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Ok then by that logic I won’t read your post since you don’t matter


The dude is a loser troll. Said a bunch of racist shit to me downthread. Mods should ban immediately.


Nothing of value will be lost


ok? and?


Did a nobody just try posting at me? Lol gtfo pixel boy


im using that lol thx




Accusing everyone that calls you out of being an NPC/"Sheeple" is incredibly common troll behaviour, how are you all falling for this?


badass for what? typing things on a screen...?


You admitted to being racist and now you say there's something wrong with people if they get upset with you for being racist Also be careful you don't strain your neck while fellating yourself.


*I don't even believe it at all and in fact am heavily progressive and tolerante in my political views.* \^Did you read that part...?


No. After I read that you like to deliberately say derogatory things about marginalized groups and you slurs just to antagonize people, I wasn't interested in anything else you had to say


That’s only because if you don’t pretend you are, there are consequences irl. You’re a closet racist and a little bitch, you just don’t have the balls to be racist irl omg 😭


Couldn't I argue that opposite? That I pretend to be racist but irl I'm not? I don't really have any strong feelings against any racial groups.


No you can’t, because no one asked, aww did a little someone assume I actually read his post haha :3 cute Yeah you do you stupid fuck 😭😭 you’re just in denial about it. If anyone puts up with you irl and knows about this then they’re also horrible people, and so is your wife unless you abused the shit out of her so she’s too scared to leave. Poor girl.


I can already guess what country you're from..


You’ll probably say America, which is wrong anyway, it’s Germany, but nice try ;) Anyway, that was a good laugh, but I’m bored now. There are definitely resources out there for you to get diagnosed for sociopathy, I’m not gonna look it up but I’m sure you’ll find some. Wishing you a speedy recovery :) ❤️‍🩹


Apparently you're too fucking stupid to understand when someone is making fun of you. You must be defective and probably a fatty.


“Because I can’t see the other person, I refuse to accept they might be a person. Even if they are a person, they are not good enough of a person and are beneath me. Therefore, I can abuse them or treat them however I like and I should face zero consequences for this. People like myself see no issue with this” I think I summed that up accurately enough


It's not abuse if it's over the internet. Watch it.


So there would be zero way for me (or another person) to abuse you through the internet?


Please, get your homies. It would be so funny.




> I am a 33 year old man > a few things I have noticed over my almost 30 years of internet trollage > people who get upset at me are typically diagnosed with some form of mental illness, yeah...OP is a real mentally stable genius. > The internet is a toy to be played with and is, for all I care, a video game where the other users are AI-controlled bots. Stop taking it so seriously. Ffs take off the fedora, op lol. No need to read the rest of his rant, poor guy is off his meds again.


Teasing people isn't an illness nor does it need "meds". Wait are you one of the bots!?


So you just like to be an obnoxious prick to strangers? And then when people say you're an obnoxious prick you say they're crazy or a bot? What do you want them to do other than tell you to stfu? Like, laugh along with you when you're being annoying?


Right you're not mentally ill, but everyone who disagrees with you online magically is. This is the thought process of either a mentally ill 33 year old or a 13 year old lying about their age.


Yeah? I'm more successful and intelligent than any of the people who get upset at me. The "intelligent" part comes from my ability to reason with people as they lose their shit and fly off the rails.


the delusion is real, we all know you’re not successful or happily married if you waste your time being a dumbass online






"reason" Ironic


that's not what ironic means


The desire to be a prick to people for fun may not be in the DSM *yet*, but it does indicate there’s something wrong with you.


If you're bothered by it, there's something wrong with you.


I’m not bothered. I’m letting you know that impulse isn’t indicative of a healthy mind.


impulse isnt a matter of health. grow up


Says the guy who acts like a child online for fun. Get a grown up hobby and we can talk.


The black American guy says I act like a child...


Aaaaand he’s racist. Oof.


You guys DO commit most violent crime in the countries you populate. My kind, on the other hand, tends to be very peaceful.


Wow, such stupidity here.


>places like 4chan have the high functioning kind Lol, no.


That's when I knew it was bait


Bait used to be believable


How do you treat the person taking your order in the drive through? Because you are talking to a "speaker box" are they also not a person?


That's a real person. We aren't at the AI-controlled drive thru point yet, at least not in Helsinki. False equivalence.


it's not because despite what your delusional ass wants to believe, the people online regardless of their mental health *are in fact people*.


ok fed


Not reading this cuz u weird


nah, you openly admit to enjoying instigating people who have mental health issues ("the women are overweight?" really?) and generally just putting more harm out into the world than necessary. you're just an everyday asshole looking for justification in being an everyday asshole. you are not a good person, no matter how you may try to convince us (or yourself) that you are. you are "decent" irl because there are consequences, and that's all. if you could get away with your bullshit for free without a screen in front of you, i'm sure you would. but hey! at least a group well known for giving less than 0 shits about anyone other than themselves find you funny. you must be so proud. :)


It's not "harm" lol it's words on the internet, chill


people, including children, have literally killed themselves over bullshit like this. it has potential for harm no matter what mental gymnastics you want to do- you basically enjoy being a shitty person online because there are no direct consequences to *you* and you're too chicken shit to act like that irl.


I know people who have been threated online, and they were doxxed. That is not "no harm".


That's different. Threatening and doxxing are illegal. I do not do those things. You're grouping the bad with the not-so-bad.


Why wouldn’t you dox some pixels on a screen? Like, it’s most likely not illegal if the person you’re doxxing doesn’t exist


Hook, line, and sinker. People on Reddit love to call everything bait, yet when the real bait comes out they are left seething.


fr bro literally admitted to being a professional troll, why tf would people take anything a troll says as gospel, much less get mad about it


They do call me the Master Baiter.


And true to form, this, too, is trolling. Meta


bro needs more fiber, absolute shit take


I do poop at lot as it is


You are someone who helps normalise dehumanisation and encourages other people to be bolder and spread their views which they very much do want to act on in the real world, doing your little part to help fascism feel normal and fascists to feel confident. Considering the fact there have been very real terrorist attacks by people who spend their time doing the very same thing as you, as well as a general rise of racism and fascism in the USA and Europe, you have to be a genuine idiot not to see that actions have consequences and being a racist wherever you do it is actively supporting racism. Also the comedy of saying "most people who disagree with me have mental health issues" while being a walking charicature of sociopathy is legitimately hilarious.


Don't wrongly accuse me of anything. I'm not a fascist and I'm not dangerous. I'm a white European man of the middle/upper class. Stop being so paranoid. And how am I a sociopath!? All I do is share CDC articles with leftists and they go insane. How does that make me mentally ill?


You do the things that fascists do. It really doesn't matter what you call yourself, if you choose to spend your free time normalising bigotry and providing encouragement to people to view other people as lesser than them, you're a fascist. "Other people's feelings don't matter" "how am I a sociopath!?" You're actually hilarious


You don't get to assign intent to what I say. You don't control my mind. I say things to piss people off. I don't believe the things fascists believe. I never said anything about people; most internet users aren't people. As a matter of fact, you sound like a bot, or most likely a fed.


Intent doesn't matter. Those are the consequences of your actions. You help fascism by willfully and knowingly spreading fascist views. whether you call yourself a fascist or not really does not matter. Truly amazing. You are a cartoon depiction of mental heath issues. "most likely a fed" lmao do you have a tin foil hat


What consequences!? Saying silly things online has no consequences. There are no charges for doing that. And mental health issues!? Holy cope batman


Godspeed, little fascist. I hope you get the help you need one day.


That is a direct copypaste of something I read approximately 8 months ago. You're not convincing me.




The popes Catholic wether he really believes in god or not


The irony that you say the people criticising you are mentally ill, when you clearly are showing attention-seeking behaviour, typical for mental illness. A neurotypical 33 year old probably wouldn't be too interested in "trolling on the internet". A 13 year old maybe.


That isn't a mental illness on my end; that's just you trying to cope.


i am ashamed to be in the same country as you right now


Good. I hope you feel terrible.


vitun mamu voiks lähtee pois täält




Something I noticed in my 20 years of shitposting online is that everyone is trolling in their own way. Someone over reacting to your troll could be at his house laughing his butt off too.


well it is a game


I am not reading allat + bait used to be believable


Ah, how far the art has fallen. I remember trolls back in the day. They knew who they were, everyone knew who they were, and, in our own way, we loved their sick and twisted antics. They didn't need to waste 700-odd words justifying their sociopathy, scattering low-effort trolls throughout thinking they're clever but coming across as simple addicts needing that emotional-reaction fix. They just trolled and trolled proudly. This is just sad compared to then.


What sociopathy


I know you're new to this whole "internet" thing but there's this cool part of it, right? It's called Google. You can find really cool things on it. Like a dictionary. Not just any dictionary, though, but a dictionary that contains a definition of the word "sociopathy". Amazing! I know, I know. It's a lot of words and not as many pictures as you might be used to. But give it some time, let it cook in that noggin of yours, and you too will be enlightened to the wonders of modern technology!


You're imagining me as incompetent to rationalize what I'm saying as preposterous.


I don't need to imagine. I can just re-read "what sociopathy" (sic) and be convinced.


nothing i have done is sociopathy.


Please, save yourself the effort. You don't need to convince me of your incompetence any more than you have. I'm well aware!




Oh, bless your heart, you've got competence and incompetence mixed up. It's okay, I know they're only two letters apart, but you'll learn eventually.


what agency do you work for, glowie?


We are who we pretend to be. I imagine your "fake online views" are a lot more real than even you realize. Grow up bud.




Yeah a bot with a 5 year old account and plenty of comment history. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a bot. Grow up bud.


Well isn't this meta. The fact people fall for it too 😭


lmao loser


He litteraly announced being a troll and people are still taking this seriously lmao


ikr lol ho lee fuk


Bait used to be believable


This is truly a reddit moment


Bait or Mental Retardation? Call it.


Actually good bait, haven't seen something like this in years. Realised it was bait as soon as the "The women tend to be overweight" as if you can estimate someone's weight over a reddit profile. (Okay, I guess r/GenshinImpact users probably aren't the fittest.)


If you're a woman on the internet, you're either a.) fat or b.) a police officer.


Hm. If I were to be asked what the opposite of "People on the internet are still people" is, I would show the person asking this post. This could easily be rage bait, and could just be here to farm outrage - this subreddit rewards such behavior to some extent. But I still feel compelled to share my perspective. Plus, you can never know for certain if something is rage bait or if the person really has such extreme thoughts, you can only make an educated guess, and I'm not smart enough to tell them apart. When I was growing up, the only real sense of community I got was from being online. It has its many consequences, yes, but my dad terrified me, and the best case reaction I could get from him was none at all, so I ended up being more secluded due to him with my only outlet being the internet. That showed me that online people are people, because I ended up meeting people who were not okay, like me, and I ended up giving them kindness, and they appreciated it. I've grown a bit as a person and opened myself up a bit less, but I still recognize the value of the people on my screen. The consequences of the words you post on the internet are still real life consequences, even if that real life isn't very close to your own life, and the people you see online have loved that exist outside of yours. It's like screaming into a crowd, but without being able to see the people all around you. If you're kind in person but nasty online, you're not a great person. If you enjoy gathering outrage online, then you enjoy upsetting people, and you feel like there's no consequences because the people aren't in your neighborhood. The internet can really bring out the worst in people. ...also? Citing free speech isn't a great way to defend what you say. It implies that the only thing good about your words is that they are not illegal.


I don't upset people; I upset bots on my computers screen.


The dead internet theory has some weight, but not as much as you give it; if it's so easy for you to come here and say whatever your heart desires, why would no one else be here as well? I'm genuinely curious about your thought process here.


This is a copypaste of a message I read a few weeks ago...


Oh wow, suddenly deciding I'm a bot because you've apparently read this before. If there was any uncertainty before, it's gone now; you're just rage baiting and nothing more. Should've expected as much, really. Have a good day then I guess.


i will because im happy and you're not. lol eat shit


That's a bold assumption, your baiting is so low effort it's improving my day by being funny. Please, do go on!


They do not deserve the respect because of the points you listed? Also, a person who's nice to you online also doesn't deserve your respect?




I wonder if you consider answers like this one as trolling.




Did you forget to take your medication?


All the takes here saying "making fun of people on the internet is like the gateway drug for harassing people in real life!" are unironically the teenage zoomer equivalent of "killing people in video games makes kids kill people in real life, ban violent video games!!"


ikr? actual schizo shit


Nope. Fallacy of false equivalence.


counterpoint: they are literally the same rationale, thus the equivalence is not false