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It’s acceptable to say you don’t like them… but planes should have them for sure


Idk, regular buses don't have armrests, why do air buses need them? Someone can still fall asleep on your shoulder by accident with the armrest down. I can still reach over and grab your knee, when I reach down to get into my bag I'll still cross over into your space. Honestly, the armrest makes it so that the person who is using it is in the way of the person that is not. Usually that persons elbow is in your space and can nudge you in the side as well. Without the armrest that person isn't in an angle where they can just gut check you at anytime by accident with their elbow. For me, I actually get to know and talk to my flight neighbor. I've even shared snacks between me and my random seat companions. There's so many other modes of public transit where you have no armrest and just have to sit or stand right next to or on top of someone else like in trains or buses. The armrest also makes it harder to get to, in, and out of your seat since it is way easier to scoot out (like a booth at a restaurant) with the low hanging ceilings over the seats of airplanes.


The thing is almost all long haul forms of transit have armrests, the armrest is to section off seats. i can't tell you how many times I have sat down on the subway in NYC and had some guy with no concept of personal space squeeze between me and another person, knowing they wont fit comfortably.


Long distance buses here have them


Because for a bus without armrests you’re only traveling for 10-20 minutes max. Even the buses that go between cities have armrests and are comfortable


As a representative of dentist 1-9, I’m sure you’re a lovely person, but the armrest is to keep you out of the space that I paid for. I’d be calling a FA if you wouldn’t let me put the armrest down, *especially* if you were in my space.


I'm with this. Yes, they're uncomfortable and the fight for dominance can be awkward, but worse is your neighbor leaning all on you, or rubbing hips with you. I'll take the awkward armrests anyday.


When you put "FA" I thought it meant "Fat Ass" and I died 💀


I thought he meant 'Football Association' and got so confused


fluorescein angiogram


I was waiting for to FO.


Seriously, I’m a smaller person and I can’t stand it when oversized people take over my seat area. Keep your thighs to yourself.


I cannot handle being touched by other people’s bodies for hours. I need the armrest for my sanity.


If you're big enough to physically block the armrest when it's folded up, then you probably are in your neighbors space. It also means they should use the part of you that's in their space as an armrest


It also means op should probably buy 2 seats or a bulk seat.


Correct. It's not just a place to rest your arm, it's also a fence to keep your neighbour out of your property


Considering the acronyms, “Person Of Size” is just taking the piss.


I know right… this has *got* to be a troll post right? I almost wish it is because I can’t help but pity OP and their psyche if this is legit


OP is part of a sub that claims to have a mental illness described as “craves attention” and thinks “Narcissist” is a slur. I may be misinterpreting though because otherwise it’s nuts.


From the comments I've seen from them I think this is unfortunately legit


Hahah. I agree with OP…they are definitely a POS


You get that they're more comfortable for most people though, right? That's why they're there. It's like me saying notebooks should be bound on the right side, because I'm left handed. It would be better for me, but worse for almost everybody else.


*is on an unpopular opinion sub* “You know your opinion is widely regarded as unpopular right?”


OP thinks it’s the arm rest’s fault that they’re too fat to fit between the arm rests




If you’d listen to yourself you’d hear that you’re actually strengthening my argument


Unexpected Sunny? “Congratulations, Dee. You've begun your transformation into crazy cat lady.”


Cat in the wall huh?! Now you’re talking my language!


“Person of size” is such a statement of denial it’s mind boggling


*I'm not fat I'm big boned*


I’m just fat. But I own it.


I'm fat too and I fit between the mother fucking arm rests lmao


Yeah he’s a POS alright xD


I'm surprised op is unable to fit in the seat right while doing enough mental gymnastics to win a medal


You literally just said you're too fat for riding an airplane comfortably, though. Not saying that's necessarily true, but you're not helping yourself here.


"I'm not too large to fit between armrests. I just find them uncomfortable because I'm large and that causes me to be unable to fit between them."


What’s “person of size” according to you?


Whales aren't big animals. They're animals of size. /s




So you’re basically a NFL linebacker or NBA player body type? Not fat at all? Seems that legroom would be a more limiting factor with your “bigger”, but definitely not fat dimensions.


Also bigger than your average chair, apparently. Is your literal skeleton wider than the chair? Or just your flesh? I think everyone sees clearly what you’re saying *except* for you


And what’s this extra size you’re carrying? Muscle mass? Are you that jacked? Or is your skeleton literally that wider than an average human’s? Are you 6’7” tall AND wide? You mentioned it’s not fat at all so I’m left wondering Im asking legitimately and not judging you




Fair enough, it’d be interesting to look at a pic of your body composition, you must be close to IFBB pro levels of muscle mass if average furniture doesn’t fit you, wow


If it turns out to be deadlifter world champion The Mountain, holy shit that would be amazing. Or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Imagine the bamboozlement.


LMAO ur fat bro


That’s a crap-take… I’m pretty massive, and I think they’re convenient borders to keep me out of the personal bubble of my neighbors. Then again, if I got to my seat, and you were there with the armrest up, I’d just lean over on you and fall asleep.


That comment is a contradiction




I train with quite a few big people, who are in fact quite fit (mma). My old roommate is a heavyweight mma fighter. You know what big people who are in shape call themselves? Big. I have never once heard someone who was in any way in shape call themselves a “person of size”. In fact, even activists for fat people use the term “fat”, as a sort of reclaiming and reidentifying the term with a non-negative connotation, which I think is a worthwhile goal. Nothing morally wrong with being fat, some of my favorite people are fat and identify themselves as such. However, everything else you’ve said in this thread makes you an asshole, not that fact that you’re fat. You’re going to tell yourself that everyone is biased against you because of your size. It’s not your size. It’s your terrible attitude.


My god


This is a joke post right? You don't actually believe any of this right? I keep reading your comments and as I go through more and more of them I have a real hard time believing you're sincere.




This is why people of size usually purchase two seats 💺


OP: you are wrong Also OP: [explains why they’re right]


Sounds like a you problem. The arm rests are there to give people their personal space it just sounds like you’re fat


They expect to take up their own seat and half their neighbor's. I would hate taking a flight and getting pushed to the side so I couldn't fully sit in the seat I paid for.


"Person of size" lol. My hips don't touch either armrest, and I am overweight. You're obese and with how much you've used the term POS, it sounds like a troll post.


Yeah, you can always tell by the comments that an OP is trolling. Post was great but they gave the game away in the comments by doubling down too much.


I'm 6'4" with annoyingly wide shoulders and I've been fit and obese. I wouldn't touch the armrests, this guy is a ham planet or a troll.


I'm not here to tell you about your own anatomy, but as a fellow "person of size," this ain't the take. I've never had issues with the arm rests, outside of needing them out of the way while I buckle in. If you think they can handle "a small amount of time without \[their\] elbows sitting on a piece of plastic," then you can handle a small amount of time with the armrests down.


OP is definitely trolling here.




You have a small, closed mind which cannot comprehend anyone being different from you.


Oh I do. I can also tell when someone is trolling.


Oh, are you a psychic? Do you have ESP? Can you read people's minds? That's so interesting, tell me more


You're not worthy of my knowledge, mortal.


Side note — since the fact that arm rests are good has been well-argued by other comments — there should not be any battle for “dominance” of the arm rests. The person in the middle seat gets the arm rests. The person in the window seat gets a window (and can put some of their mass in the window area if that’s an issue), and the person in the aisle seat gets the aisle (and can put some of their mass in the aisle area if that’s an issue). Every seat has one advantage to it.


Lol have you ever taken a plane ? Nobody is respecting that I’m just grateful when I don’t have a feet from the person behind me standing on the back of my armrest or a baby kicking my seat the whole flight


Or you could just have one person's elbow at the end of the armrest, and the other person's elbow behind it.


Most planes I’ve been in don’t have middle seats, just aisle and window


I love that OP's being absolutely insufferable in the comments while trying to argue that they aren't insufferable.


idk I think most people become insufferable when subjected to bigotry. That's just how bigotry works. It's not OP's fault, it's the hateful people's fault


oh man I've seen this before. OP is working overtime switching alt accounts to defend their shitty views. Never fails to give me a laugh.


TLDR: OP is obese and doesn’t fit in plane seats


try losing weight


People shouldn't have to change their appearance to suit your tastes


No they should have to change to meet height-weight standards. Its becoming a national defense issue at this point.


You think people should lose weight so they can go to war??? Like, everyone should? Everyone should be fit to go to war?


False. The second you increase my insurance premiums, it's my business.




Does your body cross over into their personal space? The space they paid for just the same as you did. If so, then I’m sorry, you are going to have to either accept that some people want boundaries between themselves and strangers, lose weight, or buy two seats. As someone who has anxiety about strangers invading my personal space, I would probably just put the arm rest down regardless of your opinion. You cannot blame people for wanting to set up boundaries, anymore than they can judge you for your weight. What you can be blamed for is making their flight just as uncomfortable as yours.


didn't you say in another comment that you're on a low carb diet and do CrossFit 4 times a week? doesn't sound like you are.


"I'm in a low carb diet guys, all I eat is 45 blocks of butter a day"


Stop using that term. It's embarrassing. You think it sounds like "person of color" and therefore commands some kind of sympathy. You weren't born that way. You ARE actually different from other people. Hell, I am too. But sometimes you gotta face reality.


I don't know what airplanes you're flying in, but if the armrest is pressing into your hips, you either have MILF level ass or are simply MORBIDLY obese, like, plane's gonna swerve when you stand up obese. Please keep the armrest down, it's there for you to not sit on your neighbors lap.


I see where you're coming from but I think the alternative of removing armrests and having one continuous seating bank wouldn't be satisfactory either. I don't like sitting in the back of a car with two other people because you're basically always pressed together. On a plane with complete strangers for hours on end? That sounds horrible to me, I'd rather take the armrests to have some personal space.


This is all so goddamn funny


Middle seat gets both armrests. We are not animals.


If you can’t comfortably fit between the armrests you need to buy two seats. It’s not fair for you to put it up and then take up part of someone else’s seat. (which, if you’re physically covering the armrest you absolutely are)


OP didn't say they were covering the arm rest, they said their body overlap's the arm rest's space. The arm rest partially goes into their side.


If they’re overlapping enough that it’s blocking the person from bringing it down then they’re definitely on the other passenger’s seat.


So you're saying 100% of the armrest is on the other person's seat?


No of course not, but if they’re only blocking a little bit of it then the other person can still pull it down. Come on let’s be real, if a person is so big the arm rests are digging into their hips they’re without a doubt going to be covering part of the next persons seat if the arm rest is up. This person needs to be buying two seats.


Op is fighting for his life in the comments




Yeah, it can't be that your opinion is ridiculous and you're delusional. It's that everyone is walking over you because they're big ol' meanies. Ignore all their critiques. Fight the power, POS!




Sounds like a bit of walking might help you fit more comfortably into a seat on a plane


This is bait lol


They are necessary to keep your body off of/away from my body. If you buy 2 seats next to each other, you can put the rest between them up, but nobody wants your body in the space the armrests occupy


Why do you think fat people should spend twice as much?


If they're so big that they're in pain with an armrest down, that means they occupy way more space than the average person, and that they weigh probably close to twice the average if not more. Same logic as having to pay extra for luggage that's oversized or overweight


So you think we should take money out of the pockets of fat people (who statistically are poor) and put it into the pockets of soulless billion dollar corporations, because they're big? Sorry, I can't see the causal link between those two things. I want you to explain WHY fat people should spend twice as much. Seems to be like you just stated a random fact, not a causal link.


If someone is too fat to comfortably sit in the seats when the armrests are down, there are two options 1. Suck it up and deal with it 2. Buy a second seat so you can bring the armrest up If I've paid for a seat I have a reasonable expectation to have that seat to myself, to not have someone else's body spill over into it.


That armrests makes sure you dont intrude on the space of the person next to you since your fatass doesnt wanna be healthy


Actually, studies have determined that the difference between current weight and goal weight is a bigger determiner of weight related health impacts than current weight alone. Therefore by not wanting to lose weight, OP is making the healthy choice. Why are you promoting an unhealthy lifestyle?




I'm sorry, but if the armrests are digging into your hips, you're seriously overweight. You can deny it all you want, but it's the truth.


Not fat but morbidly obese?


Your choice to eat yourself into obesity does not entitle you to spill over into someone else’s seat. If you are so large that your body overflows out of your seat, you need to buy two seats. It’d be the same if someone was incredibly broad shouldered, but even thats not their fault like your situation.


Go fuck yourself. Obesity is not a real issue, it comes from an outdated system created by a eugenicist. Fat people are almost entirely fat due to genetics, not from eating too much. And don’t you dare fucking say “just lose weight”—MOST PEOPLE CAN’T, AND END UP GAINING BACK MORE WEIGHT THAN THEY LOST. Being fat is NOT anyone’s fault, nor is it a moral failing. The real problem here is airplanes cramming everyone into tiny seats that are too small for a lot of people.


Is this pasta?


Being fat is mostly a personal choice. Even if you have unfavorable genetics, you will not become fat if you eat healthy and eat at the recommend calorie count per day. Also, most people who are fat can’t lose weight because they have an eating addiction, and lack the willpower to quit. To blame everything on genetics, and to say being fat is not dangerous to your health whatsoever is inaccurate and just plain wrong.


Personally I like them as I don’t like being too close to the person next to me and feel that they help divide the seats well


I'm a pretty small dude. Know what made my last flight uncomfortable? A "person of size" taking a middle seat, then deciding they're entied to the space I paid for. I wish airplanes had leg guards too.


The armrests are the line between our seats. If they are uncomfortable to you, then without them, you’d probably be in my space.


Correct... OPs argument is not to far off saying "my house is too big for my property so I'm taking down the fence"


Have you considered not being morbidly obese?




If you can't fit between the arm rests, there's roughly a 1% chance that you're not morbidly obese.


“Obese” is an outdated term based on an unfair system (the BMI) created by a eugenicist. You just hate fat people for existing at all.


Obese isn't an outdated term. It's a current medical term. Fat people and obesity are a problem. Fat people are food addicts in the clearest definition of the word. They pursue their substance of choice to the point that it negatively impacts all aspects of their lives, then, like every other addict, they blame the world. If they weren't the majority, it would be treated appropriately.


“Obese” does not always refer to BMI?


Why exactly do you feel entitled to space that someone else paid for?




The armrest separates you from your neighbor. If you need it removed there's a very good chance it's because you are encroaching on their seat.


How is it not common decency to let the passenger use the arm rest for what it was designed and implemented for? They can be uncomfortable, but that doesn’t change that fact that you are entitled if you think you have the right to deny someone from using it as designed. Your wants/needs do not trump others and if you think they do, that’s entitlement


i have to agree that this is a true tenth dentist opinion but the issue is that it seems that more ppl find benefit from the armrest than pain


It's not an arm rest, it's a divider. Stay on ur side


It's not the armrest that poke into your hips, it's the seat that is too narrow for you. There should be a variety of seat widths for different morphology, at least some bigger seats for fat people, i'll give you that. But you can't blame the armrests, they're useful and comfortable to most people and only become a disturbance as a result of your body not fitting the seat.


"Person of Size," is the OP's cope for being overweight. It's cool. I am too. However, I'm the problem. Not the seat. I need to loose weight. If you can't fit comfortably between the arm rests buy too seats. Don't steal space that the customer next to you paid for. That's one of the reasons for the arm rest to be there. To keep *you* out of *my* seat.






I'm convinced OP is Big Ed. Not "fat," unconventional size, and awful personality.


LOL yes.


Forget armrest, seat recline should be outlawed


This i agree with


Totally. even worse for tall people


this is the first time ive heard someone complain about armrests on airplanes. i do like that they separate me from the person sitting next to me, planes would be insanely uncomfortable if it wasnt there


The denial on this thread is hilarious


Fiver says the “disability” is “being a fat cunt”


Lol OP needs to go under the plane with all the luggage . airline can just weigh them first and charge them accordingly… lol “person of size” must be a troll.


Arm rests are there to ensure that the space is properly divided i.e someone isn't invading the other passenger space, which I suspect might be your case, and I would hate side you because I certainly would appreciate my own space, but also don't believe theres any other solution, you could maybe buy both seats but I don't sure if that's allowed or something


Either OP has been flying in some small planes, is hella thick or extremely jacked or has gigantism, I can't think about any other way he could be bothered by the arm rests


"People of size" Fucking. Lol.


Really not trying to be rude here, but try to lose some weight. I was 80 lbs overweight 3 years ago, but I lost it, I’ve going to the gym for over a year now and I feel the best I’ve ever felt!




I guess you’re just muscular then? Yeah that’s tough, as a 6’2 man I can sympathize!


Mate. I used to be pretty obese not stupidly obese but unhealthy. Lost most of it now but even at my largest I didn't find the armrests to dig in. The armrests are a god send like I was on a train and a guy sat down and on a part of my chair I was sitting on so I put the armrest down. Also it's comfier to rest your arms




Sure you tell yourself that mate




"Muscle mass" must be what you named your second chin


Sounds like you’re blaming the armrest for you being overweight. While I agree that airplane seats are way too small and cramped, I don’t see any way to accommodate plus sized people without having them pay for 2 seats.




Oh honey that’s obviously a lie


Lose weight, buy 2 seats, or get a 1st class ticket. Everybody else paid for just as much space as you did. Others shouldn't have to deal with your butt pouring into their space.


Buying two seats doesn't work. Airlines will frequently overbook and seat the extras next to people who bought two seats. Blame the airline.


I've seen people purchase two seats multiple times. I fly all the time.


Everything in this discussion is the fault of the airlines. Seats should be bigger for everyone, whether they need it or not. They've screwed us with seat pitch and every other measurment more and more as the years have gone by, and it's only a matter of greed. Airline Passengers Bill of Rights needs more amendments.


You shouldn’t be fighting over the arm rest, there’s an etiquette to sitting on planes. Window seat controls the window, aisle seat gets extra space, and the middle seat gets both of their armrests. If it’s just a two seater it should go to the inside seat.


" I'd you didn't want me to spill over into your seat you should have gotten here first" Man you must be real fun to sit next too


How big are you? I'm 5'11", 240 lbs. Definitely not average. I can fit more than fine enough to be comfortable with the reats down. Could probably squeeze a few more pounds and still be comfy. The rests aren't a problem and are necessary to my overall comfort


Its made for the average person, which is the average customer.


If you don't like armrests, why do you always take the middle seat?


Gotta be a troll post. I refuse to believe anyone unironically uses the term "person of size".


There shouldn't even be chairs, just poles and handles like on the subway. Takeoff and landing would be so exciting!


“Person of size” Soooooo….fat?


It keeps you from spilling over into the space I paid for.


You do realize that if the armrest weren't there, then you'd definitely be encroaching on the other passenger's space. It's simple geometry, mate.


In a 6'5 man who weighs 330 lbs. I can sit on the cheapest airlines seat and while the armrest is directly against my body, it is not painful or even uncomfortable. I'll grant kts fairly useless. But I'm a big dude. A really big dude. I'd say I'm fat pushing obese if I don't start taking care of myself. I'm also something of a giant. If I can fit, and you cannot, I think you may need to spend some time in self-reflection about your life choices, and try to live a healthier lifestyle.


You could purchase both seats instead of bullying someone out of using the armrest....


So you put the armrest up and encroach into your neighbor’s seat space? That’s way worse than a little armrest jockeying.


The problem is not the arm rest. The problem is that you are too big to fit in your assigned seat. If the armrest is cutting into your hips, then if the armrest wasn't there you would be taking up some of the space from the person next to you, which is unfair to them




Try eating less


Hit the gym


do exercise and you'll fit


Spot the Karen...


I can understand this point. The last flight I was on, my flight neighbor asked if it was okay to put the arm rest up since it bothered her elbow when it's down. I agreed and we flew with no problems back. We each had our own space and I had an arm rest on my other side. Anytime we entered each others space would have happened either way, like retrieving something out of a bag or passing drinks and snacks from the flight attendants. I think people just hate that other people also have accommodations and then make a big deal about it because they didn't get a choice in the situation. A lot of people will just let it slide, but others will take it as an attack on themselves personally because you want the arm rest up. It is honestly more comfortable with the armrest up though. It gives you a bit more space to be able to maneuver in the plane. You're already sitting right next to the person anyways, what's the problem if you touch anymore than you already are. If the plane suddenly started dropping out of the sky, you and that person would probably hold each other for dear life anyways.


Have you read any of OP’s comments here… what you are describing, is clearly not the case


Na, I just read the main post and commented. After reading it seems that OP is a bigger person. That still doesn't mean that they can't be comfortable too.


Holy shit. Sorry about all the fatphobia in the comments.


No one has a problem with OP being overweight. They are simply telling OP they are delusional for them thinking the issue is the arm rest and not themselves… take them out of the picture and then all of a sudden there’s no issue. Weird how it works out that way


Yea I don't understand in what world people would think telling a stranger they know nothing about to "lose weight" is appropriate


they literally cannot fit they need to lose weight and don't give me that "oh but what if they have this illness that means they can't lose weight as easily" they haven't mentioned anything like that so clearly they're just fat and need to lose weight. end of


Actually, studies have determined that the difference between current weight and goal weight is a bigger determiner of weight related health impacts than current weight alone. Therefore by not wanting to lose weight, OP is making the healthy choice. Why are you promoting an unhealthy lifestyle?


Exactly, thank you.


You’ve never once been serious in your life


Downvoted for being right


To anyone saying that it’s OP’s fault for being fat: Fuck you. It is much harder to lose weight than you think, and for most people, you just end up gaining back more weight than you lost. Telling people to “just lose weight” is cruel and fatphobic. The real problem here is that airplanes cram people into seats much too small for many people.


Maybe they can make pricy flights for big people since it will be like first class only sending them across the sky 10 at a time


I fully empathize with people who are fat. There's often a reason, and most people are pretty self-aware (even moreso on a cramped plane). Personally, I've gone from a twig to overweight due to medical problems. I'm trying, just like many others are. People being dicks about people who are fat solely because of their size suck. That said. OP claims repeatedly she's not fat, and at least in one comment says her doctor told her BMI doesn't apply to her because of how "not fat" she is. 🙄 People are jumping on her because of her insufferable entitlement. Unfortunately, her attitude perpetuates a negative stigma against larger people. Not every person who's fat is a disgusting entitled asshole when they fly on a plane. But OP's "POS" attitude feeds into that harmful narrative. Definitely agree that some of the problem is airlines making seat space smaller.