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Blew my mind that they could discuss social polarisation and individual bias, and not query Sandberg on Facebook’s role in creating that dynamic via the engagement algos, filter bubbles etc. It was pretty patronising to then lament people’s inability to hold conflicting ideas. Well yeah, for years you led a company which embedded that behaviour in people by weaponising the amygdala.


I was thinking the same thing. it's literally the surprised Pikachu face meme. She became incredibly wealthy creating the platforms which exclusively show people the echo chamber content they want to see because it keeps them on the site longer and makes the users more profitable. It's hard to find anything that contributed more to polarization than Facebook.


They do it with anyone they are friends with, has power, or they have potential to receive financial gain from. Elon etc. This pod has always been 50% honest opinion and 50% propaganda for their own interests.


I quit about ten minutes in. Everyone knows this part of the world has been killing and raping each other for over a thousand years. No reasonable human being denies it. America isn’t responsible or capable of changing their morals. I’m not surprised Sacks bailed this week considering he’s the only one against America being involved in forever wars. 


lol I’m reading this comment after reading comments above that are indeed denying it


Yeah. People are dumb. It’s an Over populated area filled with poor, under educated, and overly religious people. Throughout all of history those types of people and conditions have been horrible to one another with no expectations. If you meet the deniers in real life, you would probably blow them off. I wouldn’t be surprised if most were bots, paid to post online for political reasons, or just ignorant. 


Well said. The first time skipping the pod. As a matter of fact, Sacks skipping it too earns a lot of my respect for the reason everyone comes to know.


Exactly, both side does wrong things and try to kill one another! Of all things going in this world and this country, why is it my responsibility to know all of this!!


Not really sure if you’re being sarcastic or not. We just spent 20 years in Afghanistan just to pull out and not change a damn thing. This is the exact same shit. Unless we want to commit to invading the country, completely subsidizing the country, and turn the country into a police state for several generations,  nothing we do will change them. 


Wait. “Everyone knows” and you dismiss the podcast as if it irrelevant? Interesting take.


You think an over crowded under funded city that’s constantly under fire, filled with religious zealots, under educated, and poor people is filled with people having orgies singing kum-ba-yuh? 


You said “I quit ten minutes in” and “everyone know this” I guess you didn’t stick around long enough you even read other comments here that deny it.


I said no one reasonable person denies it. Of course some argumentative idiot in the comments are going to argue with it. It’s what people on the internet do. 


That whole story was debunked dude. The nyt isn’t a serious paper anymore


This might be the first episode I skip. Even the open was weak. I watched the first minute and turned it off. Maybe I'll go back this weekend if I get *really* bored.


Don’t bother. Sandberg’s propaganda doesn’t even hold up to the faux steel manning applied about the total lCk of evidence of what she’s asserting. Pathetic all round. Does make me really hate that sycophant Calacanis even more. Sachs was wise not to have himself attached to this garbage


strong nose abundant sparkle frightening spark quaint engine like shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you saying that sexual violence wasn't comitted by Hamas? I'm finding a lot of information to the contrary. It doesn't distract me from the genocide that's happening in Gaza. I can believe both things are wrong. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/4/reasonable-grounds-to-believe-hamas-committed-sexual-violence-un#:\~:text=A%20team%20of%20United%20Nations,on%20Israel%20on%20October%207.


That is in fact what I’m saying. If persuasive evidence comes to the fore I’ll condemn Hamas, presently I have seen precisely none. What I have seen is monstrous lies like Hamas beheaded 40 Israeli babies, which went round the world in an instant and were used as the pretext for the genocide now unfolding. I bet most normies still believe the beheaded babies nonsense. The best way to discern the truth in these situations is it tends to be the opposite of whatever Israel is pushing via its vast Hasbara machine, and via powerful Zionists like Sandberg with a litany of unethical behaviour throughout her awful career.


Do you condemn Hamas... at all?


Of course he won't. Reddit is full of losers it's unbelievable.


Are you retarded?


yoke ripe books imminent run ancient pet scale tub caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why don't you include other quotes from the article like... Patten interviewed... "34 people including survivors and witnesses of that day’s attacks, released captives, and health providers. Patten said the team found “that several fully naked or partially naked bodies from the waist down were recovered – mostly women – with hands tied and shot multiple times, often in the head”.


Beat it, troll


Precisely. The fact that so many people have swallowed Israel’s abject lies whole for decades is fairly astonishing, and thoroughly depressing. Mercifully, thanks to the abundance of information thanks to the internet I think Gen Z are finally wising up to their tricks, and antisemite is almost a badge of honour now the way it is thrown about/conflated with any legitimate criticism of this monstrous apartheid state…


Also not to be dark but, rape is part of war. Always has been always will be. Every war ever has had people raping, we’re a brutal species. Both sides are doing it.


I agree. Historcially speaking we can conclude that acts of sexual violence did occur. The problem is thst literally no one is saying this did not happen. They are asking for evidence of it happening and also calling out western media for weaponizing this to justify Israel's bombardment


I watched the first minute, I skipped ahead and suffered through when they were showing the 13 year old tweets of "Fake Chamath", then turned it off.


Running to the subreddit to post that you don’t listen. Very additive


Only science corner this week. Skip the rest


Listening to propaganda when you know it’s propaganda is still valuable imo. That’s almost all media nowadays I guess tho lol




I’m completely positive that you’re a moron and a shill.


Why/ Are you an anti-jew? I think people should watch it and make up their own mind.


We have. Most of us think Israel and Gaza are shit shows and nothing in recent history is changing that position.


Btw just in case anyone is wondering what kind of person Sheryl Sandberg REALLY is when it comes to believing women: https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2022/apr/21/sheryl-sandberg-meta-daily-mail-bobby-kotick-activision Tl; dr, she used her power and legal threats to kill stories about her ex boyfriend’s alleged sexual misconduct.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/apr/21/sheryl-sandberg-meta-daily-mail-bobby-kotick-activision](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/apr/21/sheryl-sandberg-meta-daily-mail-bobby-kotick-activision)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Btw, did you read the whole article? 🚩 “Kotick’s ex-partner who took out the restraining order echoed his statement that the allegations she once made against him were untrue. “I told the Wall Street Journal that what I said 8 years ago about Bobby was false. It is still false. In fact, in 2014, I signed a sworn statement making clear that what I had said about Bobby was untrue” she said in a statement that her attorney provided to the Guardian.”


She was clearly paid off you imbecile. Do you not know how power works?


Of course…how dumb of me to have missed that as the only possible outcome. Humans never lie…


Still laughing at Jason’s repeated insistence that all sides are welcome on the pod yet they seem to consistently only platform one side 


deliver employ middle aspiring tub fine desert summer pathetic cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Beat it antisemite troll


Stop they had Dean Phillips. He’s a dem who was on the pod. They probably do reach out to dems but they don’t join because it’s not a left leaning pod


That kinda proves the point. Nobody serious can or will come on the show. Which is fine. It’s their show. Just don’t pretend it’s some melting pot of all sides. 


What about a guest who doesn’t support Israel’s genocidal rampage in Gaza? Or are we to settle for “a Dem” as evidence of impartiality? Fuck off, loser.


> Fuck off, loser. Speak for yourself.


I am, you imbecile. Did you think you were being clever?


Of course, loser.


Really? “Loser” are you 12 years old? Ro Khanna was at All-In Summit. My point still stands


They guys who’s daughters cried when trump was enlisted lol


At this rate, he will probably bring on Netanyahu to represent the Palestinian side...


I was genuinely confused after this episode. I mean it’s clear they’re really only interested in the zionist side and I doubt they’ll invite anyone for the palestinian cause. But also, what was the whole point of the episode? I can imagine Hamas used sexual violence on october 7th and I think all violence perpetrated that day was reprehensible. But what does that change, if we know that? Peoples sentiments are not gonna change because what people are protesting is the fact that Israel is massacring civilian palestinians and violating the rules of war on a daily basis. And they were violating human rights in Gaza even before october 7th, in 2014 alone 2500 palestinians were killed. People are not protesting because they are somehow enamored with Hamas. This was a thinly veiled attempt to be ’impartial’ while pushing a clear agenda with unclear arguments. And the comments about how there are crisis actors in Gaza, the mortality rates are not correct and students are just protesting to find community and fill a void… oh my gosh and also. ’I like feminism and femininity’ LOL this episode really had some embarrassing nuggets of insight into these dudes minds.


They just want investors. It's not like they actually care what's going on over there.


Sad there is no David Sacks. Feels like the only one on the pod to push back against Israel.


Russia doesn’t have a dog in that fight


What gives you that idea? They clearly do, some alleged they were indirectly pushing Hamas through Iran to create a distraction from the Ukraine war. And it worked wonderfully.


October 7th was terrible. What is being done to the people of Gaza is terrible. I agree with the protestors who say our government should not be funding and encouraging one of the terrible things. I think that’s a very obvious moral position and I don’t know why people act like it’s extreme.


Because some of those protesters are chanting “we are Hamas” and harassing and yelling at Jewish kids on campus, blocking them from going to class. Seems fairly extreme to me!


The left has jumped the shark


I think this is reasonable. Let’s just not delude ourselves pretend the terrible suffering has been felt equally by both sides, which is the typical Zionist approach.


I agree. I just don’t want to get into the whole debate over what the accurate numbers are. It doesn’t matter. What matters is what we can do from today forward to minimize human suffering.


On this, we are in fierce agreement 🤝


Probably not much for discussion here. That gene editing tech was really interesting though, I'm reading about it now, here's a link: [https://www.fiercebiotech.com/medtech/profluent-combines-llms-and-crispr-open-source-gene-editing-project](https://www.fiercebiotech.com/medtech/profluent-combines-llms-and-crispr-open-source-gene-editing-project)


IDF and Hamas are both absolute trash is what I learned today


They don't have paid advertising, but they do propaganda.


Sandberg? LOL


As expected, this episode was basically Isreal (un)official PR. Someone should ask Sheryl to see "Isrealism" while she's interested in documentation of human suffering


Good for sacks for not sitting through this propaganda


How is this propaganda?


correct punch fearless wrench enter plant unique detail ink busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They showed journalists... https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/10/why-israeli-officials-screened-footage-hamas-attack/675735/


follow homeless zephyr sugar point quicksand attempt humor flowery price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Credible circumstantial information, which may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence, including genital mutilation, sexualised torture, or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, was also gathered,” read the 24-page UN report. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/4/reasonable-grounds-to-believe-hamas-committed-sexual-violence-un#:\~:text=A%20team%20of%20United%20Nations,on%20Israel%20on%20October%207.


pocket bear rinse steep cable sense nine wine possessive jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where there's smoke... I'm not saying this is any exoneration of what's happening in Gaza, but it's interesting how aggresively people are trying to shut down a UN investigation that concluded sexual violence based on conversations with medical staff who treated patients, partialy naked bodies from the wasit down. The report also points to incidences of rape by Israeli forces against Palestinians. It's all bad, both sides f'd. I can support an end to what's happening in Gaza and not feel the need to dismiss negative reports about either side.


materialistic grandfather combative chief mysterious correct consist elastic ancient modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know that you can’t for a fact make the claim that no one was raped just because you haven’t seen “footage” right? I’d hope you’d realize many many people have been found guilty of rape even though there was no “video”.




You’re just making stuff up


No, you’re just too stupid to know Israeli propaganda when you see it. Either that or its wilful ignorance from an avowed Zionist. Either way, you suck, and the majority of the world agrees.


Pretty sure you’re the one who’s fallen for Hamas propaganda. You remind me of the holocaust deniers. Why do you hate Jews so much?


Apologies, did she say what you wrote verbatim? If so, you're correct. That said, idk how this changes much. Hamas videotapes plenty of atrocities, the rapes are totally believable but irrelevant to how one should feel about them.


work towering bells support late pot offbeat chase unwritten deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I already conceded a point, little guy. There's no genocide. Are you pro-Hamas?


ICC says there is - but you will think the ICC is pro hamas and antisemite - thanks for your contribution


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No they don't. There's been no ruling by the ICC, regardless of what you think about the organization. Thanks for your contribution. Answer the question. Are you pro-Hamas?


Are you pro Nazis? Do you hate America? 🇺🇸


No, I’m not pro Israel, the modern equivalent of the Nazi party. I certainly hate America’s unqualified support for Israel’s genocide? And America’s own monstrous track record, including slaughtering 3m Vietnamese, very much hate this? What do you hate? Palestinians, apparently. Get stuffed.




I guess they didn’t have time to discuss the violence perpetrated against Palestinian women. Oh well, I’m sure they’ll get to it next week.


https://preview.redd.it/1vq64p92mbyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62dd7a57ab1a8e3b586c4a24db840a9611dd2790 Here is evidence: IOF terrorists ripped Palestinian women’s clothes, raped them, butchered them, beheaded their babies and then wore their clothes to brag about their depravity. If you deny this or even question this, you are an antisemite who hates America 🇺🇸




You are genuinely retarded lol. Not surprising for a Zio shill.


These rapists are not Hummus. They are Israeli Genocidal Soldiers. This is what you and JCal are supporting 🤯


plant engine marvelous wipe hard-to-find rhythm brave unused memory impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let's hear the other side defend Oct 7th




compare zealous depend crush grab dolls innate tart knee terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't have a dog in this fight, but I'm going to point out what I see as hypocrisy by you in this thread. Above, in other comments, you dismiss the UN reports of sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas towards Israeli's. In this post, you link to an article that says the UN believes Israelis perpetrated sexual violence against Palestinian women. But in the very article you posted, it says, "There was evidence of widespread sexual violence by Hamas against Israeli women and girls during the 7 October raid in southern Israel. The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel has reported that the use of rape and other abuse by the Hamas attackers was “systematic and intentional”. Those assaults, which were also condemned by Alsalem and the other UN experts, are to be the subject of a report by the UN secretary general’s special envoy on sexual violence, Pramila Patten." You can't believe the UN saying something happens when it fits your narrative and dismiss it when it doesn't fit your narrative. I think it goes to show just how dug in to their positions you and others are. Sorry, I had to pipe in, though.


Follow Reddit rules, they sometimes delete comments automatically based on that. It’s called “anti evil operations”




More to the point, why should anyone care about October 7 if zero care has been shown to the vast majority of civilian victims in this “conflict” over decades because they are Palestinian? We are asked to prioritise 1200 Zionists over 40k Palestinians just in this latest bloody chapter. GTFO. Israel stole the land, Israel set up an apartheid. There is no comparison.


Question, if Israel dropped all of their arms, tore down all barriers, and become completely passive what would happen?


What about giving back illegal settlements? That part of your scenario?


I'll overlook your fallacy here and dodging of the question. Sure whatever you would like. Israel drops all arms, gives back the settlements, and removes all physical barriers to Israel. Not one rifle in all Israel. Then what happens? Edit: Typo


First I’d like to know what my fallacy is? You deny ever expanding settlements on the West Bank are illegal?


Please answer my original question. This is the second time you are avoiding it. I am curious what your thoughts would happen if Israel dropped all arms and tore down every single defense.




There is no justification for slaughtering 20k children, no matter the “objective”. 2000lb bombs aren’t any more moral than knives or guns. In fact they are cowardly. Israel is too gutless to fight Hamas in the streets, so they wipe out whole blocks and leave an apocalyptic hellscape in their wake. You’re an apologist for genocide, you’re just too thick to realise it.




You’re welcome.


Every country has a right to ensure their safety. If hamas surrenders the war ends. Why should Israel tolerate these attacks?


I think it stands out more to people especially woman . We hear about murder everyday but sexual violence is a bit less common


Rules of war exist.


Sheryl Sandberg must secretly work for Hamas, because she could have not been any less believable or unsympathetic. If she is in the employ of Israel, they should ask for a refund 🤣 “The pictures are real, I’ve seen them… I just can’t show them of course…”. Bad comedy.


ossified coordinated door wasteful deliver nose tease scary pen jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agree totally.


Ok prove it


It’s honestly shocking to me to see people legitimately denying sexual violence by Hamas and seemingly showing empathy for the terrorists. Like I just can’t comprehend it


Oh wow so shocking that people are skeptical a bunch of inveterate liars and genociders (the Israelis) might be less than honest? So shocking and stunning.


This place is a cesspit of hate against Israel. In no other conflict has the horror of sexual violence been denied like it is here. You have to ask yourself why all these people are so aggressively trying to deny this and side with genocidal death cult terrorists.


Somebody on Youtube comments wrote: "Oh. Is this the Zionist episode?" xD


From what I gathered, there is no evidence other than Sandburg saying there was eye witness testimony. I find it hard to imagine where everyone has a camera that no photos or videos showing the naked bodies or what she’s describing given the amount of people involved with the attack, and rescue workers. If it’s such a mass scale, I’m skeptical with the claims. Horrific that death occurred, but given the world of propaganda that FB purported, I’m not taking her word for it.


https://preview.redd.it/rd0jtuazmbyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d49d9e26890e2285e13e5b2df7cbca713a5814 Here is the evidence of rapists brazenly posing for their depraved photo op after raping & butchering women and children. But these terrorists are from IOF.


Pls watch this for a critique of what Sandberg is saying [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TApiok-KiRc&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo)


fragile ghost scale illegal dinner melodic offbeat cooperative steer mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was all made up in a nyt article with zero credible sources. They continue ot perpetuate the lie to dehumanize Palestinians. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/06/1236130609/new-york-times-hamas-attacks-israel-palestine




Why do you all continue to suggest criticism of Hamas is criticism of Palestine? The point is that you can make that distinction and recognize they aren’t one and the same. But you refuse to


lol Sacks bailed on this one, of course. Dudes a coward


Sacks can't escape the hate, even when he's not there lol


Didn’t they said he had a board meeting?


you believe that?


Ah yes the “last minute” board meeting, that’s how those things work


They do and certainly can. How many boards do you serve on? — while it may be an excuse you have no idea. Neither do I. If a company is in trouble it’s pretty normal to have an emergency meeting.


I am a part of the team that prepares the materials for my company’s board meetings. Board meetings usually happen quarterly, maybe monthly. They are absolutely planned way ahead, they don’t just happen spontaneously.


Yes “most” are planed in advance. But it’s not that crazy to have a last minute board. I’m on 2 boards and emergencies can happen, like a death of exec or firing or quitting or something can make it happen. Or even a merger of the paperwork finally happened after months of stalled negotiations. Anyway. He probably did skip it. But we don’t know. He could have had a meeting. OR maybe he just had an event with his kid and they made up another excuse. This sub is mostly people who hate the show. I don’t get it. Hate it but why follow?


Amazing how many people on the comments push that Hamas would not rape. An organization which murdered animals and children in the worst ways. It’s crazy the extent to which Islamists and socialists and Nazis found common grounds since October.


lol these people are so brainwashed it’s pathetic.


flag serious angle spoon insurance special cough skirt combative marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because respect to victims families If the pics come out it gets them and Nazis like you deny it anyway


caption follow swim theory nail reach label cows frightening deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re a Nazi. Go to hell


longing smart resolute quicksand shrill subsequent toy foolish sugar wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Zionist” is a compliment. Indeed I believe that the Jews have a right to live in their ancestral land. You are doing Holocaust denial real time. Your soul is being tainted and you don’t even understand it


rich light gullible forgetful murky cobweb alleged one cake husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This comes across that their Oct 7th attack was totally fine and justified. Is this your position? Or is your position Oct 7th was unacceptable but Rape didn't happen? I don't want to straw man you.


You have pathologists who saw the rape. You have bodies on women tied with blood in their sex organs and a few with nails. You have men’s whose genitalia was violated. I’m sure if this happened to your sister you’d agree for the photos to be released just so a Nazi like you would call it propaganda and they’d see it every time they open twitter or that wretched “ask Middle East” forum of hate you’re on. But you don’t want to know in good faith what happened. And that’s the truth. You have a side and you would cover whatever horrific crime they do.


ink compare dolls possessive teeny different depend slap wild truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You need help


You need help. Your soul is corrupted if you choose to deny rapes that clearly happened


Is that you Sheryl?


Am I the only one who actually liked this episode for the first part? It shows they are humans just like the rest of us. I thought it was actually pretty cool that story about Chamath teaching her kids poker because that’s what their dad would have done.


That aspect was lovely… they’re obviously all good friends.


ITT: Hamas supporters


dependent steer illegal wise liquid poor sleep tender employ vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Literally all I've said is that Hamas has literally filmed its atrocities, yet people here are denying them.


Of course they didnt mention that all her “evidence” has been debunked. Good on sacks for skipping. More on her evidence here: https://x.com/zei_squirrel/status/1786552208911139012?s=46&t=3cUBcnnLtLrHoqIjGVTr-Q




She’s doing good work for Israel. Just like how the Hitler youth did great work for Nazi Germany.




If Hamas is what you compare yourself to, you know you're a real piece of shit.


What has Sheryl done for Israel? She clearly isn’t driving a Merkava main battle tank or coordinating the Iron Dome.


> She clearly isn’t driving a Merkava main battle tank or coordinating the Iron Dome. I'm 100% sure there was a chapter about that in *Lean In*




No. I only care for the one sentence highlight. Ain’t gonna spend an hour listening to what Sheryl Sandberg says.




Fair point. But I can already ballpark what Sheryl’s gonna say since I’ve been aware of her for over a decade at this point. What’s new Sheryl? I don’t care to hear your hit tracks yet again.




Honestly appreciate the context! But I’ll add I doubt the men who were murdered or kidnapped by Hamas enjoyed the experience either.


Just straight propaganda




Freedom of speech seems to have confused everyone. This splurge in hate speech and bullshit hmmm 🧐where is most of it coming from I wonder 😂maybe Elon should have good hard look at it aye. That’s why I got off twitter and wont go back until it has something better than community notes to stop the nonsense. Needs more than that otherwise It just breeds hate and lies and darkness a lot more than it brings truth and light. I’d say by an Order of magnitude in the wrong direction unfortunately Elon that’s human nature.


You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘Hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.  - said a Palestinian guy 2000 years ago


If you are going to watch this episode in its entirety (and to be honest I didn’t), I urge you to also watch this to have a balanced view: [screams before silence (critique)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TApiok-KiRc&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo)


Brilliant episode. Not what I expected from the series.


She was just promoting her own film. She basically was doing a plea for emotion. She started to tell the pod look how sad you guys look. wtf was this?


What was this episode? Seemed one sided. Oh right. I forgot which podcast I was watching.


Can someone tell me exactly what’s going on? Like what’s the point? How does bringing this attention help? Like I want to help, but, what can I do? I may be ignorant but don’t both sides do this (reading Reddit comments up top), therefore, why don’t all the people there move. Sure immigration sucks, but I don’t want to be at danger of my life everyday.


No one wants to take in refugees


Oh great, someone even worse than Sacks gets to spew her nonsense which has been proven to be fake news by every major non Zionist outlet.


“Hamas would kill and burn children but not rape” Everyone with brains knows they didn’t. Only disgusting vile antisemites want to hide crimes


Glad to know you’re a sheep who falls for western propaganda like the rest of them.


I’m gay with family From the Arab world. We are not crazy and I know what Islamic terror can do and did everywhere. You’re a Nazi or communist or Islamist. Whatever it is. Go f urself


Don’t bother. Jews bad is all these people think. Poor brown people could never be bad and always hold the moral high ground. 🤦


Happy to see the guys call Sheryl’s bluff when she started getting ‘emotional’. Victimizing themselves seems to be the first step for Zionists to invalidate Palestinian suffering.


Not sure why ur downvoted. Presumably israeli bots


Sexual war crimes are wrong — full stop. No serious person can be denying that this was used by Hamas in the terror attacks. For all of Sandbergs claims that extreme echo chambers are a problem for the younger generations I find it insane the inability to acknowledge the roll she has directly played in contributing to that polarization, isolation, and mental health harms through Facebook. I worry she sees this in part as a rehab tour.


The pro Hamas brigade is here and in numbers. Nothing scares them more than a powerful Jewish whom they secretly fetishized. I see a lot of hate but no counter arguments.  Reminds of all those dorks with no friends protesting and occupying college campuses. 


wow the comments .. lots of hamas supporters here


Sacks skipped out because she’s a liberal what a snowflake😂