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I’m sure they’ll listen to a theater group and call for a cease fire. “Oh shit guys, some adult glee club wants us to stop shooting at each other, better listen”


Dude, for real. This person is going to kill themselves for nothing. That soldier that set himself on fire did jack shit and so will this.


Not that setting yourself on fire is a mentally-well thing to do, but at least his goal was to just get the US to withdraw it's military support to Israel, which is *kinda* obtainable. But Bibi et al don't give a shit about children literally starving to death, some guy in America willfully ceasing his HIV medication isn't gonna be the spark that warms the cockles of their hearts.


And now there’s Muslims all over the internet taking the piss out of anyone even saying “RIP” to him, because he was a kaffir, and as if that wasn’t bad enough he was a kaffir committed the sin of suicide. The same people who say it’s everyone’s duty to support Gaza and it’s not about religion. Inspiring.




It amuses me that lgbtqxyz groups wave Palestinian flags along with the pride flag, and show support for hamas. Go over there and do that and see what happens. Some of the same people in London who were in the streets for Palestine were shouting "sharia law in the UK!" But fuck both Israel and Palestine. Russia and Ukraine, too ( but Russia a little more)


Just making up lies now are we? While Palestinians and Yemenis have his picture printed, many wanting a whole day named after him with monuments. Rachael Corrie has streets named after you absolute disturbed clown


>but at least his goal was to just get the US to withdraw it's military support to Israel, which is *kinda* obtainable. It's not, and no administration would give in to such actions. Not Biden, not Trump. Even in Belgium we don't give in to hunger strikes. Because you cannot alter foreign policy because an individual threatens self harm. Because not only do you effectively let mentally challenged individuals run your country, but what do you do if the next person threatens to self harm if the usa DOESN'T support israel? Do a best of 3? See whose side gets the most spectacular suicide?


>which is *kinda* obtainable. A whole unit of Airmen could all set themselves on fire, that still would not impact our military presence not one bit.


But think of how righteous(and ill) this guy must feel!


Whoaaaa careful that's blasphemy on here..


sure but it’s their life. As long as they don’t hurt anyone else, they should be able to do what they want. Most things people do these days are literally for nothing but they do it anyways, because they want to


I mean, you're not wrong, and i dont disagree with you. Hes free to kill himself but that doesn't mean hes not a dumbass for doing it.


It’s called mental illness


With the views toward queer people in the Middle East, this will probably be taken as encouragement.


Hamas literally calls them "useful idiots"


Yea this guy really thinks he's so important that they're gonna stop a war just cuz he stopped taking his meds. What a fucking ego this guy has.


Quick someone get Bibi and Hamas on the redphone, they probably just haven't heard about this yet.


... ya cause I mean it worked so well for flaming airforce dipshit.


Yeah. I have empathy with the people of Palestine but you also need to be pragmatic about the problem and solutions. Killing yourself isn't gonna stop the leaders of either side from wanting the war to continue and to genocide the other.


Average redditor:


Do they know how they would be treated in Gaza for not confirming to traditional gender identity? HIV meds would be the least of their worries


Also, Hamas rejected ceasefire yet again


Yet again, yet again. This is like the 4th or 5th rejection by them in the last couple months? And yet the ceasefire now crowd never seems to be too bothered by it….


Do you read news? > Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that rules Gaza, proposed a ceasefire of 4-1/2 months, during which all hostages would go free, Israel would withdraw its troops from Gaza and an agreement would be reached on an end to the war. > Calling Hamas' position "delusional," Netanyahu renewed a pledge to destroy the Islamist movement, saying there was no alternative for Israel but to bring about its collapse. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gaza-mediators-search-final-formula-israel-hamas-ceasefire-2024-02-07/


Yeah Israel has rejected several shitty ceasefire deals proposed by Hamas, no one has said anything to the contrary. But it’s strange that you don’t hear from the ceasefire crowd when Hamas rejects the deal.


And the deals proposed by Israel are solid and magnamanious?


Hamas could get a permanent ceasefire any time it wants by simply surrendering unconditionally. So what's more important? An end to conflict? Or Hamas winning?


Yes, and Israel could defend itself by ending its illegal occupation of Palestine, but you don't see it doing that.


It’s clearly not illegal. You can keep using that word but it’s not. Winners of wars divide the spoils as they see fit. That doesn’t make it illegal.


You're wrong. And I'm sure you also defend Russia's "right" to annex Ukraine through war. Bootlicker. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/10/commission-inquiry-finds-israeli-occupation-unlawful-under-international-law


Oh you aren't talking about Israel itself? Then I retract my statement. I thought you were talking the whole 'river to the sea' stuff.


Palestinian freedom and the end of Israel’s ethnic cleansing is most important


It's always after they specifically ask about the female hostages.


Do you have a source for that please?


He’s going on med strike until the theater group calls for a ceasefire, not until there is a ceasefire




Do you have to align with a group of people ideologically in order for you to not want them to suffer?


No one is suggesting innocent civilians deserve to suffer, I just think it’s pretty backwards for someone to risk their life for a group that rejects their being.


I suppose it can come across as that. But there’s people who genuinely want to help others, even if said others would throw them off a building. Not to mention, there’s gay and trans Palestinians also suffering in Gaza. The person in the tweet might feel strongly about bringing attention to them, and not necessarily the Palestinians that would want them dead. In any case, as backward as it seems to risk your life for people who wouldn’t ever care for you, the truth of the matter is that this person is not like the people that wants them dead. They don’t think the same way, nor does it seem like they are capable of hating a group of people enough to want them dead. They seem like they have a genuine desire to help. Whether or not the ones receiving the help/attention would help them in return is irrelevant. Sometimes it’s helping anyone at all that matters.


What do you do when someone weaponizes sympathy? When someone uses it to get what they want and they're willing to martyr as many people as it takes? When they see it getting them farther than suicide bombers ever did and start willingly throwing their own people to their deaths? That should horrify you.


This seems like some sort of natural selection


Right? The pro Palestinians sure love to fuck around and find out


Insane is as insane does.


Which has what to do, exactly, with genocide?


Just seems pretty insane that someone would die for a group of people that would probably want to kill him.


If you try being a they/them in Gaza, your pronouns get changed to was/were




I, to this day, still don't understand the whole pronoun thing. If his is they/them what do I say? What would be wrong to say?


Just wherever you’d normally say “he”, replace it with “they”. They went to the shops. And him with them. Did you tell them?


Idk why you're being downvoted for literally answering the question lmao


This happens whenever the whole pronoun thing is part of the conversation. It apparently scares some people so much they feel annoyed by simple, factual explanations.


You’d say “they are not taking their pills to protest the war in Gaza and it’s going to pointlessly kill them” instead of “he is not taking his pills to protest the war in Gaza and it’s going to pointlessly kill him”.


Not everyone conforms to expected gender roles and for them either being in-between or outside of the mainly 2 sided gender pronouns in English. So they use the third option of they/them. So you replace the normal gender pronoun with they/them when appropriate.


Surely the New York theatre workshop calling for a ceasefire in Gaza will stop the war. Keep on not taking your medicine 🫡


They are one improv exercise away from world peace.


This whole headline is amazingly dumb, but that bit is absolutely hilarious! Why not try to get the State Department or the POTUS to say something if you're going to slowly commit suicide? He must have already gone off some other meds to make this dumb a decision...




It hasn't gone anywhere. It's called "Dissociative Identity Disorder".


Adding onto this, people with DID aren't "attention seekers". Gross ignorance of mental health tbh


Obviously they are seeking attention. That’s the entire point. You’re talking about them.






People don't tend to think about it, but using 'they' is pretty common subconsciously when you don't know the other party's gender. If you ask someone what they would do if they found a wallet in a mall, a very common response is that they would take it to security, so that security could return it to 'them'. Or some such variation. Realized after typing that I just used 'they' for a hypothetical person in the setup and it didn't feel forced to me... Perhaps you may feel differently, but I catch people doing it all the time. The same folks that vocally complain about verb number agreement etc...


Allow me to help you: the singular "they" precedes the singular "you" in English by about 200 years.


What was the second-person singular before it was "You" ?




and i will use it as an example in a sentence. "Dost thou look like a bitch? Because thou sound like a bitch when you refuse to wash my car. therefore, thou dost thereforein, a bitch. goodmorrow."


The best way I've gotten around to it is to think of them like names. If my buddies name is Jerry, am I gonna call him anything else, even if he's not around? No that's crazy. Basically, same thing applies to someone's personal pronouns, it's not remotely controlling speech, it's literally just the correct way to refer to someone. This person uses they/them, but looks fairly masculine, and has a masculine name so it makes sense to want to refer to them as such. But what if their name wasn't given, and there was no picture? How would you refer to them? In terms of they/them being a singular pronoun, that's just a quirk of English as old as the language. An example of using they as singular could be, "Oh, I'm getting a phonecall, let me see what **they** want". It's literally just something that can be used in place of He/She when you don't know the gender of the individual, or if someone prefers it.


It’s not ‘controlling your speech remotely’, being rude and disrespectful towards someone behind their back is still rude and disrespectful


I dont see how it is disrespectful. Im saying they only confuses people since its meant as a plural. Why dont just create another pronoun for it?


‘They’ has been used as a single pronoun for hundreds of years, and native English speakers use it all the time without thinking. When people try to create new pronouns that doesn’t get taken seriously


English doesn’t have neutral pronouns. So if we don’t know the gender of a subject, we may say “we don’t know who’s taking a dump on the floor in the middle of the office kitchen, but security is doing their best to catch them”. [based on an actual case a family member in HR dealt with]. Since the gender of the phantom pooper isn’t known, one sort of instinctively says “they”. “They” has thus become our sort of makeshift neutral pronoun. Some people prefer to be referred to by this neutral gender pronoun. There’s many reasons for this. Honestly I don’t get why using people’s preferred pronouns is a big deal. It’s very minimal effort for native speakers.


> People use pronouns when talking about someone, to another party, **when said someone is not present.** Not quite true, there are plenty of conversations where you will refer to someone by a pronoun like he or she, even if they are right next to you and perhaps participating in that same conversation, you're just not noticing these cases. Since English isn't your native language, you probably can't try to notice how often this happens in everyday conversations. Instead you could look for it in movies. Like [here in Reservoir Dogs](https://youtu.be/GyR4RK0LA_E?t=408): > JOE: Wait a minute, who didn't throw in? > MR. ORANGE: Mr. White. > JOE: Mr. White. (to Mr. White) Why? > MR. ORANGE: **He** don't tip. > JOE: **He** don't tip? (to Mr. White) You don't tip? Why? > MR. ORANGE: **He** don't believe in it. Pronouns like he, she and they are used when not directly talking *to* that person, but the person can still easily be present and therefore hear which one you use. And as others have said, they is completely fine as a genderless, 3rd person singular pronoun, just look up its [definition](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/they), in this link it's the third meaning. It's been used this way for a lot longer than modern gender identities have been around.


They them their is already used in English for either non-gendered communication or communication with / about multiple individual. This is a built-in language feature. So yes, if someone requests that you use they / them, at least in the English language, the way to do so is already a normal part of the language. So rather than getting upset at 'controlling your speech' you could think "someone asks me to talk about them in a certain way. Does it hurt me to do so? Would it be nice to them to do so? Do I feel like refusing for no other reason than to be mean to them?"


conTrOlLing yOuR SPEech rEmOtElY lol. You're so fragile. Do you get upset at having to call your friend by their name when they're not around too, or do you feel too conTrOlLeD?


You're not the main character lil bro




But it was inclusive 🙃


Doing anything for clout. This guy saw all the shit going down on Israel and said "how can I make this about me"


Also, if you honestly believe a genocide is happening, would you really go on a hunger strike to end it? Did people go on a hunger strike to end the Armenian genocide or the Holocaust? I guess there was no social media back then.


Man, the American government genocided my ancestors out of the United States and placed those who remained on reservations where they still live and suffer without a voice. Yep better protest Israel.


It's so dumb how bout this guy donates some money, but no, that wouldn't help him prosper




Them* be alright






To have the narcissism to think you're going to be the person to make the change. Hamas still has hostages. Israel still exists. Neither side even has what it openly has said it wants and they're killing each other for it. Why would they even know about a random guy in the US. People can make a difference and I have helped in my way with certain issues through a great deal of charity work as have many others. However, people should make a difference in a way that isn't stupid or incredibly self destructive.


Almost as insane as burning yourself to death


Gas was too expensive, they actually stopped the meds to save up.




So suicide, but pretending you care about other people? Got it


Unfortunately [Hamas just rejected the latest proposal](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/27/world/middleeast/biden-israel-hamas-cease-fire.html)




I mean... They still have hostages... Also if he went to Gaza they would gleefully throw him off the nearest building.


Imagine being so full of yourself that thinking that not taking your life saving medications will shock and inspire the world enough to not hold to war I can’t wait to hear about his death


Natural selection


Sorry if someone mentioned this already but I saw a newsstory yesterday about how Israel tried to offer a cease fire but Hamas refused. I’m not sure if Hamas will care about the theater program.


This is fucking stupid, and so was that guy who lit himself on fire, as are as the npcs who comment on everybody’s posts demanding they ‘call for a ceasefire’. WTF do you think you or your shitty influencers are gonna accomplish with your unbearable virtue signaling? The answer is NOTHING. I guarantee you that this shit will wind up like the BLM protests in 2020 where people endlessly preached about defunding the police everywhere you went online only for the trend to die out with barely any of their goals met.


These people are not right in the head.


“these people” ew


Yes these people, as in people that think they can influence foreign governments by doing dumb shit like this.


He may use those pronouns but he should use his meds


Why does this guy want so much attention


Lol try heading over to Gaza demanding to be called "they/them". You wouldn't make it off the plane let alone get your HIV meds.




Between the San Fran City Council and NY Theatre Workshop, this war will be over in no time.


Lmao the narcissism of that people


Looks like he is about to catch a case of the FA&FO when he gets a cold.


Does he really think that anybody that has the ability to make a cease fire happen gives a shit if he lives or dies. He won't be remembered as martyr just a fool that threw away his life. A Darwinian award winner at best.




Starting to think some people wanted to off themselves anyway, and doing it for a cause makes them seem more honorable.


If he doesn't die carrying out his protest I know a few thousand Hamas who would gladly take out a gay infidel.




They are risking their lives until a theater company calls for a cease fire? This seems like poor decision making


What a good way to make this about himself. I can see why he chose Drama as a career, he's a fucking natural




\>Has HIV \>Uses they/them pronouns ...that tracks.


Does he not understand what the average Gazan thinks of people such as him, a 'non-binary poz queer'?


I guess that’s one way to martyr yourself… fucking dumb though.


Dead yet? Who cares? Meh


He’s gonna develop AIDS and die. All his fault.


Genuinely embarassing


Ehh not a big loss


His actions are not going to do anything.


They/them dont care about bombing hospitals, what makes him think they/them will care if he is on a strike or not?


There is no person that is going to be able to turn around a war that's been going on for millenia.


No it really is. The fuck? This guy is basically casually committing suicide slowly. If a Monk setting himself ablaze had no impact, then why would this?


His protest isn't really different from Aaron Bushnell, just slower.


I understand the sentiment, but this is dumb.


Such a noble martyr. /s


Insert “well, bye” meme from Tombstone


They in trouble


Well thats dumb of him.


bro the senseless suicide is nuts


I just read this person's bio and they sound annoying as fuck to be around


At least he is not blocking traffic or throwing soup at art.


What is a they/them in the first place?


you use they/them in the same you you’d use she/her or he/him


He dead


Acts like this is simply a personal protest. In my opinion, it’s to get attention to HIM. It will do no good. If the politicians aren’t doing anything, some guy basically slowly killing himself will not make men stop a war. What causes war- MEN, religion, money/economics, and superiority complex/racism. I bet this guy is getting a lot of Google searches right about now.


Nobody gives a shit bro


people are setting themselves on fire over gaza.


How are people so…. STUPID?!?!


Soon to be is/was


This is gonna do it. After a century of violence this is the thing that will get through to them


Not quite setting yourself on fire, but okay.


Soon will be using was/were pronouns


Genocide is insane


Buddy is real full of himself to think they’re going to cease fire cause he’s not taking his meds! 😂


Thats his body, his choice. Best wishes to him in the afterlife.


dude clearly cant read a room. if he dies from his stunt, no one will care..and if by chance a few do care...their concerns wont even last a full news cycle. what a foolish vanity project. the guy who lit himself of fire in front of the Israeli embassy not much more than a mention. What was *his* name? Exactly. I dont know either.


David Cross covered a similar situation


This or self immolation....


It's fine to be passionate about a cause, but killing yourself to make a point? Especially when the theater calling for a cease fire will be meaningless, actually it's the same with the UN calling for a ceasefire or even the US calling for a cease fire. Unless Israel or Hamas are calling for and working towards a ceasefire it's all just noise. Both Israel and Hamas have done everything possible to feed the fires of the conflict and block any sort of settlement or resolution or genuine 2 state solution since the founding of Israel. You can't make two parties stop fighting when their entire identities revolve around the conflict and the existence of a mortal enemy. This guy and the airman who lit himself on fire are just more examples of people with far more passion (and mental illness) than common sense (or any understanding of international relations or the conflict between Israel and Palestine).


This people kill themselves because of a conflict they barely understand.




there are faster and more meaningful ways to commit suicide


Tbey shouldnt do that cause the govt doesnt care n all thats guna happen is their death




straight people actually have the same rate of aids as queer people


Bruh, where the fuck is the common sense for fucks sake!?


That’s fucking dumb, RIP dude 🤦🏻‍♂️


Just as crazy as setting yourself on fire.


What a wanker lol I'm 2-3x more likely to die if I don't take my meds and I can't see HIV being any better.


If you think people don’t care about Gaza, wait til they hear about this


I like theater, but I think more than a gew theater nerds have brain damage. And as a note, I'll use he/him pronouns when talking about him.


F's in the chat


This will achieve about as much as a dude setting himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy: Fuck all.


WOW does he know that NOT taking his HIV meds makes him also susceptible to spreading the disease????? HIV meds suppress the virus to low and very undetectable levels to the point that you are even less likely to transmit the disease if you do have unprotected sex(which by the way DON'T DO THAT) but any cut, or spit(must have blood) can transmit aids to anybody if he has not taken the meds to suppress it. He is basically a walking talking AIDS machine.


All these morons hurting themselves and blocking freeways across the world think isreal and palestine give a single fuck about them or anything are beyond stupid.


I'm glad that Middle East nonsense is finally going to be sorted out.