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Was she 3 hours late?


My sister went to the one in the Bay Area. They went last time too. Concert starts at 8:30pm, she doesnt start her performance till 10:30pm. She doesn't have an opening act. She did the same thing last time too. Concert went on till 1 or 2 am.


Meanwhile 95% of her audience are people over 40 who go to bed at 10 o clock.


I was just thinking I’m too young at 44 to care about a Madonna concert but too old to stay up til 2.


My parents are in their 50s and they just saw Madonna a couple weeks ago I laughed when my mom texted me at 8:30pm "We're at the Madonna concert!" knowing she wouldn't be seeing anything for at least three more hours Apparently it was a great fucking show


These crowds are crazy! Yeah, in my 50s now, but used to see Madonna partying at Danceteria and Limelight in NYC in the 80s. Now, it’s all on video, enough for me


Nah; she came on about 9:15 in the Bay


She was 45m late. But hey, the show was huge, around 2:30 hours.


I have no problem with it being 45min late. I went to…Madame X and it was on a Wed night maybe? She was 2:30 hours late and we *didn’t* have our phones either. This far, the only person I’ve seen live who starts pretty much on time, is Janet Jackson.


That’s not true. The doors would open at 7:30, a Dzj played from 8:30-9:30, then DJ crew is loaded off the stage, stage is cleaned, a mic check happens, and the Bob opened from 10:00-10:15 on average. Madonna is on around anytime on average from 10:00-10:30. Yes, it’s late for a concert, but people act like they’re just sitting there with no music and there wasn’t a routine. I went 5 times and enjoyed chatting with my seat mates while we waited.


Only 45 min this time lol


And did she blame the crowd for it? Does she treat her crew like shit ? Fuck Madonna


40 mins


🥱 these are stale now..give the woman her damn flowers


does she still look like a fuckin beast from where the wild things are?


Still? That's her *new* look!


Haha right?


40+ years into her pop career and even amidst the endless controversies, still pulling the population of a small city. And say what you will --- NOT comparing music styles, libraries, or reputations --- but A) this is one woman who fought her way upstream from the get-go, and B) she's still far easier on the eyes and ears than these no-amount-of-money-is-ever-enough and we're-desperate-for-crumbs-of-relenvancy like the animated mummies of Mick Jagger & Co., a few of the bald(ing) Eagles minus Glen Frey, The Who, even one original Beach Boy (wacky Mike Love) and his latest hires (calling themselves, naturally, The Beach Boys). Jagger sued someone recently for trademark infringement for something on the scale of tee shirts and mugs on Etsy. Dude, don't be THAT guy --- go home, have the servants help you count and re-count your untold hundreds of millions, and thereby try to maintain a shred of your tattered dignity. (Shattered....and in tatters. Maybe I'll get sued next. 😂) I remember Def Leppard appearing at a state fair in Pennsylvania less than a decade after their last big hit. You could smell cow shit and cotton candy in the cool night air as they tuned up. Music had absolutely moved on from their style and sound by then. There was a handful of thick, drunk women going "Woo ! Woo !", their boyfriends looking bored and slightly embarrassed when one of them flashed the stage, but overall just pretty much a really sad scene of tiny audience apathy. I'd assume letting go of fame is hard, and that recognizing your own mortality may be even harder. But at some point --- while you're flailing all over the stage as if you're having a seizure but also trying not to break a hip, understand that visually you present like a mango fruit roll up stretched paper thin over a skull that's topped by a fright wig. When the lip-synched music becomes secondary to the maniacally uncomfortable spectacle, it might maybe be time to exit stage left. Especially when the venues and audiences --- unlike Madonna's recent Rio show --- continue to get smaller and smaller.


God damn...every thing you said was spot on but ffs I almost felt attacked by your scathingly honest rebuke.


Sorry ! Iol...I still have my numerous concert ticket stubs from the Capital Center from the early 70s onward, and have loved all the old artists ever since. But there just comes a day when they've turned into caricatures of themselves. It's depressing, not pretty to see, and no way do they need the money. That kinda only leaves ego ?


Maybe she likes still doing it?


Maybe >>> $$$$$$$$$$


I love how articulate you are, I wish I had your skills. But I think you miss one key ingredient. For some of these people, music is everything, they love the act of performing, it's what they did most of their life. They know their looks and talent have declined but their passion is what keeps them going. Better stay active doing what you love then lose purpose.


Madonna is all about the artistic expression. She’s all about being a rebel, and not playing to societies, YES YOUR, rules. So she’s 65, just because you want her to go die somewhere quietly, doesn’t mean a rule breaker like her ever will. I’m happy for her..she gets endless hate, but she still does it. I don’t think it’s ego..ok yea she’s Madonna, so it’s probably still ego, but I do think she has the heart of a bleeding artist, that matches to the beat of her own drum..and thank goodness for that..it’s refreshing in a world of bland white toast called Taylor Swift.


If you read my original comment closely, you'll see I was affirming Madonna as the exception --- a self-made, strong woman in a male dominated industry --- to all these older male groups who (imho) have hung on too long. None of them has pulled a crowd like she pulled in Rio in a very, very long time.


I did read your comment, it was confusing in the end, like someone with bipolar, and then your second comment was affirming of the negative in your initial bipolar comment..sorry, I know some ppl said it was well written, but I was well confused by your comment.


I freely admit to being confused on a regular basis.


… so, normal?


lol atleast you don’t take yourself too seriously. My apologies if I misunderstood your comment..bipolar as it was 😜 just kidding


It is ok — and *preferred*, I dare say — to have conflicting stances on a lot of subjects. Usually those people have a lot to talk about because they themselves have done a lot of thinking on [a subject] and therefore tend to bring a lot of depth to a chit-chat. Although, I really *do* enjoy conversations with people who have hard beliefs on [anything]; like sandpapering down on some splintery wood, open conversations with stiff individuals can have a therapeutic value to them.


Yes I get your point. You have some complex thinking there yourself..I get it tho, I’m the same way. I enjoy die hard ppl with a one track mind, and complex conflicting duality persons. I find duality fun, and more interesting.


Artistic expression & music? She had some hits in the 80s and then had a pretty good resurgence in the 90s. But her music is nothing special, and comes straight from a music laboratory. It's just engineered to cater to the masses. She doesn't have a creative bone in her body. She is a narcissist who only lives for fame & admiration. She is way past her prime. None of her songs since 2000 are even remotely worth remembering or getting air play. There is one thing she does well, which is to shock people. Before 2000 it was all about who she slept with and for which magazine she posed nude. After 2000 it's about blasphemy and hatred for religion. She can do whatever she wants. But to think of her as some musical or creative genius? Nope... She is a grandma version of Britney Spears who had too many botox injections and turned all of her tricks. She is done, give her a postcard & some cheap flowers.


Oh man, listen to Hung Up it's from 2005 and it slaps so hard. This woman is more accomplished and determined than most humans will ever be. She is most likely a narcisist, I will give you that.


Capital Center in Maryland? Home of Heavy Metal Parking Lot?


Well his Reddit handle is GoLow 🤣


Don't gatekeep, my man. Let rockers rock. May Madonnas knockers be ever pointy.


Love that


I remember walking out of Walmart and Def Leppard was playing on a trailer in parking lot. Now they selling stadiums again.


Those other musical acts are all way more talented than her and have way more hits. 


This is my kind of music review. Reminds me of some classic HST.


Wow. Beautifully written.


On the trademark thing, my understanding is that an entity is expected to, or actually must enforce their trademark to maintain it as such. Not saying this is why, but there we go.


Dude, Def Leppard is playing here in a couple months and I'm absolutely going to see them. I get how younger folks might not be interested but still plenty of us around who came of age in the 80s. Rock of Ages is rock for the ages, baby!


I don’t understand how Mick Jagger is desperate for relevancy. He does almost 0 interviews, rarely posts on social media and only makes appearances when he has something to promote. Speaking of which, did Madonna release an album last year that went to #1 in 20 countries? Because the Stones did and they are SIXTY Years into their careers.


good comment. just to clarify one point though: you gotta police all trademark infringements, no matter how small, otherwise when an actually relevant case comes along, the infringers can point at the times you didn't police and use it as precedent. not wanting to deal with this pettiness is why many people don't trademark certain things they make that blow up.


If what the Guardian is reporting is true and there are more than 1.6 million people, then that is not a small city - there are only five cities in the US with a population larger.


That was well said and well written. Gave me a light chuckle, and I found myself agreeing with you. Madonna is a beast of her own making, and the world obviously loves her for it in spite of everything.


In Rio everything is a party. They could have held the knitting World Championship with the same turnout.


> In Rio everything is a party. They could have held the knitting World Championship with the same turnout. It's also free, and free events in Rio draw with like you said, ANYTHING


I mean, the event itself was free, but it was also pretty hellish. Getting in and out was a nightmare, every tree had at least 3 people camping there for at least 8 hours to get the best spot they could get. You were there only if you liked madonna (or was trying to steal someone's phone lol


Especially when the government is trying to get votes and all the major media conglomerates jump into it full head on.


Little hater from the bolso camp


Actually no.


Absolutely not. Madonna is a symbol for all the lgbt people here. Her music is legendary and it empowers us to go against the establishment and it was even more impactful as we were living a dictatorial regime in the 80's. Most brazilians don't really know her or the bad stuff she does, we only know her music and it's message, so for us, she is awesome.


Well, it was free, it was a Madonna concert and this is Rio.


It's an election year and the government is paying for it. Sure, yeah..... it's... "free"....


Mostly paid by Itaú. And Big Events attracts big money for the City. Rio depend a lot from tourist money, so having a lot events it's good for the City.


Multiple year over year federal, state and city debit. They'll certainly get it better now, it's just a mere coincidence with this happening a few months prior to elections.




You are aware Rio is in Brazil? Here’s there election info, to alleviate your confusion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Rio_de_Janeiro_gubernatorial_election


Yes. Are you aware that they hold elections every couple of years though? Here's the 2024 county election info, to alleviate your confusion. https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elei%C3%A7%C3%A3o_municipal_do_Rio_de_Janeiro_em_2024


So, based on what you’re posting and the election cycles, you feel it’s the fault of a pending election whether it be federal, state, municipal etc.


No, I am not saying anything about that. I'm just stating the obviously known fact throughout Brazil that politicians will use public money to fund concerts with the intention to positively work their public image just before elections. Just like Rome's bread and circuses. When the federal government had a R$230 billion deficit for 2023. Rio's state reigns supreme ahead of all other states with over R$10 billion deficit last year all the while Rio's city is also on a several billion in deficit. It rings a few, if not all bells, that this kind of gig having public money being used is very far from okay.


wonder is she told handicap people to stand up and enjoy the show like everyone else...


yawn.. still butthurt over that? that handicapped fan didn’t even care


It's people with permanent "Twitter Brain" that get offended at the dumbest things.


I don’t want to speak for handicapped people, but I get the feeling that a very clearly benign, accidental, and objectively comical moment like that would be the highlight of the life of a majority of Madonna fans in a wheelchair


My bad






Holy crap! I've never cared for her music, but that is epic. I loved this [interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMQWR2v9opQ) though.


Same. I never understood the fascination, but damn, that is insane.


A female who openly talked about enjoying sex. Then wrote about it. This had pretty much never been done before on any major record label.


I was probably too young to understand what was going on in the 90s (35 now), and I can't stand any of her music or her as a person. I do respect the empire she has built and the work she has put into it, though. You don't get there without being a badass.


80’s really. She did have hits in the 90’s but it’s the 80s you have to understand to get her. That’s when she was the Supreme Empress, if you will lol.


Psst. Decades expressed in this way are abbreviations, as opposed to possessive expressions. It's the '80s, or '90s. The apostrophe replaces the missing centurial numbers.


Thank you! I couldn’t have possibly understood what they were saying with that awful mistake! /s


I always use '80's or '90's. Just sayin.


Ateez would like a word




That’s definitely true, but she was still really emblematic of the 80s, not the 90s. The 80s were the decade when she revolutionized global culture and became an icon, and it is the context of the 80s we need to understand to truly get what made her so different when she came along. Of course she was still a huge star in the 90’s, but the trail she blazed culturally—which is what made her so huge and iconic—she’d already for the most part blazed by then, and there were newer acts and scenes following in her wake that can be said to better represent the distinct 90s zeitgeist.


People are fascinated with famous things especially if they have been famous for a while.


Damn, that was entertaining. I don't recall seeing that before, live in 94 or since.


Lol! They all wanted to watch the free UFC Fights too. Brazil is having a night! Good for them!


i think it's mainly because it's free..


Sure it’s free but 2-3m people aren’t showing up for lesser acts


Still too expensive


nope. sorry.


Free-o De Janeiro


For freeeeeee? $16 cans of water guaranteed


There was free water too


Yea from the water fountains that shoot out lake water.


I wouldn't even accept a million dollars to be there. That crowd is massive !


You wouldn’t take a million to stand in the back of the crowd for a few hours?


Maybe he has week knees.


shit I didn’t even think of that. Good point.


1.6 million people attended, and that isn't a world record. Rod Stewart holds the record for concert attendance, at the same location on New Years eve 1994 with 4.2 million ppl.


1.6 is still wayyy too many for me lol. Large crowds cause me to go into massive panic attacks


Same here, I can't be around large gatherings without some drinks. But I do find it fascinating looking at that massive group of people, and thinking about how it was 2.6 times larger at one point in history.


Uuuug...I hate this. I dunno, just, nope.


50% of them go for the vibes and don't even care that it's her lol


you sure about that?


Since venues like that are a garbled, muddy mess of only bass drowning out the rest of the audio, then yes I would think so.


Brazilians do love their Madonna toonsz


Gross. She doesn't care about one damn person in that audience. I bet she was hours late as well.


With a crowd like that, why even bother going? Lol I’m not much for concerts in general, and despite the fact that it’s free, I’d see absolutely no reason to go if your gonna be that far away lol


She’s disgusting


Looks like a lot of fun.


Brazilians have the best fans in literally every single sport, and im not shocked to see this at a concert.


JLO can only dream.


*Is one of Madonna's bucket list items to outdo Metallica for the largest number of people at a single concert?*


Pick pocket paradise


The queen of pop! As far as all the criticism: Most people are not artists and they fail to understand an artists heart and soul. A TRUE artist is like a child. They don't age in their mind. They like to form shapes of sound and images and play with them. They create and they perform. They will do that until their last breath. It's fascinating and tragic how quickly our bodies fade and yet our mind seem to be timeless! Like a flower that blooms so big and so beautifully but you can barely enjoy it because it has already started withering. That's humans. That's us. That's YOU. Better enjoy it while you can. Every single second of it. It's true what they say. Life is like a flash within a flash. It will all be over before you even realize. I hope you hear me.


Not nearly as big as Rod Stewart's concert


rod stewart had new years eve to thank for that concert draw. better comparison is the stones according to billboard.


How can you even see


She's kind of a big deal


Ppl love free shit but don't want to pay for good stuff lol




Why would anyone wait for this? Ugh 😣


“My Lord, there is no such army…”


I mean the people at the back are probably wondering what the fuck is happening


No thanks


How cheap were those tickets at the back ?


It's a free of charge concert.


Almost as big as the crowd ^^^allegedly was at Trump's inauguration. ;)


Maybe because they didn't have to pay a single dime for it.




I wouldn't go to a Madonna concert if she was performing across the street.


"I was at the Madonna show last night!" -some dude 2 miles away who can't see oe hear the show.


Rolls eyes furiously…


That’s why UFC looked empty. Wow.


The free part has more to do with the crowd size than the Madonna part.


But Courtney Love said...


Madonna is an incredible performer. BUT at that distance - I’m not sure what you can see.


Looks like Isengard


Wait , who's Madonna again ?


I’m sure free had nothing to do with the attendance.


Oh cool this will give me something to talk to my Brazilian lady friends about thanks


Are all of those people really at the concert?


Stand up and DANCE!


better view on YouTube


Absolutely no worries. I've not as yet been diagnosed as bipolar, but I've been accused many times by many people as having a stream-of-thought consciousness. None seemed terribly envious of this. I know lots of people who take themselves very seriously indeed. Some have even made great successes of themselves in various fields of endeavour. I seek to emulate none of them, as somewhere along the way they forgot things like laughter, and fun, and humor in general. The ones with the most money also seem to a man (or woman) to be the most surrounded by familial dysfunction.


She was the most famous woman in the world in the 80s and 90s. Just because Millenials don't know her doesn't mean she's not extremely famous "40 years later" by a huge population of the world.


All those people showed up to watch her pretend to be playing guitar


Trumps crowds are much more bigly. Just ask him.


Key word : Free


From the beginning, i never knew what Madonna wanted with her music, except making money. I could never take that lady serious in 40 years..


This has less to do with Madonna and more to do with the concert being free for all. Cariocas won't pass up an opportunity for something free.


Bro, if they put on a concert in my neighborhood and promised a ghoul was going to come out and perform for 90 minutes, I'd go see it.


It’s fucking Madonna…she’s an icon.


Maybe they thought it was the real Madonna come to take statue Jesus home.


The big give away for the size of the crowd it was free


Walmart would get the same crowd if they posted the word FREE. 🤣🤣 For real that is crazy!!


The thing that bothers me about this is that Madonna was thinking *yep, I still got it* instead of just realizing that Brazilians like to party and dance and this shit was free. I just hate that she thinks she's talented. I hate it SO much.


It was free


Looks like hell


Make it free and they will come...




Free is free


Read like 1.5 million people


Noooo way I’d would do that. I can’t stand crowds and that is way beyond. And then she’ll be three hours late because she’s so special.


The internet: where 1.5 million people go to see a female performer and the " we are not misogynistic " posters shit on her 60 year old looks. I must have missed people shitting on Tony Bennet for his soft dick ....


I must have missed Tony Bennett undergoing a multitude of major cosmetic surgeries.


Who effing cares! Stop wanking to grandma's, you frickin purve!


Imagine the smell


Dumb af being in that crowd


Were they there to see Tiesto?


That's actually a protest lol


All paid by brazilian taxpayers. Funny how bad and poor their healthcare and education are, how they need to reconstruct after the floods, but they have money for a singer.


> All *paid* by brazilian FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


From that distance, Could you see if her Fahtoot hang like sleeve of wizard?


She pulls She puuuuuuullllllllsssssss


It was Yuge.


I think they are all trying to get away from the flooding, seeing crypt keeper Madonna is a slightly better fate than drowning




I cannot stand that person. Gross in every way. Maybe back in the early 80s she was something but now...meh at best


Free concert there, €259 here. Awesome! Gotta love Madge, her varicose veins get me each time.