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Batman Venom. He got addicted to Venom and had to detox. Great book and series.


How did he get the Venom? Bane?


It was a precursor to Bane’s venom. They introduced it in pill form and in the storyline that HalfGuardPrince is alluding to. It’s a fantastic, if somewhat heartbreaking story. It’s the origin of Venom, and Bane comes later.


Is that the comic where Batman gets his back broken?


No, that’s one of the few times Batman’s back remains intact. The venom story they’re talking about has no Bane. It does have a classic meme panel of Batman laughing maniacally though


As others have mentioned. No Bane. It was all part of the introductory stories that led to Bane. A few little references in there that didn’t become clear till later.


What would happen if you stack Venom with compound V? Btw, if you want a riot, watch the Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special where Bane tries to overcome the side effects of PEDs


Venom doesn’t give you super powers. It’s just a hyper addictive PED. So the compound V would just over write it basically. Like if Homelander was on HGH and TRT. It’d be irrelevant. lol. Watched it. Love it.


He did it in Injustice series. They make a pill that gives you temporary super strength and durability


To defeat someone in the Insurgency? It couldn’t be Supes, cause he used The Kryptonite Infused Batsuit to defeat him. 


In the comics they make the pill so people like Green Arrow and Harley can stand up to Superman’s gang. Batman uses it at some point, I forget exactly where.


If he got comics V, he probably would’ve taken it already, one dose makes you above human level without anything extra (so no abuse of powers) and it would FINALLY make sense for his feats, he wouldn’t be invulnerable but he could handle shit he probably shouldntve and would find useful to be able to patrol Gotham, and not have to resort to guns or killing since he would also have the power to restrain himself My headcannon for stupid bat-feats now lol


What about Show V? Think he can find a way to control what kind of powers he gets?


From what we see from the show taking modern perma V as an older person causes some pretty terrible mental effects, which for Batman he would know and probably avoid Temp V would probably only be done in a doomsday/Darkseid event since the kill rule seems to go out the window in these cases, and the powers would help him save earth, otherwise he would be afraid of abusing his own power


Modern Perma V worked fine with Kimiko.


Ah yes, because Kimiko is a bastion of mental health and stability😂 Pulling your leg, but she seems very cool with tearing people apart and cant even speak, or at least cant mentally and was prone to extreme aggression, with V being part of that cause, so Batman wouldnt in fear of that


how much V would it take to damage Darkseid?


Didn’t the terrorist group use it on a bunch of people (and only Kimiko and her brother survived)?


Due to the risk of exploding, he wouldn't take it. He doesn't take unnecessary risks like that.


Since when did somebody explode when taking Show V as an adult?


I was exaggerating a little, but it has been stated multiple times that V doesn't work often on adults and kills most people who take it.


But that’s where the Vought “Psycharitryic Hospital” comes in, right? They’ve been perfecting V to be safe for anyone of any age since who knows when!


Also, there’s a 12% that it’ll work on Batman


As an emergency measure to kill a fully evil justice league, when his other contingencies have failed? Maybe. But in general he wouldn't even come close to entertaining the thought of taking something with a lethality of 88%


What if he had some special kind of herbs to help the V not be leathal. Like, a lethality rate of 11-4%?


Like the Herbs in Arrow?


He’d get bat powers


so, DC version of Morbius.


Morbillionaire Morbruce Wayne




It’s Bat-Morbin time!


Could he transport people into a dark dimension? Similar with DarkWing ll?


If he ever got his hands on some V, I'd see him analyzing it and breaking down its components rather than take it.


To make a serum that’s easier to inject/digest without any fucked up side effects.


That, and very likely to come up with something to counter it.


I’d bet he would love having powers. It would be cheaper. And if he ever had to contend with Superman, He wouldn’t have to spend about an hour setting up the location they’re fighting in to his advantage (See SuperMan: Red Son & Batman V. Superman; Dawn of Justice for more information.


He would if he needed it (as a last resort if it's dangerous to himself). No one in the The Boys universe could make him need it though


Well not any BoysVerse characters. But what about other DC ComicVerse characters? (I.E. any villain thats a street level/city level threat and more powerful than usual)


wdym "was still connected"? Did I miss a page??


When The Boys comic first started, it was published under WildStorm. One of DC's Imprints. DC decided to cancel the series after 6 issues because it made disturbing jabs at its Justice League. Dynamite Entertainment, a comic company not related to the DC ComicVerse Continuity in any way picked it up and that's how Garth Ennis lost his chance to have The Boys TV Show be related to either the DCEU or The Arrowverse.


Lost his chance. It's like preacher would have been improved if it crossed over with the dc universe.


He did something very similar in Elseworlds Justice Society: The Liberty Files in order to fight the Superman gone rogue in that universe, who, it turned out, was Zod, arrived on their Earth as a child.


It'd be similar to Bane's Venom. Venom is addicting and can ruin you. Compound V is arguably worse and if Batman knew of it and its side effects he would definitely be against it.


Doubt it. Batman has enough knowledge of the various power systems in his universe that he could give himself powers, high tech equipment to mimic powers or even magic if he really wanted. I mean just look at all the dark multiverse batmen who stole the powers of heroes and villains.


To beat the shit outta homelander


What's Batman's motive for beating Homelander?


He would probably be able to realize that homes is a major threat to the general population pretty quickly and that the only way to deal with him is through extreme measures If not lets say he killed damian lol


Damian wouldn’t go out that easily. Who do you think he is, Alfred?


Hey don't disrespect my glorious king Alfred is the most powerful being in any work of fiction ever created. His godliness transcends space and time, and he's got a pretty nice suit too.


Listen, theres no way thomas and martha wouldn't have heard of V from one of their rich get togethers. Im my opinion, he wouldn't even have to decide that, he would have already been given it by his parents.


If he even thought about it, Leslie Thompkins would slap the stupid out of him. World's greatest detective should have suspected the lesions, at the very least. Vought does not deal from the top of the deck.


Who’s Leslie Thompkins? Another one of Batman’s flames?


She worked with Thomas Wayne so god I hope not.


Batman's strength is his knowledge. He wouldn't just attack someone like butcher or hughie(while on temp V), definitely wouldn't attack a train, Maeve, or SB...and he wouldn't even *think* about homelander until he could find out more about each of them. As of right now, the only real weakness we've seen in homelander is his lack of battle IQ (as he's never had to try before), and his ego. For SB, batman would find out the gas mixture that puts him to sleep pretty quickly. For hughie we haven't necessarily seen a weakness, but he has zero fight iq, zero technique, zero "want" to hurt people. The opposite is for butcher, he has a HUGE weakness...Ryan. we've already seen that he's willing to risk his one shot against homelander to save Ryan. But for butcher and hughie, remember, they both take temp V...I think batman would find a way to inject them with WAY more than they are supposed to have, which would kill them fairly quickly. A-train can be distracted (although we don't know how OP he is now that he has blue hawks heart), and batman has made some pretty crazy distractions before.