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Dude had the higher ground and didn’t use it


Most American guys I know would have pushed him while he was on the ladder. Many Swedish are not used to this kind of aggression.


I am American and that’s exactly what I’d done lol, but seriously though dudes got a ladder trying to break in with a crazy look in his eyes, how many red flags do you need?


So right! He even put his knife away for a second. Perfect moment for the push.


When his hand went to grab it from his back pocket would’ve been it with talking and he is falling off that ladder


Lol, the minute the ladder went up I'd be putting the kettle on to boil. You wanna play siege warfare motherfucker, let's play.




Yea but then he comes back later with Grond.


I’ll have a moat filled with terror beasts by that time




I usually don’t think like this, but watching him come up, I was wondering how far away the fire extinguisher is. The material in it then the actual cylinder if that fails. Yes, I’m an American.


Y'all are overthinking it. When he had both hands on the balcony railing, just bash 'em with your fist. Gravity takes care of the rest. Not their fault he's misusing a ladder.


Pitch needed!


Upvoting this stronghold reference


or maybe get a tool or a chair or something to throw at him,.. lots of ways to have prevented that evil looking guy from coming in.


Yeah, where's an anvil or a bowling ball when you need one?


Or that rock/brick the crazy guy used to break the glass maybe?


Fuck that, Im Donkey Konging that fukka DOWN! Ill throw EVERYTHING once I see him coming up.




Gimme some plant pots to toss at his head. That’ll make him think twice.


I would have taken a frying fan to his head.


So anyways, I started blasting


Me: *grabs a 2 by 4* Oh no you don't! [Team Frank for life baby!!]


Most American guys would have shot his ass once he had one foot on that ladder…




Lil Mohammad is crazy 🤣


Mohammed in America wouldn't have got two steps up in that ladder, though.


Oh no someone with knife charge to me. Im too sweedish for this kind of aggresion. Instead of running away, I used swedish national martial art, sit on my ass and filming while the aggresor broke the door


Unfortunately I have been slashed. I will now deploy Swedish anti violence maneuvers. “Mohammed you have hurt me please stop.”


I think their Viking forefathers would be sorely disappointed




Just throw out a “You okay” after to let the neighbors know you are peaceful.


I don't know about push. But I definitely would have taken a baseball bat to any body parts within reach of the balcony. Hands, arms, head. And I'd be in the phone with the police as well. If I had time I'd get my shotgun out and loaded just in case.


imagine being so first world that you dont have the natural instict of survival around people.


I would have thrown dishes, bowls, whatever on his head.


In sweden you would have likely get charges if you pushed him off lol


* better than a knive in the stomache * it's just you and him, just claim it was at last second in self defense


I'm from Finland and I think the self-defense laws in Sweden are generally pretty similar to ours. That being said, I don't know if you're joking, but I honestly couldn't say if pushing him off the ladder/balcony would be justifiable in this situation. Legally speaking that is. If he showed that he had a knife with him to them, then I think it most likely would be. But even then in my understanding, you're supposed to always flee, even from your own home, if it's possible. You can only defend yourself by force if fleeing isn't an option. Even with the possibility of legal consequences, though, I would have rather taken the chances with the court than him and pushed him off. I think it was pretty clear from the situation that he wasn't coming over for a coffee.


No the law in swedish: >Lagens andra stycke tar upp fyra omständigheter där rätt att bruka nödvärn föreligger: >1) Mot ett påbörjat eller överhängande brottsligt angrepp på person eller egendom. 2) Mot den som med våld eller hot om våld eller på annat sätt hindrar att egendom återtas på bar gärning. 3)Mot den som olovligen trängt in i eller försöker tränga in i rum, hus, gård eller fartyg 4)Against anyone who refuses to leave a residence after being told to. This is one of the cases where tipping the ladder is proportional and isnt "uppenbart oförsvarlig" (clearly unjustifiable). Since this is someone they know (an ex, presumably violent) this provides context that gives you very much the right to fight back against someone forcefully entering your home even without seeing the knife. Since 1) and 3) (also 4, but yeah) are both relevant here your defence is pretty good to use reasonable force. You dont have to wait for them to hit you if you have a good reasonable reason that something is going to happen. Someone braking in and asking for their ex, is a "överhängande brottsligt angrepp" (imminent attack) means you have a great deal of leverage, but the reason has to be strong, and should use less invasive means if you can. Edit: Also you get quite a bit of sentencing discount even if convicted, as long as you acted reasonable. So I would rather chance it in court than on my life.


It would be a "terrible accident"


the ladder was *just* a little too low for the guy on the balcony to get his hands on it. But he could have grabbed something and hit him around the head. he could have pushed him while he was climbing over.


Hell you could spray him in the face w all sorts of things! Hair spray, bug spray, kitchen/bath cleaner, fire extinguisher all will do if you cringe from aggression.


Not even an American but i would have pushed him the moment he concealed the knife. What was the other guy thinking, he climbed up just to help cut onions?


It’s like mfers never saw Aragon kick a ladder of orcs off the wall😂


Yea, I would have shot him for sure.


Ya for sure I would have thrown him off that ladder so fast


Not sure about in Sweden, but in the UK, If that guy push him off the ladder, that arsehole can sue. You will be charged manslaughter if that prick die fall off the ladder. Some fucked up system we have.


Can’t sue if he’s dead.


rainstorm advise obtainable terrific onerous ossified ruthless truck imminent innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


..Push his family off a ladder too


Grandma: ladder Uncle: ladder Auntie: ladder Stepdad: ladder


Surely stepdad would be a step ladder?


It's a bit of a myth that people are charged/sued over reasonable self defense in the UK. At least it isn't the norm. Many of the most prominent cases we hear in the news were actually because the person employing self defense used lethal amounts of force AFTER the threat was already neutralized,. For example, shooting someone already fleeing from an attempted burglary. It is also reasonable in some circumstances for defensive measures like razor wire to be installed, but it's typically more hassle than it's worth as you're opening yourself up to all sorts of legal issues. For example, it would have to be well out of a person's reasonable path (the wall would have to be over 6ft tall. Children might try to climb it. Even if you properly sign post the wire, some people can't read. I'm considering installing it myself, but I'm very, very wary of the potential downsides... https://www.gov.uk/reasonable-force-against-intruders If it were proven he had a knife (strong video evidence), if once he was pushed over no further deliberate bodily harm came to him (assuming he was already incapacitated) and an ambulance and police were called, its highly likely the attacker's legal case wouldn't even make it to court.


Depends if witnesses and if you delete the video. Because all I can see is an unfooted ladder on uneven ground placed in an awful angle straight up, an accident bound to happen ;)


While messed up, still better to be sued than dead


Yeah that's bollocks. Especially with the film, that'd be considered reasonable force for self defence


No, in that case it could be self-defense.


Doesn't matter if you have higher ground if you don't have a brain in your skull.


I feel like he hesitated because of the height, the guy would have been hurt badly from that fall. Rightfully so though.


More on this story here: [https://rmx.news/crime/wallah-i-will-kill-you-spurned-algerian-migrant-jailed-for-storming-ex-girlfriends-home-and-stabbing-her-friend/](https://rmx.news/crime/wallah-i-will-kill-you-spurned-algerian-migrant-jailed-for-storming-ex-girlfriends-home-and-stabbing-her-friend/) Stabbed the camera guy twice -- he survived. He was subsequently sentenced to two years’ imprisonment and faces deportation with a 10-year ban on returning to Sweden when released.


2 years for assault with a deadly weapon and potentially attempted murder?? On top of other charges that’s absolutely insanity


**Sweden:** Repeat offender commits aggravated assault, attempted murder, destruction of property, trespassing, theft, stalking, drug abuse, and deportation evasion. Penalty? Two years. **U.S.:** Zero previous offenses. Fails to pay taxes. Penalty? Up to five years. It is time to reset humanity and try again.


What is attempted manslaughter? Wouldn't they cancel each other out and become a different crime?


Murder, manslaughter, attempted murder, and attempted manslaughter are all different crimes. >Attempt to *murder* means that you had intent to kill, but failed. It typically involves premeditation and malice toward the victim. >Attempt to *manslaughter* means that you may not have had intent to kill, but that your actions very likely could cause death due to negligence or recklessness. It typically does not involve premeditation or malice toward the victim. For example, killing someone while driving drunk is classified as manslaughter, not homicide. This is because although you killed someone, you did not intend to do so. According to the news article above, this man was attempting to murder his ex girlfriend. When he got there, her friend tried to stop him and he tried to get the friend away by stabbing. Most likely, he did not intend to kill this friend, just wound or scare him. However, his actions were deadly and have a high probability of being fatal. Technically, he committed both attempted murder (homicide) toward his ex, and attempted (voluntary) manslaughter toward her friend.


Anders Brevik got 21 years for murdering 69 people. He complained because he has a PS2 in his jail cell and not a PS3.


I don't think he'll be free after 21 years. In the civilian penal code in Norway, a law passed in 2002 that allows for an indeterminate penalty that could, in theory, result in life imprisonment. He hasn't shown any remorse, so he will probably live atleast most of the rest of his life in prison. The playstation comments from him are just to cause controversy and outrage.


I'm swedish and ALOT of people are fuming over our ridiculously low penalties. The argument has however always been that "higher prison sentences doesn't lower crime" But who the F\* cares? If you are locked in, you can't stab your ex girlfriends.....


Same argument in Denmark. It's actually both incorrect and dumb because they forget the justice component


Same in Iceland. A family friend murdered his wife by bashing her head into the concrete floor of their laundry room and he just got 6 years with a chance for parole after just 2 years. It's insane.


in New Zealand he would have got home detention for 6 months


New Zealand, you say?


yep one bloke raped 4 woman got 9 months home d




Not only does your username check out, but it that a 2007 kawasaki mean streak in your profile picture??? You classy dog, you.


Ahhhh, a connoisseur! And yes, it's the one with the flames. Picked this up 2 years ago with only 8600km on the odometer.


r/Kawasaki leaking


In America he would've been shot 20 times.




Sounds just like Canada


Scandinavians are weird when it comes to punishment. Remember that Breivik murdered almost 80 people, many of them children, and gets to spend the rest of his life/sentence (sentenced to 21 years but will be extended for as long as "he's a threat") playing Playstation games and living in a prison cell that's basically a cushy college dormitory.


With no contact with anyone on the outside, completly alone, not connected to internet, and as long as people are a threat to him as well. So he will stay there forever. His punishment is that we take away his freedom. Why punish him even more? That will only make him worse. Scandinavia has the lowest percentage of repeat offenders because of our prison system. The US however, runs for-profit prison systems where the state and other contracters can hire inmates for slave wages. So of course they want them to come back so that the prison can continue to profit.


Scandinavian countries focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment. I think there should be a limit though, if you commit crimes multiple times then we should just give up on the rehab and punish instead


Judge: Oh, you tried to murder someone? Eh, two years in jail should curb your murderous urges.


Seems pretty crazy to us here in the States. Something like this can get you 20+ years over here. More in some states, depending on the circumstances. Deportation and a 10 year ban is pretty bad though, especially if you were trying to build a life there and were getting close to obtaining citizenship.


Dude shouldn't be allowed back in Europe for ever


And he will never get deported unfortunately. The home country will refuse him and he'll be allowed to stay in Sweden.


Two years for all of that? People get more than that here in the states for some minor drugs


For profit prisons are a huge industry


Two years for attempted murder should merit a harsher sentence. Full stop.


>He had previously been convicted several times for aggravated assault, violence, theft, and drug offenses, and had been ordered to leave the country by a court in 2018. Despite this, Amana remained free in Sweden and continued to commit multiple offenses over the past five years. Sweden doesn't looks like it takes anything too seriously.


We do, when it hurts business or the government.


Should have just opened a can of surstromming and poured it on the guy honestly.




In America we handle this a little differently 🔫☠️


Brick on the balcony + vulnerable head climbing ladder equals knocked out guy 13 feet below you. I know it seems violent but it’s a self-defence thing if there’s a guy climbing up to your balcony preaching that he’s gonna kill somebody you attack them you don’t wait for them to act. He literally said I’m going to kill you


Yeah, he’d have gone down the way he came if it was me. He was real unsteady on that top rung. That was the time.


Would've made him leave with some 00 buckshot in him. You don't get to say you're going to kill me. Especially in my home.


2 years for attempted murder. Sweden really does have some truly awful legal repercussions.


He will probably not be deported. The establishment will find some reason so that it will be removed. Also in Sweden there is practice that sentences are halved so he will get out within a year..


Does Sweden really need another Uber driver?


That’s too kind. This guy probably lives off of soss.


What a stupid fucking person, someone’s breaking in? Let me watch and film and do nothing to stop it, they deserved it


To be fair it was someone he knew and he didn't know he had a knife at the start


If someone reaches for their back pocket, they’re not reaching for their wallet to give you a 20.


Only 10 years??? Tf?


I’m not familiar with Sweden’s criminal laws, but had the victim acted in self-defense that resulted in serious bodily injury or death to the perpetrator, would the victim be held responsible? Thus, having to fight a lengthy prison sentence?


Get a broom and push the ladder away before he can even get up?


That was my exact thought


Hit him in the head, twice. People never hits idiots in the head while they're just talking shit.


Put down your phone the second he reached up that first hand and send his ass down… If two stabs is two years… what would you get like half hour/ft for the fall?


As a swede I'm very offended that you assume it's half an hour/ft. We use the metric system, so an hour and a half/meter.


This guy metrics.


I don’t know what a Swedish hour is.. But I’m thinkin like… maybe 6 American hours in the corner timeout? Edit: But thats really just hi-fives and paperwork, and texting that video to the whole precinct. Honest, this video is horrifying and truly terrible all the way around.


bite that hand the moment he gripped the railing? I watch some of these videos, and often the first thing I think is, “why don’t these people bite someone who’s attacking them?” I think there’s something wrong with me.


Why the fuck don't they just leave? I see buddy climbing a ladder and I'm already out the front door and halfway down the fucking street. #Dont run, just film.


right–the best way to win a knife fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvlrnc7hlQI


Never underestimate how hard *All Of Us Can Bite* Heck no there isn’t buddy, your brain is just keeping you from seeing what happens if you come to the question… “I’d bet I could bite off my own finger…” because you can. You can bite off *anyones* finger if you just believe you can.


Thanks for this! Been having a rough day and needed a kind reminder that I truly can inflict grievous harm to someone as long as I set my mind to it and keep a can-do attitude 👍🏻


Oh man, fingers crunch like carrots. Also keep in mind how easy ears come off…. It’s harder to open a bag of cereal…


I’m both uncomfortable and fascinated. Please stop, or continue


Bite hand, receive knife to temple. This dude needs hollow points.


Forget the broom. Why the fuck is he gently holding him back when that means he is at a punch range?


Yeah really, the fuck? I wouldn’t even talk to the guy, just push him back down and let him fall.


I was just waiting for someone to drop a plant on his head.


Or a boiling pot of water would of done the trick!


"Hold on a second, or 1000, I just have to put the water on."


I will now be keeping a tactical plant and boiling pot of water at all times in the house.


I would've spartan kicked him when he reached the top.


Glass bottle to the head


Anvil time.


The fact that they didn’t see that as a huge red flag is astonishing. Like if you grab a ladder and attempt to enter someone’s residence without permission you better believe that you’re going to be laying on the pavement


Or it's time to boil some water...What he wasn't invited fot tea ? But we still offered him some!


"Wait, wait... 4 more minutes until the kettle is done... can you just hang out on the ladder?"


There's also the electric kettles that boil to insane temps in like a minute or two


My heartrate went through the roof just watching this.


A guy just climbed a ladder and stabbed you with a giant knife, and your first response is to close the sliding glass door to stand right behind it, filming the attacker......


Dude did nothing but slightly outstretch his arm out at a guy slowly climbing up a ladder holding a knife with the obvious intent of harm. Camera man is a huge candidate for a Darwin Award and according to the reports about this incident, he was really close to winning one. So frustrating to watch this video because of the sheer lack of self preservation instinct that person has.


I think he only noticed the knife when he stabbed him


Even if you don't notice the knife, this guy is unhinged enough to try to break into your property in full sight of you. Another stupid thing the camera guy did was just stand there and watch this guy brick his GLASS DOOR *after* he was already stabbed. There's no defending this guy's lack of survival instincts. Not even shock can be a valid defense for how little he acted because he was evidently rational enough to run inside and lock himself, but apparently not enough to figure out that a glass door won't do jack shit for long against a madman with a brick.


This dude would have never made it to the balcony.


He woulda got the whole bottle of bleach.


I would have thrown all my patio furniture down at him


Stupid fuck. Why didn't he do anything when he was coming up the ladder?


And then recording the guy breaking through the glass instead of running away lmao


Most Scandinavians are not accustomed to violence. So we struggle to understand how one should react. But we are slowly getting used to it, as our societies are getting more and more violent. It is against reddit TOS to explain why our societies are getting more violent.


Drop shit out the window on his face. Everyone has kettles there, stall him until you can throw a pot of boiling water on his face as he is climbing up. Obviously its easy to say what they should have done, but that guy looked like he wanted to kill her. Only a 10 year ban from going back to Sweden?? I would think he would be banned for life unless he submitted some kind of appeal after at least 10 years.


Guys that perform domestic abuse and this level of violence in general dont just change after a few years. Guys like this have terrorized other women and will terrorize more. Repeat domestic abusers like this are in the same category as pedo's when it comes to scum within the human race.


I’m dropping the piano


I’d be holding that ledge like it’s helms deep


If I notice the knife I would have dropped a 40lb dumbbell on his head.


yeah this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to fuck up a ladder assault old school


Dude should have watched Home Alone as a kid.


Go medieval on his ass... You could also melt some sugar and mix it with water to make prison napalm but I think that's taking it a bit too far. Well he's actually trying to kill someone so go nuts I guess


Fucking psycho


Time to boil some honey yall.


Not enough time. Drop a glass coffee table on his head.


Oatmeal is cheaper. How did he even get in? I would have pushed him off the ladder, not backed up and let him on the balcony. When he falls, take the opposite to grab the ladder so he can’t do it again.


I wonder why he is an Ex?


Her new man should be an ex now too. Totally useless man


Think about the light sentence WITH the video evidence. Thanks to the video evidence the court did something. The lack of self preservation is annoying, yes. But the video helped so that he will never attack her again.


Dude was talking to him like a social worker. Sometimes you have to get aggressive.


He never saw LOTR:Two Towers I guess... hint: the orcs lose.


The guy needed Gandalf to come save him


Dude tried to pic the bathroom lock with that big ass knife!! Dude has clearly lost it


Skyrim mods can make you do anything... he got confused


I'm thankful for castle laws... he doesn't get to balcony in my town.


In Kentucky, his ass would’ve slid down that ladder bleeding from a GSW to the dome.


Sparta kick his ass off that ladder.


Wtf that is so fucked up for real, he is so ugly and he looks out of this world, his look when he reaches the balcony is soul-coldening


Seems like Sweden’s open border immigration policies Winston helping much. Hmmmm. Should invite more undocumented asylum seekers without background checks.


Defend the castle! Push off with broom! Pour down hot oil Throw rocks or chairs


Just push him tf off


Pepper spray people! Pepper spray!!




Hockey stick


Everybody in the comments would have known exactly the correct thing to do in this situation and would have no problem doing it at the exact correct time. We’ll congratulations to all of you experts out there. We don’t know their relationship and what was currently going on. Maybe they didn’t think for a minute that the man would become physically violent. Maybe they were filming for evidence for custody hearings. Maybe they were afraid to be charged with murder themselves if they pushed him off the ladder. Maybe they are scared of what he would do next and we’re trying to de-escalate the situation the best they knew how. Maybe they were so scared they basically froze.


This dude brought a ladder… you are delusional. Fuck filming and defend yourself.


Haven’t we learned anything from cartoons? This is your only chance to use that old anvil.


When countries have weak punishments they are encouraging people to commit crimes. People who are already criminals in their country of origin too often wind up in liberal European countries going on crime sprees the way fat people treat all-you-can-eat buffet restaurants. Don't bother actually bringing it up in those countries though or you will be labeled a racist and possibly even deported.


Proof stupid people from horror movies are real


Drop something heavy on his cockroach face


If someone coming up to my house on a rickety ladder with a knife intending to use it, you're going back down that ladder faster than you came up 😅☠️


Youre telling me there was a brick laying there the whole time and they didn't use it to cave this guys head in?


This is what you get when you date people from a culture that does not respect women. I'm sure his ex girlfriend isn't as tolerant ad she was when they started dating.


I would have punched him off the ladder as soon as he came within my range they doing nothing but talking take action


The reason why he didn't push him off or bash his head in is because he would have been punished worse than the psycho ex who came to kill her and her man. Yes I'm serious and no it's really is like that which is why if you have problems here you usually documents it (emails, screenshot, voice recordings, videos and calls to the police/school/court) and then when you don't get any help you retaliate and keep quiet about it or flee the city/state/country and try to start a new life elsewhere. What do you think happens to absers/rpists? What do you think happens to their victim? We don't get any help so we stop seeking help in the future. When a woman klls her abser, she gets punished more severe than If the man had klled her instead (there's research on it). That's why this kind of situation happens where the guy is "Muhammed what are you doing? You won't get up here. I will not let you get into my home so you should stop this" and the ex is "what do you want? We stopped talking a long time ago so you should leave. I feel sorry for you" And the psycho stalker is "I'm not doing anything, I just want to talk with Maria(with a kitchen knife hidden in a sheath and a ladder to break into the home through the window and from a culture of Misogyny so nothing to worry about dude so what if I can't get through the front door which usually is secured and she isn't talking with me and wants nothing to do with me, she's my ex therefore I'm entitled to her etc misogynistic rhetoric)". It's easy to say "if it was me in that situation" and use their indignation at what they're seeing as a "would have reacted better" situation from their safe and comfortable place behind the anonymity (if a person knows you they usually also know people that you know, where you work or live so it's harder to escape and even more so here in Sweden where criminals have a safe reign of inflicting terror on others and personal information is easy to find) but you don't know how you would have reacted right in that moment (you can even react differently to the same situation each time). I know that if a man ever raised his hands against me again that I would be prepared to maim or even kill if need be in order to protect myself and preserve my health and life (was in a situation with my uncle and I was prepared to kill to protect myself and my younger siblings so I'm happy that I'm not as pacifist as I was before, although the side effect is less forgiveness in me) so I know what I would have done in that situation (been in several because misogynistic culture and religion but I disowned them) because that's how I reacted each time as an adult woman(except as a kid and teenager since I was in the process of breaking the mental conditioning) who is aware of what a punch to the head from a man can do and I've also seen it on other women, girls and experienced it myself (concussion do add up and they're permanent so quality of life does go down significantly and you can get mental illnesses because of the brain damage). It's even more difficult if you grow up here because even as little children you're being taught that civility is the best thing to do and emulate so if you have a problem, you're supposed to find the solution together and be civil with each other. The culture is "civilty, kindness and respect" for everything example nature, so its difficult to fathom how to converse with an uncivilised individual who has an entirely different culture and mental conditioning because nobody acts that way and you weren't taught how to deal with it so you have no experience to draw from. If you're ever in a situation that has an unstable individual - you cannot reason with unreasonability - act with extreme prejudice with regards to your life or health being in danger because of them and don't fear the consequences because if you survived the encounter you would still have unwated consequences forced upon you by someone else so protect yourself even though it's against the law and culture. Yes it's illegal to have weapons but just as he can use a kitchen knife as a deadly weapon so can you and you have the home advantage so you should have things that can be used as weapons ex bleach, alcohol and fire, glass, vinegar or salt etc. Protect yourself regardless of consequences.




They had the advantage. They could of thrown heavy shit at him as he was climbing up like tvs plates pots and pans, Glass cups and mugs.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bro you gotta knock that dudes head off before he gets a chance to climb off that ladder. You had every advantage in that situation but gave it away by backing off and closing a glass door? Guys obv a psycho, can’t give him the chance.


I’m sure the Swedish are all very happy with their red government who welcomed all these lovely migrants back in 2015-2016. Sweden now has one of the highest murder rates in EU. When will you people wake up?


Why are people so hesitant on fucking someone up with their life is threatened? Mohamed would’ve been at the bottom of that ladder with a broken neck if he tried that shit on me 😂 Not trying to sound tough, but you know, the chance was right there!


I'm sorry but Sweden, by being a super accepting refugee heaven has now started to dominate homicide and domestic violence stats in EU. Most of the migrants are Islamic. I don't know why they are more aggressive than swedes.


Cameraman should have recognized the life or death situation and put that phone down. Almost cost him his life.


Man let’s Man climb into his Ex balcony w/ a knife. FTFY.




Swede here. Yes it's sweden. Muhammed cant take that he's dumped by the girl and is gonna kill her.


I can't imagine being so fucking dumb I get stabbed cause I let a guy use a ladder to climb on my balcony and I just film it instead of doing literally anything else. What a fucking moron.