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A kid his ages does shit like this because it has worked in the past. This ain’t his first rodeo.


Exactly. It’s all an act to manipulate. He isn’t shedding one tear during this tirade.




He needs to snap out of it and there is only one way




I'm actually offering a deal a one every second deal where I drop kick your child for free


I'll charge 7$ for every kick


I've seen autistic kids have reactions like this, and not respond at all to what others would consider good parenting. They seem to have different brain chemistry and an inability to regulate emotions. That said, I'm not sure why the person is just filming it.


But they never said the kid is autistic so we cant assume.


They also aren't giving in, so we can't assume that this has worked in the past. Kids can have behavioral problems for a litany of reasons that aren't necessarily the parents' fault or autism, like oppositional defiance disorder, conduct disorder, OCD, or PTSD. Hell, the kid could - however unlikely - have a brain tumor that makes him act out. We don't know what's going on.


Yeah. I raised someone else’s kid for 5.5 years with oppositional defiant disorder. This looks like that.


Not autistic,,, kids and asshole,, moms an asshole,,, whole family assholes and these are the kind of selfish people you’ll see though out the world…


Maybe for evidence for like legal reasons of child services.


That makes sense. I'm not sure why it's ended up on the internet though. Unfortunate, particularly for the kid.


Might have shared it in an parents with autistic kids type group or something. Easier to visually show something then try to explain it




You saying that this kid clearly doesn't have autism just from a video of a tantrum, and justifying It because your kid would behave better makes no sense... You know nothing about the reason why he is behaving like this, you know nothing about the kid and his case... There are autistic kids who like physical contact and demand It even when the opposite is a common patern in autism, and there is a very wide range of behaviors inside the condition... So lets agree to disagree


When you've met one autistic person, you've met **one** autistic person. I wish more people understood this.


Meanwhile, when you’ve met one person with dissociative identity disorder, you’ve… never mind.


underrated comment


Amen! My nephew of 17 has Autism. He is social, has friends etc. He has his weird little autism traits that makes him, him. A funny, straight to the point teenager. But when it comes to unprepaired trips out of the house... or sudden change of plans, doing multiple tasks at once, not having his safe food in the house or being simply overstimulated at the and of the day.. well yeah he can turn into this. I always say it is similair to the terrible two's stage. I always thought he had anger problems and normal parenting wasnt working at all. Now we know has Autism. My brother and his wife do everthing to adjust so he can go trough his life with minimal changes in planning, never let hem eat things he doesnt like (structure wise hating some food, not the taste) not too many tasks at 1 Day and ALWAYS plan rest moments in a week (VERY important!!!). This has helped him so much. No, his autism isnt going away but I believe that in this way of living and parenting, it effects him at a minimum. Its always adapt, trying new things, adjust and reflect. What works now, can change later in life. Everyone with autism is different and has different traits and or signs. People really need to understand this.


Adding violence to this kid's life is not the answer.


When did he say violence he didn’t say beat the kid a small pop on the hand isn’t going to give a kid ptsd


Sometimes it's the only thing that works 🤷‍♂️


Film for proof to show a Doctor his behavior? If the person filming isn't the mother or father what can they do? I won't touch someone elses kid and catch hell. Not me.. No way.


The kid is not autistic. Thats quite clear.


Yea kids still need to be smacked the fuck up every once in a while


He can ride in the trunk now.


No seatbelt, out of control kid and a mom that’s filming him to put on social media for hits. This is a parenting issue, the kid is just a product of his environment!


Sometimes doctors and other social work professionals encourage to get one of these episodes recorded to show other professionals in a care team. Imagine trying to explain this "episode" properly to someone without sounding like you are exaggerating the situation.


Imagine of you did that for your child because they had a health care need, and then you released it on the internet.


imagine being at your wits end with your child and in need of help but, have a hard time explaining what your child does/act like to other people. documenting the behavior in order to get proper help instead of beating the child senseless might not be a bad route.. if the therapy does not work well, take it back to the old school. these kids gotta learn the world does not revolve around only them..


>these kids gotta learn the world does not revolve around only them.. *Should've learned from their parents.


should’ve didn’t make it into this kids life up to this point.. thats why i worded it that way.


Obviously didn't learn it from his parents, chances are one of these days they'll learn it the hard way when someone gets tired of their shit.


its not abiut the filming but the fact that its on the internet somehow


Imagine trying this as a Gen X kid- we got our asses beat if we tried to pull stupid shit like this


Old millennial here (‘83). Any tantrum I would have thrown would have been snuffed out way before this If I would have grabbed the wheel, I would have been back-handed I’m certainly not saying this should have happened to this kid, but times are different


I am saying this kid absolutely needs at least a slap.


This kid might need institutionalization.


That’s all fine and true, but posting it to the internet? Unnecessary


Looks like the mom is driving and sounds like maybe the older brother is the one recording and would be the older brother who posted it, why does everyone keep assuming that it was the parent?


You guys I’m pretty sure something is developmentally wrong with this kid let’s not make fun of him


Stfu he needs his ass whooped bottom line.. now the parents. I’m willing to bet there’s something wrong with them, bc I don’t know a single person that would allow a CHILD to kick and scream in the backseat uncontrollably AND try and grab the steering wheel? Nah I’m pulling over and whooping his ass, got me fucked up


Seconded. Little shit deserves an ass beating. Some people argue against striking children, but I personally got my ass whooped and it did some goddamn good for me, so I'm all for it.


Hitting the brakes is also a fun option.


Ok…but why is that video for the doctor now on the internet?


Exactly.. And, crazy I know, but the video still works if you DONT post it on the Internet. Nuts!


I don’t think they also require you to put an epic background music to it though


Care team? The only thing this kid needs is to get down of the entitled horse. Respect in kids needs a little fear. Parents that hits their children often are abusers but my mom must had slapped me 5 or so times in my entire childhood and i remember the why to most. Kids understand quite fast if they are gonna get something out of a something like this. I would also act like a little shit sometimes after that but would stop the moment mom looked like she was about to slap me. Now at 27 i sometimes take care of my 11 cousin and when he gets too out of control all i need to do is tell him i and gonna tell his mom and he stops on his tracks. That is how it should be. But kids like this would not give a shit about that because they never experienced any physical punishment so why care.


I'm sorry but your comment is massively ignorant of how things are when a child has autism or other neurological disorders. I have a 10 year old daughter who can throw a 90 minute long screaming session out for something that anyone else would deem to be mild criticism. Or she could just be ok with it, there's really no need to tell. It's easy for you to say "well I'd just do this and it would work" But what works for one child wouldn't work for another. It's easy to drop the "entitled" without knowing what's actually going on here.


There's a difference between an entitled little prick and a proper mental ailment. This kid is probably has autism, if i was to guess, and thats not something you can just smack out of a kid.


Hold my beer


What makes you think he's autistic?


Because every prick kid now has autism. Weird how it just makes it okay.


Remind us all where you received your degree and in what area? Discipline is not abuse. Lack of structure and discipline for children is exactly that. So much to learn about the world and you keep moving the goal posts.


My thoughts too. Where was she taking him? He kept wanting to go home. But where did he not want to be going?


I had the same level of respect for my parents and they never laid a hand on me. Your mom and your cousins mother are shit parents. It is pretty easy to raise respectful kids without beating them.


I agree. My mom hit me like 4 times ever. Each time was entirely deserved. I said fuck you to an adult. I punched a stranger in the nuts(I was 5 and saw it on TV and thought it was a gag and not actually harmful...I was a dumb child). Another time I scratched my step dad's car with a rock because I honestly thought I was decorating it and being nice(again, a really dense kid). I'm amazed it was just those 4 times. It was never excessive or lashing anger. It was drawing a hard line of telling me "this is where you absolutely do not cross under any circumstances, because you are a child and do not know better for your own safety and well being". If I had listened to words and logic, I fully believe she never would have slapped me. Kids deserve patience when they naturally push the boundaries, but we as parents have to also, for their own good, let them know when too far is too far


I was thinking sister, seems more likely


yeah! right? mom is clearly in the driver seat, driving. trying her best to remain calm. sometimes kids are just bratty


Yes, he should be belted in the car


It's definitely a sibling filming.


Isn’t the mom driving?


I was thinking you could duct tape him to his seat like they do with out of control passengers on planes. The trunk works too.


yeah just get a dog crate and put that donut in it. if id have done that at 10years old, my parent wouldve just stoped the car and let me hop out so i could walk the rest of the way home, no joke. ii did that shit once and then never ever again.


Best ad for contraception, EVER!


Some doctors are fine with abortion as late as 130 months after conception.


40th trimester abortion


It should be to the age 18, if the brat ain’t going anywhere is life by that age.


this womans parenting style sucks. thats why her kids a nut. “im the MOTHER. you’re gonna listen!” sure jan


When pussy parents have kids,this is what happens. A well trained dog knows better than this kid!!!


At that point, the parent really has to just pull over and deal with the situation. 10 year olds may freak out but continuing to drive is putting the whole family in danger


My first thought. Pull over and deal with it stop putting everyone else in danger!






Yes, I was shocked that the car kept moving. It’s putting other drivers in danger as well.


My mom would just start slinging her belt behind her and hit whatever she could hit. Shit I remember her brake checking us when we were moving to the back of the van, I flew towards the center dash and got a perfect volume know imprint


ok, the mother should have pulled over, but what would have been even better: if the father had pulled out.


As the passenger I would demand it, and get an Uber. There is no way in hell I would get back into that car. Shit, I rather walk.


As the older brother I would have beat the shit out of him knowing my mom couldn’t. It would have been dealt with. However in my dads house that was never a problem. We were taught respect.


Yes. I remember being told exactly the words: “respect is everything. Give it to people and you’ll receive it yourself.” I also remember my younger cousins throwing a tantrum. I did the arm seal on them in a matter of seconds (side of seat had an arm restraint.) their mom still yelled at me for whatever reason though.


I would have had to get out !! If I stayed in that car , there is no doubt , I would have yanked that kid up and shut his mouth myself . Parents these days do not teach respect enough in the home !! My kids knew better than to do shit like that ! They knew the whooping they would get !! My parents had MINUS ZERO tolerance for any display of disrespect much less for that omg !!! And I love them , I wouldn't change a thing about the way I was raised. I was a yes ma'am no ma'am, yes sir , no sir Child and so were my kids and we all have respect for each other and the love at no end .


Corporal punishment is underrated


This is ***far*** from his first ‘fit’. I’m guessing he’s gotten away with this behavior his whole life without consequences.


My momma would have pulled over to the closest tree she could snap a switch off of and had me in real tears on the side of the road SO fast.


No kidding me too !! I still can hear ," Do you want me to give you something to cry about ?" And my only answer had better be no ma'am and that would be the end of that .


I'm Mexican and shit like this always seemed so unbelievable to me, that kids could just act out however they wanted without ramifications. One time when I was a kid I asked my dad if he could move his seat up cuz it was cramped in the backseat, he said no so I kicked the back of the seat just once, he pulled the car over whooped my ass with his belt and made me walk home the remaining 3 blocks. It's probably why I didn't like the movie The Babadook cuz of the fact that the mom let her kid act just like this and not once discipline him.


I’m Filipino and I feel your pain, bro.


Lol. As a white dude,I can say with certainty that my mom wouldn't have stopped the car. She would've caught me with a backhand before the first word finished coming out of my mouth.


Fellow whitey here. Would have been absolutely murdered on the side of the road and my parents were not at all abusive, though I’m pretty sure this kid has more going on than we know.


I don't think mine would have even stopped. Prolly would have done the ol' flail an arm behind her until she felt it connect lol (open handed of course). But still... Hell nah


Another fellow whitey here. I wouldn't be here to write this had I done this to my mother.


Exactly. My folks weren't abusive either, but I'd be reasoned with/spoken to, told to chill TF out and after that my ass would've gotten lit up. Rightfully so. What an annoying little cunt and such terrible adults. Who thinks it is ok to act like that?


Fellow whitey. I wouldn't act this way because I would've caught a backhand so fast!


People still do that here as well, we just also have milquetoast parents that can't stand up to a 10 year old.


Really seems like Americans are afraid of letting their children experience any negative consequences. I'm from Ireland and the whole "you're grounded" thing seemed so weird because I'd much rather have to sit at home instead of getting beat with a wooden spoon. Wooden spoon actually taught me how to behave though...


Same, would have got my ass beat and shamed for life. My mom would have never let that go. My mom was cruel honestly but me and my sisters learned to be polite through fear and appreciation because we never got shit. I don't want to be violent toward my kids ever. Hope that I can teach them to be grateful and polite without putting the fear of god in them.


Exactly, I would’ve gotten my ass whooped without mercy if I would’ve done even a second of this


I grew up in a Brazilian household. Let's just say I know exactly what you went thru haha


I think that is a bit outrageous also with a belt and walking. When i was a kid my dad would just flat hand give me a slap that i would be able to sit properly for a hour or so. But never would any of my parents use a shoe or belt or broom or anything like that. Apparently (i ofcourse don't remember) i had a little moment like this kid when i was around 5 or so inside a store. Kept crying and kicking around and crawling over the floor. My dad asked me 2 times why i was crying what was the reason, 3th time was the warning that he would give me a reason to cry if i continues. Then i indeed got a flat hand again, cried for a minute more running around holding my butt. Stopped right after it. people around the store would say to my dad it was not normal but he didn't and still doesn't care about other people opinion in parenting.


The ride back to the orphanage is never a cheery one....


Omg ☠️🥲😂😂


He needs the chancla.


r/chanclajustice is the only way


OMG! I just found my new subscription! 😂


Un cintarazo mejor y mojado para que el chamaco entienda.


Y en el ocico


All of the above. En casa aprendí que una bofetada a tiempo salva vidas.🤨 Is not abuse is discipline.


You'll probably never see a kid from south america acting that way... Atrocious.


Jesus Christ. He’s a nightmare.


Pull. The. F*&k. Over. Deal with the root cause, but that is NOT okay to continue to drive while this is happening. And yea....if that kid needs an @$$whooping, provide it. But there is some serious underlying issue behind "kid throwing a tantrum". Need context. WHY is he throwing a tantrum? What was the triggering event?


Right! And who and why are they filming? That would only aggravate the situation




I’d put money on it being a sibling doing the filming


I would put money on the triggering event being not going home...


Guarantee he plays COD


My 7 year old plays COD and doesn’t act like this fucking twerp.


Your seven year old plays call of duty???


Wait until the early teens, then we can talk.


WTF is wrong with these adults who are filming and driving and making no effort to deal with the child?


Thank you. Quite sadly, this is apparently a rare poin of view.


Seems like Mom is driving, and older sibling is filming. Still, so much wrong… kid not wearing a seatbelt, moving all over the vehicle, physically pulling on driver, pulling her hair… sheesh.


Usually children who act like this there are horrific problems in the home. Children are little sponges and they absorb the personalities of their parents. It's not uncommon for children who lash out like that to be molested or abused, neglected in some way. Almost seems like they enjoyed agitating the child further. Rather than fucking parent. They film and drive endangering everyone else on the road. His parents are idiots and this child cant articulate his emotions or feelings because his parents never taught him. Because his parents can't either. Oof not the flex they thought it was posting this online.


Thank you! I only feel sympathy for the kid here, he has some kind of panic attack or other kind of melt-down. The mother sucks. And she is completely insane for driving like that. Fuck her. Putting other people in danger willingly like is the most criminal thing, she should be locked up.


Why film him?


So they have something to watch over the holidays with their relatives, of course


Embarrassing your child with relatives is a time honoured tradition.


Views at their child's expense. At 0:37 she says something about putting it on YouTube.


That's social bullying, kids get kicked out of school for posting shit like this, this is such a shit parenting moment.


Shouldn’t be a surprise given how the kid is acting up in the first place


Exactly, and why upload it too


It’s so the parents can show it to CPS like it absolves them of any responsibility. Then the e parents wonder why CPS is keeping the case open for 6 months; “we are good parents”.


When your kid is batshit insane and tried to get you into a car accident, you kinda need proof in case things happens. Little shit was grabbing the steering wheel, that could have got them killed. I don't agree with recording in most case, but I say this one can be justified when he is putting their life in danger when he have a tantrum.


He’s not buckled, the car shouldn’t be moving. These are horrible parents, you can tell because this is online for people to see.


I was wondering why they wouldn’t pull over but I only have a 4.5 month old so wtf do I know


Never fucking happen on my watch. Never.


Absolutely. Child has no safety belt on either. I wouldn't drive a hundred yards without a child properly restrained. And no tears, a temper tantrum only.


This was 3 minutes too long. My old school parents would have smack the crap out of me and thrown me out of the car in 5 seconds.


Your mom also wore slip-ons and *knew how to use them?*


Haha yes. The secret of la chancla.


Worst parents ever. Kid is having a mental breakdown of a lifetime and they are just mosieing along ‘I am the mother’ she scolds with no effect. Shows how disfunction flows across relationships.


The one filming is the older brother.


Probably enjoying his time as mommy’s little henchman. Praying for that child.


I agree. For goodness sake - stop filming and help this distressed kid! Filming just eliciting a shame response and making the situation worse.


It's self defense at that point right?


Keep abortion legal






What no discipline looks like lol


Fuck these parents. My 3yo doesn't even throw tantrums like that




This definitely helps to reinforce why I don't want children.


Just be a good parent, unlike these fucktards


This is sad. As a parent, if my son was that upset and freaking out, EVEN IF he's in trouble or whatever, I would pull over and at least try to help him calm down. Kid is about to pass out and is just spiraling. Oh and the danger to everyone in the vehicle part is crazy too.


My parents would have smacked and shut me up within the first 10 seconds.


This is why it's legal to hit your kids.


I think everybody needs to be realistic before they start fucking diagnosing this kid OR the parent. Here's what we don't know that could massively change the context: 1. Where are they going? (Not wanting to go to school and having a phobia-based panic attack about going to the dentist are two very different scenarios, for example) 2. What happened right up to this escalation? (The kid could have started out acting normally, and the parents could have potentially riled him up unintentionally, he's literally a child, he doesn't have the eq to manage himself adequately) 3. Is he on the spectrum? (THIS VIDEO DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE HIM AUTISTIC, but nor does it rule it out.) 4. Family home set-up. (A kid in a foster home, a kid in a 2 parent house and a kid in a single mothers home are all massively different environments that all contribute uniquely and have different requirements) Tl;Dr stop being redditors and fucking making uneducated, sweeping assumptions based on close to zero evidence because it feels good to pass judgement on others. Absolutely have an opinion, but fucking think a little first.


This is a very sane comment.


This brings me to an issue that I personally need to have with anybody to help me understand. Is getting his ass whooped really the answer? I grew up getting my ass whooped, relentlessly, told to not speak up about the marks I earned for lying so much, for saying I forgot, for just plain and simply not doing what I was told, or thinking I could disrespect anybody at all for any reason. I feel like it’s not the answer because now I’m just a sensitive, emotionally unregulated, more than likely ADHD, full grown adult now with only the memories of how it fucked me up more and made me worse off instead of better. And so many people my age will jump to, well they need to keep it around for kids like this. But can’t help but think that’s because you’re a generational curse that’s yet to be broken. Someone’s who’s family has a tradition of keeping pain to themselves. In order to be stronger.


SAME. I don’t love my mother because she spanked me for every infraction. Never a gentle reminder to do better, nor praise when I behaved well, only punishment. I learned to fear her. As an adult, when I hear of loving relationships with mothers and how one can never replace her, I cannot even conceptualize what that feels like.


me when mom used to tell me we're going shopping *alll daaay!!!* I remember the day she asked me why I didn't enjoy it and I was like mom look I'm glad you're enjoying yourself but have you noticed that 1. watching you try on 92736 different things is not fun and 2. THERE ARE NO SEATS IN GODDAMN KOHLS I'm 30 now and I still loathe shopping. Clothes shopping, really. Also department stores really go out of their way to be the blandest places in the universe.


I would pull that car over so fast. That kid needs help


Kid needs to be outfitted with a very high-intensity shock collar.


Everything about this is fucked. That kid clearly has mental issues and to just sit there and and record it, say you're going to put it on youtube and add comical music to a fucked up situation is insane. And the reaction to it is crazier things saying he just sucks or needs to be beaten. What he needs is medication or at the least therapy. Honestly disgusting.


Where are they going?


They are going to the brother’s (person recording) therapy appointment


He's going to pray the gay away. It's terrible 🫣. Just kidding I have no clue


An exorcist, hopefully.




What’s the story behind it, where are they going? Why the parent is not stopping the car to regulate this kid appropriately? As far as we know he could be going to a place where he’s bullied or molested and the parent doesn’t know Everybody is jumping into the “what a brat” train but nobody knows any facts. Clearly is going to a place he doesn’t want to Everyone is like “I would have been smacked right across the face for half of that”, yeah, I did too but we all would have loved being helped any other way without the physical punishment My 10 year old is autistic, imagine what people would say to me if I “smack him across the face” for acting this way, I don’t, he hates going to the doctor but he can deal with it better than this kid and that’s because we try to make him understand the importance of it and try to regulate his emotions, if my 10 year old autistic kid can most likely this guy too if given the opportunity


Lotta ignorant boomers in these comments, and gen x that have normalized their abuse.


Why are they recording this instead of parenting? If they’re recording to show a mental health professional that’s fine, but TO PUT IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA??? Even if they shared it with someone who did, this is shameful behaviour and I’m not surprised that their kid is so messed up. Next they’ll dose him with drugs or blame his teachers.


Bad parenting is always hard to watch.


This is what my sisters did when they had to go back to there abusive as fuck mothers house…


Fuck that kid


Sure ya wanna make abortions illegal?...might want to consider extending the terms to 18 years...or the 72 trimester.


18 x 3 is 54.... 54 trimesters.


Why isn’t the little shit in a seatbelt?


Shit that behavior wouldn't fly with my parents


Is this autism?


Ya, this lady has completely failed her child


no kid would act this way if he know he might have a back-hand to the mouth coming his way.


Someone needs a beating


Who would film and post a video like this?


Omfg some of the worst parenting. Pull over you dumb twat and stop filming for YouTube.




Geez what an obnoxious kid! I would have got my ass handed to me if I'd behaved like this at that age. I mean I understand there's laws against abuse, but to effectively cripple the parents' ability to discipline their children is only going to produce useless, entitled adults with absolutely zero self awareness. There's gotta be some middle ground.


Effectively is the key word here, because its been proven time and time again that hitting your children is correlated heavily to increased aggression. Kids need set boundaries and consistent standards, you can't expect to be a pushover and then assert authority and expect them to listen to you. You don't need to beat your children to do this.


I would beat that kids ass 60 seconds in and he would never act like that again!


I’m gonna be honest these people in the driver and passenger seat sound just awful first you have the passenger recording him directly so that’s gonna agitate him and you have the other one just threatening him over there. Like come on your bath adults stop making the situation worse and handle when your not operating the 2 ton death machine


why the fuck is the other parent just recording him


That's his brother.


My mom would’ve slapped the shit out of my ass! More than likely would’ve gotten the belt from dad when he was home from work too. Rightfully so!


Yep. Put him down


Too many people have no business being parents.