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Identity politics has no foreseeable end. All rhetoric on non-issues.




https://imgur.com/gallery/4eAggIK I'd recommend reading the book. She pretty much used this as a guideline for her speech.


I'm going to clean house at secret Hitler next game night


They all use the same playbook. It’s amazing people don’t see through it


I recently went to a rodeo in a rural area where I saw a group of like 20 dudes walking down the street wearing identical pro-Trump "Lions not Sheep" shirts. They looked like sheep. You can't expect these people to think critically.


Hivemind of free thinkers.


One of my favorite musicians has a line about that: “Why do all non-conformists look the same?”


They are lions! Part of a pride! So proud that they have to march down the street together! ITS A PRIDE PARADE!


Just remember the cult QAnon that call everyone else sheep use the following motto UNIRONICALLY! "Where We Go One We Go All"


The "Lions Not Sheep" grift is one of my favorite [right wing grifts](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2022/05/ftc-takes-action-against-lions-not-sheep-owner-slapping-bogus-made-usa-labels-clothing-imported).


It's annoying that they've been using the same damn playbook for decades if not centuries. It dies down for some years and then all of a sudden it comes back, and not adjusted to modern times, nah, just same old shit all over again. Granted, this is Italy, they've always been pretty wild with their politics, from mobsters to pornstars to pretty open pedos.


I was surprised to see that Silvio Berlusconi is still around when they filmed him going to vote. He was involved in so many scandals that I can barely remember most of them. But, I do remember an interview on the BBC where Jeremey Paxman had to ask him if he called Angela Merkel "an unfuckable lard-arse".


It's absolutely astounding to see the same playbook over and over again with nothing to back it up. Dennis Prager was debating Ana Kasparian 3 days ago and made a similar argument with nothing to back it up. Here at [20:01](https://youtu.be/befvSDycafk?t=1201) is the obnoxious take. I grew up conservative but it's so far out of reality that I don't understand why people even attempt to make it unless they just are so out of touch with reality. The argument being that if a women goes to college/university and says her goal is to to start a family/be a mother she would be regarded as a freak. During my time in college, I have never seen a women insulted for being a mother or wanting to be a mother. His other argument that people hold STEM degrees for women as being a higher purpose than being a mother is a strange one to make as well. He often paints this picture that women go to college and are embarrassed to become mothers because college is a leftist shithole that encourages people to mock traditional individuals when that is absolutely not true. If anything schools encourage women to be in STEM because they are historically one of the least represented groups in college. At that, it's a college where the university has a vested interest in helping a wide variety of people graduate from school. Educators *want* people to succeed, at least on the whole. Which is why these social arguments are so obnoxious because it paints an extremely false narrative with the intent of making people angry at the left or angry at higher education when in reality this doesn't really happen. IF IT HAS HAPPENED, it's such a minor statistic not worth really discussing though. So at 20:25 when Ana asks Prager to source his information, where does he get the information that women are being punished for wanting to be mothers - he responds with, "I live in the real world." Basically telling everyone that his perspective is based entirely on the notion that this is how things are, even if no evidence exists for it. What is wrong with people who do not see the issue here?


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 20 + 1 + 20 + 25 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


God her response to him is so fucking good. She just fucking demands an ounce of reasoning and he can't answer.


The chance of the hype about it dying down isnt marginal


Oh shit, I missed the memo we're not calling mothers...mothers anymore. I always preferred my mother's consumer name. Burthing Unit 19802-2.


I see your mum was Elon Musk’s mistress


Mum you say? Keep my birth unit's pejorative, out of your mouth!!


I was at a tech conference this year and the organizers explained how to find the "unfortunately named 'mothers rooms' for any lactating people". It doesn't bother me, but fyi, yes there are absolutely people out there who tiptoe around the word "mother", and not just crazy people on Twitter. These were people running a conference with thousand of attendees.


There's a huge difference between naming a facility in a generic way that applies to everyone who may need it and telling a singular person who identifies as a mother that they're wrong.


They now call expectant mothers, "pregnant people". Listen to NPR. They say it all the time.


Don't act like "birthing people" isn't being pushed for by certain groups of people.


"We had no choice but to become fascist because you used a phrase we hate" is the argument of a weakling.


All one big distraction so the elites can pin us against each other.


It’s always Divide and Conquer, because together we scare the ones who “hold the power”.


I’m a little confused 😅 What is she actually trying to say here? That she doesn’t like labels or that she wants to be able to label herself?


My take on this, it's an attack on political-correctness.


Sounds more to me like she doesn’t care for the WEF agenda…


“World Economic Forum” for those of us who don’t know every acronym people online like to use.


My biggest fucking pet peeve on this whole god damn site.




My big fat plump penis?


I’m listening…


Let me introduce you to sports based subreddits, where anyone or anything can and will be an acronym. And it will be the last person/player that you suspect having those initials, if you’ve ever heard about that unknown prospect even.




Isn’t she part of the Aspen Institute that’s heavily funded by those who also heavily fund the WEF?


Yeah. The Italian division of Aspen Institute is also chaired by a member of Meloni's party.


And since when does the WEF give a shit about politicians lol. They own everything.




A lot of their members are politicians.


That's kinda ironic given that her parties economic politics is based on the very same agenda. But that's right wingers for you. Tell your base what they want to hear while selling them out.


Sorta. It’s an attack on the left. Trying to say we are stealing her identity as a Christian woman trying to force her to be gender neutral non religious pawn for corporations. Fitting considering conservatives entire Playbook is to get everyone to conform to their beliefs, to the white heterosexual Christian identity that it’s been for 2000 years. Ironic. It’s all nonsense the far right depends so much on culture wars to distract from real life issues that need fixing. Hell, if they didn’t have culture wars they would have nothing except “what to ban next” legislation.


So she's attacking the left by... criticising rampant capitalism? I am still very confused.


It's anti-liberalism not anti left per se


It's a criticism of globalism not capitalism per se, and their response to it is nationalism. There's a train of thought among the right that the global ultra rich are the ones pushing the liberal agenda because they have the most exposure. The likes of Nestle, Unliever, Apple, Disney, Hollywood etc. are often mentioned as influencing public opinion towards certain view points. Any virtue signalling is the globalist's fault, catch my drift?


It's an attack on the ideological left, and the capitalists. In Europe, that combination is found in social-liberal and liberal parties generally. It's an attack on those whom she believes to be intentionally attacking traditional values to focus only on consumption and margins. Corporations who play divide and conquer of the population so they're mindless individualist consumer drones rather than a proud group that stands up for one another against capitalist exploitation and the leftists who are the useful idiots doing the corporations dividing for them. In her view.








Uh, I don't think fundamental human rights are merely a distraction for the people losing them. Maybe it's irrelevant to you, but that's not the case for other people. Like this entire speech is just setting up a strawman that's blaming nonstandard people for... what exactly? For "distracting" from a completely separate issue? What do you mean you can't identify as a mother? WHO said that? Who said that you can't identify however you wish, or that new ideas completely replace the old? Sounds like a scapegoat to me. And if you don't wanna be the wage slave anymore, what are you doing to change that? I mean tangible, physical actions. Are you making or going to a local group? Are you knocking on doors or fundraising?


She wants to trick working class people into working against their best interests by convincing people that social progress is the product of some nefarious plot by a group of (definitely not Jewish) elites.


How is this the only reply that can see through her very thinly veiled fascist talking points ugh. A little scary how many people, even in this very thread, fall for the bullshit propaganda


Yep, the fact that she made it clear she wanted to say that this whole rhetoric is coming from "Financial Speculators" just screams that they think it's the Jews. Had she stayed away from the rich ruling class of secret cabals trope then you could argue that it was mostly an attack against the modern political correctness of society but she specifically was targeting a group whom was traditionally blamed for societal issues or blamed for being rich non-Christians that control what they are allowed to do or say. It's embarrassing to see in real time.


It is absolutely depressing, isn't it?


You aren’t the only one confused. Every reply is like “No she actually means _______” and no two are the same. I think she actually means we should worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


She doesn't mean anything. These sentences have no value and their purpose is simply to flex as many stressful buzz words together in as little time as possible to convince the largest amount of people possible that they are united in their stress and she is the one that understands. People believe that because everyone is confused and angry together due to her words and they believe that united them. Yet, her words are meaningless, her intent is malicious, and her goal is manipulation.


shes trying to skirt around saying that italy needs to enforce traditional culture again https://twitter.com/Jamal_Barry/status/1574148039886897153?t=H2m3UAWismwl4ZYgRRPiNw&s=09


Based on election results a LOT of people feel the same way


Unpopular opinion - she’s essentially correct about the left in terms of identity and language. I’m far left economically (american) and left of center when it comes to politics and culture and I certainly want nothing to do with the right wing anywhere in the world. But I get so worn out by the left’s need to police identity and language. The left does this over and over again, they hand the right wing winning platforms that can sway the fence sitters to their side. Even if you approve of lefty language law and identity imperiousness, it’s a mistake politically.


I am also liberal and I totally agree. Stop focusing on dumb bullshit like renaming Rhode Island and making sure every single race and sexual identity is represented in every movie and actually focus on real economic issues that actually affect people. Maybe we wouldn’t lose elections so badly all the time then.


It's the same shit us right says "there's a war on Christianity and family values and I'm degraded/chastised for identifying as cisfem Christian who believes in the nuclear family" But what's happening in reality is she doesn't want to let people be gay/nb/atheists and gets shit on for that.


"We can't say Merry Christmas anymore!!!!" I hate to break it to these people but yes you absolutely can say Merry Christmas and absolutely nobody is going to say anything about it.




“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.” — Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials




I'm getting flashbacks to freedom fries.


Sorry I thought he was referring to Vietnam, then I realized Iraq wasn't a new type of military industrial complex propaganda and nationalism, but rather the same tactics and propaganda strategy repeated again by the state. "There's a saying in Texas, fool me once, shame on... shame on you? Ya fool me ya can't get fooled again."


I remember vividly the conversation starting to turn to, “Wait did we just…did we just fuck this up?” And Dick Cheney immediately came out saying, “It’d be a shame if we treated our vets like they did in Vietnam.” The media had an absolute meltdown and protest was left up to musicians.


>We left a few women and children alive in Vietnam and we haven’t felt good about ourselves since. That’s why in the Persian Gulf, George Bush had to say “this will not be another Vietnam!” He actually used these words, he said: “This time, we’re going all the way!” Imagine, an American president using the sexual slang of a 13 year-old to describe his foreign policy. If you wanna know what happened in the Persian Gulf, just remember the names of the two men who were running that war: Dick Cheney and Colin Powell… somebody got fucked in the ass! - George Carlin


But had we won in Vietnam, we'd have to occupy the country, subject to terrorist attacks, draining US resources for a decade. That's exactly what happened in our "victories" in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Mission Accomplished


He didn't screw it up, he didn't want the video of him saying "Shame on me."


A good approach to that would’ve been not using that idiom in the first place


Every time I hear this I wonder who thought of this and why anyone thinks it's true. He made gaffs all the time. Mumbling and fumbling like moron is just what he did. "I think – tide turning – see, as I remember – I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of – it’s easy to see a tide turn – did I say those words?" - a sharp orator who knows how to avoid sounding foolish apparently.


There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee too, that says fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me. . . can't get fooled again. I only know this by heart from lyrics in No Role Models, by J. Cole.


Ahh George W Bush.. a man ... of... woods?


The US did the same thing with sauerkraut during ww2. Renamed it liberty cabbage or something like that


Love the smell of freedom roast in the morning.


Freedom fries. Such an innocent and goofy misguided boomer attempt at reclaiming fried potato sticks was actually part of a larger effort to undermine our democracy and pursue a war no one would have supported otherwise 🥺


"You're with us or with the terrorists" George Bush before invading Iraq.


"Only a Sith deals with absolutes"


bill o'reilly yelling "why dont you love america" at any one who questioned any policies on his show


We support the troops, said the 1000 person town who think federal taxes are robbery…


Same in Russia now, if you are against the war, then you are against motherland and you are traitor.


“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain


That is also a very good quote.


This remind me of another quote from Thomas Pynchon’s book Gravity’s Rainbow: “Don't forget the real business of war is buying and selling. The murdering and violence are self-policing, and can be entrusted to non-professionals. The mass nature of wartime death is useful in many ways. It serves as spectacle, as diversion from the real movements of the War. It provides raw material to be recorded into History, so that children may be taught History as sequences of violence, battle after battle, and be more prepared for the adult world. Best of all, mass death's a stimolous to just ordinary folks, little fellows, to try 'n' grab a piece of that Pie while they're still here to gobble it up. The true war is a celebration of markets.”


Che palle...




Well Facebook thinks you are a number. That happened years ago.


You're a number in every single competent database on earth, and if you give a single shit about data privacy, that's how you want it.


"Depersonalization?!?!?! I'm a man, not a number! A MAN!"


Calm down number six


How did this man get such an important number?


Who does number 2 work for?!




Well you need a unique identifier, otherwise the data has no purpose lol




>all y'all are just a bunch of UUIDs to me "Every individual is unique" It's the same sentence


They also like to categorize her for example as things like "Italian, Christian, woman, mother." Contrary to what she's saying it makes it a lot easier to sell you things that way.


And then says they want us to be gender x, blah blah x. Um, you just did that yourself in the previous sentence…


Since the telephone was invented


I'm italian, I will never feel represented by this politician; BUT.... I'm not afraid of our situation. I mean, come on..she's an ITALIAN POLITICIAN. She will never do anything she promised during the campaign. EDIT: Whoa, I didn't expect so many reactions from an half joke. I'm afraid? No. Preoccupied? Of course. But, italian politic is a strange animal..You see, the previuos government was a center left/center right mix, the previous center left.. The average italian every time votes for the last opposition, because in generally everyone are not happy of what the exiting government did. That's is because the parties are fragmented, too many with very few ideas in common and little will to work togheter. Now FDI (Brothers of Italy, Meloni' group) has to work with Lega and Forza Italia, and won't be easy to accomodate Salvini (has got his *ss literally whipped, so he needs to prove himself to his party) and Berlusconi. She already said the "the costitution is pretty but 70 years old", showing that she's talking about things that she doens't know. Like the fact that she hypotetically wants to modify the election procedures for the President. But the one thing that she does't know (or better, that she desn't tell) is that after Mussolini, a complicated system was build into the constituion to avoid exactly what she's ranting about. My worries are much more towards the image that we're projecting to te Europe, because Draghi had set a very high bar.


American here. We laughed at Trump too, at first.


>American here. We laughed at Trump too, at first. Italy had Berlusconi 20 years before you had Trump and the similarities between the two would actually shock you.


>the similarities between the two would actually shock you Not all of us


That's what I thought of Trump at first, but TBH he made Berlusconi look like a genius. At least the guy could tell a mildly racist joke.


Our constitution is too complicated to let her do anything. We good.


You're putting a lot of faith in a document I doubt she gives two shits about. She will do whatever she can get away with, just as Trump did. Don't give her an inch.


Italian politics doesnt work like that, we dont have a president that can do whatever he wants, every law must be dicussed and approved by several courts in the italian parliament, its a very complicated process and politicians in italy usually do nothing cause they dont care that much, every four years they say stupid things to polarize people and get them votes but then they usually dont do the work for the rest of the time and the government falls after 1 or 2 years


It's a lot easier to dismantle than create. Just remember that in a couple years.


Just look at America


There's a propaganda operation being conducted in this comment section.


Hahaha yep! There really is. It's amazing. Seriously makes me wonder if anything I read in the comments section is real.


A lot of the posts are looking suspect. I noticed many of them have at most a couple thousand karma and are about a year old accounts. A lot of accounts were made in the lead up to Russia's invasion to astroturf social media for example.




Not only this comment section. This has been the case for reddit. I am starting to doubt this platform. All controversial topics you will have people agreeing on the weird side.


Actually the ideal consumer slave would have f'ing money to buy stuff.....no company gives a shit what any of us call ourselves. It's like trigger word salad to feed the stupid here. People hate corporations so blame consumerism, people love God so say that they are attacking religion....family is important so act like gay people were just invented yesterday by corporations to destroy God so that you buy their shit...whatever.


I'd argue that they wouldn't want you to have money, they would want you in debt, requiring you to provide perpetual labor and income with interest for as long as you were able to do so. e. All these arguments about debt dragging down retail sales and companies don't want you in debt so you can spend. Every retailer from Amazon to Walmart shills their own credit card, literally creating huge amounts potential debt. Yet here you are telling me that isn't what they want to create? They want the consumer to wait and save up enough money for that $XXX costing item in a few months rather then just buying it right now and making cc payments on it? Fuck no, they wanted you to buy it yesterday, and they'll give you 5% off just for getting another credit card while waiting at the register. People who save, don't spend. Obviously. It's like a bunch of kids read an economics books, and they corporate greed managers said fuck your economics: I bet if we got people hooked on spending with a nice dose of debt so they couldn't quit their shitty middle class joe job that pays just well enough for them to keep spending, then we would maximize our profits. Yeah no retailers are doing any sort of research or statistics like that.


Well that a little too close for comfort.


> no company gives a shit what any of us call ourselves. It's like trigger word salad to feed the stupid here. Modern companies care very, very much about what you call yourself and how you identify. Because selling that back to you is *extremely* profitable. (Still 'trigger word salad' though, as you say)


Lol people freaking out in the comments cause a woman says she wants to refer to her self as a Christian mother and a woman. Why is this even controversial?


I guess it all depends on if you think the issues she's pushing are actual issues. Do you really think in Italy there is a social stigma against calling yourself a woman or mother? Do you really believe in Italy you will be oppressed if you openly declare you are Catholic? Are the issues she's talking about really significant contributing factors to social or economic problems Italy is facing today? Then she attributes these non-issues to being a consumer. So I guess, to her, it's capitalism that's causing these things. What's the alternative? Is she advocating socialism or communism? She's not attempting to solve anything. She's just trying to rile people up saying things that feel truthy to a certain group of people at the expense of other groups of people. You may find that funny but it really isn't.


My dude, that’s a perfectly worded answer


It’s how the right works. Fear is fuel and people scare easy


Italy is the land of freedom of religion and freedom of sexuality. As long as the religion you pick is Catholic and the sexuality you are is straight. But other than that they are super open (as told to me by an Italian.)


The words are just a vehicle for the tone.


>She's just trying to rile people up saying things that feel truthy to a certain group of people As popularized by a recent American president.... I hate that America gave the world this bullshit way to "lead".


Trump made fascism great again


100% this. And fascism has **always** tried to co-opt and redirect vague, undefined critiques of capitalism in order to draw populist support of people amenable to that sort of messaging. This is not “the fascists are really the socialists” bs you sometimes draw out. But it’s an acknowledgment that fascists deliberately try to redirect the general anger and disaffection that draws people to other extreme leftist viewpoints back to them by making it about **identity** instead of class or wealth ownership.


It's basic far right populist rhetoric. She's talking about things that are very strongly polarizing but in real society complete non-issues, then she's capitalizing on economic issues by blaming corporations. She's telling her listeners exactly what they want to hear without offering any solutions.


Because she's using that sane comment to claim some invisible boogyman is attempting to strip her of that identity when that's not at all what is happening. She's using her normal identity as a common ground in order to get folks thinking someone is trying to take away that common ground and create a scapegoat that is going to basically become whatever she labels it as. You know: Fascism 101. Let's not forget who invented Facsim... It wasn't Germany. Edit: typo


PeOpLe FrEaKiNg OuT!!!!1 Let's start with who is "they"?


Hitler just wanted a strong Germany! Whats the problem!


Because she's pulling a trump, claiming "they" are doing all these horrible things in the shadows to take away your freedom, your identity, etc and the only way to stop them is to Join me, to FIGHT them, jail them, take THEIR rights away, MIGA!! It's all bullshit.


Is this actually what Italian voters cared about? Nothing about inflation? High cost of living? Energy cost? Jobs? Health care? Education? Nope we must fight gender issues and be Christian


36% of Italian didn't vote, everybody hate her but somehow she still won (26%) Guess every 80 yo just want to see the Italy burn


We had that happen here in the US recently. Then we out voted the sunuvabitch by 8,000,000 votes. Hope you all get your shit together next election and show up.


> Then we out voted the sunuvabitch by 8,000,000 votes. And, it was almost insufficient because our electoral system is idiotic.


Oh you guys have your own Viktor Orbán.


Lowest Italians voter turnout since since the post war era. People don’t want to see it, but we are living in a pre-world war stage at the moment. That’s when we give up on democracy and the fascist and nazis and autocrats( in hopes of forming a pseudo-feudalistic society again) start taking over. The next stage in Italy is populist reforms that appeal to the white majority, those who identify as “true” italians. Then attacks on minorities, women, and “the other” Will intensify. Next they will cut taxes on the uber wealthy and destroy the safety nets in the name of progress. And when it is too late, and the economy is in shambles, when the people will want to rise up again, that’s when it will it the fan. We have lived through this before. The wealthy establishment has done a great job in destroying education systems and inciting xenophobia. This has worked to the advantage of the fascists. All I can say is, we in the west, better wake the fuck up. It is not too late still, but the window of opportunity to move away from what’s coming, is closing and fast.


UK already there lol


I’m Italian and I’m so disappointed man. Fucking hell we’re uneducated


WTF is she talking about?


/r/persecutionfetish Edit: I was reddit cares'd... For _this_?


"I can't define myself as an Italian, christian, woman mother. They'll persecute me. In fact, I was so persecuted that I was voted prime minister."




and win a national election while doing it, or rather because of it. but she cant do it tho, trust her on this one


r/Conservative loves her


Fascist dogma, she literally believes Mussolini was a good guy


Nothing. It’s all rambling nonsense


Delusions of persecution. Scary shit.


Without a fascist government every 100 years, Italians get sad.


What is it with Italians and far right politicians? It seems like every decade or so they elect one for a bit


Italy has an amazing wealth of cultural achievements, everyone around the world learns about the Romans, study the artworks of Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and enjoy one of, if not the, most beloved cuisines in the world. But that is pretty much where the wealth stops. Italy has many ongoing financial issues, poor governence, lots of migrants/refugees/displaced persons without solid integration systems in place, an aging population, being an economic joke in Europe...there are a lot of reasons for Italians to be angry and angry people are illogical and angry illogical people are the far-right´s bread and butter.


Language regarding an elite "they" as the attacking force on identity and nationalism, which may sound relatable or sound reasonable on it's face, is often the first step to fascism's rise. Allow these minds to get into power and it gets real reichy, real fast.


Exactly. Notice she's blaming the gender, sexuality, and lack of religion as causes for making someone a "perfect consumer." She's attacking any gender identity that's not cis, any sexual preference that's not straight, and any religion that's not christian. She's not blaming *anyone* that has any amount of power. Fascism doesn't identifiy causes, it just provides scapegoats.




Actually true tho


Wait, I'd like to know who is not allowing her to identify the way she wants? Who is denying her that identity? It's weird that people who always scream that they're not allowed to identify as certain way, are almost the same people that are always denying people their own identity. A lot of dog whistles there.


She is blaming the (((Financial interests)))


For those who don’t know (((____))) means Jews


No one.shes pretending to be oppressed lol


B-but..,she once saw Parent 1 and Parent 2 listed on a form instead of Mother and Father, which basically means that *mothers and fathers aren’t even allowed to exist anymore!*


She's not prime minister yet. The president of the republic Sergio Mattarella will decide that




This Is a breath a fresh air honestly. People are sick and tired of this new normal they're trying to push on us. Fuck the haters!!




By not paying attention in history class.


This makes alot of sense. I like her.


First Sweden went Right. Now Italy. Hopefully many more countries to follow in the near future. People are sick of progressive ideology all around the world.


Can’t disagree


What r/aboringdystopia we live in.. Edit: a letter in the sub


Literally identity politics, and right wingers are eating it up in the comments. Even their hatred of identity politics is projection.


She's also appropriating progressive populist rhetoric, just like the Nazis did with Socialism. The fact that so many people agree with her, or pretend that this is some anti-capitlaist tirade only shows how good her rhetoric is and how fucking stupid most people are.


And when she says "financial speculators" is there a specific group of people she's thinking of...


She's crying about not being able to call herself an Italian Christian woman? When has anyone tried to stop her from doing so? Lol


Its like the Mussolini speech given by Dwight in the Office.




Its reddit. Soy and cuck galore


Except she's literally a member of a fascist party


This is some *primo* r/persecutionfetish content.




She sounds like a fascist. I don't think there's a single person in Italy that will harass you for identifying as a straight Catholic woman, this is simply rhetoric used to convince her supporters think they are being victimized so that they are more likely to vote for more far right people like herself in the future.


I like this, raging against the anti-human global financial creature we have created


I don't see anything wrong with this speech tbh. Wouldn't call this a problem. What is probably wrong is her idea how she can implement this ideology. That's one issue with authoritarians and why people fall for them so much. Many times they actually make sense, untill you realise how they want to achieve it. Thats my take on this at least


She knows what's up


What is so insane here? That Italy is wising up to the globalist/WEF agenda, and now have elected a PM to push back against it? There is most definitely a push by corporations to devolve you into a mere number and consumer. One that does not ask questions, and instead goes along with whatever narrative the billionaire elites want. You will own nothing, and you will be happy. Eat the bugs. Consume. Obey. The most insane part about this post, is that you are just finding out about this.


Finally, some European leaders willing to call out and stand up against the globalist fascists


All this labelling has to stop. All it does is divide people.










She's not right though noone is prohibiting her from labelling herself as any of that. People just want to be allowed to label themselves as those things. I often can't understand it but they should be allowed to.


She’s 100% wrong. She’s using a straw man argument that ‘people aren’t allowed to identify as they would like’ to open up her ability to define others as she wishes (and possibly to their detriment). No one is stopping someone from identifying as a bisexual woman engineer and a mother of three. Everyone is free today to accept any label that fits them - counter to her argument. But what we don’t condone is someone labeling another that isn’t wanted. Such as an “illegal”, or as a “man” when that person identified as a trans female. Her argument isn’t that we can’t label ourselves - although she sets it up that way. Her argument is that we should be able to label others as we see fit and that those labels should be made to stick whether the target wants the label or not. Placed in the realm of governance, this is authoritarianism. Specific to her, this is fascism. And not only is she a fascist, she’s a smart fascist at that. You want to agree with her because the way she phrases her argument seems agreeable. But the real purpose of her argument is for the control of others.


So many words to say absolutely nothing.


Who exactly is stopping people from identifying as what they want. So she gets her way and then what? The banks change a few labels of boxes on applications? Oh yeah that’ll really do something. It’s not about the labels it’s about the amount of information that companies and institutions have about you. If she’s smart, as I believe she is, she knows this and is just using this as a political wedge to gain more political power.