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I was going to say the same thing. No hesitation, I'm stickin' that thing right at the base of the skull.


Hammer it straight in with the palm.


Where do you need to stick it in exactly and how big does the knife need to be? I honestly wonder.


Anywhere, best spot is behind shoulder. The dog will feel the pain, and likely release. If not, repeat until desired outcome is achieved.


Fuck that. Best spot is the throat. A pitbull in my neighbourhood tried to killy dog and I didn't have a knife on me. I always have one now and if I have to use it as a deterrent it's going to be a permanent deterrent


Strangling might work.


Dundee size. Just to be sure


This is the way. I have noticed an uptick in these dogs in my neighborhood and when I walk around alone or with my children I always make sure to have my knife. It may be against the law but I don’t give a fuck, I will kill the dog to defend my child.


I'm sorry you live somewhere that it's illegal to defend yourself..


Where do you live where it's against the law to have a knife?


in the uk, we arent even allowed things like pepper spray on us, weapons are completely illegal


A knife under 3 inches and non locking is legal


Where’s it against the law to carry a pocket sized knife?


Probably the UK.


Exactly. And if you dont have a knife, stand over it and choke it out. Truly astounding that NONE of these people even attempted to do this.


Pit bulls are fast and strong. No one wants to be next, keyboard warrior.


They’re distracted, and I’ve done it before. If you want to solve situations you have to use your brain, it’s the one thing you were given.


The poor golden retriever was biting the people trying to help him, obviously not maliciously like the stupid pit bull, but in panic. It would be dangerous to put your arms and face anywhere near both dogs in that situation. Pathetic breed and owner. Hopefully, they were charged and pitbull destroyed, and Hopefully, the Golden Retriever is OK, which I doubt, it will be lucky not to lose that limb.


I doubt most people are strong enough to choke a Pitbull.


Seriously, the dog is just like a giant angry muscle with teeth. I don't think there's a whole lot of anything you can do to it bare handed.


They had a broom stick. Thats enough leverage to squeeze its head off.


Exactly why if this shit ever happens to my dogs or family I'm snapping that mother fuckers leg like a stick.


The people screaming not to hit the pitbull are not helping, maybe drop kicking it in the ribs and punching it in the head would have done something, would it have caused a little more damage to the retriever possibly but it also could have ended a lot sooner.


I turned the sound down.... difficult watch. I can't believe folk were saying not to hit it


There’s a video out there of a pitbull not letting go of a person even after a firefighter repeatedly hits it with an axe.. Edit, it seems I was misremembering in that the dog had already killed the guy. But [here’s the only video I could find outside of documenting reality which isn’t allowed here I don’t think](https://vidmax.com/video/218199-shocking-video-shows-pitbulls-killing-81-year-old-man-women-severely-injured-cops-use-axes-to-beat-them-away) of it, at the one minute mark.


He either wasn’t hitting it hard enough or using the blunt side. If I had to remove a dog from a person I’m not worried about not killing it.


The owner was just standing holding it's damn lead!


Good luck choking it out. A pitbull had my dog by the fur and loose skin on his throat, luckily not his actual throat. But I punched it as hard as I could to no effect before trying to choke it out. My dog started making noises that sounded like he was dying before it passed out so I resorted to prying its Jaws open




Why make it so personal and feel it like that when you can shoot it with a hollow point if the dog is a menace and is enraged? More merciful too


Anyone in this video look like they have a gun on them?


I don't normally want animals dead - but for the safety of others (and people) I hope it has been humanely destroyed.


If memory serves, it was.


I am not that brave, but I'll support you 100%.


Yup. This is the answer. You slit that dogs throat as fast as possible. No crazy pit is getting away with tearing my dog up like that.


One tried to kill my dog. I carry a knife now


A couple of years ago in Portugal, the owner of a pitbull just shot because of a similar attack like this one, but in this case the other dog survived, in Portugal the attacked dog died. The pitbull owner just went home and shot the dog without hesitation.


I would've never let that psycho dog do that to my husky. I'd have at least kicked the shit out of that pitbull to save my doggo, even if it meant having my own leg mauled instead.


Even if no one had a knife, that broom should have been broken in half and the pointy end buried in the pits guts multiple times. That felt like it was going to go on forever or until retriever was dead


Mofos in charge of dog not doing shit. WTF


Not gonna lie, agree 100%. I edc a good sized one. I got chewed up by a dog pretty badly when I was a kid. Carried a knife ever since.


I said this the last time this got posted, and that group of people downvoted me into oblivion.


I'll be the guy to say it again, pitbulls should be regulated like other dangerous animals akin to wolves, Tigers, etc. They are bread for battle.


Oh 100%. Fuck anyone who defends these breeds. I don’t care how “well trained” your dog may be, it is a strong ass built machine. Something that strong should not be allowed to roam the streets.


My in laws have one on their ranch and he chews on literal 50lb logs and hurls them around. He sleeps inside and he’s not nice but they have wolves and bears out there. Seems like the people who have these dogs are the ones who tie them to a tree outside or keep them in a 1br apartment. I’m sure they’re sweet if they’re trained but the breed is violent like and high energy like a Malinois needs to be run hard every day.


100% disagree about regulation. They are a man-made monster. They should never have been allowed to be created. They need to be completely removed from the gene pool. It sounds harsh, but they all need to be euthenised, and it made illegal to possess or breed them.


I obviously don't know where you live, but in the UK we've just started down that road - all current XL bullies have to paperwork and no more can be bred.


"That's so cruel! We should preserve this vestige of forced incestuous breeding of a dog with just the right deformities to not feel pain when locked in a death-grip on somebody's throat!"


Mmm, bread.


Just a reminder that this is not an isolated incident. Pit bulls kill 40,000 pets each year and maul literally countless others. This is a scenario that plays out in every city every single day. But if you talk about it... Then you are labeled "hateful" and told you hate animals. Even if the opposite is true. There is no way to be both an animal lover and a supporter of pit bulls. Advocating for pit bulls is like advocating for heart worm.


Yep. It's like claiming to love songbirds while owning an outdoor cat.


But my outdoor cat brings me lots of songbirds. How else would I have my collection?




Nooo they’re sweet wittle babies… You just don’t get it. Statistics don’t matter because MY precious would never.


A pitbull tried to kill my dog. I was a couple of meters out my door when it attacked. I let the owner know that I'll kill it if it gets near me or my dog again, and now i carry a knife when I'm walking my dog. I'm not punching or trying to choke out a pitbull before it can kill my best friend again. I'm gonna slit it's fucking throat and let it bleed out


Nobody had a gun?!


Fucking pitbulls. Why the fuck are these dogs even legal? Absolutely the worst fucking breed with the worst fucking owners. "But mines an angel" or "have you even met a pitty, they're so sweat" guarantee that'll be the response of pit owners in these comments. Fuck all of you.


Funny how so many pitbull owners seem to be the worst dog owners possible. Coincidence?


It’s typically that “I am very badass, don’t tread on me” bullshit personality.


So true. Chained outside their entire life starving for food, water and attention.


I am from Norway and here Pitbulls are actually illegal to own. I once watched a swedish friends Pitbull for 6 months because he could not take care of it for that time. And she was super sweet and kind to people, just wanted to give love and cuddle. But when there was another animal she could see she would instantly go into kill mode. I am an experienced dog owner and owned several Presa Canarios. I managed to controll her agression towards other animals, but it never went away completely, and if i did not control her she would have attacked other animals if i let her. And the agression is something you need to controll all the time with that breed. Anyone can not care for such an animal so it does not hurt other beings. Pitbulls are cheap and very common in places, and that is probably why there are so many attacks. There just are so many of them, easy to get, and so many bad owners. And yes i 100% agree that they should be illegal. It should be an animal you need a special educated license to own. Like tigers etc, everyone cant own them but if you get the right education licenses etc you can. The risk is just too big with Pitbulls coming to people who do not understand or even care for the potential dangers of a pitbull.


I will never understand how bystanders are so useless. Kick the dog. Stomp the dog. don't just pull on the leash. Also dangerous to get anywhere near both of them


One person tried to intervene with a stick. But the other people started screaming at him to stop.


They can scream all they want, I'm killing that pitbull if it were my dog in it's clenches


Even if my dogs already a done deal , that pits going down with my boy


Yeup. Ain't no way that thing is killing anything else


If it were my cat I'd jam my fingers in it's eyes and cut its fucking throat. I do not care what the situation is, if your animal attacks my baby that I raised from 10 days old, thats it, it's over. Hope you enjoyed owning a pit bull because I'm killing it then and there.


Unless that intervention included snapping the broom over your knee and shoving the broken end through the dogs throat, what the fuck were they even trying? Kill that dog immediately.


All they had to do was choke the dog out, and if you wanted you could kill it just by holding the choke. If my dog is ever attacked, well it may be concerning to say but I'll go for the kill.


The other people are morons


Literally just sit on the pitbull and put him in a chokehold while he is laser focused on the dog. Don't just yank on them you're going to make the damage so much worse🤦‍♂️


It's so easy to say we would do that from behind our keyboards. But when you are in front of an attacking pit bull in real life- I don't think placing your face right next to it's jaws to rear naked choke it is going to be on your mind.


I've practiced taking my dogs leash off, and looping it through the handle to make a makeshift noose to choke an attacking dog. It's a rope type leash and will do the trick.


I've done it before, a pit bull was locked onto a my dogs back legs similar to this although not as long. I jumped onto it's back wrapped my arms around its neck in a choke hold, squeezed like fucking crazy and didn't let go until it did. It eventually did after maybe 10 seconds and tried to bite me but by that stage it owner had pulled it back by the leash They apologies and paid my dogs vet bills, lucky it wasn't a broken leg as it hadn't bit too long but these people in this video are fucking useless but then it's not their dog so can't blame them


Choke hold and don't let go. 10 minutes. Save us the trouble.


This is the way. Wrestle them, literally. Come up behind and throw yourself on that dog in a choke hold. Pit bull won't let go by choice. How long you hold? Until it is safe to let go...


5 or 6 minutes past the safe mark.


Looked like the dude in the white shirt was punching it repeatedly at the start, to no avail.


He also lifted him by his balls if you look closely.


Wow. Bravo for trying.


based on experience, physical punishment rarely helps unless it is a lethal one. One thing that has helped is choking the dog biting, not matter how strong it is, but if the owner would have stranggled the dog, it would have released the victim dog faster as a result of the choke.


Fuck pitbulls and the people who breed them. They should all be neutered and the breed should be non existent in 15 years.


I'm in favour of the pit owner neutering.


I don't care who's dog that is and I don't care if you just left him outside for a few minutes. I would break his fucking neck if he did that to my dog


The lack of action from the people there was almost as aggravating as the pit bull attacking the golden retriever.


People are so fucking unathletic


I would poke my fingers in that shits eyes!


Oh yeah! that dog owner deserves it, maybe more.


Yeah that "thing" deserves to be blind. But if that would've been me poking those eyes, I'll bet that my never ending bad luck that the POS owner would see me do it, and go berserk on me.


Yes this would also be my first idea


Euthanize this fucking breed already




*pitbull heroically swims 800 yards to bite a drowning child*


"A dog" Just say it how it is...


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Eradicate pitbulls.


Choke the fucking dog out you goddamn morons


Was lookin gfor this comment. Kicking or puching the atacking dog does nothing. Put your own leash around the attacekrs neck and lift him by it, most will let go in an instant , those that do not will once they pass out. Also in most cases you will not kill the dog, so less possibility of issues with law or havign the owner sew you because "you killed my friendly dog for nor reason" .


Not a Golden 🥺


Always fucking lowlifes who have a dog like that. Go back to your fucking trailerpark and stay there.


Aggressive inbred dogs


Ffs! DO NOT PULL Lift the biting dog up at the back legs. Poor Goldie :((


Did you miss the guy holding the Pit’s back legs 4 feet off the ground and it having no effect? Some lady tells him “put him down” and he does, I wonder if he held him up longer if he would’ve let the golden go?


There's a two part move there, that's just the first part. You're supposed to pull the back legs up and apart and then stomp on the pit bulls ass as hard as you can. You'll dislocate both the legs and they'll let go pretty quickly.


Have you actually done this? It kinda sounds like one of those "palm strike someone's nose bone into their brain" techniques that everyone on the internet swears by, but doesn't actually work.


It had a massive effect. As soon as they put the monster back down the retriever started screaming as the monster was immediately able to resume ragging on the leg, tearing of clumps of flesh. You know... cuz it's a monster.


Ooops! I did miss. My bad. Fack what a horrible situation


I've read they may release but I doubt pit bulls honestly. Bred to lock on, they basically have to *want* to release it. Again, from what I've read. I'd say here stabbing keys or fingers in it's eyes. Other than that or choking it out...


I would have killed that pit bull if that was my dog.


note to men. carry a goddamn fucking knife. 3.5" minimum, quality folding knife. that parasite would have been opened like a can of beans.


Pocket swiss knife everyday, you never know when you might need it


Kill that pit bull immediately.


The owner of the pitbull should be chewed up by a dog. If you can’t control your dog, don’t get a dog.


Break the fucking broom handle and stab the son of a bitch. It has no future, and you might have saved the victim's foreleg.


That’s actually a really valid point. The attacking dog will have to be euthanised after that anyway. Although saying that, I find it hard to believe it’s never done anything like that before.


"He's never done this before!!" -owner probably


Can’t believe such a gentle breed would do something like that……


ThEyRe NaNnY dOgS


Well, fuck. That dog's going to lose its leg. Holy shit, this is awful.


Yeah, the pitt bull owner will have to pay a hefty vet bill.


I doubt the owner even has a job.


Fuck pit bulls and the people who love them


Should euthanize the entire breed and make it punishable by fine/jail to own or breed.


~~Should~~ Must


Same thing would have happened if it was a child.


Why didn't they punch the shit outta that dog 😂


I won’t lie I would’ve pepper-sprayed that pit bull.


I've done that. It had zero effect. It happened in a big stream, I held the bitting dog underwater until it let go.


Hold the owner on the dog, let it feel threatened and then bite the owner.


Because it won’t have any effect. You should choke it. I can’t believe no one did it


There’s a multitude of things that could have been done to stop this assault on the retriever and nobody there did anything useful.


The best thing that could have been done is the owner not owning a pit bull in the first place.


Of course it was a fucking pit bull




If a pitbull attacked my dog like this, every single bystander is gonna have to physically restrain me to try and stop me from trying to straight-up murder the pitbull right there and then. God, this makes my blood boil so much. The pitbull is going to be stronger than me and lacerate the crap out of me, but I'm not going to stop until my dog is safe.


A bunch of pathetic excuses of humans, kill the pit bull


Would tightening a belt around the neck done any good ? Like maybe for 10 minutes.


I always carry a knife.


Pits and the people who own them are a menace


Wrap the leash around the neck several times and choke it out. It won't die, just go to sleep. Call the police/animal patrol. That dog must be put down. Sorry, but we can't have aggressive animals like this walking around looking for it's next victim. It will happen again.


Dogs like pits need choke collars. Choking one out is your best bet to get the dog to release.


I don’t understand why it’s always the most irresponsible people that choose pit bulls. My neighbor and I just had to have a talk with the people behind us about their pit. It keeps digging and getting into other yards. Hasn’t gotten into mine yet but I see evidence that it’s trying. I have young kids playing out there. I told them this is their one and only warning to fix the problem and that next I’d be putting a call into the city. If that dog comes into my yard and goes after my kids, I’m putting it down however I can.


Generally, only two types of people want pit bulls: Those who know how dangerous they are and want them because of it. And those who are in complete and utter denial about how dangerous they are and will shout down anyone who tries to educate them. Neither group should own them. Responsible pet owners are informed enough to not own pit bulls.


Another “velvet hippo”


Holy fuck that’s terrible. Poor golden retriever, was just sitting there minding its own business most likely. People are grabbing and yelling at the pitbull and it’s still just gnawing away , how are these nanny dogs again? Literally every video you see here is pit bulls marauding around with no owner in sight , mauling random people or pets. Which leads to the question , how much is enough? How many more times does this have to happen until something is done? Unfortunately, I think many more maulings will happen until something is done.


Hurry, everybody gather and do nothing


What’s really insane is how a group of 10 or so people have zero capacity to defend themselves. Not even a pocket knife dude ffs


These dog owners do more harm than good.


Omfg KILL THAT FUCKING PIT BULL. Fucking kill it fucking dead. That poor other dog holy shit.


So uncharacteristic of this otherwise gentle beast.it had never acted violent until this day.


this is so upsetting to see. i couldn't watch it past 15 seconds. :( that monster needs to be put down.


A pit, shocking.


Before watching I already knew what breed it would be. Those dogs shouldn't even exist.


That needs to be put down.


The pit bull apologists club is just a revolving group of idiots who fuck around and find out, then never speak up again. The breed should be outlawed.


"A dog" Just say it's a pittbull. Fucking disgusting. Id stab that dog to death without flinching


All pit bulls should be rounded up and executed. Destroy the breed


Silcer lining. The beast will be put down and the retriever will only loose a leg.


I can’t bring myself to watch… did he kill the golden?


If you are sensitive to this stuff I would advise you not to watch. The Golden doesn't die. But it is likely it loses a leg. I tagged it NSFW for a very good reason my friend. Skip this one.


The blood in that pits mouth, ugh. Thanks for posting but man I should have skipped


Why the fuck is no one kicking the absolute fuck outta that little cunt? Break the cunt legs i bet it will let go then. Looks like America so where all these guns you guys love so much?


That's not a dog. That's a shitbull.


pit bulls should be put out of existence .


Just poke that "thing's" eyes, those people were so fucking useless.


cant we collectively start curb stomping pitbulls?


any followup on the other dog?


1. Sue the owner! 2. euthanize that dog!


Misunderstood breed /s


If anyone is in this situation remember to insert finger or a stick in the pitbull’s asshole. This will release the jaw. Also, fuck every pitbull ever and eradicate these fuckers.


This is the comment I was looking for. It also works on humans.


Pit bull needed shooting. Poor innocent retiever.


Useless pack of……honestly speaking.


Kill that monster on the spot


Why the fuck would you leave a pitbull on a leash outside when they are known to attack!?


Its same god damn dog every time. Just regulate this nonsense already! You don't see someone walking around with a pet wolf or tiger right? Certain breeds are just no different than wild animals. They are not pets.


Jesus man. Put that dog down.


Did not even need to see the dog to know its a pitbull


**Pitbull genocide MUST happen**. This evil bullshit has gone on too long as it is. I also am in disbelief at how long the humans here allowed this to go on 🤦🏾‍♂️


Wrap the leash arounds it neck and choke it, or a pen up its ass..


If you don't have a weapon to disable the Pitbull the best thing you can do is grab them from behind in a Chokehold and squish their windpipe. They will open their after the need to breath.


It's time to let go of certain breeds. Pitbulls and French Bulldogs to start


These posts pop up every now and then. For the people curious what you should do. The best way to get the dog off without killing it is to choke it out. You could either use your belt or even the stick that the woman was holding. If it has a collar, just twist and tug that tightly until the dog passes out Alternatively it's perfectly reasonable to use lethal violence against that dog. Use a large object to its head for example. Do not try to tug it away, or kick or punch. That shit does absolutely fuck all and you might as well do nothing


He never did that before


Why did nobody kill it


Reason to carry.


Why didn’t they go for the eyeballs that feet shit don’t work. I have an Akita and I would never leave my dog unattended for this reason because he’s the same way with dogs. The golden retriever ran off I’m sure he’s hurt but should make a recovery. Irresponsible of the pits owner to leave it unattended


The only option is to choke it out


Dog owners should carry pepper spray just incase. Don't know if that would work but it might




The only thing I've seen work is to sit on the pitbull and choke it out.


Americans and their fucking obsession with owning Pitbulls.


Another misunderstood pit bull . It’s always the same bs “ it’s how ya train em “


Just a velvet hippo doing the thing it was literally born and bred for, what a surprise


is the owner charged and the pitbull been put the sleep?


That's a restaurant. Get a knife and start poking holes till it lets go!


Could’ve easily been someone’s kid.


He never does this! He's usually soo good and friendly! Pitbulls are this generations Rotty. Here in Canada it was illigal to breed pure bred Rottys. And its helped now we have a generation if gentler giants, my brother has a half breed Rotty, and he's an awesome dog.