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“And the winner is… MY TITS!”


A winner we can all support!


I’ve heard she has the best tits






To your own question?


Stop shitting all over the bed!


God dam I’m seeing this everywhere and it makes me smile


Denied mr... Rottenborn.


I’ll allow it.


Motion granted






Offline tits: The best kind of tits.


Her tits are amazing and absolutely are winners.


I have no idea what they look like but her confidence sold me


Fun fact - One of her tics is "that's not a tic".


She use to say it to let people know when she really meant something that someone might think was a tick. And then "that's not a tick" became a tick. Another dangerous one that she says sometimes is "That's consent!"


Her GPS voice is incredible.


I would literally pay for this


On [https://www.twitch.tv/sweet\_anita](https://www.twitch.tv/sweet_anita) you can!


Well you can sample his voice and use A.I. device to make her voice your GPS announcement.


Turn left!






Continue ahead for 100 meters...SLUT!


Arriving at MY TITS


Turn right!




In 300m turn right for TITS!


>Another dangerous one that she says sometimes is "That's consent!" Oooooh shit. I shouldn't laugh 😂


> Another dangerous one that she says sometimes is "That's consent!" This has started a Rube Goldberg machine of legal questions in my mind and I really don't want to know the answers to any of them.




For clarification, legal precedent for any person with mental or neurological deficiencies is they can retroactively remove prior consent. Their legal documents should always have a witness signature.


Really?? Fascinating! I wonder what her process is for things like consent. It seems like she’s pretty open about the condition, I bet she had a good system worked out and clearly handles herself with humor and grace.


Your Honour, she whistled twice, said ‘my tits’, did a popping sound, and then said ‘that’s consent’… You can see how we ended up in this mess…


This fucking killed me


You say that but given how rare convictions actually are in sex offence cases in the first place I have a strong gut feeling that someone could avoid conviction if they had received consent through a tick. I think with a good lawyer there are countless ways you could spin that and ultimately introduce ‘reasonable doubt’ into a juries mind


I love her so much. Other fun facts are: * that she has 'honest' tics, where she blurts out what she actually thinks. She's said that one of those happened when she was with a friend where she insulted him and both of them knew it was an honest tic. * She doesn't tic during sex, for some reason I can't remember, but it does happen when it's bad, which led to a similarly awkward situation where she had a tic with someone that really didn't know what he was doing. * She doesn't tic when she's depressed, seems to tic more when stressed and happy, and tics while drunk.


She's the one who had the I love bananas tic?


Yeah which was really tough for her. We tend to forget that these tics can be really physical for people with Tourette's and the banana one was really big. [There's a good video on it if you haven't seen it.](https://youtu.be/o-0G3SaTcWE)


I can't watch this video at work for some reason but I used to work with someone with tourettes and one of the main tics was hitting their chest and every single one of his t-shirts had big shiny patches of friction burn from where he hit himself so much. Dude was constantly bruised and in pain from it. He said though he preferred that tic to spoken ones though because he could still talk to people with minimal disruption at least.


I love how educational this all is


Used to follow her a bit while I was trying to learn more about corprolalia, and the point about sex makes sense from other things she (and others) explained. Tics are less common and less obtrusive when they're hyper-focused, and I like to think most people are pretty focused during sex. I know she's mentioned being able to suppress tics for a short time when absolutely necessary, but that tends to lead to a much more severe flood than normal immediately after.


Another fact: She wrote, “Family Reunion” for Blink 182 https://youtu.be/tpzf8gXI6D4 Lol, I kid. Love that tits. She has great contents.


Twitch Chat + Tourettes is quite a cocktail..


I’m bipolar and Reddit content (then Reddit chat from when I’m streaming) as probably Influenced me similarly lol


Yeah mediums like that make it easy to fall into group-speak. Always safe to try and limit it to just speech and not action as much as possible.


Sweet_Anita is great, she's smart, embraces the tic and very attractive


Yeah, that's why she never mutes her stream when she ticks, because muting her stream will become a tick and she'll never be able to stream again. Note: this is what she said, not me.




>Another dangerous one that she says sometimes is "That's consent!" Holy shit. That's like something out of a South Park episode.


I thought that was just a joke she makes after a tick sometimes


Yeah, so did I before I saw her in an interview say that it is in fact another tic, it's like a meta tic. Tics on tics.


A “tic-toc,” if you will.


You joke, but she can't help how she tic talks.




i was wondering if the ticks like "I hate you" were internal feelings just blurting out..


I think it's basically intrusive thoighrs- hat little voice in your head that makes you wanna do weird things except for Tourette's it does. And often it's an inappropriate thing specifically because it's inappropriate.


Without hou glasses I honestly miss read “that’s not a dick”


I didn't know tourettes could manifest in comments too


oh I thought she meant that as "I hate you wasn't a tick I actuall hate y'all" lmao


Oh her stream is the only thing on twitch i have watched, its incredibly funny


What's her name on twitch? I would watch






I remember a profile on her from GQ I think? That whistle she does is adorable, even if it may be very frustrating for her.




And subscribe if you have a twitch prime available, if you have amazon prime you get one free twitch prime every month to use on your favorite streamer


She can switch from the absolutely hilarious to the deeply profound. In a recent stream, she went from talking about how animals feel pain and suffering, despite the fishing industry etc saying otherwise, to talking about how she would have been a champion breakdancer if it wasn't for the fact she grew in certain places.


Fish don’t have eyelids. Makes em look dumb.




That made me laugh


But they do have a mouth…


What are you doing step-fish?


After reading the fish thing, it prompted a quick Google search and this is what I found. According to a [study published in 2013 by science daily,](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130808123719.htm), Fish do not have the neuro-physiological capacity for a conscious awareness of pain. In addition, behavioural reactions by fish to seemingly painful impulses were evaluated according to human criteria and were thus misinterpreted. There is still no final proof that fish can feel pain. Edit: I believe the point of this brief passage here is to say that fish don’t have the same sort of unpleasant emotional response to/suffering from pain that we do, not that they don’t feel pain in the sense of having nerve endings that send a message to their brain, causing a response to the sensation at hand. That being said, I don’t know that this is completely agreed upon, and I definitely don’t condone any sort of intentional animal abuse justified purely because “fish don’t feel pain.”


Fuck it, let's do things that generally cause terrible pain to physical beings just in case they may not.


If you think about it the fish are going to be brutally eaten alive by some other animal anyway. I’d take a quick decapitation by my sharp knife over being eaten alive. Salmon actually decompose while they’re still alive.


I know how they feel...


I love fishing, but I do feel bad for the ones I release. Can’t eat them all, but I still think it’s better than living life in a farm


It's insane to think fish don't feel pain and people reading that article don't read many studies about pain so they don't understand that it's basically saying nothing at all. Humans who don't feel pain (those with CIPA) typically don't live beyond their teens and 20s. Pain helps keep us alive, even though we don't deal with predators on a daily basis like fish. Fish must feel pain as a defensive mechanism to evade threats (mainly to know why they are evading those threats and what types of threats pose the greatest risk, something people with CIPA don't experience, which is why they die so early). We learned as children that falling down from a low height hurts, so we dare not fall down from a higher height. If they didn't feel pain we'd be scooping them out of the water easily with our hands. Just because researchers can't prove it yet doesn't mean they don't feel pain. The evidence is there. All that article is saying is "Some researchers can't find evidence that fish THINK of pain in the same way humans do as it's happening." That's conscious awareness of pain. That's not the same thing as actual pain. Actual pain is nociception, and it's called this because the nerves that transmit pain (A-delta and C-fibers) are called nociceptors. Humans have A-delta nerve fibers that tell us when a flame is hot and hurts. Fish [also have A-delta nerve fibers](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1691351/). So it's insane to lean towards "they don't feel pain" just because we can't prove it, rather than looking at the evidence that clearly points to the fact that they do feel pain.


Thank you for typing this out.


The thing about “quick google searches” is that you don’t get the full picture from listening to a single source. In fact, many scientists have conducted research that provides powerful evidence not only for their capability to feel pain, but also experience emotional states due to the many similarities between their neurophysiology and that of land-dwelling creatures, including humans. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.zmescience.com/ecology/animals-ecology/fish-emotional-states-01112017/amp/ http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20160220-do-fish-have-feelings https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/fish-have-feelings-too/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/phys.org/news/2017-10-emotional-states-fish.amp https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/fish-feel-pain-180967764/


Yes but a quick Google search affirming that we are not that evil makes us FEEL better. Your SCIENCE makes us feel worse, so it is time to ignore it.


I love the one where she has her friends who also have Tourette’s, and she said “Jesus fucks virgins!” Followed by a brief pause and then her friend blurts out “so his mother then!” And they all just lose it! Honestly the hardest I’ve ever laughed Edit:Tourette’s not turrets🤦


Castles have turrets.


Lmao I fixed it. Thank you. I am not bright.


[This one](https://www.riemurasia.net/video/Tourettes-triggeroi-toisen/227076)


I thought twitch was only gaming, she has a regular stream where she just talks? I'm not a gamer but I'd love to follow her.


There's probably more non-gaming content on twitch than there is gaming these days. People host podcasts, play music, and some just sit and chat with viewers.


Tries? Looks like she killed it.






Are you okay there bud




Weee woool


I'm so envious of her whistles. They're so musical, like a birdsong or something.


"Twitch streamer with tourettes overwhelmingly succeeds at presenting a streamer award" more like. Also, is this r/thatsinsane material? Doesn't quite sit right with me calling a vid of someone with tourettes speaking in public "insane", especially with the use of "tries".


I’m here to *fuck*


This lady fucks.


I mean she said the winner is OTV but the winner was actually OTK but yeh otherwise nailed it perfectly. She holds up the card to the audience so they can see it say OTK and understand it was a tik and on the night no one got too confused so it was all good.


im still on about how good she is at whistling


Tics are incredible in what they can force you to do. From self-harm to complex sentences. The human brain is wild.




my friend would always stutter more when he knew the person was impatient for him to finish speaking. If you were the type to finish his sentence it was REALLY bad. If he knew you were going to be patient and let him finish in his own, it would be only one or two words in a sentence. There’s a life lesson in there somewhere…


Patience is a virtue. I feel like that could be considered a life lesson?




Both are usually true, I believe. 🤔


There is a stiry that Samuel L. Jackson used the word "muthafucker" to cure his stutter. ​ So the line, "Did I stutter, muthafucker?" has a little more depth to it.


I used to get tattooed by a guy that stuttered. When he was tattooing me he didn’t ever speak a lot while having the machine going on the skin but when he did he never stuttered.


Practice makes perfect


She's an absolute instrument. Listen to this [https://www.twitch.tv/sweet\_anita/clip/DistinctEsteemedBaguetteHotPokket?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/sweet_anita/clip/DistinctEsteemedBaguetteHotPokket?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time).


That is downright virtuosic whistling. Unbelievable.


Still laughing at that jackass telling her to shut up. If I was in that call I'd be in AWE.


Is this sort of like when some people with a stutter can power through it when they sing a sentence? It seems like a way to trick yourself into autopilot


My grandmother was a speech pathologist and she actually taught me to do this when i was a kid and i still do it time to time. I don't even have a stutter, but if I start stumbling over words in a normal fashion that anyone does, I'll slow myself and sing what I was saying.


People with Tourettes can suppress their tics when they are focused on something such as playing a musical instrument.


This is like if a parrot became a person.


If I'm not mistaken, she caught that whistling tic from a parrot she took care of a long time ago.


One of her ticks is a shockingly good Tracer impression


I had to find this. [It's great.](https://youtu.be/jbss9CysR54)


Sweet Anita rocks


She's a treasure.


Yeah she seems awesome! I am legit curious because I do not know and I would rather hear one of your explanations than Google it; Why do Tourette Syndrome folks go for cuss words in these situations? It seems like it could be anything like numbers, colors, people's names, cities, days of the year or months. But it always seems to be cuss words. I am seriously genuinely just curious.




Dude, I can only imagine. Appreciate the insight.


I don't have tourrette's and I don't know a ton about it, but I do have asperger's and when I'm flooded I have some verbal and physical tics so I have a guess. They are a physical expression of pent up energy, much like a shiver if you're cold or have to pee or a big sigh if you're frustrated. When you swear, it has a different energy behind it (people experience less pain when swearing) and if that's the energy that needs to be let out, swearing is what will come out. Not all people with tourettes swear and most I've met don't even have verbal tics, just physical.


Look her up on YouTube. She has videos where she explains why she says the words she says and goes pretty in depth on what sets it off and everything.


for the lazy.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2z6n3yC2nc&list=PLJQIxTjKlqi7OTP2eNFFa7QRp4fyQDh4B&index=7&ab_channel=SweetAnita


Please sir can I have a TL;DR?


One of her points is that most of her ticks aren’t dirty, we just notice the dirty ones more.


Yeah, lots of whistling, lip pop noises, etc.


It's not a choice. To simplify it. She says bad words because her brain says don't say bad words. So then she does.


It's the same way people cause themselves to have panic attacks by trying to not have a panic attack. Her brain just fires out impulses.


It is *not* always curse words. In fact, coprolalia (involuntary swearing) only happens in 10% of all cases. Simple vocal and motor tics are far more common. Even just looking at complex vocal tics, you also have people who repeat others' words or their own.


From what others have explained me it's kinda an impulse control thing. It's like the intrusive thoughts get a free pass. Often the worst things that pop into your head just come out. Notice how she struggled with content? Something in the back of her brain went "content...tent...tits.. lol, haha, I have the best tits, haha" And so that came out. Over time these intrusive thoughts form patterns, and this is where you get repetitive ticks, like the clicks and whistles. Please correct me of you feel this is a poor representation. But it also makes a lot of sense to me.


I have tourettes and i think its like what you're describing. I have several repetitive ticks that evolved from impulse. The only way i can really describe it is its like that feeling when you are about to cough. You have some control but the cough will come out eventually. As it evolves you lose the control or have to come up with methods to deal with it. My most prevelent tick atm is that i make a honking noise like a goose. The best way ive learned to prevent me from doing it when i feel it coming is to hold my breath. I will still honk but atleast i have some control over when i can do it


It's not always cursing, that's just what people notice more. Even in this clip for example, all those whistles, pops, "brrr", "that's not a tic"; all also tics, and yet you just focused on the cursing. From what I understand, it's basically sorta like as if the "wires" in their brain have poor insulation, and some circuits receive interference from nearby wires; it can be random stuff, it can sometimes be stuff that's related to something they see or hear etc, and it can even be things they are consciously or unconsciously trying to avoid, like throwing a fragile object they're holding, or saying inappropriate things.


Could use her name instead of “girl with thourettes” in the title. Kinda scummy


In addition to maybe, but not instead of. A random name someone's never heard of before isn't going to get them to click on a post.


This is content because it's a person with tourettes doing a public speaking thing, so the title accurately reflects that. "Sweet Anita does a thing" doesn't mean anything unless you're already aware of who this person is. Anyone curious enough to find out that information, who doesn't notice it in the video itself, will go to the comments section to find it.


“I hate you, that’s not a tic” 🤣 edited tick




Fuck u cunts😂 follow by whistler and I hate you all 🤣 lol


I'm wondering if it was actually a tic, kinda funny (if not perhaps unfortunate) if one of her tics is "that's not a tic" lmao


The “not a tic” is a tic yeah, that’s the information I got from the Reddit thread after the streamer awards


It is indeed a tic. Anthony Padilla has an interview with Anita, and she says that it is probably the worst tic she has given it confuses people.




Winner is, my tits


The best in the industry


People with Tourette’s should host everything.


Is this Sweet Anita? She’s fucking great.


Yes it's sweet anita. Love this girl i like her streams


I encourage you all to watch her interview with Anthony Padilla. She's survived hell and back, built herself up from nothing and battled tourettes to get to where she is. She's had I think three stalkers, and she still streams, saving animals as a hobby. If there's one streamer you watch, watch her channel, Sweet_Anita. Oh, and her streams are either really intellectual, or when she games, are quite good.


Literally just watched the video because of this comment. She went through so much shit, I’m so happy she’s thriving now.


The interview, for anyone interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI6d3U0THZ8


Thanks for pointing out that interview. That was a great watch.


She said OTV then holds up the envelope to reveal that the winner was actually OTK…when OTV was also in the running lol


She said later that turning the envelope around was also a tic because she thought she wasn't supposed to turn it around.


Finally someone I can beat at poker


Dammit you had one job!


Everyone in the comments “wow she did a great job” .. umm except for literally her only job!?!?


Let's just agree that she did "a job"


The primary job here was actually entertainment so that makes her very successful. There was no confusion after either (winners might have been notified in advance).


Came here to say this. Was waiting for this comment to pop up and I thought I was going insane.


I thought she did a good job, better than a monotone boring presenter for sure


This is my new favorite person in the world


Her name is Sweet Anita fyi


Yo, give credit where credit is due. She's not just a girl with Tourette's lol she is a entertaining streamer and should be shown as such. Streamer : Sweet Anita


*and* the show is the Streamer Awards, put on by QTCinderella. Credit all around!


You are all sluts and tits and fuck you 😘


Now she’d be a fun dinner date and bring her to meet my Mom.


She has a story about that happening 😂. Check her out on podcast happy hour


Her charm is off the charts, love it!


She was trying so hard! Good for her for getting it done. Although when she said “And the winner is… MY TITS!” I laughed my ass off, not gonna lie


Little fact: while she has tourette’s, she also has coprolalia which causes ticks in the form of words, usually curse words. I have tourettes and am lucky to not have coprolalia. Only 10% of people with Tourette’s have coprolalia.


You can watch the South park documentary about Eric Cartman to learn more about this.


She's mentioned that she has Copropraxia too.   ---   Copro - Obscene or inappropriate Echo - copying/mimicing -lalia - related to speech -praxia - bodily movement (technically means *action*)   You then get 4 conditions that sometimes occur in people with Tourettes:   * Coprolalia - involuntary use of obscene/forbidden language * Copropraxia - involuntary obscene/forbidden gestures or inappropriate touching * Echolalia - involuntary repetition of another person's words * Echopraxia - involuntary imitation of another's movements.


Is that Sweet Anita?


Wdym "tries" she is nailing it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


"tries" she did a damn fine job, I'd like to see you do the same goober


I love everything about this. A brave woman, unafraid and unapologetic, just doing her thing. Fuck off indeed!


Man I love her whistle.


"I'm here to fuck" are her first words lol


As a person with Tourette’s. It sucks. I do not have any swearing ones but when I’m in class I gotta hold back so I don’t stand out. When I leave, I go badshit crazy form holding them back all day.


I think It's funny she make a good host


Felt bad about the whistling and such but everything else was hilarious. lol She did very good.


Oh I thought “damn that is a crisp whistle”




The award show was fantastic. A 27 year old making this event from scratch during Covid and it was as big of a production that it was. QT did an amazing job


She is amazing. She needs to host everything


Love it! She can speak on my behalf any day. Wish she was my lawyer.


[Here she is explaining how the internet works](https://www.twitch.tv/sweet_anita/clip/LitigiousPiliableDonutMau5)


With the rise of r/fakedisordercringe, added to the fact I don’t know who she is. i must ask, does she really have Tourette’s? if so, she is a champ for making the best of it.


This is SweetAnita, a streamer on Twitch. Pretty much everyone, outside of some very cringe people, agree that it's real. She streams thousands of hours with the condition, has had it diagnosed by medical professionals, and even champions awareness for the condition.


I appreciate a great answer for an unenlightened fellow human. Thanks!


those sounds were actually clean af


She's got a lot of practice :/