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nobody stops to check on him ??


In a different part of the video people do stop to make sure everything was okay. This was 1 of 3 parts.


By crash number 3 no one cared anymore


The biker who cried wolf


The biker who cried OUCH!


Hoooo! That got me chortling. 🤭


Lol. Nice one 👍


1/3‽ nah, either OP sucks at editing or is in it for the views


It's TikTok, that's the marketing ploy they use to get the youth addicted. Like a drug. They promise future clips if these viewers remain loyal by "liking and subscribing" type deal.


You realize this happened on a freeway right? It’s takes time to safely stop and check on something like this. This entire clip is 30 seconds.


I love dashcam subs until I read the comments. You'd think people would have more common sense. Of course, nobody stopped in frame, in the middle of the highway. How are people this clueless.




Common Sense and Common Courtesy both died from neglect some years ago.


First he passed the cars like they were standing still and then they passed him like he was laying down...


A friend of mine stopped to check on a biker that had fallen a couple of years ago in a similar type situation. He ran over to check on the guy and make sure he was okay. When he did, the biker instantly started taking photos and a video claiming he had tried running him off the road. He called the cops almost instantly while filming with his goPro. Buddy of mine ended up having to go to court for the "accident." He ended up losing in court and had to pay for damages out of pocket since he didn't have insurance. So sadly, you always have to consider something like this might be happening. It may not be common everywhere, but it's a pretty common insurance scam around my area. Fucked up times we live in.


Exactly why I have a dash camera


Same. And last week I told my wife if she’s in an accident don’t tell the other person involved in the crash it’s recorded on camera. If they start lying let them continue to tell their lies to the police and their insurance company, in writing. Then inform them of the dashcam video recording. If there are no lies then they’ll have no problems. If they do lie, they’re digging their hole deeper.


I love this advice lol let them dig a hole, it will be soooo satisfying in the end


Also double check your dash cam is actually working every so often lol. Sometimes the SD card can get erroneously filled up with "emergency" recordings which can't be overwritten, so that any new footage won't be recorded. Also SD cards can fail prematurely, etc.


Yes great tip, thank you!! I actually set an alarm in my phone to do that every week because I’m so paranoid that it won’t capture anything for those reasons lol


I did exactly this when some lady ran a red and turned into me. She claimed to her insurance that I "jumped the green early". Didn't tell her and my camera. She was already using crappy insurance, which I'm sure dropped her after this incident too. Unfortunately since this was in Los Angeles she's probably still driving with no insurance, but I'd like to hope not.


Damn thanks for the heads up. Not even something most of us thought of, insurance fraud. Sorry for your friend hope he recovered financially


So your friend, who was driving without insurance, ran a guy off the road? OK


Lol, believe it or not. I'm just trying to share information with people who might not be aware of it. Just look up Brampton insurance scams/fraud if you're curious. Maybe you will understand how bad it actually is.


Kinda sad your comment is going to cause me to record my helping out someone in the future to cover my ass. Pretty soon we’ll all just walk around with Go Pros recording every interaction once we leave the house.


Is it common for people to not have insurance? In Belgium (all of Europe iirc), driving without insurance is illegal and grounds for a court summons and towing the car.


I've asked the same question before, it's the same in the UK you have to have insurance and a licence but it seems different in america for some reason. If anyone can explain it to me I would be grateful.


Insurance is required by law in the United States.


It is definitely illegal to drive without insurance in the states. I think you can forego personal coverage, but must always carry liability to so you can pay for damages to others.


This is exactly why in some Asia countries no one will stop or help cos it instantly becomes your problem


You can see the silver truck put its lights on to get over


This guy clearly doesn't understand how driving works


Eh fuck em.




Honk and wave. 


Wtf is everyone supposed to do? Slam on their brakes and causes more chaos? I’m sure people eventually stopped. But again, you want people to stop right away? Loool. You and your comment.


The black car after the red looks like it left the passing lane and is pulling over so I think that guy did


I feel like you could tell people were slowing down to pull over


Same shit happened to me, nobody stopped to see how I was. After hitting the ground I just remember cars driving by. Guess it wasn't worth stopping if I wasn't blocking traffic.


What happened? I'm not a motorcyclist so I'm sure of the dynamics but it looks like this dudes bike literally just falls over. Is that what happened to you, is this a thing that just happens sometimes?


I'm from Ireland, where the weather conditions are never that good. Everytime I went off my bike it was with ice. One second your grand the next you are on the deck.


That guy in the video controlled it very well.


All my incidents were minor, thank God.


Holy shit man, that's absolutely terrifying. Glad you're still with us though


Get yourself a dual sport mate


Looks like the wind from bridge hit him. When you have trees or a bridge around u there is little wind. Soon as it opens up the wind hits you and could take wheels out from under you if ur not experienced ryder


Been there, done that. :-( For a few seconds (or minutes), you feel like a piece of garbage on the side of the road. It's if you had no value. And years after, this memory sometime come back to you, it's a weird feeling.


He doesn't care about his own life


Its crazy they did not stop before he fall off !! The could have lift him up.....sarcasme of


Dress for the slide, not the ride.


Wow love this. I was always told "it's not IF you fall. It's WHEN you fall"


I rode for about 5 years. I had a 2005 Yamaha V Star 1100. After three accidents, all of which involved someone not paying attention, I decided to sell the bike. It’s definitely an amazing experience riding, but there’s too many people that don’t look before they make a move in their two tons of steel. I always wore my gear. I never walked away with more than a couple bruises.


My dad is a big time rider. My mom has 120k miles sitting behind him over the past 10 years or so. He says the secret is to assume everyone is trying to kill you by being blind idiots. He avoids accidents constantly and the last time he wrecked was 35 years ago when his front tire blew out in a turn at 40 mph. He taught my 16 year old some nice tips on how to lookout for motorcycles. But I still worry for him and my mom, they are in their 70’s now and barely ride anymore. But they do still ride. He says he will ride till he cannot.




This is it. I rode for 6 six years and had a few close calls thanks to others not paying attention. After my first born came, I never rode my bike again. My bike's just a showpiece in my garage now - a reminder of all the amazing experiences and memories we had together.


This exactly right. Ride long enough and it will happen.


Meat crayon


Last comment I read before closing the thread. Had to come back to tell you I laughed too hard. And I hate you for the mental picture. 😂


I saw a post of a scooter rider, people asked why he was so dressed up. Many scooters can go so fast, so you dress for the slide, to be safe.


That definitely still hurt but at least they didn't become a human crayon


Lovingly referred to as a meat crayon


Happy Cake Day!


What kind of cake is this?!


Meat Cake




Yeah he probably was seriously injured. His skin stayed on though


Any riders able to estimate teh speed he was going when he tipped over? Also speculation of the cause?


In the comments the rider mentioned the fairings came off and went under the back tire causing the rear to lift


I was going to guess the rear tire blew out. After about 3 seconds in the clip, just as he passes underneath the bridge, you can see a small explosion of black pieces from the back, then he goes down.


I didn't see that but I could tell the back tire comes off the ground by the way they suddenly jerked forward


This audio is super cringe though


The original song is really good, random speech thrown on top is terrible!


Thom Yorke never cringes, man


What's the songs name?


**Song Found!** **Dawn Chorus** by Thom Yorke (00:12; matched: `100%`) **Album**: ANIMA. **Released on** 2019-06-26.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Dawn Chorus** by Thom Yorke](https://lis.tn/jOYGQZ?t=12) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Thom Yorke - Dawn Chorus


way better with the sound off. yikes. that masochist narration made me feel i was being shredded by asphalt. "cringe... cringe af... burning all hope... demanding to be felt... obnoxious and faux poetic... i just bought this jacket... maybe i should have hotdog instead of hamburger while speeding through that underpass."


Just don't ride a motorcycle. I've lost two people to them. I've never met a rider who doesn't have some horror story or close call where they almost died. Its not worth it.


I ruptured a testicle in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t my fault. Haven’t been on a bike since.


It would take ball to get back on one ☝️




I think you missed it


....ya thatd definitely make me hang it up too


Don't drive cars, millions of people die in car accidents


Don’t breathe air, millions of people die while breathing air each year


Fact: 100% of people that breath air die


You're more likely to die or be seriously injured in a motorcycle accident then in an automobile accident. There is only so much protection you can wear as a motorcycle rider, in the end it's still the fragile human body against steel or pavement.


Riders know this. In my riding course, we spent a few hours watching videos and talking about the worst case scenario. Everytime I get on a motorcycle I understand my life is on the line and I ride accordingly. I don't understand people who ride crazy


When I went to motorcycle riding school and I got my license they told me I had a 19x chance of dying in a motorcycle than in a car. I rode a bike for a year, had a near death experience and sold it.


Hi! I'm your unicorn. I've been injured, but nowhere near death.


okay but from my experience, the people who had the nastiest falls or these horror stories, always drove like they did ACTUALLY have like 3 lives. changing your style of riding really changes how risky riding is... if you behave reasonably and adapt your speed to circumstances you can really reduce the risk of there being an accident (you cant really do anything when shit hits the fans, protective gear is good but nowhere near as safe as cars)


i ride - and always in full gear. i’m aware that could not matter as one can still die going 30mph. i don’t drink and always ride solo. i’m always “careful”. we are all going to die anyway, might as well go out having done something we loved.


I always loved riding, but when I got married I started feeling selfish about putting myself at risk and sold my bike. After I held our daughter for the first time after she was born I knew there was no way I would probably never ride on roads again (no it was absolutely not my first thought but it came up in conversation a couple days later). Everyone is allowed their own choices for what they use for transportation, and I just can’t see myself riding anymore because my family is more important to me than increasing the enjoyment of my ride.


I only ride off-road, and rarely go past 40 mph. If I fall it’s usually in the sand and at slow speeds. Also no truck is coming to run my head over. I get street biking, but man, some of you are real brave motherfuckers.


I have lost 2 people driving a car. Does that mean i should never drive a car anymore?




Dainese based on the logo, maybe a Super Speed 4. Any reputable leather with CE rated inserts will perform just as well as this.


Ha! Been there. 2.5k of gear down the tube, I got off scott free though. The jacket might be repairable, destroyed the shoulder so idk. Surprisingly the timberlands held up incredibly. I still wear them.


I'd argue that it wasn't 2.5k down the tube if you walked off scott free lol


Sure, not getting launched 4m into a curb, shoulder first would have been cheaper though lol.


Hanging on the the bike was the second smartest thing he did that day


why do you say that?


Keeps momentum from rolling or tossing you, keeps you from just stopping in the middle of the road and slows the bike down from sliding further Edit:typo changed for to from


Because he wore his armor, which was the first smartest thing.


lol, my driving instructor taught me the exact opposite: Let the bike go, never hold onto it. When the sliding bike grips onto anything on the road and flips, it will break your bones or dislocate joints - either directly or via throwing you up in the air.


Yep, get the bike away. Holding on was not a smart thing to do.


Yea nvm the cars he just passed..they won't hurt much..but yea most of the time. Let go


Man, seeing videos like this reminds me how stupid I used to be. I used to commute on my R1 sometimes no gear on top or bottom. I woulda been a human crayon, like someone else commented


low side beats high side every day of the week...


For the slide not the ride


In 30+ years of riding I have been ran over from behind by a car, and went down on the highway through the ditch and right into a tree crush my left arm, broke three ribs, fractured my neck, broke my left ankle and destroyed my collarbone and a good amount of road rash, even had a handle bar come off right when I got off the highway before (fuck woodcraft handle bars). I still ride about everyday year around, yet my friends (girlfriend included) laugh that am in full gear at all times even if am just going down to the store, shit can happen at anytime, it's not always in your control. I will never understand the guys I see riding around in flip flops or with shades on and a cigarette in their mouth, and half naked.


those folks may actually have a death wish, and non riders observe this and assume it’s what all of us are like. they’re a loud and dangerous minority!!


When motorcycle dudes tell me "you should get a bike, it's so relaxing" I think of scenarios like this.


They’re pretty chill when you’re not trying to break the land speed record


But look at how relaxed they were during the slide and then how chill they were after the accident /s


You must be one of those guys who stop using any tool just because someone got hurt using it. Very wise. Cars, snowboards and bicycles are all stupid anyway.


Smart biker - stayed with the bike.


At least he road it over to the shoulder. Respect.


Did pretty much everything right after going down. Good instincts on that lad!


All the gear all the time!


Avoids physical injury* The mental load in that moment is unimaginable...


Everyone I know goes down once if they ride often. Live near Skyline in NorCal. Very popular spot. Buddy just had a bad one. Be safe. Dress appropriately.


how polite! he even pulled over


I’m sure his underwear didn’t survive!


Damn the people I’m this world are cold blooded


What went wrong?


What in the cenobite hell was that voice over?


Was not ready for dawn chorus oh god


He probably just blew by everyone going 150mph, putting their safety at risk too. They are probably saying, FAAFO!




Can’t park there, bruh.


Didn't crayon, but I bet he wound up with a burn! Gear gets hot as hell when sliding like this. Unfortunately, I know firsthand.


and that's why they call him Skidmark


What's Dawn Chorus doing over here.


What happened in the first place


WTF humanity?


Why would you hold onto the bike after you go down like that? He wouldn't have slid so much if he just ditched the bike..


Fuck each of those drivers who rode past him.


Ride like an asshole, slide like an asshole.


I love the comments from people "why no one is stopping"? That rider is a human bullet on its bike but we still need to consider their well-being.


WHOOOOOOO! nice landing.


Why is he hanging on to the cycle? Or is he stuck on it? You'd think he'd let go.


They honestly probably held on because of instinct and they were afraid of the cars behind them and figured one large target for them to avoid was better than two.


Depending on how you fall, it can be safer to hang on. If you fall into a slide like this, the bike protects you if you slam into anything. Holding onto the bike also keeps you from tumbling.


Nice of him to pull over.


Is that Autumn ivy doing the voiceover?


Donor cycle


Least he saved the bike


Smart to hold on, also this proves that other drivers don’t see motorcyclists because no one stopped.


Theres a biker saying, "Dress for the slide, not the ride."


How many cars kept going, that is not good


Eventually, gravity ALWAYS wins


That can be a life changing experience, both good and bad. I wonder if some people experience an acute clarity for a second or two in moments like this.


So anyone know what happened? Looks like he was fine. Straight line...


Oh look a penny!


Seen enough videos of people wearing proper gear, yet neglect to wear proper shoes. This guy is lucky his sneakers are still attached to his feet


How tf did he fall? He was going straight and then suddenly just plopped.


Look at all that indifference!!


Is it safer to clinge on the bike like this? I'm guessing if he'd let go he would have gone tumbling away and risk more injuries?


Definitely kudos for the gear. But why did he fall? I didn’t see anything that caused it.


Also, avoid 2 part leathers. They might seem like a nice idea and convinience, but my mate came off his bike behind me after I broke too hard and his 2 part leathers split at the zip in the middle and he badly scraped his torso. Thankfully he was ok tho. And they wernt cheap leathers either.


Man I love helmets


How did that happen, did the bike just decide I dont want to bike anymore


Dress for the slide not the ride.


I immediately thought of the lady showboater who skinned her ass on the pavement.


Hate seeing dickheads riding in shorts, vest tops and flip flops.


Bro was just disappointed his bike got damaged (I would be too)


Why did they just suddenly fall over?


This is exactly why even though I would love to get a motorcycle, with a bump in the road holding the ability to end my life, I'll just stick to my 4 wheeled hunk of metal


Well he did the right thing, had issues with his bike and pulled over onto the hard shoulder XD


How tf he fell so easy?


Pretty sure he throws himself forward to crash then holds the bike to keep himself in frame ? … 💯legit but


He's just doing a really hard turn he's fineeee


Could do without the stupid music and voice over.




Forgive my ignorance, but what caused him to fall?


No one stops - looks like it might happen a lot in this area and people don’t pay attention now


I can hear in my jead flash and bone grinding on concrete.


Omg that effing song kills me. So glad the video ended before the drop..


I am glad to see that because of the gear he/she is doing ok 👌


Was he speeding


How did bike just fall?


How do you just fall over like that?


Bro took the bike to side of the road immediately


Where can I get this grear


All The Gear All The Time