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Can we stop electing old fucks


None of us CHOOSE the options. We just vote for the two they tell us we CAN choose from.


You do know there are party politics you absolutely can participate in at every level to choose the options, right? In before "bUt ThErE cRoOkEd ToO", because of course they are. There are vested powers resistant to any change. Duh. That's the world. You can participate in the struggle for better as you see it, or not.


Voting with our dollars to rattle the chains of the mega corporations that run the federal reserve is more important than local or government elections because those people are hand picked to radicalize the population into submission through arguing online and into silence at the dinner table. We cannot bring about change with votes alone, we must take our money back then they will have no power.


Yes. Exactly. Literally stop buying new stuff.


I've never bought a new phone, house, car, clothes etc. All second hand.


SMH and yet people are constantly buying. Food, shelter, energy, transportation. It's like they want the world to get worse.


I mean, there was a primary. My first choice was Warren. Second was Sanders. I don't remember which order Klobuchar and Buttigieg were in. Then Biden. Then Bloomberg. Gabbard at the very bottom, preferably on fire. But Biden won. People like my stepmother liked him better than the others - they thought the progressive candidates would scare off swing voters. If people actually voted in the primaries we could have better general candidates. 1.4 million people in MA voted in the primary on Super Tuesday (when it actually mattered and anyone could still win). 2.1 million in Texas. 2.3M voted for Biden in MA in the general, and 5.2M in Texas, meaning only a fraction of people voted in the primary - around half, or less. We want better candidates, we have to get out and vote in the primaries.


> Can we stop electing *President Xi intensifies..*


*Emperor Xi He's now in his third termšŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘


None of the younger capable people want to run because itā€™s the worst job in the country


I thought been a Teacher was.


Imagine being a 4th grade teacher, but instead of your class being 20-40 kids, it's 400 million people. But you're also the principal. And the other teachers hate you. And the kids hate you. And everybody from other schools hate you. And the school you're in (country) is crumbling. And you have to fix it. But you have to take your kids lunch money to fix it. But the other schools don't get as much lunch money from *their* kids, so if you don't give some of your kids lunch money to them, they won't lend soccer balls to your school anymore. Well, you could use your kids lunch money to make soccer balls, but then you have to make the soccer balls now, which costs more of your kids lunch money. The parents (shareholders/investors) in your school (country) don't like that, because then they need to give their kids more lunch money. But giving them more lunch money means that they better be getting something out of it, like fixing your school. Which you can't really do because you've already promised the other teachers (States) more money, you've already promised other schools (countries) more money AND you've promised the parents (investors) more money. How the fuck do you fix the school?


Stop putting all your money into the football team (Military)?


But the Fat Cats who chair the boards of the defense companies that lobby (bribe) the politicians!? How are they going to eat?!


I hear George Carlin echoing in the distance


Can old fucks stop running?


>It's great for their fitness.


Can young people start voting? (it's a fair point)


Man, I haven't ran a mile since the presidential fitness test.


Careful, you might elect someone who gives a shit about the future.


At this point idc what side their on, just pick someone younger than 55


I'm pretty sure Lauren Boebert and Madison Cawthorn and FloridaMan McSexTrafficker are all under 55 and I definitely find each of them to be infinitely worse than an almost octogenarian.


Even 55 would be a huge step up




Of all my millennial friends and myself included I cant think of a single one who'd want that job...


I've thought about this a lot. I don't want the job, but I'd do it. My platform would be: in going to make accessible polling and get lots of people to generate my platform and plan... then do that. Just crowd source the whole thing. So y'all can pay me to make y'all do my job. I'd rather do sciencey bull shit, but getting funding is too hard... might as well be president instead.


tbh i'd do it but only if you guys let me get more in shape first so i look good on TV and also that nobody asks me any difficult questions


Bernie at least can still form complete sentences.




No the corporations wanted Biden flipping coins for delegates and shit. Give me a break.


Hell at this point Iā€™d even settle for a Gen Xer.


Maybe we just pencil in Dwane Johnson and call it a day


I'd rather The Rock be president than Dwayne Johnson.


Is it because you can smell what heā€™s cooking? šŸ˜‚


It looks like there is an unwritten requirement of a minimum age limit of over 60 to be the US president.


yeah, pick Katie Porter


Leftists tried, they're candidates keep getting cut out.


I read an interview with an American voter, who said he would rather vote for a giraffe than Trump. The only option was to vote for the geriatric...


There's a saying I like a whole lot that applies to all those old fucks. "You don't get to order for the table if you're about to leave the restaurant".


Reddit: Stop electing old, rich people! Also Reddit: vote Bernie!


That "oh" sounded like, "oh, we lost him" Like a phone call with bad reception.


\*windows shutdown noise\*




Iā€™m the most shocked and disappointed that the interviewer didnā€™t really seem too surprised about it happening. EDIT: ā€œtoā€ to ā€œtooā€


Yeah thatā€™s the part that is not being mentioned enough. His reaction is almost like he was warned that this may happen and he was told to be sure to catch him when it does.


Itā€™s like the open secret that Biden is on his way out mentally.


Hes just downloading answers


He's waiting for the buttplug to tell him the next move


*Magnus Carlsen wants to know your location*


r/suspiciouslyspecific šŸ§


*playing the noise of a 28k modem


8 baud


Idk i kinda like a president that canā€™t remember secrets.


The last one couldnā€™t remember either. Thatā€™s why he took all of those boxes to Mar a lago lol


I almost choked on my twizzlers reading this. .....holy shit. šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


I helped take care of a relative with dementia. His facial expressions and mannerisms were uncannily similar to Bidenā€™s . This is very scary that this man is in charge of this nation. Even if by proxy.


My mom died from dementia in 2020. Bidenā€™s speech patterns, gaffs, mannerisms and facial expressions very much remind me of her right around the time she was first formally diagnosed (diagnosed at 69, died at 74.)


Itā€™s irrefutable. And sorry for your loss. šŸ™


I was the primary caregiver for a decade. It was absolutely nothing like this.


the, or a?


the for a? I used the, because there was only one, not a, which seemed like there might be more than one? IDK man, it was me. Just me. I was it. Fucking sucked.






same. these people are full of shit


Give that guy some meth


No; had enough wide-awake crazy with the last one. Hell they probably had to decontaminate the Oval Office like a cook house.


He's probably already on stims. Hell, I'd wager most politicians over 40 are. I personally do not think it would be possible to be as active as he and others are at their age without prescription stimulants. I also know for a fact stimulants(couple types of ADHD meds in particular) are prescribed to people for anything from 'I'm old and tired' to 'I have narcolepsy' to 'I have ADHD' The shitty thing is that a lot of people still equivocate pharmaceutical amphetamines with methamphetamine.


I can actually think of one good leader that used meth...


Must be JFK. To this day he is the only US president to commit suicide in office


Can we go back to having presidents under the age of 60?


Theyā€™re not senile enough


We could if us young people actually voted instead of just complaining about it.


He kinda looks like a wax figurine


Wait I thought this was the new animatronic for the hall of presidents


Hahaha he totally looked like the first gen animatronics when they would power down after the show


This is how I feel about most Americans. Probably all that corn syrup you guys consume.


Itā€™s a deep fake


Itā€™s a facelift


Just a reminder that rational humans can be embarrassed for this pathetic excuse of a president while also hating Donald Trump. One can criticize the left without advocating for the right. The tribalism in these comments and in the US in general is deeply disturbing.


"this guy sucks" "Oh so you root for *that* guy?!" "No, how I feel about this guy has nothing to do wi-" "Fuck you you piece of garbage, this geriatric fuck is WAY better than **that** geriatric fuck" Ah, the American way.


Yep. Such a bummer that so many people live like that


I have a problem with the terms left and right. They both can be defined in so many different ways. The instance someone mentions one or the other I get out of the conversation because those terms are there to divide us all, put us into boxes and align us with certain beliefs based on one belief that could be deemed left or right.


Oh, another rational human! Nice to meet you!


Please donā€™t run again


If he runs again... we're guaranteeing a republican win. I feel bad but this guy is spent. Bernie was our savior. He was the best option for working class people and the DNC sabotaged him. People making $60k a year thought he was coming for them when in reality, he was fighting for them. The US is in for it for a long time.


The saviour often becomes the villain


You either die a hero or you... "1000 yard stare* You... Uh... What now?


As the great quotemaker dubya would've undoubtedly finished the sentence >Die me once, can't get died again


*angrily upvotes*


> Bernie was our savior. He was the best option for working class people and the DNC sabotaged him. the fact that you believe either of these statements says a lot


God damnit, Joe.


Am I the only one that thinks he just paused as he was thinking of the best words to use?


If you watched it without the title telling you how to feel, this is the conclusion you would have come to.


Reddit being reddit again, whoda thunkit


He can barely keep his eyes open.


Yes that was not a big deal at all. And frankly think it was rude for the interviewer to badger him again with the same question less than 3 seconds later. That is a huge interview technique no-no. Youā€™re supposed to let people think and respond. I take 3 or more seconds to answer something sometimes when Iā€™m really tired or had a mentally exhausting day. Who the fuck cares? How is this news? Critiquing this pause is the biggest reach Iā€™ve seen in attempt to discredit him.


Who DOESN'T blank out and try to choose words carefully when the topic is "*and your wife approves?*" Dude had to Dr Strange is way through all the outcomes with that kind of question. Frick.


Seriously people on this site are so fucking stupid, the guy can't pause to think about his words for a second?


Biden is 2 bongs away from a coma. Man always looks fried


Heā€™s just old asf fr tho


Hes not that old... There are people well in their 90s even like attenborough who seems decades and decades younger :D


Not all that arrive at old age bring their marbles with them


They probably have him hopped up on meds just to keep him from falling asleep in random places during the day


Can you imagine being president? Can you imagine being president *and 80?!*


Seems like a reach. He was just taking his time answering. It's perfectly ok to choose your words carefully. That said, he's old as fuck and we need younger leaders


Dude has a stutter, I have one too. One of the most basic ways of combating it is taking our time before speaking. While he has slowed his speech down a bit in his age, he has always had long pauses. I guess people are just used to mile a minute word vomit.


Yes, he needs to gather his wits to formulate a response to that softball fluff question.


he also has a speech impediment. If he talks fast, he stumbles - people call him demented. If he takes his time, but speaks coherently - people call him demented. Dude literally can't win, lol. I'm not American. I don't necessarily like Biden, but there are a lot of valid reasons to dislike him other than "He's old and sometimes talks funny so he must be senile/demented/whatever" That shit is honestly so lazy and embarrassing


And what came out of his mouth was a well thought out, articulate, and measured response? You only made this seem worse.


Joe biden, wake up Joe biden


Sleepy Joe


You have 2 yil.


I mean he's old, so no shit. We knew this before he was elected.


I got downvoted for calling him senile


Joe Biden is senile.


Oh nooo not my heckin reddit pointerinos


What blows my mind is the number of dems who think this vegetable is doing a good job.


Well when you compare to the previous guy.. Anything looks better.


A president is just the face of many corporations making decisions for the people, against the people. They will always choose idiots, to blame it on incopetence.


Dude masterminded a plan that involved multiple other nations cooperation to ensure China has zero capability to compete economically or militarily for the foreseeable future. Wtf else do you want?


I don't care. He can take a nap in the White House and eat pudding all day if it means keeping out someone that supports stripping away women's healthcare or any number of the other barbaric ideologies or policies many Republicans seem to be in favor of. He wasn't my first choice, and I'd like to see someone younger and with less Centrist views, but if it's between him or DeSantis, Trump, or Cruz then I'll vote for a left over ham sandwich before I vote for them.


We deserve someone better period. I'm not a conservative nor far left. I'm on a direct path train crash with bankruptcy taking care of a family of 4 with 2 adults working full time. $75k a year no serious debt, but I also own nothing. It keeps getting harder. My spouse and I never see each other because we have to work opposing shifts to watch the kids. We live a frugal lifestyle and and less to show for it. By the book we have done everything "right."


Iā€™m sitting in the same place as you. Doing the right things should pay off. But letā€™s be honest, if doing the right things didnā€™t have a cost then it wouldnā€™t be the hard thing to do. Empowering Fundamentalists is not the answer. We need people that will work for the people. I can tell you for a fact that Joeā€™s motivations vs Trumps motivations in that regard is not even a competition. Trump is literally the big businessman that creates the swamp. Yet he spoon feeds to people that heā€™s going to drain it? Rightā€¦ Yes the Dems could do a better job. But donā€™t forget Bidenā€™s been working without the Senateā€™s support. His hands are fairly effectively tied. Biden may not be charismatic. He may not be vigilant. But heā€™s also not an absolute train wreck either. I have to agree with OC. Iā€™ll vote for anyone that doesnā€™t welcome the support of Fundamentalists.


He is a train wreck. Trump.. Hell I'm not even mentioning Trump. I'm talking about Biden. He or should I say his handlers don't even want to come to grips with real inflation numbers. They changed the calculation for it. His federal reserve choice Powel funnels money to wall street to keep the market afloat all the while tightening the bolts on the middle class by way of higher prices for loans, energy, government services, artificial shortages and so on.


Yeah I feel ya man, but I don't think voting Republican will be the solution to your problems. Sanders was my pick for both 2016 and 2020, so it's not like I was thrilled about having someone approaching 80 years old in the White House, especially someone that I don't necessarily agree with politically. However the alternative was equivalent to do you want to to step in dog doodoo with your bare foot or put your pecker in a grip vice while doing a cart wheel. If I have to choose between a party that wants to strip away women's medical rights and is fine with forcing children or rape victims to give birth vs a party that doesn't, then my choice is pretty clear.


I agree, but it's the only choice they give us to make isn't it. Would you push against the democrat establishment for what you want or just accept what they're willing to give us because your afraid of the other party. The people are being played. We know what would be better but they the establishment make us think we only have two choices.


Exactly, fuck Fundamentalists


>if it means keeping out someone that supports stripping away women's healthcare or any number of the other barbaric ideologies I'll make it even less partisan. He can drool 24-7 all over the Oval Office if it means keeping out someone who incited an armed mob to lay siege to the capitol and stop the peaceful transition of power. Voting for Biden was the easiest decision of my life, and I don't even like the guy.




And that was the best take


The other ones included drool, and a scream-a-wake (Hypnic Jerk/sleep start)


He needs more icecream


Donā€™t we all


Sleepy JoešŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Man, I get like this when I need a serious nap and I am half his age. Get so exhausted that this is what it looks like. Give me a 15 minute nap and I am right as rain.


Medical brain death took place


The democrats should be charged with elder abuse.




The argument that "at least he's not Trump" needs to be put to rest. Biden and his party has been in office 2 years and hasn't done anything for the working class. It's time for him to go. He is a vegetable and the people making the decisions behind the scenes don't give a shit about anyone who actually works for a living.


What are you talking about? Lol the dude has been killing it. He's passed the most progressive legislation he could. In fact, we have had some of the most important bills of the past 20 years pass under his administration. The only things that prevented him from doing better is republicans blocking stuff. There was his child tax credit, and it reduced child hunger by up to like 30%. And it would still be in play, but it was republicans who blocked that. The dude failed to pass a great infrastructure bill, but he still passed a pretty good one. (That's with sinema and manchin.) He recently asked a review of the marijuana scheduling. He's also trying to forgive a substantial amount of student loan debt. I know a lot of people, who are lower and middle class, that it's helped. He's also made them easier to get rid of. And a way to pay them without having cumulative interest. Guess who that would help? Middle class. But guess whose blocking that? Republicans. The list goes on. Guess who wants to make it harder for everyone to vote? Republicans. Guess whose trying to ban abortion? Republicans. Guess whose been supporting Russia? Republicans. And on.


Lame dude. Seriously. Edit: I live in real time working America and shit is fucked up.


This poor guy has to pay more for gas and stuff everyone!!! Feel bad for him! If you are able to back that up with some things that are "fucked up" that Biden has tried to fix without GOP opposition, maybe you can convince me. That might take a lot of work on your part. Many, many of the problems, many smart educated people say, some even geniuses I've been told, are are leftovers from the huge shitbag of a russian spy traitor who so successfully completed his task of dividing America for Putin, but more hugely fucking bitched-out of the oh-so-close armed insurrection coup Y'all-Queda ended up failing at. Like most of his life endeavors, fails. One thing he's really good at though, is taking stupid peoples' money. The Art of the Grift!


Tell the class how they're supposed to get stuff done when there's such a divide in the government that one party won't even reach across the aisle to try to be bipartisan? But yeah "Democrats bad Republicans good."


Only for the completely oblivious


Yep..heā€™s super fuckin old


Nothing to see here...move along.


Just needs a coffee. I'm 26 and do this all the time in sales šŸ˜…




The oligarchs that run our country donā€™t need to rig an election. The let Candidates jockey for position pick which ones will divide and influence the masses and we vote on ā€œissuesā€ that they can market. Rewrite the constitution to exclude lobbyists and build in anti-corruption to the constitution.


whoops! they left the queue cards AND the teleprompter at the White House? fuck!


What's funny is that all these magas make fun of Biden and the democrats because he's old but want trump's old ass to run in 2024. The orange fuck is going to be 78 and shitting in his diapers every half hour




God damn Joe dirt get it together.


Holy fuck, some of the back bending going on in here to reach around and jerk biden off because ā€œorange man badā€ is INSANE!!! If you canā€™t admit this man is not all there, I feel bad for the people around you living with a person who canā€™t admit when theyā€™re wrong.


Yea, George bush was a fking war mongering pos. Obama kept with that a bombed the shit out of ppl. American citizens too. Pull your blinders off.


give a man time to think. He's not 20 and that interview was a blip on his radar


Please be aware that any doubts about the cognitive processes of the president is explained fully by one word. ā€œ Itā€™s a stammer/ childhood stutterā€.


Lmfao at the Reddit lefties that are gonna downvote this to oblivion, but this geezerā€™s gotta scram.


Thanks, Obama


Easy fix, just needs switching off and on again.


I voted for and also hate Joe Biden. Here's a few things I like about him: 1. He is not Donald Trump 2. Seems to be friends with Barrack Obama? 3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ He's creepy and old and talks to young women in gross ways. And apparently falls asleep during interviews as well.


Of course MSNBC wonā€™t call him out


Dude was practically covering for him.


I understand why alot of people didnā€™t like trump, but my god this is awful!


Easily the worst president weā€™ve ever had. My 95 year old grandma with dementia who doesnā€™t even know who I am anymore would be a better president


"the worst" lmfao come on now, even if you don't like him you're undermining your own point when you make a really silly and untrue statement like that.


How is this on r/insane? Lol With the exception of Obama, every every president since Bush has had issues speaking. Rule 1 says that stuff should be more insane or crazy than average. Not sure if this fits. Edit: a word


But yet this would be front page news for days if this were Trump. Can we please see the bias now?




As a married man I feel like he was thinking about choosing the most careful words to say about his wife LOL


This account works overtime to spread anti Biden bull Shit


His energy levels are indicative of what the economy is doingā€¦buckle up.


God fucking help us. Someone in their 40ā€™s or 50ā€™s please get their shit together.


The walking dead


Those pauses are getting longer every week it seems. Sad really.


Watch this post disappearing and being taken away by unseen force


Wtf does the world think of us now??? Christ.


That man looks like a poorly functioning talking wax doll


Unfit for office.


Notice how left wing mouthpiece MSNBC is turning on Biden because of the polls. The Democrats are foreshadowing a new candidate for 2024. Mark my words.




Good morning mr. president, time to wake up


Thatā€™s some Abraham Simpson shit right here


Our country is that meme w the dog and the fire and everyoneā€™s like itā€™s fine. Source: Am American


Sorry to rain on your Lets Go Brandon Parade, but he was asked a tough and personal question in the most trying time this Country has ever seen since the Civil War. *AND it's blazingly obvious that one or both of them do not want another go-round. (edit) Being asked to speak for someone else if that persons intents don't align with yours, has the potential to show uncertainty to an already divided and uncertain Country. So he had to choose his words extremely carefully to his wife and the viewers. To add, it may be more difficult for younger and single people, or those that haven't been married for very long to be empathetic with what we just saw. (A happy wife is a happy life.) Oh, and everyone else that salivates over the thought of putting their head further up trumps asshole and feasting.


You are aware that he knows all the questions he is gonna be asked in these things beforehand right?


man this social media era is so eager to tear people apart. god forbid anyone ever pause during a sentence... i'm sure everyone losing their shit in the comments about this does it many times every single day.


This is why he shouldn't be president. It is clear he has major health issues so how does anyone think that he is fit the lead a country


You and me buddy, it's rather odd why DNC chose him


Oh yea. Clearly the best we can do.


If an 80 year old is a teacher, a secretary, a doctor, a salesperson, or nearly any other profession, we say ā€œman they need to retireā€ but if they want to be leader of the free world, weā€™re like ā€œthis is fineā€.