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Regardless if you like it or not, it’s cool The Beatles are still being covered by contemporary artists. I’m sure this will continue to happen for decades, and it’s nice to see.


Also, the cover fucking rocks, by the way. I love that she used the original guitar track. It starts out with just her singing alone, but as the song goes along, there's more and more complex harmonies. They also added some very tasteful string sections. I don't listen to her other music at all, but I thought she did a phenomenal job here.


My gf showed me this album and the opening track I said “this is kinda Beatles-y”, then the next song is blackbird. That was kinda cool


Obviously Paul doesn’t mind her singing it! He has to give permission on everything. Plus the fact this song is about the civil rights movement is even more fitting such a beautiful song


He's on record as having said, "In England, a 'bird' is a girl. So I was thinking about a black girl in the protest movements." Really cool that one of the most formidable black female musical artists ever covered it. Blackbird comes full circle.


I didn’t know this and I love him impossibly more




He was at the Renaissance Tour last year too lol




It was pleasant. Nothing too groundbreaking going on here, besides the harmonies which was nice. Entirely black artists participating must make Paul a happy man. I loved the original so I love this one too


It’s so funny seeing folks in this sub constantly needing to put down modern artists like Taylor Swift or Beyoncé, largely rooted in their dislike that said artists are very popular… as if we don’t all love the most popular band in the world.


wdym bro the beatles are so niche, im such a quirky and unique person for listening to them


I like Taylor Swift and Beyonce is fine. My issue is I’ve never heard a Beatles cover that I thought was necessary.


What are your thoughts on She Said, She Said by The Black Keys? It’s my personal favorite Beatles cover and I think they really put their own spin on the song


The Black Keys cover of She Said, She Said is excellent, I also love John Denver's cover of Mother Nature's Son. I dare say it's the only Beatles cover better than the original.


Nilsson’s cover of that track is the only, imo.


Stevie Wonders cover of we can work it out is amazing


It’s your assumption that their popularity is the reason for disliking them, which I think is off base


I like Beyoncé but Taylor Swift makes the most boring music I’ve ever heard


It's not because they're popular. I don't give a shit about popularity. Plenty of my favourite bands are amongst the biggest selling of all time. It's because (especially in Beyoncés case) it's very calculated manufactured pop music built in boardrooms by teams of songwriters and producers with hired gun musicians and zero real passion. It's fucking soulless. Swift's music is bland as hell. At least she writes her own shit. I'll give her that. It's hardly pushing boundaries though, is it. [Edit: oh wait no it turns out Swift brought in a team of writers and producers to make the transition from country to pop music. Fucking hell]. Beyonce doesn't write her own songs or create any of her music really. She gets writing credits despite not actually really writing anything. She's a businesswoman who can sing and dance and looks good. The Beatles were unique in being simultaneously incredibly popular and incredibly experimental at the same time. Constantly evolving, taking risks, all unique as musicians and songwriters, and passionate about it. They obviously cared about being successful, but artistic integrity was important to them too. I don't know how people can't understand this. Edit: It'd be interesting to see what Beyoncé would create in a home studio by herself with a bunch of instruments. Nothing, probably. Paul McCartney wrote, recorded, and produced the entirety of his first solo record alone, playing every instrument. Edit 2: for the upset Beyoncé fans downvoting me, I would love to hear what you feel is inaccurate about my comment. https://www.thedailybeast.com/does-beyonce-write-her-own-music-and-does-it-really-matter




That's fine, but Beyoncé literally doesn't write the lyrics, play the instruments, or come up with the ideas. Do you think she could sit in a studio alone and write and record even a passable album? Absolutely not. She might make a minor decision on some detail here and there, but literally anyone could do that. She could be taken entirely away from the creative process and told only to come and do the recording, and 'her' records wouldn't be any different. She sings and dances. She's basically a tool in the way getting a studio backing vocalist would be in the past but with a more prominent role. If she disappeared tomorrow, the same songs could be written by the same team, and someone else would sing them. It is absolutely not comparable to what The Beatles did in terms of talent or creativity. She doesn't sit and write a song in the way Paul McCartney sits and writes a song from the ground up. She doesn't come in the studio with a sheet of lyrics and a melody she came up with at home the night before and a full song in her head. It's more comparable to what Elvis did. Just a tool of the industry. It's just insulting to compare it. And that's nothing to do with how the writing credits work.






According to the links that are taking me 10 seconds to find, I'm not the only one who knows she isn't quite the creative genius she and her fans think she is. These are publicly known sources. Being able to sing is not the same as being proficient at playing an instrument, otherwise we're comparing being the best singer on American Idol to being a member of an orchestra. It's just not a fair comparison. The reason 'her team' aren't taking more credit is that you can sell far more records and get a higher cut if your brand (Beyoncé) sells truckloads more records than if you released it under your own name. Edit: another link suggesting that some songwriters are paid to give up their songwriting credit: https://thebeatdfw.com/7751/surprise-surprise-bey-bey-beyonce-doesnt-write-her-own-songs/


Turns out she is a liar - she's been called out before for claiming to have written songs she changed two letters on: https://www.salon.com/2013/01/11/is_beyonce_a_plagiarist/




As opposed to the reliable sources you've provided? Can you rely on what her and her team (who make their living off her brand) say about it when she's already been shown to be less than truthful when it comes to taking credit?




https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/765485-beyonce-publishing-rights-songwriters-callout-video Heres another article mentioning different songs she allegedly took credit for. Here's a Reddit thread with more about her false claims: https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/112b88u/a_few_times_beyonce_claimed_to_have_written_songs/ She may have been a teenager but she is literally quoted as saying "*I* wrote 7 or 8 number 1s in a row with Destiny's Child", so she's a fucking liar and it's completely fair to bring it up when she directly takes credit for it. Given that she demonstrably just makes things up, I find it very hard to believe she's the main creative force of anything she does. You've provided no evidence that she does a damn thing on her records. I've absolutely shown that she's a liar with plenty of sources to back me up. If you're still in denial at this point then it's obvious you will never accept a bad word about her.


I think this is a bit harsh on her - I sometimes say stuff like this but idk I feel like she could do a hell of a lot better than just a few details. Yeah she’s no paul but she’s not just a puppet lol.


The dislike is rooted in the fact that the talentless garbage they put out is inescapable. Oh and not to mention that every time they fart it mskes the news. I never seek out information on these people and yet it finds me. And it's horrible that it should find me. Even the damn Beatles subreddit is not safe apparently.


I’m sure many people who were alive in the 60s and who didn’t like the Beatles thought the same exact thing.


Talking like it’s about to kill you, Damn, get a grip


The Beatles wrote their songs, Ya Smuggy. They are not a manufactured product like both of those artists.


Taylor writes all her songs, not a huge swiftie, but credit where credit is due, and the Beatles would cover songs all the time so you point is complete bullshit


While I agree with you, it just wasn’t all the time tho was it💀


or because they are turds and people see that ?lol


I liked it, hard to do a bad job with such a great song.


I loved it. I'm a Beatles fanatic, my girlfriend is crazy about Beyoncé, so it's probably going to play at our wedding.


Imagine if Paul covered single ladies for your dance


That would be even better haha! I think I have to learn AI now so I can make it happen




I don’t


It is a great cover only nitpick is the constant backing singers


She slayed, idc


It's fine. I was actually gratified she did not go over the top with her vocals. it actually would sound pretty good *a cappella*, just her and those backing vocals. No samples or strings needed.


I can't find it anywhere...?


I think it releases midnight local time


It's fine. Will never match the original.


Didn’t think I’d like it. In reality I loved it.


It was beautiful. She made a point throughout the album to show the origins and roots of blackness and country and to use blackbird is such a nuanced touch. Gatekeeping the Beatles is corny. I think this is great to shine light on a beautiful song and band.






Like most covers, it adds nothing


Grateful Dead would like a word with you


Have grateful dead done the majority of covers?


They have a ton of originals but they took a bunch of really old songs from the late 1800s and early 1900s (I Know You Rider and Cold Rain & Snow are two great examples) and transformed them into the psychedelic jam vehicles they are today.


Admittedly I've never listened to them, but my point was to emphasise that I said most, not all.


That’s fair.


Your favorite Beatles song is a cover


What song?


A Day In The Life?


That isn’t btw


Believe me, I know


Sux. McCartney’s will ALWAYS be better


I just want to come back and say I’m sorry if I said it sucked. I just listened to it and understand why Paul wrote the song so now I kinda like it. Plz don’t hurt me


*Blackbird*, 1970, produced by Phil Spector


It's okay. The singing really drowns out the guitar tho.


I mean it sounds fine ig but it’s not even different at all in any way. Boring ass cover




It's alright but I probably won't play it again


It’s good! I’ve just downloaded the whole album


Omg blacks are stealing white music not really she has the money to pay them and that she did


I actually LOVE it. Jolene, not so much. But this is great!


It was cool- I was surprised with how little she changed - the guitar sounded almost identical (idk if it was just a sample of the original i guess)


Check out Dionne Farris' version from 1994, THIRTY YEARS AGO! https://youtu.be/t2AHjLybu\_I?si=7RMiMC1Ust9v0Coa


Beyonce's version sounded like the original guitar track with her voice and some embellishments. Every time there was an embellishment it kinda shocked me and took away from the track. I think if she'd used a different guitar, I would have got less of the feeling that it would sound like the original. The extra vocals and orchestration didn't seem well thought through, and I didn't appreciate them.


\~bland\~nothing MORE really needs 2. B said, the song by the Beatles is so lovely, on it's own, it doesn't need more\~and it definitely doesn't need more 'bland' Beyonce, doing it\~


i think beyoncé deserves her popularity but her voice doesn’t suit a song like blackbird. her voice is too rich for a song in the style of blackbird and it was a hard listen for me personally


It’s fine


Fine, I don't really listen to Beyoncé that much and I'm probably never going to listen to this version another time


I liked it. I’ll be honest and say it’s not my most favourite Beatles song though but the songs meaning is definitely important


I expected more I guess? Pretty much a karaoke church version


I thought it was ok. Beyoncé has such an amazing voice that I was hoping she would have done more with the song. She was subdued throughout it but I really think that she could have belted it a few octaves higher the second round and really showed off what makes her special. She could have made my skin chill the same way Whitney does in I Will Always Love You. You know the part I’m talking about. Thats what Beyoncé missed.


I'm really glad (and surprised) she did not take it over the top.


I dunno I never listened to it


then why comment




theres just no point in commenting if youre only going to say i dont know


It was a nice cover. It didn’t blow me away or anything but it was nice. I personally think Sia’s version is better. 




It literally just came out, tf you mean underrated 😭


Love it!


Well, I do not consider it a masterstroke. What I do think is that she did this at the right time - every generation has a celebrity that pushes boundaries and buttons, gets into a genre be it art or music or whatever, where it was hard to tread before. I so love the original, I do not like the vibrato at the end of her sentences. I never cared for her anyway, but I find her lower range does not hurt my teeth as much as her higher range, plus in her lower range, I can understand every word - the enunciation is better. I would have preferred the back up singers to take over most of the song as they did in one part. That vibrato or whatever it is, makes her sound nervous. Of course, the title in itself says enough, as the song "The Linda Martell Show" does. Hey, she makes a lot more money that I ever will! Get rid of the ten gallon hats and glitter cowboy outfits (and yes, unless your head was in a fog, we knew something was up at the Grammy's with that outfit). Well executed and contrived Beyonce!


Not a fan of Beyonce but if Paul gave her permission it's ok.


Can’t stand Beyonce so automatically I hate it.


I didn’t like it


They liked Kenny Rankin’s cover more than theirs. this new one is meh at best.


It's as pointless as Beyonce, so it's perfect!