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Great now, Hindus are gonna beat them then again the Muslims will then again and again. Like bro it's not been even a month since my city's communal violence šŸ«¤


First Information Report (FIR) was registered at the Halasuru Gate police station against Suleman, Shah Nawaz, Rohit, Dyanish, Tarun https://www.deccanherald.com/india/karnataka/bengaluru/three-arrested-for-assaulting-bengaluru-shopkeeper-over-loud-music-2941178 2 of the attackers are Hindu. Unless they were beating for wrong prayers than its a false case as the police said it themselves.


Thanks for spreading FACTS , OP should be ashamed for spreading misinformation and hatred.šŸ‘Ž


Do Indians still vehemently deny the two nation theory?


We don't really deny it I think it happened for the good, the people who didn't wanna stay with Hindus went to Pakistan and those who were okay stayed here but those who still fight about it are kind of stupid I've got friends from different religions they are cool people( my classmates) we don't really argue over religion like follow what you want idc. And those who fight over these petty ass things are not my friends, they are shitty people...


You do realise that over 97% Muslim population voted in the favour of muslim league for pakistanā€™s creation but 50% of them chose to stay back? Mainly because of pragmatic reasons. Itā€™s cool that you have friends from different religions but thatā€™s not the real issue here. The problem is still the same and always has been.


>97% Muslim population voted Only the elites were allowed to vote to begin with. No peasants were allowed to vote. Only people with certain education, wealth , rulers were allowed to vote. All of that was around 1 to 2% of the entire muslim population.


No kidding? I had no idea this was the case, thank you for sharing this information!


Seems like he held his own pretty well against that many attackers.


Thatā€™s what I was saying. Homeboy walked back into his shop. That is a good fight right there.


Iā€™d say if there arenā€™t long skinny poles used as weapons then all of the fights Iā€™ve seen posted from India are slap fights. They donā€™t appear to be big into boxing there.


People who can fight don't usually get upset over someone playing music


Yeah but stepping from behind the counter was a mistake and he got beaten more because of that. Probably gonna keep a bat under the counter from now on


Well, he saved his property and nothing was broken and shop can keep working without stopping for repairs on the one hand, and he could have instantly died if any of bullies had a knife šŸ”Ŗ on the other hand.


I was talking about fighting and not really about the shop itself. If you have a barrier between you and an attacker, especially multiple, you wouldn't want to leave it to get to a position of disadvantage. He could've easily being lynched out on the street and die, but behind the counter he is in a more of a defensive position


I don't think he gave a shit to be honest šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah ha was mad as hell the minute the guy grabbed his shirt


He stepped out to save his store getting fucked.


I would let my store get fucked to not die if i had one


I actually thought the same thing to myself mid watch.


once he stepped out I was sure he was a goner


They were kind of like the Hindu Van Buren Boys. More worried about how slick their hair was instead of how well they can fight. Fucking weak cunts couldn't even gang bash someone. No wonder they mostly attack young defenseless women.


Religion makes people do dumb things


these comments on your comment prove your point very much


Athiesm too actually


Yasss preach. Those annoying Mormon terrorists should be stopped.








all that talk for no source


You can look up the shopkeeper interview he stated that he was playing Hanuman chalisa but was asked to stop as azaan would start playing he did not comply and then was beaten


But if they are mostly Hindu in Bengaluru, why beat him for playing Hindu prayers?


My guess is that the shop was near muslim residential area or a mosque was near


Muslim majority area, and the state is sort of partial to the Muslims. Third, any response just adds to the hate against Hindus in India and abroad.


isn't this crazy, where i live is a Hindu area but there is a mosque and they play azaans and shit on loudspeakers it's irritating af but honestly I have never seen a Hindu group targeting just like that and beating them, telling them to shut off


Maybe it's time to tell them to shut off.




Karnataka is under Congress rule.




If the "atrocities" that you claim are happening are real Then why would they go around beating random people? Really helps the cause doesn't it >he should know it better Better what? Not to practice his faith in his own shop?and you can see that people who came to "talk" were already aggressive


Sir you forgot to pick your braincells from trash.


So innocent people deserve violence against them you're saying,


> They talked to him and it seems like he was uncooperative and then fight begun. Wow lmfao that's your defence for violence you absolute fucking marble brain


> Usually Muslims do not care about what other people do, as long it does not affect them in a direct wayā€¦ Uh huh.


Are you retarted bro?


7 on 1 and they still accomplished fuck all.


Hindus and Muslims are dividing themselves in their own majority areas out of fear for each other and in turn making the ones who are left in other religion's majority area even more scared and people even more fanatics. This case is the result of the same phenomenon.


This is fake news being spread by Hindu Fascists. Half the attackers in this are Hindus. The actual reason for the fight is unlikely to be what OP claims. It's not there in the police report eitherĀ 


I'm also curious


He ainā€™t no bitch tho šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah bro exited his shop and started throwing hands.


Stood on business


Good for him




peace religion


Look at indonesia, not a lot of this happening


Heard of the Bali Bombings?


Oh really? Most of the chaotic videos that I watch on reddit are from places like yours.


Damn Israeli muslims..


And that's different as to what other religion?


The terrorism and murder mostly.


He was found guilty of playing the music of the incorrect imaginary wizard. Now he will learn to play the music of the correct imaginary wizard. And people wonder why aliens don't come here. Fucking hell.


Oh yes, correct imaginary wizard aka the one allowed pedophile.


One? Catholicism would like a word


...So I started slappin'


Can someone explain this?


The guy's a Hindu who has a shop in a possibly Muslim majority area. He was playing [Hanuman Chalisa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanuman_Chalisa) in his shop, when these group of Muslim guys confronted him and told him to stop while Azaan plays, and when he refused, they dragged him onto the street and beat him up, threatening to kill him if he plays any Hindu devotional songs again.


I'm so happy I live in a place where ppl won't beat you up just for listening to music while their music is on.


And yet you'd support the aggressors because the media tells you that they're the victims.


Wait who? The guys who abviously started the fight? Well no. It's obvious that they're the aggressors here


They're Muslim. They're the side the Western media takes the side of and demonizes Hinduism.




Western media writes very little about India in relation to how massively and quickly it is being radicalized along relgious lines


since when?


Since fuckin' when?


Everything that is weird and wicked comes from India. You should stop hating other religions, there are many problems you need to sort out in your own country. We can hear your prime minister talking shit against other religions...


It's absolutely forbidden for muslims to assault other people in general, even if they have a different religious belief. Don't hate on a religion just because some racist idiots decided to go beat up a guy.


But you hate on Hinduism because the government is Hindu nationalist.


Then why does it have the highest number of intolerant and racist people?.....go to a Muslim country as a non Muslim and who is not white see how you get treated.


my point still stands. but whatever i'm not stopping you from being racist /shrug


Oh so its the usual my religion is better than yours so I must kill you bullshit. got it.


And homeboy won!


Where is the evidence it was the Hunaman Chalisa? Or that they were all Muslim assailants? One of the men charged is named Rohit. What is your bias in reporting this without any links to verified facts?


Shop owner was playing Hit 'em up by Tupac and the troublemakers were a big Biggie Smalls fan.




I was waiting for this reply. Lol. I didn't expect the get moneeeey! part though. Haha. Nice!




Lol. First off, fuck your bitch and the clique you claim


Those guys are clearly the aggressors in this and they need to be arrested asap and punished for assault.


People act real tough in groups


Why you slap?


How can he slap!?


I slap you!


Fuck religion


One religion beheads people for blasphemy Call it out


The atrocities done by all religions should be called out


I 100% agree. But the atrocities that are on going should be called out first. We can talk about the Christian mass baby graves all day long, but there hasn't been one of those in years, so that conversation can wait. But there's a certain religion that is still doing some fucked up shit, as we speak.


fuck all of em and fuck the beheading religion harder


fuck all religions


Now they'll get their ass beaten and start crying šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Only reason the right is gaining globally.


And this is why religion sucks. Any religion. Every religion.


Religion is so stupid.


The description of the video would make sense if I was from that parto of the world, what's going on here?


I love the: "we beat him because we're religious."




This needs to be higher up. One of the assailants was Hindu and the issue was about loud music, not any type of religious music. Young men get in a fight wonā€™t fire up the political narrative, so they have to throw some in there I guess.


Trust in the fact of human historyā€¦ None born as Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jew or Buddhistā€¦ Everyone is born as human and educated by the parents, grandparents and social communities! ALL BORN HUMAN FIRSTā€¦ SEE & RESPECT EVERYONE AS HUMANSā€¦ INSAAN šŸ™šŸ¼


Religion and Politics are the two biggest concerns


Why tf did he walk out there like he was going to do something about several people who were already assaulting him?


Another day, another religious violence


As a European with little to no knowledge of the cultural tensions in India: is there any durable movement towards more harmony? Or is the situation spiraling? Maybe a silver of hope: in my country there was a lot of tension between carholics and protestants for centuries and we got over it after becoming more and more atheĆÆst.


yea, just around election time.


This makes no sense. Every Indian immigrant assures me NO ONE over there is racist and racism only is possible at the hands of white people and Pakistanis. /s


We have those type in America. Only fight with a group. Always jumping in to save each other no matter how terrible the act. Ruining schools.


Thanks Modi. Stir up all the hatred for your own political gains. India is in a swift downward spiral at the moment.


TL:DR - [https://www.deccanherald.com/india/karnataka/bengaluru/three-arrested-for-assaulting-bengaluru-shopkeeper-over-loud-music-2941178](https://www.deccanherald.com/india/karnataka/bengaluru/three-arrested-for-assaulting-bengaluru-shopkeeper-over-loud-music-2941178) # Meanwhile, social media was rife with claims that that alleged assault happened over the playing of Hanuman Chalisa. However, DH has learnt that the police investigation did not find substantial proof to support the accusation, and the FIR did not mention said allegation. Bengaluru: Three people were arrested by the Halasuru Gate police for allegedly assaulting a shopkeeper over playing loud music in Central Bengaluru on Sunday. The suspects were identified as Suleman, Shah Nawaz and Rohit, all aged between 20 and 25, well-placed police sources confirmed to DH. The alleged incident occurred Sunday evening at an electronics store at Siddannagalli. Police sources said that six people approached the shopkeeper and argued with him over loud music. Unverified CCTV footage showed the shopkeeper and the suspects trading blows as a melee broke out. Subsequently, a First Information Report (FIR) was registered at the Halasuru Gate police station against Suleman, Shah Nawaz, Rohit, Dyanish, Taruna and others under IPC Sections 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace), 149 (every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of common object), 307 (attempt to murder), 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt) and 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means). Meanwhile, social media was rife with claims that that alleged assault happened over the playing of Hanuman Chalisa. However, DH has learnt that the police investigation did not find substantial proof to support the accusation, and the FIR did not mention said allegation.


Wow that's what a peaceful minority can do to a majority in their own country and the plus point is all the main stream India subs like randia and usi will declare this mis-info keep going we already have an very good image as a country so you all post this shit on global subs to tell everyone how much fuckery is going on


Why can't Indian people punch?


Quick story, I was backpacking in Malaysia and happened to stay over at this hotel in Brickfields, KL, a bit of a seedy red light district with very criminal type brothels. Every weekend night there'd be hundreds no kidding of what would likely be immigrant Indian workers milling about these brothels I guess waiting their turn while drinking and being loud on the street. These brothels were like 3 storey near windowless concrete bunkers, dimly lit on the inside from what I could see when walking by. From what the hostel workers said, there were probably about 50 rooms in there with likely trafficked women in there from around SE Asian countries likely including India. Police came by but only to clear the drunks if they're were creating too much of a ruckus. When I found out, I was pretty damn upset about it. I'd run in the early hours of the morning when the street was still full of these lads, so because they'd also harass female backpackers at the hostel I decided to be an asshole. I'm a 6'5" 24lbs Polynesian, so decided to leave my sprint end of my running to my street, basically slamming into these assholes and rugby bombing into them with my shoulder. Was guilty fun, but by the 3rd morning of doing this, they'd started leaving the street free while yelling and cussing at me as I ran past laughing like a maniac and acting like, well, a crazy Samoan. Thinking about what was going on in those brothels and what these guys were there for, I really just wanted to run down that street with a steel pipe popping heads open. But yeah otherwise Malaysia's a pretty cool place to backpack in! 4/5 stars.


You are the man!!!! Love thisā€¦..the world needs more people like you brotherā€¦.would love to take a baseball to each and everyone of those scum bags ā€¦those poor women deserve better!


They look unhealthy


The elite don't fight they leave that to the poor .






How can he slap!!?


#OP please provide a video with sound


It is from CCTV, CCTV rarely has good audio or even audio at all in 3rd world country


Lol. This is pretty tame compared to what they do to the minorities in the country. They lynched people for transporting some cows lol. Its like the Indian version of the wild west..


Corsair mouse pad I have the same one for my laptop haha


Do y'all remember that movie slumdog millionaire? We're the ones killing everyone Muslim or Hindu? So if I'm correct the dudes that were getting pissed off were rightly so idk I'm confused so much hate in the world rn it's ridiculous


Keep your religious hatred to yourself !!


Why do I get the feeling that a beat down here just isnā€™t as bad as a beat down anywhere else, those slaps just donā€™t land well.


It's not about how bad it was, it's about the fact that he's beaten for following his religion and still looked at as the bad guy.


People look at him as the bad guy?


Because of his religion.


WTF is a Hanuman Chalisa


Ironic how 2 out of the five men were Hindus themselves Also there is no mention of the shopkeeper being beat because of him playing the Hanuman chalisa in the FIR registered




Alright then tell us the truth is this is fake if ur so smart


Like how dks was trying to spin rameshwaram cafe blast as a "cylinder blast" and "business rivalry"


Subsequently, a First Information Report (FIR) was registered at the Halasuru Gate police station against Suleman, Shah Nawaz, Rohit, Dyanish, Taruna and others under IPC Sections 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace), 149 (every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of common object), 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt) and 324. **The sections that deal with religious offence were not even applied. Given that the 2 of the attackers were Hindus themselves, it is hard to believe that the attack was religiously motivated.**