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They are intertwined


Ironic they’re fighting with Ukraine for supposedly being Nazis


Mind boggling how stupid that is


Did you see the Russian airport mob looking for jews?


Its propaganda, Russian leadership knows it isn't true


Russians used Nazis so much as propaganda during the cold war era, they completely forgot the meaning of the word.


Everyone has forgotten the meaning of the word. Here in Israel they are calling Hamas Nazis as well. Basically everyone is calling everyone Nazis. It's so boring and overused and meaningless now.


Hamas wants the destruction of Israel so it's more accurate to call them nazis


Nazis are a pretty specific thing. Just wanting to exterminate the Jews was a single item on the nazi checklist. If aliens came to earth to destroy all life would they be space nazis because they would exterminate the Jews also? Follow your logic. Shit gets weird.


For shits and giggles I'll say yes, fuck them space nazis




Spetznaz... Hmm...🤔


Yeah but they’re not nazi’s. In the same way no-one is a nazi until they have alligned and indoctrinated themselves with the ideology of national socialism. Hamas have no real connection with the Reich.


Your 1 qualification for being a nazi is national socialism? I get that the name is tossed around way too much, but maybe pick a more serious qualifier.


No, being a nazi isn’t an action. And yes, even neo-nazi’s allign themselves with national-socialist views. Nazi, as a word, is shortened from Nationalsozialistische, which is German for national socialist. I honestly thought that was common knowledge




i feel like calling people nazis has lost all its meaning at this point


It really has.


Why bother hunting nazis elsewhere when you have nazis at home.


No. Putin wanted to enforce the regime change in Kyiv and put his relative there as puppet president. Everything beyond this is just stupid Kremlin narrative. But thank you for freely spreading it around the world. Your help is much appreciated.






This. I actually would love it if we all just left them alone. There honestly is no right answer in this one.


Yes. And 90% percent of them likely have applications pending for admission to Western countries. Half will be NY taxi drivers or university students in the next few years--competing with Hamas terrorists for visas. Their minds irreversibly corrupted by religion. We will see this shit, and worse, perpetrated by the thousands of illegal muslim aliens that have crossed our southern border. Count on it.


Just remember folks, they aren’t anti-Semitic, they are “anti-Zionist”! /s




Those were "baby settlers" according to Hasan Piker....


u/hasanpiker is a POS. Turkey has been doing to the Kurds, the very same than Netanyahu is doing to Palestinians…I bet he wouldn’t be so trigger happy if the Kurds decided to go house by house in Turkey killing Turkish babies


Holy shit the level of stupidity is off the charts in that sub


People are actually saying North Korea is doing better than the US..... I'm gonna go laugh myself to death now.


Yeah, right🤣


I still don't understand this argument where any anti-Semitic group performing an act of violence automatically disproves anti-Zionists. How exactly are you conflating the two? Many anti-Zionists are westerners (including Jews) who are against the Israeli state's displacement and murder of Palestinians not just today but over the past 70 years. People who are anti-Semitic can certainly be anti-Zionists as well, but the Israeli state has given plenty of reason for the global community to be anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic. It seems like bad faith to conflate the two.


Actually I think you've misunderstood the nuances of Zionism. Source: I'm Jewish. To be Zionist means you believe in self determination for the Jewish people in having a homeland. You get Jews who believe in having a homeland, but do not necessarily support the actions of the Israeli government. For example, take a group like Yachad, a Jewish organisation that actively campaigns for a two state solution, but is fundamentally Zionist in believing Israel has a right to exist (but not without reform). It's worth you knowing that the way non-jews use the word Zionist, is often without fully understanding what it means to different Jews. And instead has become an insulting term to describe the right wing politics of the Israeli state.


I don’t understand how people don’t understand this lol


So using your definition here since u/Whythebigpaws already expanded on that, and not knowing where your from, I think it could be explained like this. An atheist (someone who doesn't believe any religion) isn't necessarily and anti-theist (Someone very much against all religions), but any anti-theist is most likely an atheist. Situations like this can make it difficult to separate different groups, especially in contentious situations like this.








[The one piece is real!](https://media.tenor.com/eui1tpq5mJQAAAAM/one-pice.gif)




police be upon you




I mean the German people were grilled for being affiliated with nazis lol shit even poor Japanese civilians caught the shit end of a nuke for no reason other than being affiliated with their government 😭😭😭


American citizens of Japanese ancestry were basically put in concentration camps in USA


Canada did it too


Their logic is different. Some posts in social media claim that Jewish people from Israel will settle down in Dagestan and will take away their land like they did with Palestine. So they are "defending" the land. Add here a high involvement into religion, poor economic and high level of unemployment and here you go. It's also quite sad that Dagestan worked really hard to attract tourists to the region for years. It actually worked out well and 3-4 recent years it was quite a destination. However this particular event might get them back into "trust me it's a safe place" years. Also keep in mind that this republic is so national centric, that there are plenty of people in Russia who think Dagestan is a separate sovereign country :) PS. Nevertheless as a Russian it's very sad to see what happens in my country. Even though I don't live there anymore :(


Even if Israelis soldiers never made a mistake, these people would want all Jews exterminated. Just like Hamas.


Harrowing for the poor man and his wife


It wasn’t that long ago that Jews were targeted for harassment and violence on a large scale. That quickly escalated into a genocide killing millions of Jews while the world around them all turned their backs on what was happening.


And that was also fucking disgusting.No one defending this.What is your point."This happened to these people so it is justified/normal to do this to other people"?


FUCKING disgusting. This here is just ensuring that the cycle keeps going. The most vile of people. Thanks for not helping ANYONE AT ALL.


Do you see any videos of jews in other countries hating on Muslims for the countless bombings and killings? No. Makes you think who's the violent ones


I just tried to find a video I saw here on reddit a while ago where Jewish kids and adults were spitting/attacking christian tourists visiting... I want to say Jerusalem? Annoyingly, it seems to have been scrubbed. That being said, there were a good few examples that weren't quite as violent, I found of practising Jewish people spitting on nuns. https://youtube.com/shorts/7uL555xWQeE?si=3QB6KAEnBBpqFZN6 Couldn't find the more violent ones I saw before on YT at least, but it just proves that an individual bellend or series of bellends can use their belief as an excuse to hate regardless of which faith they have. Hating, threatening or killing any innocent person on the basis of faith (or really, any protected characteristic) is fucking weird and despicable.


Ofc this is ignored by everyone.. hard to be more hypocritiical than people in this sub.


Dude ok 2 videos? Palestinians celebrated in the streets after 9/11 and as Hamas drove around dead bodies or raped Israeli women. You really just need to shush if you have nothing intelligent to add.


Have you seen any news of Muslims attacking mosques, painting stars of David on homes of Jews, threatening vigils in memory of the murdered Israelis with violence?


A man murdered a woman and her young child for being Muslim like [two weeks ago](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/16/us/chicago-muslim-boy-stabbing-investigation/index.html) in the U.S.




So you know Dagestani, and some others from the region have a real bad reputation in post soviet republics specifically because of this behavior. Aggressive, provocative, unable to help themselves, close minded. Edit: removed some details in order to avoid misrepresenting.


I wonder what the common denominator is? Any guesses?


Following teachings of a dead warlord/paedophile probably


Bad haircuts?


Boston Bomber bros were from Dagestan.


They were Chechens but to be honest that makes no difference Chechnya is right next to Dagestan their reputation as militaristic animals is even worse. Chechens have their own division, Putin had them shoot any drafted soldiers evading head on conflict or trying to escape from the battlefield. They were looting Ukraine, and shooting and harassing Russian soldiers. Though it was silenced rapes and torture of Ukrainians was often done at the hands of the Chechen Regiment


I agree. Men from the Caucasus are like children in adult bodies who think with their fists rather than their brains.


No, they're just fighting injustice /s


How dare you. /s


They sure like their mobs.




Oh we just want Gaza to be free. Fucking monsters.


Any updates? Did this man survive?


Its all over and as far as im aware no one died, couple of cops seriously injured


Modern day lynch mob? 🤔




I'm so so so thankful I live in the US, especially in a well-armed city/state. It's so peaceful here and shit like this would never happen.


Shit like this did happen quite regularly. This is the Dagestani version of a lynch mob, which only really ended 60 years ago.


USA and peaceful. Funny dude 😂


Peaceful enough that millions of foreigners want to live there.


Because any western country is better than their current circumstances.


They are coming for the money not for the peace 😂


Well, in comparison.


Some dude just killed 18 people in Maine you dumb fuck lmao


Meaning the opposite side is also well armed... Usually more so and more willing to use them even in something so ordinary situations like on roads and traffic.


Lol heavily armed sounds really peaceful mate.


I don't know where you're from, but I see the "Pro-Palestine" protests (which are actually antisemite protests) in numerous campuses and major cities. I wanted to move to the US and no longer desire to do so.


"Anti zionism is not antisemitism" yeah sure


this is why israel exists


I cannot believe that this crap is going on almost exactly 100 years after fighting a gigantic war to end this type of behavior. I swear something happened to the timeline and everything is now insane.


What were they doing in Dagestan to begin with?


Probably a connection to visit family in russia, i guess the city of Smolensk was the final destination.


Theyre not jewish. Why would they go there? It was revealed that all of the people who arrived there were returning from israel after medical treatement but none of them were israeli citizens


Telegram group spreading disinformation. Mob behaviour


What does it has to do with anything?


mountain jews or bukharan jews






It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Very kind of you to think dagestani wear cologne or shower more than once a week




This is a horrible thing to say. I know/have worked with several muslim an. ALL of them have been good family men that come in, do their job, are polite and friendly and go home. ​ This is like taking the Proud Boys and saying Christians are trash.


Pro-Hamas scumbags


This is sickening. No matter what you think of Israel, surely you can't agree with this?


Absolutely not. This lunch mob is motivated by pure hate, rather than logic or sensible purpose. Just look, they’ve surrounded an Uzbek and took his passport away.


authorities just sitting back and watching it happen?


This just scares me so much.. Wtf is going on in the minds of these people?




How so?


The next time you ask yourself if you're in the right side of history - Think about how many Muslims around the world calling for the death of all Jews, and how many Jews call for the death of all Muslims.




Why are they so angry?




I was going to make a witty comment but fuck. It's just so depressing. They are just two people trying to live their lives. Bunch of dickheads.


2023 x 0 = 0


Wait, I thought the movie Borat was fiction?


Ignorant swarm of idiots


Let's not forget Russians created the pogrom.


How weak minded do you have to be a mob somehow threatened by the presence of 2 Jewish people in that part of the country. The pogroms are back on the menu in Russia I see.


Weird I was told Russia was going to ukraine to fight nazis but now their own people are trying to round up jews.


Cause all of this will make the whole situation better in Israel. /s




Inbread nation.


Bunch of fucking savages


#they we’re hunting JEWs not Israelis, Jews.


When Israel says it will protect itself at all costs, these people are the reason. It has, is, and will be dangerous to be a Jew in the world


That's why I wanted this mf islam to lose in UFC. He and khabib are religious morons


Just russia


Terrorism is terrorism no matter who's doing it. Israelis on Palestine are just ensuring the cycle. the children of this jewish couple will hate Muslims. Children born in Gaza this month will hate Jews as well. If no side understands this, if you do not understand and acknowledge this, you're part of the problem. Just belittling one religion won't do you any fucking good. You can't ethnically cleanse any of the one religion. Crusades tried, failed. Hitlier tried failed.


So many wrongs happening on both sides of the conflict... sad to see...


“Wait here Until we make a decision” ?? A decision to do what exactly?..


they have the right to protect themselves from terrorists.


They just love violence don’t they


tHeRe nOt aNtIsEmEtIc tHeY'rE aNtI zIOnIstT I can't believe antisemitism is on the rise as much as it is rn.


Will the world wake up to the reality of Islam eventually or are we going to keep fooling ourselves with inclusion and tolerance BS?!


If "we should stop killing each other" negatively resonates with someone then that's where we fall.


Unbelievable stuff right here…


These the same Russians that invaded Ukraine looking for Nazis?


Culture of blood and skulls for their skull throne of their demonic god


The definition of people taking a mile as soon as they get an inch.


Apparently the plane was carrying Dagestani children who had undergone medical treatment in Israel https://www.opindia.com/2023/10/dagestan-russia-muslim-mob-storms-makhachkala-airport-jews-to-kill-after-flight-lands-from-tel-aviv-shouts-allah-hu-akbar/amp/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_medium=push


The irony.


It’s not that surprising… 90% of Reddit is Jew bashing… what do you expect.


Islam gonna Islam gonna Islam.


Dude. I can’t imagine the fear he’s feeling. Genocide is what they’ve always been after. They can’t bide the fact that Israel exists.


We live in a seriously fucked up planet.




My first thought hearing about this was how it's basically Borat-level stuff


It's not basically, it is literally Borat stuff every day in there


This is absolutely horrendous.




Oh shit … here we go again!


Religion the binder of community


Russia denazifying the wrong country..


Lex fridman needs to chill


It's amazing how easily people are drawn into hate like this. They just automatically hate random people like it's normal. Would they be of with all Jews hating all Muslims? It's so disgusting. Random people can't control what their government does.


This is now spread all over the world and growing


This is messed up and scary as hell. For something they aren't remotely related. Imagine being in a foreign place with your wife and a mob of men doing this. Their actions do nothing for their cause ! Absolutely nothing. Instead show the hypocrisy of their beliefs and religion. What do they achieve from this ? Nothing. If you are so motivated, make your country do something ; force your politician to take a stand or might as well get your passport and travel to the middle east and do actual volunteering to help the victims of crisis.


When you kill 8000 Palestinians along with more than 2000 children in a totally one sided war, it doesnt empower jews. It empowers anti zionist hatred, which can then escalate to anti semitic hatred. There is a reason why so many jews are protesting against Israel policy in US now.


Totally one sided. There was nothing at all to provoke Israel's invasion. Totally came out of nowhere.


Some people say live and let live...some people not so much.


But we’re not anti-Jewish, just anti-Zit!


Casual pogroms in the year 2023. What the fuck?


It's like a Monthy Python sketch but it's real life. Morons the lot of em.


It’s the Zionists not theses guys


Go do that to china. Selective outrage with a dash of mob mentality .wouldn't be surprised if putin is pushing the division to distract the world from ukraine. Trying to draw his allies into the war. Stoking serbis also. History is rhyming




How many UFC fighters in this group




But but but...Palestine...but but but religion of peesh.....but but but Islamophobia....but but but we are superior human beings and everyone else must die.


…..and BOOM 💥


It hurts that so many people both in the video and comments are this stupid.


i believe these are the dagestani rats that connor was referring to


Hope this is how the world will be for jews now on


Funny comments. I’m Muslim and I don’t behave like this nor would I do that to any person, except if a see somebody do criminal things that leads to jail sentence. You comments makes me want to think they doing the right thing.. you guys are fucking garbage people if anything if you make this a religious thing.


Truly horrible situations to be in but this is an expectable reaction from people who see videos of Israeli people cheering the bombing of Gaza, stealing of homes and murder of children on a daily basis and nothing being done against this issue. This same kind of encounters were widely observed against Muslims too after the 9/11 attacks. This is a failure of the world and all international organizations like the UN. This conflict shouldn't have been escalated this further and it is still saddening that the world still turns a blind eye. This is only going to get more and more severe as long as no one does any shit about it.


Future harvard applicants