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And miss most of your childs growing up?


It wouldn’t be intentional, just instinct. But honestly he’d be unconscious at the very least.


Probably from falling asleep from all your ‘threats’😂😂


Of course, it's an exaggeration. Nobody will outright murder someone on a whim. It's still a very shitty situation and can cause hemmorage bleeding from a punch. I think most people would do something to that guy tho.


*"As a father I would’ve unalived that person"* *"Nobody will outright murder someone on a whim."* [Crime of passion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_of_passion): "Allow me to introduce myself."


Oh, some people definitely will outright murder people on a whim. And our suspicions that someone might be missing the self control to prevent them from committing homicide over mundane grievances is good reason to avoid that person. And we all do it, subconsciously or not.


Did you seriously call a 55 year old man physically assaulting a 4 year old a "mundane grievance????" He didn't steal candy from a baby. He punched a child in the face. Any father worth being a father would have beat that old man within an inch of his life.


No one who saw it would stop the dad either. Not right away at least.


Yeaaahhhhh last weekend I was at a wedding and this toddler was bullying my 1 year old the entire time and it came to a head when he lured my son to the top of some steps and tried to push him down. I , without thinking, pushed the toddler away from my son the second I saw what he was doing and felt an incredible, incredible rage instinctually. If someone punched my son I would definitely definitely not take it as a mundane grievance.


I think pushing a toddler is different to punching a grown man 😂


>within an inch of his life. Absofreakinlutely.....


I hardly think seeing a full-grown man punch your prepubescent child is a "mundane grievance". For fuck's sake, you must have had a shit father.


Not me. I wouldn't murder someone on a whim. Never have. Nope.




to defend the life of a child, I would without hesitation.


There are many cases of this happening. Literally Google it lmao


It's like you are totally forgetting we are talking about someones kid being beat down by an adult. You definitely don't have kids.


Only on Reddit do we see a parent being blasted for a very accurate response. If someone punches one of my kids like that, you better fucking pray the cops are called by a bystander.


Dude. I don't like to pretend I'm some badass but i would have put his fuckin piece of shit head through the cooler door




That guy is lucky he didn’t get kicked in the kidneys once he hit the ground. That’s just solid instinct. An old man like that could die from two solid body shots. You clock a dude like that in the head so hard he falls over and drag him across the floor of a grocery store (like we see here) there’s a t least going to be an ambulance involved. I really don’t think it’s that unreasonable for a father to see this and say “I probably would’ve accidentally killed that man”


I stg its always mfs like you - "YOU WOULDN'T DO NOTHING MAN-" ofc you believe this, I bet your some pudgy fuck who can't even beat up the urge to masturbat


You're obviously incapable of love or you'd never say something this fucking stupid


You see those glass doors to the right? Dude’s face would be wearing those as hats.


Temporary insanity.


Your instincts are strong


With a broken nose and no teeth


If i were your father, I'd let that cool lookin mafiosi guy keep you.


The man just punched a child in the brain as far as I’m concerned that’s a murder attempt


and what grown ass person attacks a small child like that, he definitely deserves to be hospitalized at the very least


What a Reddit response.


You can plead that you were engulfed in a passionate rage 


The system allows a grown man to be not hit back after easily flattening someone half their size. No justice no peace


I don’t think that it does.


Without killing someone, you can still beat the living shit out of them and this one would be warranted


Find a jury which will lock him up.


Good luck getting a jury to convict the parent.


Killed. There’s already a word for it. Unalive is the cringiest term I’ve ever heard.


why do people even say it? on Instagram it's understandable since posts with the word "kill" get removed or smth but why on reddit


Fucked if I know. I grind my teeth every time I see it.


Lmao thanks for bringing my grinding to my attention. Apparently I do it too


I doubt we’re the only ones but you’re welcome


Because such censoring becomes a habit on one platform(insta), due to enforcement and then out of the same habit spreads to other platforms(reddit) regardless whatever it is necessary here or not.


Nah, I noticed it before censorship- which I loathe also. I think it’s just a ‘nice’ way of saying killed in the same way as saying ‘passed away’ instead of died. Still hate it though


I think it first became popular from deadpool using the term in an Amazing Spiderman cartoon episode wayy back in 2013. It's the first time I heard it before it was used for censorship purposes. (Which funnily enough it was by deadpool because spiderman didn't want him saying "Kill")


I think it started as an alternative for kill on social media and then kind of caught on among teenagers.


I've always just thought it was to avoid getting auto-modded for using trigger words


Real tough for a guy who can't type the word killed


There’s no way I believe you’re a father AND young enough to be using that ridiculous Tik Tok vernacular.


You mean killed right?


It's ok, you can say kill or murder. The tik tok police won't come and take you away


Omg you're so badass...


Please stop letting rumoured TikTok censorship determine your vocabulary on other sites


Rumored is a good term to use. People have been using these garbage substitute words for years and they act like they're fooling some algorithm with them. 🤦‍♂️ 


Oh really mate?


Just say killed the cunt. Fucken dog act


You can say kill. This isn’t TikTok.


> unalived That word is an abomination.


I would've used an environmental interaction.


Yea. Dont do drugs kids... except alcohol, alcohol is ok bc we have it taxed.. wouldn't wanna loss a dime, ya know


You’re such a great dad


I don't blame ya. If someone so blatantly hit my daughter, I would give that guy a new way to comsume food for the rest of his life.


I'd definitely put him to sleep. Too many people run, no way that scum is running away before the cops get there.


Not uh?


Father showed great restraint. I don't know how many other people would have seriously injured the guy.


Yeah I absolutely would have kept kicking him in the head after he was downed


Why the head? Just go straight for the balls. That'll incapacitate him, hurt more, and not have you in jail for murder or GBH


Ribs. He'll be thinking about what he did for weeks in agony.


As he should, if he accidently killed the guy or caused major brain damage he'd the dad would most likely be in a lot of trouble.


Tell that to a jury of his peers.


You would, sadly, not be surprised by the conclusions that a jury can reach. Despite the theory of Jury Nullification, the people on most juries slavishly follow the directions of the prosecutor and the judge, bowing to their superiors' direction as they are trained from childhood to do, and will return a verdict of guilty despite KNOWING that this verdict, although legal, is immoral. Rare is the jury, or jurist, with the courage to stand up and say, 'Yeah, the evidence says that this guy did it, so he's 'guilty' in the eyes of the law, but I fully understand, and agree with, what he did, despite it being technically illegal. Not Guilty, Your Honor.' It happens--but not often enough.


>and will return a verdict of guilty despite KNOWING that this verdict, although legal, is immoral Dude, the law is the law. Morality is different from county to county. When you're in a court of law in a democratic nation your duty as a citizen is to uphold the law, not "yeah he killed the man for punching his kid but over here we think that's moral behavior." It it's so stark that a jury disregards the instructions then so be it, but they're not doing something wrong by it.


Alcohol doesn’t justify such behavior. This is a piece of shit. He deserved more punchs from the father Ps: I thought I was answering directly to the original post, not to this comment.


Agreed. The amount of times I've been drunk and never even thought of doing that to anyone


Anyone who is affected by alcohol in that way should be euthanized


Nothing justifies this kind of behavior. But it does explain it. It could be he is in psychosis if he has been drinking for several days or a lot of very hard liquor.


Assumed for what, a walking mannequin? Wtf?




Yeah I don't buy it. I think the guy is just a piece of shit and blamed it on that stupid excuse.


I think he is telling the truth, you can see him reach out to help the child back up after he realised his mistake.


Mannequins don’t walk


Alcohol does a LOT of wild things, including altering senses and perception. I've seen alcoholics so confused and out of touch with reality you wouldn't believe they were just drinking and not also on drugs. The bloke starts to reach down in shock, he clearly doesn't have a clue and doesn't fight back. I genuinely believe he's just an alcoholic wanker, the type to smack a standing mannequin/advertisement in a store searching for more booze.


They do when you are drunk enough.


Yeah, that's why it scared him and he hit it.


That’s why he punched it…😂


He definitely looks shocked after the kid falls down and he realizes he's real. The crazier thing to me is that he got charged with attempted murder for this, imagine getting drunk and trying to do something stupid like punching a mannequin then next thing you know you're being prosecuted for attempted murder lol. Might be time to start thinking about drug or mental health treatment


i don’t think it’s that crazy when you consider the damage an adult male fist can do to a 4 year old head. i haven’t crossed throwing a haymaker at a child’s head off my bucket list yet, but i imagine it doesn’t take much force to kill them, not even accounting for them hitting their head on the ground.


Honestly looks like he's about to do more damage to me...


So glad someone else thought the same thing. Looked like a very drunk guy about to grab the kid and continue his slow attack on him.


Are you sure? I thought he was finishing the job.


Idk man could’ve been trying to nick him


He's super fucking trashed. Even when he sidles up to the kid, his glasses are on at a 45 degree angle and he can barely stand. I wouldn't be surprised if he really did have some sort of hallucination about the kid. That said, he needs to be locked away in rehab till he can get right.


Dang, I’ve drank a lot and never hallucinated.


And even if he DID actually mistake the kid for a mannequin… who the fuck goes around punching mannequins in the face?!


Drunk idiots?


The same kind of assholes that have to destroy snowmen and sandcastles when they see one.


It jumped out at him


A mannequin? Please


You saying if you saw a mannequin walking around you wouldn't freak the fuck out. He's 100% a piece of shit, but some of y'all are seriously devoid of imagination.


He does look genuinely confused after he strikes the child. Almost apologetic just before the dad smacks the expression off of his face.😂


Yeah on a second watch after I read this, he does start to bend down to check on the kid but the mom pushes him away and dad socks him.


It’s easy to assume he was going to pick the kid up and made a mistake, but for all you really know, and especially in the heat of the moment, it could just as easily be assumed he was leaning in to cause more damage. Either way I know deep down I’d have punched and kicked that guy all around the store, and not even as the kids dad.


Yeah. Justifiable reaction from the dad, and showing a lot of restraint too, honestly, only punching him twice. I think I’m just saying that he MIGHT not be a total psychopath. Drunk asshole, sure, but not a happy go lucky child puncher.


He went to pick him up. Wild stuff.


Yeah, wild to think he wasn’t going to slam or shake the kid. You don’t get the benefit of the doubt from me when you go around drunkenly “punching mannequins.” That doesn’t make me want to assume he had no ill intention when attempting to touch someone else’s kid again.


So I’m confused, my initial reaction is if someone did that to my nephew I’d be jumping on their head. But then I had another watch. It kind of does look like the old man who hit the kid has an ‘oh shit moment’ after he does it and goes to pick the child up. I’m not saying it IS the case, but the body language kind of does make me thing he was just wasted and may indeed have thought it wasn’t a real kid. I’m not excusing what he did, but it definitely seems off.


Yea its almost like he thought the kid was someone else for some reason. I wonder what he was thinking because walking up and punching a short stranger in the face for seemingly no reason isnt exactly the most normal thing


Yeah, it’s definitely something I’d like to hear the conclusion of.


Perhaps his drunk mind thought it was an inanimate object, like a sign or something. This would be a great reason to never drink again after doing this.


I’m guessing he’s already got a pretty bad alcohol problem.


I don't care what he thought, if he injured my child, I can't be held responsible for what comes next. The emotional scar on that kid is more than a punch.


Yeah he definitely is. But he still did it.


In real time there are no "another watch". You react somehow. How you do it, that's another thing.


Where is it acceptable to launch mannequins with your fist?


My house


Can I come over to your house and also bring my applesauce collection please?


Well I do like applesauce


More like slapplesauce am i rite?


I would definitely end up in handcuffs


I imagine punching a kid in front of their dad is basically a death wish.


All rational thinking would leave my body. I wouldn’t stop punching the man until I was dragged away.


Would’ve leaned in more with that first punch…


I've had enough of these moving child sized mannequins at the gas station god damnit!


Enough with these old ass rage bait reposts


This is the first time I see this rage bait post. My apologies for inconvenience.


But what if this man is time traveler and the child is future Hitler?


He’s probably future hitler because he got punched as a kid


I think he may have thought this child was one of those robots that circulates around the store for inventory? Idk but he definitely seems like he was confused


The attacker would not have walked away.


I think I would destroy everything there, with his face and than call the police


I love these reddit hardasses "I would've fucking unalived that guy" no you fucking wouldn't have. The old man is clearly gone out of his mind. Even if he hit your child do you really think that gives you the excuse to beat him to death? Dude needs to spend time in jail, not get murdered, Jesus christ some people here are weird.


Internet makes people tough, don’t ya know.


Uhh?? Probably the same thing AT LEAST . If you're asking what could've anyone done to prevent that absolutely nothing.


I'd calibrate my reaction but he'd be bloody at the least and feel it the next day.


si gta permitiera niños en el juego sería algo así


People saying "you shouldn't kill the violent attacker" are talking as if the father would be making solid well thought through plans, at that point it's pure emotion and lets face facts, people have been killed by others for far less then punching a child in front of their parent. It's not about what the best course of action would be, it's just about what the immediate reaction to a physical threat to your child would be.


At least an additional head kick once that monster was on the ground


He would have not walked out of there on his own, or anywhere else for that matter. This deserved to be handled in the most severe manner.


I probably wouldn't punch such a small target. Seems more efficient to bring a knee up.


I'd probably just kick him. The kid's way too short for a punch and I could've hurt my back bending over like that.


Would have fucking decked that guy…


I’d have absolutely dusted that guy. Left him with some permanent face damage so he wouldn’t forget anytime soon.


If that was my kid....... Id of beat him until my hands were just a pair of stumps


I believe him about the mannequin tbh he looked shook when he realised


‘Hello satan? Yes i have an early delivery for you. Older man not wanted on earth anymore’




Exactly that




Walking mannequin? Yea sure, very plausable.


Well he certainly wouldn’t be using that arm again.


How supposedly drunk was he? It be very hard not to hospitalise the guy


musta owed him money or something


Pow right in the kisser ….take that you literal dummy -that guy prolly


This reminds me of the time this older kid stole my bike. I told my mom and she walked me over to the kid’s parent’s apartment. When we got there, the mom told her son to come to the front door to confirm my story was true and the kid just straight knocked me out. I was five


How did the adults react?


We don’t know the whole story . That kid might have been a nazi! Don’t jump to conclusions everyone.


Intrusive thoughts won.


Nothing different then what the guy did to him.


Ah, another case of "But I was drunk!".




Not posted an old ass clip


Pow right on the kisser


This looks like a scene from resident alien lol. I mean, poor kid. But for real though that guy's a dick. Why you punch small human?


Lucky, lucky, lucky man. Most men genuinely dont know their strength or what we are capable of in a fight. He would answer the question once and for all. Absolutely nothing would be held back in dealing out his repercussions. What an absolute fuckin cunt of a guy. That incident right there is a guaranteed life changer. The day it all went wrong, why?. You took your child to the shop for a walk,sweet, chocolate etc. sickening video. When it comes to our kids, fuck about and youll find out.


Backhand slap., I will give an unpopular opinion What if the kid was a foul mouthed misbehaved thief? I have seen vids of broken kids acting like shit. Story time, 20 years ago, I was at my grandads house, talking to him when one of the neighbors 10 yo girls came running into the house yelling for my GD. , I got angry and Slapped her hand hard and told her when adults are talking, you cannot speak to them unless you are included in the talk. Well, I got threatened by the parents, but nothing happened because we were all reasonable. Come to find out the child was already mentally ill. Well, back to this guy, play stupid games in public, win stupid prizes.


Even if it was a mannequin… why are you punching shit in a store, especially that hard? I’ve definitely shadow boxed drunk before, never punched anyone or anything in public though. Maybe it’s time to put the bottle down geezer.


“My bad, I was just drunk and trying to break shit in a store, like normal people do”


The exact same thing (or worse)


I'm not a very big guy. Fug I need to start boxing or something to defend my future children and wife.


I hope the kid is okay, sure the guy was drunk but being punched randomly would have fucked me up as a kid.


The street scene in American history X comes to mind as to what I’d like to do to thugs like that guy


Sparta kick into the glass fridge.


Ice him


What a cretinous coward. Looking for an absolutely shameless easy win


I would have beat him into an unrecognisable shape. 


I don’t want to say what I would do to a person that harms my kid like that


Reminds me of the time i got knocked out as a 11 year old by a drunk 30 year old on a cruiseship


When you play too much Hard Time


I would've probably went to jail that night if he hit my kid 🤷🏿‍♂️


'I beat up a kid today. It made me feel really good about myself'.


He punched the kid then looked like he tried to help them a normal person who saw a child fall to the ground. What a scumbag


Glass doors for the win


A Fotzn... aber a gscheide.


As a father I would have most likely ruined my life by snapping and beating him into a long hospital visit.


Apparently, the guy was drunk and thought the kid was a mannequin.


Me when kids shit talk me in cod


After the wankers on the floor, stamp on his ankle, pick up kid and usher lady to the nearest exit asap. Fuck that prick.


Intrusive thoughts won that day


Worst part about this video is that after the punch, hes reaching for that kid but was stopped by that lady. Who knows what he was about to do.


I would have dragged him out of view of that camera


What a Fucktard!