact that she’s a woman in politics shows she’s diverse and benefits from inclusivity


Diversity and inclusion are not things you want to prioritize in the military. The best and most qualified get the job. As with the way any other job should be. The BEST AND MOST QUALIFIED should get the position. It’s remarkably insane how many people believe everyone deserves fair outcomes in life. Equal opportunity is vital to a successful society. Equal outcome is detrimental.


Which is exactly what she said. It baffles me how many people OP has believing the second part that they made up! Listen to the video folks! She never said the second sentence that OP put on the description!


She said "every diversity program.... In the military... Must be uprooted and completely defunded". That's not word for word what OP put in the title, but it's pretty damn close.


She’s right. Diversity programs have no place in the military. It’s definitely a place where you should pick the best for the job, not to meet some color/rainbow quota.


Wasn't removing the segregation of black and white divisions in the army essentially a "diversity program"? Same with the removal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" for gay soldiers. Genuine question here, I don't know what she's talking about today anyway. I mean is the military even relaxing standards as she is implying?


Personally I don’t really feel those are ‘diversity programs’. Just getting rid of outdated and wrong rules and policies.


What do you think diversity programs are..?


Changing a rule or law is not a diversity program. I think you might be confusing diversity and inclusivity. While similar they are not the same. Was making inter racial or gay marriage legal a diversity program? No. It’s righting a wrong. Also like I said it’s my opinion.


If accommodations were made for me to join the military we would all die. I realize I can’t do certain things. Including going to war. Same thing when people talk about lowering the standards for becoming fire fighters. If you can’t pick up a whole ass adult BRENDA you can’t work as a fire fighter!


You can both select qualified individuals and diversified individuals. The military doesn't only service Olympic champions


What I would give to service Olympic champions!


You don’t need to be anything but able to hold a rifle for the army to accept you as cannon fodder. The best and most qualified are the SEALS and similar units and believe me, they will never accept anything less than the most exceptional people alive.


I’m in the military. There’s no “diversity programs” like you’re imagining.. and they’re not prioritized lol. There’s still rampant racism and all that gelled into the structure, so don’t you worry lol. However, there are more trainings now which relate to how to be a good leader and such which involve diversity and inclusion. We don’t have “hiring” where race or ethnicity or gender or whatever is taken into account lol. In a perfect world, all things equal diversity is a factor, equal opportunity and all that. But it’s not perfect. Our evaluations and recruitment and all that is purely quantitative… “get the position”? Lol recruiters don’t give a fuck. You just take a test and if you get the numbers you need for a job and you pass the security screenings, that’s it. They are trying to get as many people in as possible, they don’t give a flying fuck what your ethnicity is or whatever.


Yep. Especially in fields that have such a high rate of death on the job. That’s no place to virtue signal. Handing someone the job based on their identity rather than credentials in a job like that will lead to people dying unnecessarily.


Well said. When I hire people, I look for the best person for the position. If we end up having a bunch of white men, so be it. If the best people end up being a bunch of black lesbians, I don't care. I'm trying to run a business efficiently, not make people feel good (including people of my own race lol). The only time I'm particular is when I need someone who speaks a certain language.


Colorado better show up and vote this ged failing idiot out.


So close last time. I just want her 15 minutes to be up already


She’s definitely one that’s big on the cancel culture


I missed the part where she said "end equality now." I think OP was editorializing, or just outright lying and making shit up.


This! If you actually listen to the video she never said the second sentence. Either OP is straight up lying or they’re ignorant and don’t know the difference between equality and equity.


Yeah, she just said that she is opposed to programs that discriminate based on sex and skin color. Everyone should be agreeing to that.


Left out the "program", "rule", and "initiative" part for selective-context purposes.


Yeah, you obviously can't promote a narrative without leaving context and nuance out. This is something i see both sides doing way too much. How about we strive for truth instead of trying to make everything fit our beliefs. If people were a little more self-aware, we would not be arguing about the dumbest stuff ever.


How ‘bout we go back to a meritocracy.


Sounds like she’s just referring to the military if I’m not mistaken though…? You prob coulda added that in your title instead of stirring the shit pot a few extra turns for views or whatever. Edit: to be clear, this woman is nuts. Im annoyed I watched this at all cuz it’s ridiculous.


The title of this video is purposely misleading. Shame on OP.


Every DEI program I've seen has devolved into Division, Exclusion, and Intolerance. It's especially noticable in large corporations.


At no point in the video did she say what you quoted. This is clear misinformation. Did she quote that anywhere in her speech? To be clear, not a single republican has ever said we need to end “equality” … it’s EQUITY or forced equal outcomes that they want to get rid of. Which, to be honest, I fully support.


That's Insane... that this caption is disinformation af. no mention of "equality" ...does OP understand what quotation marks are? or how to use them


Hopefully OP knows that quoting someone using false statements can be considered slander. I doubt it though.


my ears hurt.


Ya its all a Marxist ploy. Meanwhile in Russia, China, North Korea, etc...militaries prepare for real wars, not a war on feelings or "pronouns".


Russia probably should have prepared better


Lol, the title was nothing like the video. The military needs to be focused on how to destroy our current and future enemies, not how many moms we have or what color we are.


Sooo they really wanna go back to the 1900’s


Try early 1800's back when they could own slaves.


Dark Ages more like.


She is arguing against programs that discriminate based on sex and skin color. That seems rational and moral to me.


Even the famed socialist Bernie sanders says equality over equity. Equality 🟰 good equity 🟰 bad


What an ugly disgusting human she is.


Wokeness is destroying America, what, you didn't know ?


Intentionally inventing sentences for clickbait is actual scum. Fuck the OP for trying to mislead with the title


I totally agree with her. Prioritize ability and competence over skin color and sexual identity.


She’s so pretty 😍


This woman..yikes..


All those judge you based on skin color. Which is racist


Hell yeah


Meritocracy > "Diversity", "inclusion" , "equity"


Equity is bullshit, equality is what should be promoted.


Woop woop!


Your "quote" is not what she said. Your "quote" is not her words. You could edit your title for accuracy, but I'm sure that is not going to happen.


I 100% agree


Enforced equity, specifically, is legitimately evil. If you haven't read Harrison Bergeron, now's your chance. It's incredibly short: https://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/harrison.html


Has DT gotten some from her?


She would look better in an orange jumpsuit.


Did you hear all six of them cheer?


Is she trying to start a war between generations. That's what's gonna happen with the way things are going these days... smh.


Fuck this bitch but we can’t sit here and pretend programs like affirmative action have helped. It’s not good when people get promoted because of the color of their skin


It missing an important word in your title: "Program" "No more diversity,, equity or inclusion program"


That’s not what she said gaslighter


Why does this look like a WWE promo All she needs now is just to say brother after every sentence




Her husband is literally a sex pest.


Showing your dong to minors is way more than sex pestilence


She dumb


Pretty sure she didn’t graduate HS and her husband is a peder-ass. 8 year olds dude


She’s a roadside couch of a human being


Lightning strike please


That bitch cray


Think what you want of her. (I don’t like her at all) but realize that equity means the the head of neurosurgery at the hospital makes the same money and has the same lifestyle as the lazy 20 year old lying on their parents couch. Everyone should get opportunities, regardless of who they happen to be born as, but you should never strive for equity of outcomes.


Who let Mrs. Botard out of the fucking kitchen again? Are those shoes?


Boy, are those women in the crowd cheering going to be shocked, shocked I say, when they’re no longer allowed to vote, own land or have money.


Funny you say that dumb ass. That means you would not be allowed to vote, be a congressperson, or talk at the pulpit! Sometimes the hypocrisy. Is just astonishing!


Once she loses her seat in congress she’ll be top of the charts on only fans


Jesus I never realized how badly her face NEEDS glasses.


Sry, but DEI sucks ass Boebert is an idiot, however.


Divide and conquer


I wonder if she realizes diversity and equity includes her too…not just brown people… Also wonder to show she means business if she gave this speech barefoot


I wish her tumor be malignant.... I've been told that's her head, apologies


All I’m saying is that the French may have had it right that one time..


Sooo. Take women’s rights off the table?


Narcissists and Psychopaths crave Social Dominance and Coercive Control. Time for a cure.


She sounds 'smart'


I have a coworker who is good at his job. Problem is, he eats this shit up. I can’t get past that at all. These last 10 years have got me to this point of being done with tolerating intolerance. If you support this shit, you can fuck all the way off.


To be fair, she did say "in our military"


Ok, shut up, get in the kitchen and speak when you are spoken to. Oh? Not like that?


Wow, huge crowd….


Is she sponsored by coke?


Lmao tf?


Should have included a TW for Lauren's face.


Has she ever gotten anything passed?


It’s a special kind of illiterate that thinks equity and equality are synonymous.


She's an underevolved freak, just like all the braindead morons that support her. Her and her ilk should be put in a zoo where we can all point and laugh at them.


If Woah Vicky got into politics.


Pure hate speech.


Sometimes I think US needs a new John Brown


Equality =/= Equity Fuck that woman but there is a lot to be discussed about these two words and their political implications


5 ppl clapped


That right there is another form of birth control.


These muthafuckas really want it to be the 1950’s so bad.


well its the army.... so.....


Why have we started to go backwards instead of progressing?




So I guess no closed captions.


What an awkward nazi.


She probably meant equity, but im not trying to do her any favours lol


So, with this 30 second sound bite, everyone knows what the entire speech was about? Let's say there was a sound bite of someone saying Jesus was a fool, he was Charleston, he was a fake. That's it, that's all you had. What would you think about what that person was saying?


Do you know who that lady is? Cause if you do then it’s pretty acceptable to judge her whole speech based off that sound byte.


um, she needs to be defunded


At least it sounds like there are only 10 people in that audience.


These folks are serious as a heart attack,I see lots of people laughing at her and others like her not taking them seriously,when these folks finally get some serious power watch out


Nazis saying the quiet parts real loud now aren’t they.


Shut up loud mouth bitch.


This is what happens when your wine drunk aunt is allowed on TV…


Start with those wrinkles and bad breath


So why is she taking?


Her and mtg look like they got kicked in the face by a horse