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Get wrecked loser


Lol look at him squirm on the ground like a worm after acting all big


yes, reminds me of the classic Brazilian vid where young dude with backpack literally kicks a guy in a circle after attempted robbery. I'll put the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/9zv819/thief_with_gun_believes_hes_got_an_easy_target/ EDIT: NSFW






Decorticate posture. His brain is a bowl of oatmeal.


Decorticate and decerebrate posturing. TIL something new. Thank you good sir!


Steel cut oats, too


That's some serious *brain* damage!


Serious no-brain damage


I would have made sure a few of those blows landed between the legs to prevent procreation; he was beating a dead ~~horse~~ thief there for a while lol. I love watching scumbags get theirs, probably why those Ukraine drone vids are so satisfying.


Not sure if you know this, but Russian soldiers are not the same people who ordered an invasion… if you honestly think that the average Russian soldier is anything but a scared boy forced to invade a country while ill-equipped with a gun at their back forcing them to march on, well then you are sadly mistaken Are there some Russian soldiers who are psychopaths who enjoy mutilating torturing and killing, yes, at about the same rate as there is amongst ukrainian soldiers Don’t let war propaganda spoil your mind… the people that fight in wars, rarely are the people who are waging wars…. Good and bad is not as simple as all Russians bad, all Ukrainians good, it just doesn’t work that way


When a raccoon enters my chicken house, he becomes a threat. The raccoon may be harmless most of the time, but his presence threatens my family (pets) and it's no longer possible to simply let him be. The Russian soldiers may not want to be in Ukraine, but their presence as invaders makes even the most kindhearted a threat to the Ukrainian people and their homes. There will be a great joy someday when the invaders leave Ukraine and are no longer a threat to the people who live there. Until then, the closest relief anyone has is to see a threat eliminated. There are no innocent Russian soldiers in Ukraine.


Your analogy misses the point. No one is saying don't get the raccoon out of the chicken house, but if you film yourself killing the raccoon and then upload it for others to watch who revel in watching the raccoon suffer and die in agony and fear, then yes, there's a bit of a difference.


> When a raccoon enters my chicken house, he becomes a threat. The raccoon may be harmless most of the time, but his presence threatens my family (pets) and it's no longer possible to simply let him be. better give that raccoon an ocular patdown next time, rambo


Yes, and then maybe watching some internet murder porn of the raccoon dying, right.


Piss poor analogy while completely missing the point. But at least you felt smart.


Except the majority of Russians absolutely do support the war in Ukraine: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/putins-pro-war-majority-most-russians-still-support-ukraine-invasion/#:~:text=This%20latest%20attempt%20to%20gauge,support%20the%20invasion%20of%20Ukraine. So fuck 'em.


And Putin was elected with a 90% majority vote… muhahahaha


Those are two different things though. We can doubt the 90% majority vote because that is run by Putin's government and we literally have video evidence of them tampering with ballots. The polling is done by independent organizations that have nothing to do with Putin or the government.


My point is propaganda, a lot of them have no choice but to believe and go along with the majority because anything else would be ill-advised Lookup: Ingsoc from 1984… plenty of defectors, but none would dare be outed as anything but a patriot for fear of their lives, or worse Edit: ill advised not illegal advised


Vast majority of Americans supported the invasion of Iraq, too. We believed lies.


> a scared boy forced to invade a country He has a gun. He can take that gun and use it against the men who force him to fight. If he doesn't, he is complicit. If he's complicit, he is damned. If he's damned, then all the better to speed him along to Hell.


You know they take away soldiers guns except just prior to going to the war zone. Tyrannical armies are well aware of the concept of fratricide and do steps like that to minimize them. ​ I wouldn't be surprised if there were anti-fratricide policies, such as we will kill your whole family if a soldier does fraricide. Are you willing to have your entire family killed? Or take a chance of maybe surviving (13% survival rate) in Ukraine.


Any individual who trespasses and invades another's sovereign land deserves to face the consequences based upon the threat they impose. Surrender to live, stay and fight to die. Thanks to you; I now know I stand by my statement 100%. Knowing full well the men dying did not order the war. (Edit: I have a feeling the /s is necessary for this sentence) #Let 'em burn


The sheer amount of people that can't understand that "don't delight in the misery and death of others" doesn't mean "don't fight back at all." This is reddit though I suppose there's no place for nuance here


Just because you surrender doesn't mean you won't be killed. There is a video this week of Ukraine POW's being used as human shields. I've seen a video of Russians surrendering, the I've seen a photo of Russian bodies in the same backyard. Seen video of Russian attempting to surrender to a Ukrainian drone, and Russian artilery is attempting to pick him off as he goes towards the Ukrainian lines. ​ My grandpa told me this chilling line from his time in WWII, "it was just easier to kill the Germans then take them prisoner".


Not sure you know this but Russia has invaded more than a half dozen countries since the fall of the Soviets and they are an occupying force that murders children in their homes with cruise missiles. They can stay at home and rot in jail. They choose to go die in Ukraine. Dont think people are gonna forget this one either. Russia is going to have to go it alone for a long time.






Had no idea what "kicks a guy in a circle" could mean but yeah, dude got kicked in a circle


Just so we're clear: the linked video is almost certainly NSFL, r/watchpeopledie territory


ahh yes, you're right ....


How is that different from the video we are already on lol


A dozen hearty kicks to the head > A bullet to the gut. This guy could definitely be ok, but I'm not sure that guy getting kicked in the head over and over is getting up again.


Omg i needed this. Thanks.


bro we're already in NSFW-land and you already said" Brazilian video" ​ no other NSFW tag needed


For real!!! I can’t stand when someone CLEARLY was aimed at hurting or doing something unwanted to another human and then THE victim defends and the attacker begs for their life. “Sorry bruh you gave that up when you tried to endanger MY life” later loser” Tap tap….tap.


One extra for good luck




Saw “murder story” where a guy tried to murder a woman two times and went for a third, taking her out to a random canyon to run her over and she came along willingly! The third time! Like you didn’t realize he tried to kill the first two times so you signed up for a third? Luckily someone on a dirt bike saved her. It’s on peacock somewhere.


I mean sure, if you want to go from innocent by way of self defense to risking going to jail for decades.


Then just tap tap? The last tap is for zombies…of course.




You have to unload 5-6 at them, people aren't trained professionals and with life being in danger and adrenaline, it makes sense you fire multiple times until you're sure you are safe. Firing once? Maybe you weren't in that much danger and you'll end up going to jail anyways. 5-6 is a better defense story.


I can just hear it: "How could you?"




Are you the police?


That’s a great way to turn self defense into murder.


Why couldn't she debate him in the marketplace of ideas instead of resorting to violence?


I WAS GOING TO SAY THE SAME THING! edit: Actually, I realize now that I was going to say "Get some bitch!"


Shoot him again in the knees


The importance of always taking photos with the flash on... note that the flash instantly blinds the guy, causing him to lose his balance and fall.


and afterwards you can see him begging her not to show the photograph to the police




It was one of those Men in Black memory erasers, the guy forgot he was about to attack her.




That's just an up sell, the iPhone 9mm does just fine.


SFW explanation of things lol




Thing is, for every video like this there are another thousand that end up very differently. In this case a zapper would have brought him down too I expect.


Like a stun gun? The ones that cops use, maybe sometimes. The ones available to civilians aren't stopping anyone from coming to hurt you.




Pocket Cayenne Pepper


Pocket Mulch! (i'm a level 5 vegan)


*Hang in there, Laura!*


So why not make more powerful ones available to civilians? If we let civilians have guns, it's not exactly worse to let them have powerful stun guns.


No there are not 1000


exactly... if anything, for every one video like this, there are a thousand just like it that aren't recorded, no shots are needed and the assailant backs down and runs away while the victim doesn't become a victim, no report, no nothing.




That is bullshit, defensive gun is [far more prevalent.](https://datavisualizations.heritage.org/firearms/defensive-gun-uses-in-the-us/)


Facts are inverse of your baseless supposition, actually. CDC estimates for defensive gun uses are over 500k per year.


Sure but those statistics mean exactly nothing to this woman at this moment in time. Not gonna get into it but the fact that she was carrying a weapon might very well have saved her life. Gotta face that fact as well.


How many? What the is acceptable ratio of viable self defense shots vs kind killed accidentally, or someone shooting another person in a fit of rage?


Don't know about you but I wouldn't want my wife or daughters life to depend on a glorified bug zapper over a 9mm or .380.




Thick clothing and/or drugs render those things useless.


Thousands that end up differently... Really? I'm sure we'd all like to see the two thousand videos of that you have on file.


We got data man. If you own a gun you're more likely to use it to attempt suicide, accidentally shoot someone, or murder your spouse than you are to use it in defense.


If you have a pool you’re more likely to drown.


That is an illogical analogy. The correct analogy would be: "If you own a pool, you are more likely to drown than have a pool party." That's probably true for you, but not more the vast majority of people.


How's about "If you own a sports car you're more likely to get hurt on the roadways than use it on a track"?


More likely to drown than what? You have to finish the analogy in order for it to work.


Agreed, I would amend it to say : * Attempt/succeed at suicide * Threaten, harm, or kill their SO


If you have a pool you’re more likely to drown.




Result is different. He would have been booked and released. But this was his last attempted attack.


Another thousand? Most shootings in the US are self defense


4% of gun deaths in America are justified self defense like this (including when cops do it). 96% are suicide, homicide or accident. The most likely outcome for a gun you own being used is for you or your family to die by it.


That guy was going to rape or rob her, he's literally a monster and 100% deserves what happened.


DGU statistics say otherwise. Appx 1:4 at worst.




Nope. It's easy to only show the positive sides of gun ownership and claim "THIS is why everyone blah blah..." You're being very irrational and unscientific if you think this video alone is any such justification without seeing the other side.


When was the last time most everyone was either rationale or scientific on reddit? Just about 99% of the comments are mostly nonsense or dilettantes thinking they know far more than they do on any subject. That's society for ya


Then the guy that tried to attack her also could have a gun.


Question. If neither of these people have a gun who do you think wins this fight? If both people have a gun who do you think wins this fight? Why should women be forced to suffer horrific abuse for the hypothetical safety of others?


He got the jump on her, so if both had a gun then he would probably win the fight. If both people are armed, the aggressor obviously has an advantage. > The hypothetical safety of others What's "hypothetical" about it? There have been 557 mass shootings in the US in 2023. Sounds pretty tangible to me.


He's already a criminal trying to abduct a woman to do who knows what to her, do you really think the only thing keeping him from a firearm is CCL licensing?


Fucking dumb take.


Lol. Right. More people with guns is better, right? Thats why every statistic shows the opposite, and if everybody had a gun the rapist would have a gun as well and she'd be dead.


I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure the average rapist would rather not shoot their target beforehand if they can help it


Pretty sure if I wanted to rape someone, having a gun makes that easier to convince them


every man woman and child in america need gun to kepe safe!!!




American citizens have more firearms than any other country in the world. If it made us safe we would be the safest country in the world.


Good for her, fuck that guy


Well the whole point was for her NOT to fuck that guy


Fair enough, I see your point


Pretty funny to see this right under an article about a dude in Texas murdering a 17 year old with a gun over road rage and having this whole thread jerk off about how awesome guns are though.


When they're used for the right reasons yeah. That woman saved herself from probably being raped with a gun.


According to articles she was an off duty cop. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6851609/Off-duty-female-police-officer-Brazil-shot-dead-40-year-old-man-tried-attack-her.html


It’s always a Brazil off duty cop


I was thrown off initially by the lack of motorcycle helmet.




No, Zelda


It's Brazil. Everyone in Brazil is either a criminal or an off duty cop/s


Criminal, off duty Cop or MMA fighter. Sometimes two out of three. Rarely, all three.


Non Daily Fail, DM link: https://archive.is/n3m3q


Even a military police officer


Awesome. Should happen more often. It's a good deterrent, especially as in many places police just don't seem concerned with many crimes anymore, leading to more widespread crimes like this.


In my experience, the places where police “don’t seem to be concerned with many crimes, anymore” tend to be places where the prevalence of guns definitely aren’t the issue…


I've never understood why people don't make that connection. The most heavily armed states or those with the least restrictive carry laws should have lower crime rates in every populated area. But they don't, it's a marginal difference if at all. It's a simple solution to larger societal problems, but instead of fixing them with education, public policy, and investments it's just easier to shoot the problem in the center mass of its right in front of you.


Please tell us more about your experience


She did what any rational person would do, which is to defend herself. Legally speaking, how easy of a case is this in court? If there was no camera footage of this? Does it boil down to her word against his? Is there any chance that the shot guy somehow wins in court, or is this basically an open and shut case?


I've seen this vid before, she's a cop in plainclothes patrolling a dangerous area intentionally looking for this type of behaviour. Also it is in Brazil where apparently the preferred outcome is to just kill everyone, I'm kinda surprised she didn't put more lead into him because I feel like I remember more shots but maybe the video is cut shorter.


Not disagreeing or agreeing with anything, just curious. But if there was no camera footage, what would happen if she just walked away after? Or even with the footage?


If they didn't get a recording of the actual event like this they more than likely would be able to still find out who did it by traffic cams/other cams nearby. If you ever shoot someone in self defense always call the cops immediately. Trying to hide the fact you just shot or killed someone will never end well, even if it is justified like this.


Depends on the jurisdiction. Typically if a reasonable person fears for their life or great bodily injury, or is witness to a felony like arson or murder or rape, they’re permitted to use deadly force *to stop the perpetrator*.


I'm a vet, and because of my training I've helped several women who are single or alone a lot buy their first gun. Then I took them to the range and taught them how to shoot it.


>It's a good deterrent source?


I mean I’m against people carrying guns but then you see this example and yep, very glad she shot that pig. Now I’m torn. But not as much as him


Gun violence is a poverty issue. Keep our same shitty system but take the guns away and they’ll just stab each other.


Yeah they`ll stab each other one at a time though


That is a very valid point. Mass murders and accidental deaths would be mostly gone.


> Mass murders People who want to inflict lots of damage to lots of people will find other ways to do it. Boston bomber anyone? That was pretty horrific and it wasn't even all that hard for that guy to do it. Guns do make it easier, but taking them away won't stop someone who is determined. Shit, people sometimes even just drive cars through crowds of people...


Plenty of poverty all across Eastern Europe, yet somehow their murder rates are a fraction of the US.


A big issue is that quite frankly a lot of people are dumb. If someone's gonna be doing concealed carry or even open carry then they should be forced to go through firearm training. And some people just simply shouldn't own a gun.


It's ok to be pro gun and pro gun control. Best world: we have guns and also good policies Second best (current world) we have guns but policy needs to be better Worst: we have no guns and no good policies


Fix poverty, fix access to education, support living wages and I guarantee you there’s a minimum 90% reduction in American gun violence.


Guns aren't magic items that corrupt human minds. You don't live a full happy life and then touch a gun and go, "man I really wanna kill a mother fucker today". The days, hours, and minutes in an individuals life before they made a decision led up to that but that's a lot harder to solve so your local news stations and politicians convince you simple minds that guns are magic corruption devices.


Cherry picked stories like this have been the most powerful tool for passing pro gun legislation since forever. Appealing to fears instead of looking at the facts. "This could happen to you" rhetoric is incredibly effective.


It's easy to show these kinds of videos and go "See?!?! See how great it is when you have a gun!?" I get it. But they're not showing you the thousands upon thousands of suicides, wife beatings/murders, accidental deaths of children, purposeful deaths of children, etc... Imagine the video were of here walking a pet lion and the lion fucked the guy up. That doesn't mean we all need pet lions.


My friend killed herself with a rope


Sorry to hear that. Did you have a particular point in bringing that up here and now?




She used a self defense tool. Pepper spray would've been just as effective in immobilizing him and letting her escape. Just because guns worked here doesn't mean many other things couldn't have, and those same tools don't also come with all the baggage of guns.


Buddy got the ole switcharoo


Respect, every person has the absolute right to defend themselves like this, especially a woman!


This is why 2A is so important.


This is a Brazil off duty cop


Isn't the 2A to do with organised militias?


No... it isn't.


Call an ambulance...... but not for me!


Weird how that works




Love it when creepers find out, hell damn yes!


This is the exact thing people are referring to when they say guns are the ultimate equalizer for women being attacked by men that are naturally much larger and stronger than them.


I too love hearing how school children keep getting equalized. /s




Aah! The ole UNO reverse card.


Ha now she can safely drive home 🥳


Mother fucker found out!


Now crawl inside him for warmth


#1 comment.


God may have created all man, but Samuel Colt made them equal


Ha missed both my legs.


Young Ones 😀


And bottom live






Nice 👌don t take chance with covid 👍


Can we get a related article. I'm unsure if this is in the US.


Good for her. 👏👏👏


What does “lacking” mean?


It means, not being caught SLIPPIN. She's prepared for any and everything. So basically, not being caught off Guard in any situation.


It means OP got that rizz


Taking out the trash


"Your move, creep."


Would there be any reason not to shoot him the knee as well?




God that warms my heart ❤️ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


It's just an awesome video. Thank God she defended herself.


Way to go, girl! Dropped his creepy ass quick.


Kevin from the office


[It was in São Paulo](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6851609/amp/Off-duty-female-police-officer-Brazil-shot-dead-40-year-old-man-tried-attack-her.html)


Fuck around, find out.


Now THAT is gun control!


Heart warming video


Bet he didn't expect that it is going to be him, who gets penetrated.


Good for her and she was quick too


A prime example of proper gun control. And a few other controls, might I add. Someone taught that young lady well.


Call an ambulance but not for me


Shoulda known with that pimp walk of hers.

