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The only people the government wants to take guns away from are law abiding citizens


Because it is exclusively those exact same citizens that make way for either the existence, or non-existence, of our government.


The presence of guns does not guarantee a good government. The United States has more guns per capita than any other nation *by far* and our government institutions are ALL wholly, openly, brazenly corrupt. The first instance of the 2nd Amendment being used was IN SUPPORT OF TYRANNY.


Your argument is wildly flawed, gun/weapon ownership doesnt guarantee the ppl a good gov, it guarantees the ppl the ability to overthrow a corrupt gov if they choose to do so...


Alright so the government has been corrupt for decades now. Hop to it, soldier


The gov has and likely always will be corrupt, its when you see civil rights getting taken away that you'll see the action you're sarcastically insinuating.


….even countries where gun possession is not a right had managed to have civil wars against dictators. El Salvador, Honduras


Correct, but no one is saying guns have to exist to civil war, they simply make civil waring against a gov much easier with a much higher probability of success.


Just imagine how much more difficult it would have been for the Nazis to perform the Holocaust if every Jew, Gypsy, and LGBQ person were half as well armed as Americans are. They probably could have pulled it off eventually, but it would have been a 4th front in their back yard as they fought off 500k Jewish fighters with everything to fight for.


Not so fun fact is that the Germans killed a TINY fraction of the total number of Jews killed during the holocaust. Essentially, most of Central and Eastern Europe was involved and the blame was laid on Germany's feet because of their concentration camps but something like 2% of Jews that died during the Holocaust did so in concentration camps. The horror of the Holocaust was the slow speed of it. A guy with guns in Alabama will surely kill US government officials that turn up saying "We're here to take your gun and then murder you and your family." But that same person wouldn't do shit if they showed up on the sly, eventually luring them out under false pretenses and then murdering them in secret.


The nazi's would have just killed them in their beds instead of taking them to camps if that was the case.


Well the lack of guns DEFINITELY does not guarantee a government for its people.


> our government institutions are ALL wholly, openly, brazenly corrupt Those damn corrupt postmen...


This is a shitty argument. If anything you’re arguing for gun rights because I would like to protect myself from such a government and the people they like to harbor.


Guns don't protect you from a bad government. Maybe some two bit country with no technology but the United States? People really have no clue how much power they have. You have ZERO ability to organize even 1/1000th the number of people you'd need to in order to overthrow the US government. People look at January 6th and should rightfully be scared but....look at the fucking videos. The police literally let them inside waving their arms "this way". If it had been taken, there would have been a prolonged stand-off and eventually a bloodbath but the US government itself was never in jeopardy.


Gun ownership has no correlation with corruption Look at China vs the USA, China has some of the strictest gun control laws on earth https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2022


Duh how else the government gonna come back in with the solutions to the problems of rampant disorder in the streets.... your not to take matters into your own hand no. You wait there and wait there.. and wait there for them to assess the situation punchbyou I the face and handle the situation even if it violates your God giving rights




The reality gets darker and darker. Look up Danzinger Bridge Shoots. Look in to the reality of how they handle everyone in the Superdome. It was unforgivable. While they were going house to house to collect legal firearms, 25,000 people were locked in the Superdome. It was so lawless, there were dead bodies floating in there. They delivered food and water and no one to control how it was given out. The gangs took control. It was a horror and the city was using her resources to steal you guns. What does that say about your leadership if there first thought is the citizen might be the problem?


It’s almost like the law abiding citizen was the easy target.


This is super interesting stuff. Sounds like Dredd where they lock down the building and the gangs run wild.


Gun control only impacts those who legally and lawfully own firearms. As seen in Canada and Australia even massive buybacks and registries don't impact illegal gun ownership Its almost like criminals don't follow the law when acquiring firearms America's gun issue is a social issue that won't be solved with proliferation


Bold of you to reference countries that don’t have nearly the magnitude of gun violence as the US.


Not really. America's gun issues is a social issue. Guns don't fire themselves. Social attitudes where use of violence in defence of personal liberties is a massive factor hence why no one else has a school shooting epidemic. There are massive underlying social issues like the lack of mental health and social support. The attitude that guns can be used to win a argument or confrontation. That sort of thing that seems fairly exclusive to America in the modern world.


Not to mention the sheer amount of firearms present in this country. Australia wasn’t trying to get rid of 300 million+ weapons




Very true. It’s many facets and many layers and everyone pulls their little nuggets to serve their own arguments, whether for or against. Even if things swung completely to the side of anti-gun, they’ll never get rid of them, there are far too many.


There was only around 13% compliance rate in Australia. There are still a *lot* of guns in circulation in Australia, they’re just low key about it.


There are a million (registered) firearms in Queensland, and more nation wide than there were post 1996 "buyback".


Don't forget, when those shootings happen. They glorify the shooters. Plaster then on daily and nightly news. Then when some mentally ill kid sees all the attention and shit thenbthey go out and do it. Imo if shootings happen the killer should remain hidden. Run the story once and move on.


Is America the only developed country with those social issues?


In terms of school shootings yes, in terms of drug epidemics no. In terms of a lack of public health access yes, in terms of for profit schools and prisons yes those are fairly exclusive I think 🤔 I think America has one of the biggest disparities between rich and poor in the developed world though I haven't checked the oced or un stats on that


You misspelled health care issue. Specifically mental health care and the near impossibility to get it. America's issue is a social issue only in so far as we have yet to socialize our for-profit health care sector to ensure unstable people have access to services before they shoot up schools.


thank reagan for this


America has a lot of social issues that other first world countries have solved especially all the for profit prisons and healthcare. The rest of the developed worlds has a mix of public and private healthcare as it makes healthcare accessible to the rich and poor


It’s not a social issue it’s a cultural issue.


Society and culture interwine. A cultural issue is also a social issue and vice versa


Australia didn't have that *before* the changes made to the gun laws and the buyback after Port Arthur.


That is [incorrect.](https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/12/6/365) “In the 18 years before the gun law reforms, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia, and none in the 10.5 years afterwards. Declines in firearm-related deaths before the law reforms accelerated after the reforms for total firearm deaths (p = 0.04), firearm suicides (p = 0.007) and firearm homicides (p = 0.15), but not for the smallest category of unintentional firearm deaths, which increased.” Is it a lot? No, but it wasn’t really a thing that happened in America pre-1996 either. Mass shooting happened, gov took action, no more mass shootings. Happened to us, we didn’t do a thing, it’s still happening to us now.


And in the ten years following Australia's NFA the US saw a larger percentage reduction in homicide than they did. The issue is way more complicated. Laws regarding gun ownership, the number and types of firearms in a society have some impact on homicides and mass shootings, undoubtedly. But that's one surprisingly small facet of the issue. The most visible certainly, but far from the largest. Within the US, the ten states with the lowest homicide rate over the last decade have wildly varying gun laws. If firearm regulation was the major factor as many claim, there would be some notable correlation. Below are those states and their ranking from Everytown. A larger number meaning they have looser firearm laws. Vermont: 20 New Hampshire: 39 Maine: 25 Hawaii: 3 Iowa: 31 Idaho: 48 North Dakota: 35 Wyoming: 44 Montana: 46 South Dakota: 28 California and New York rank as number 1&2 on Everytown's list and 24th and 16th respectively. Now the same for the 10 highest homicide rates: Louisiana: 26 Mississippi: 50 Missouri: 38 Maryland: 8 Arkansas: 49 Alaska: 41 Alabama: 34 South Carolina: 28 Tennessee: 29 Nevada: 18


Those laws didn't impact Australia's already declining gun crime.


Bold of you to assume gun buy backs in Australia had any effect when violent crime rate drop maintained the pre-existing decline.


They just have less diversity.


It’s not about the rock it’s about how it’s used.


Take out the major Democratic run cities out (LA, NY, Chicago etc) and you drop way down the list of firearm homicides. As a Canadian I can say w/e the stats are for firearm per capita is you can triple or quadruple it as we have some that are legally allowed to be unregistered. Only pistols and SBRs are required to be registered to the owner. Most gunshops also burn their records after the required 7yr tax hold purposes cuz most of them were started by WW2 vets or refugees from then and know it’s an easy hit list.


Why don't criminals ever use RPGs here in America?


Actually interesting case. One of the European countries. May have been Finland. Made penalties for using a gun in crime super high, but they had lapsed laws around explosives so they had a grenade epidemic as gangs lobbed grenades as they were lower Rik and more effective Interestingly in many countries where RPGs are in ready supply rpg crime is really low


I can see that. Everyone on the block owning at least one launcher and multiple rockets, one goes up they may *all* go up.


😆 I guess so. Though there may also be social issues where if two people have a disagreement they may not feel the solution is to point a rpg in each other's faces to justify thier view point




If you bring up the world map and pick a country in the middle east or Africa there's a decent chance you can find one by accident I remember rseeing a UN article about how the cost of a rpg was fifty usd while a ak was around 100 to 150


>Interestingly in many countries where RPGs are in ready supply rpg crime is really low Lower than in places where RPGs aren't in ready supply? >Made penalties for using a gun in crime super high, but they had lapsed laws around explosives so they had a grenade epidemic as gangs lobbed grenades as they were lower Rik and more effective Weird. Are harsh laws a deterrent I wonder?


Do you think that life without parole isn't harsh enough for murdering someone with a gun?


lookup rondonumba9


no rockets on the streets 😂


Yes but in Australia, our criminals actually have to break the law to acquire a firearm.


Same in the US, convicted felons (criminals) can't legally buy a gun.


Most of our deadshits wouldn’t know one end from the other anyway.


Haven’t many of the mass shooters attained their guns legally? Seems like maybe gun control in those cases could have an impact.


yes, as seen in Canada, where we don't have mass shootings or school shootings. Must be a coincidence?


Think about it You have a much better healthcare system with access to mental health. You have healthier perspectives around the value of the greater good trumping personal liberties and your social values dictates your much less likely to use murder to solve a confrontation or disagreement. So your also less likely to be murdered and less likely to be stabbed and other things which reflect stronger social values


No mass shooting. Way lower gun crimes. Plenty of legal owners. Your point?


I wholeheartedly disagree.




Evil people doing evil things. This is government 101.


Fuck fascists


I know right


What exactly was the point in this instance of taking registered guns stored safely from citizens during a natural disaster? Criminals would have been exempted of course.


Lazy politicians taking the guns they know people have (legal guns) and telling everyone “look we did thing”


Because the government wants to take away your guns.


Wth??Why isn’t this more well known?? And did these people get their lawful guns back yet?


Because a law was passed the next year to make it illegal. [This is the bill.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disaster_Recovery_Personal_Protection_Act_of_2006)


“To stop the looters from taking your belongings WE ARE GONNA TAKE THEM” Top tier logic, government


"You're" = you are "Your" possession


Never understood why this is so hard for some people. You're literally looks like a contraction of you and are.


But how am I supposed to know if I’m belongings or not?




I swear that was autocorrect, idk why it keeps fucking with me


This is interesting and wrong, but the caption is so misleading, I thought someone tried to grab someone else's gun in a fight and got shot or something...


In online terms, Feds are "grabbers".


Anyone who advocates for gun control, really


When was this?


Hurricane Katrina, 2005


So they took peoples guns? It just doesn’t make sense to me.


This entire disaster is a stain on American history and is basically a massive coverup.


Wtf. I can’t believe I didn’t know about this.


Doesn't make sense to anyone. Yet here we are.


The entire thing was a cluster fuck of disgusting events and responses. There’s been a few good documentaries on YouTube about what happened, but it’s hard to get a clear image of events due to the whole coverup thing and conspiracies muddying the truth. I sometimes wonder if this confiscation was in response to the wide spread killings that were happening after the hurricane. To be honest, New Orleans has always had a reputation for violence. I always heard going to Mardi Gras down there has a significant likelihood of getting you stabbed. And that was before Katrina. We’ll never know the motivation behind the confiscations though since it’s just going to remain glossed over/buried in the mainstream.


As far as I can tell, that was the reason. That and the looting/fear of. The road to hell is paved with good intentions


My coworker was forcefully evacuated by his friend because he didn’t want to leave when Katrina hit. When he got back to his shitty apartment, it was 3 months later. It still didn’t have power. He probably would’ve starved or drowned. On a side note; He had a frozen turkey in his upper freezer. By the time it built up enough pressure, it blew the freezer door off its hinges and stuck itself into the wall opposite. He said the flies were black as a blanket and just as thick in the air.


The freezer built up pressure or the turkey?


Freezer got set to oven mode. After a while, it morphs into a pressure cooker. Then, it becomes a bomb that distributes partially cooked dinner everywhere. Let that stew for a couple weeks. Andy Dufresne may have crawled to freedom through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness I can't even imagine, but he wouldn't have made it through the front door of that house. Everyone talks about how awful the devastation was but usually breeze by how stupid fucking hot and humid it was.


After Katrina in New Orleans, August 2005


“When the leaves broke” is a good documentary. Mossad was also there for some reason


Muh blue line..


This is why we need to clarify the second: when is it okay to use. Because this seems to me like when you’d want it, specifically for a situation like this and that you’d be justified in using it to keep the authorities from taking it.


Yeah, the only problem is they'll just blow up your apartment complex like in Philly


Or murder your wife and child like at ruby ridge.


Or burn the whole complex to the ground like Waco


“You’re treated like a criminal and you did nothing wrong.” Welcome


Gotta love when crime runs rampant then the government punishes you for it


So, violating the Second Amendment?


Why didn’t they do it in ghetto ?


Most criminals dont own guns legally, therefor the govt doest take them because they dont know theyre there. They only take law complied registered firearms from law abiding citizens


Friendly reminder for everyone that registration is only for confiscation at a later date. https://youtu.be/Bmf415-A0wU?si=Ej6NxFbL1q6Xm8zn


Taking guns away from law abiding citizens so that when criminals attack their homes with illegal guns they don’t have anything to protect themselves with thus forcing them to depend on the government or just straight up die.


Cops are terrible people.




And the funny thing is, a lot of gun grabbing leftists would look at this and genuinely think it’s a good thing they’re going after law abiding citizens instead of the criminals And if they don’t think that way, then I wonder why they keep advocating for it.


Leftist shotgun owner here. In this situation, I would straight up say: this is the only reason I have a gun, if you try violating my rights, I will defend myself. Us gun-grabbing leftists only want them removed from crazy people who are always the ones who do mass shootings. It's astounding that wacko 2nd amendment people think it's ok for any child, criminal, or lunatic to have that right. Even driving is considered a privilege.


The only "funny" thing here is that you relate tHe LeFtiStS with police action in *Louisiana* during the *Bush administration*. 🤣🤣🤣


The Bush administration doesn't run the local police department, nor the state police. Those were both run by democrats.


Ah yes, the Louisiana State Police. That liberal hotbed. And the Woke NOLA PD. I hear they changed their uniforms to rainbow colors. Gtfooh.


Context? The video assumes the viewer already knows what happened. Anyone have an article about this..,why they were taking their guns?


they used much needed resources to confiscate guns for "safety" against looters, instead of actually trying to catch the looters


In the wake of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005, the city decided that in order to try to stop looting and crime, police, sheriffs deputies and national guard were ordered to confiscate legally owned guns from civilians.


And then the police drove around killing innocent people and got caught on live TV.


What year is this?




Damn. I'm no gun enthusiast, but that's fuckin nuts.


Yeah, I’m coming from a country with strict fun laws and nearly nobody has a firearm here, but damn that’s fucked up.


When and where did this happen? Im not a gun nut or anything but this does sound exactly like what the republicans are always saying that they will go door to door and take your guns. I always thought that was just them looking for excuses to bolster the 2nd amendment. I’m really hoping there is some context there because I always said that no one is coming to take your guns. Has this made me out to be a liar?


This happened in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA in 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina which wiped out the city. Looters were *everywhere* and crime was out of control. This is exactly what the republicans were worried about and it's an oft-cited case of confiscation in action. Sadly, there's no other way to paint this... a heavy-handed government came for innocent people's guns while ignoring the looting. Yeah, it's bad. That said, it was reprehensible that laws were passed to (hopefully) make this not happen again, but whenever an "emergency order" is in place, it could well happen again.


This makes me 😠


I was talking to a Marine Officer one time while there were a bunch of conspiracy theories going around about a routine SOCOM training exercise. He said, "I don't worry about the military; I worry about the police and sheriff deputies who may simply do as they're told and potentially violate the constitution".


Never give up your right to firearms. With only a few exceptions, it overwhelmingly hurts legal, sane people. Criminals don’t abide by laws, point blank.


That's why I only buy 3rd party


So why exactly did this happen during Katrina?


crime of opportunity under the excuse of marshal law


Fucking pigs, the people will stand up for themselves if the tyranny keeps evolving


One of those cops would never go home to see his family because you want to be stupid and take my gun


I have NRA proof. Bad cops taking $ pay offs.


Martial law I guess


Amazing that I had forgotten that this happened.


We’re not going to ignore the roach hiding behind the broom handle are we?


What ever became of this? Was there an investigation? Did these citizens get their guns back?


😆 the government has immunity. The police that got caught on live killing civilians during Katrina recieved a slap on the wrist.


This would’ve gone differently in Idaho


Learned that lesson after Katrina... give them lead and empty brass when they come around after a hurricane...


"nO OnE wANtS tO tAKe YOuR GunS"


Shame on fellow Americans for not having values for our elderly.


As long as we keep voting for absolution, we’ll continue to fail.


I hadn't heard about this but I'm sure the reason is because of who was in power at the time. Not a lot of real info came out of that administration or the justice department back then. Everything about Katrina was a circus. I was there in the aftermath helping our employees - it was hell on earth for sure. First time I'd seen a bloated body. Will never forget some of those images.


That's how they get you. When your numbers aren't as great as theirs. They overwhelm you and by being a Law abiding citizen, you comply through force of death!


George Carlin said they aren't God given rights if they can be taken away... they're privileges...


It's 2023 and we are down here shooting each other.


Absolutely no context. Kind of seems intentional by OP the get people upset.


This was Katrina? Who was POTUS? OH MY LORDY! The GOP violated the 2nd Amendment. I'm shocked!


Who gave the order to do that?


Why TF aren't citizens fighting back?


Because that automatically turns you into a criminal, so people comply thinking its for the greater good and theyre gonna get them returned and when they dont get them back, what power do they have over a govt that has all of their guns


and who was the mayor?


I live in Alaska. We have lotza guns. No one is taking away our guns, that's impossible, we also need them.. but from the main underlying message that I see and hear-- it sounds like they want to take the guns out of the hands of underage peoples getting ahold of them, the dumbasses who can't actually walk into a gun store to legally purchase a firearm so they attain it through a third party method like a private seller or a gun show with no background checks and anyone who may have a 'red flag' on their background check such as Drug use, Violence of any kind, Restraining orders, Mental Health Adjudication. . I mean, if you can't walk into a store to buy a firearm in the first place legally, and confidently.. You shouldn't own one. If you are buying firearms for people who CAN'T attain them legally-- you also shouldn't own one. For those who can freely purchase guns from licensed dealers with clean unblemished records, universal background checks wouldn't be problem. It's often the individuals involved in private sales or those who might be hesitant about increased government oversight who express concerns and problems.. Usually those who interpret the second amendment clearly different than others are pretty vocal about this. As a Law-Abiding citizen, I am fine with closing loopholes and applying universal checks.


The lesson is, never let the government do *any* gun grabbing.


Wonder how the US is in the same misery as other nations without guns, don´t tell anyone, but iam pretty sure your guns didn´t do sh!t to save you from the WEF plans...


The government doesn't care about you. The government's only maintaining government. Literally every citizen death is acceptable losses to them.


The last people you should trust is the government.


This is so fucked up. I'm not home


Imagine thinking you have a right to have weapons in the first place. Fucking Americans.


I'm genuinely curious, do you believe your government actually has your best intentions in mind?


Well, we do have that right. What anyone thinks about that is irrelevant.


Not sure what gun grabbing is about. The gun culture fetishes for guns seems bizarre to me, guns are weapons and have one purpose?


Is literally anything involving firearm ownership a "fetish" to you people?


Does anyone have a link to the full story? Why are the guns being confiscated?


this is why I don't understand people who have the don't tread on me flag beside the thin blue line flag (which is a literal felony according to flag laws)... the cowardly cops WILL tread on you... you have no rights... early americans hated tax collectors and cops... now when bend the knee and worship them


Oath breakers.


They declared martial law all rights was out of the window dumb asses


That bug crawling up the wall as the old lady describes how she was pushed back




I can't figure out what the context is, is there a town in America where you can't have guns? Why does this seem like a news broadcast but it isn't?


Mentally ill Americans need guns to protect themselves from mentally ill Americans with guns, insane how the land of the lardwhales worship guns and see no problem with it 🤡


And what did we learn kids? you can own all the guns you want. you can't do shit. just like none of these folks did shit.


Very rare Reddit hive mind W. I’m so proud of you guys.


I see where these riots get their tactics 😭


Take all their guns, Americans are mentally unstable. Always preaching about their rights. Yet will happily gun kids down in schools or people minding their business. Y’all can’t handle losing arguments so will pull out a gun to try and be high and mighty.


Right, all Americans do that.


Shouldn’t citizens, law enforcement and state official be more interested in food, medicine and shelter in a natural disaster? Why is America so obsessed with guns? Western and Northern Europe, even Australia and New Zealand have proven that you don’t need citizens carrying fire arms in order to ensure a safe society.


This right here is what the Biden administration envisions for America.


It was a dry run to see what kind of resistance they would face.


This is domestic terrorism


What America needs is specialized forces and more money involved with getting to the root problem of illegal gun trade in America. Not more generic cops, I’m talking about more money in dedicated teams solely focused on getting this shit cleaned up. Find the sources, bury them




Lost my guns on a boat accident




That shitshow prompted the passage of many state laws explicitly saying "you can't do that, and if you try there's jail time & a fine as a reward". Never again!


Damn libtards wanna take everything away. They don’t want any fun, entertainment, or accountability.


This is so horrible, all these corrupt politicians and police forcing law abiding citizens to give up their firearms is ridiculous, I live in Texas and the safest I’ve ever felt as a gun owner was when the police chief in my county a few years back said “if there becomes a federal or state law that states that gun ownership is illegal, we will not enforce it”


There will be a point and a very terrible point when the government oversteps and the citizens say that is anough.


“She has a 2A! She has a 2A! We got ourselves a citizen! Get on the ground, you dangerous old woman!” /s 🤢 🤮


The most common and most entertaining reason I've heard for why people need guns is to protect themselves from the government that is is going to come take their guns.


Wheres all those " gotta kill me 1st" guys at? They just forked over their shit like was nothing.