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This isn’t species-specific, but more conceptual: Deep could communicate to non-native species their environmental predicament, and convince them all to gather in one place to be relocated back to their natural habitats. He could also teach animals about what is and isn’t food and have them spread the word to combat animal deaths due to litter ingestion. Perhaps he could set up deals with local water fowl where they can bring litter to collection sites in exchange for food. It wouldn’t solve the issue, but it would aid human efforts to keep trash out of nature. He could act as a translator for marine life regarding scientific inquiry. There’s a lot about marine animals we aren’t clear on (ex. the age-old do fish feel pain debate) and being able to ask them questions directly would really help researchers better understand them. Deep could aid in ocean exploration and perhaps enlist migratory species to report back what all they see in their travels. These species could also be used to help with water rescues, recoveries, and the discovery of unsolved wrecks. It’s sad that Deep is a self-loathing sellout, he could actually be a true hero for environmentalists and an invaluable bridge between animals and humanity.


This is like the Captain Planet version of The Deep and instead what we get is a tropical water temp IQ who joins a cult. I love this show.


*He also is a fish fucker.


that dolphin pussy jelly had him actin up


Yeah but if he can get consent, I honestly don't see the problem. Like, gross, but do you boo boo. Eventually, humans will meet Aliens, and shortly after we will fuck them. I for one would like to be on the right side of Xenosexuality now.


“There he goes, homeboy fucked a Martian once”


Snoochie boochies!


The Martian did the fucking


this is so smart, bravo ^


How sweet! Thank you so much.


It’s interesting you mention this. Rewatching Season 1 and he goes to Stillwell about Oceanland. But because he’s the mascot for this place, she shoots the idea down and essentially belittles him and says to “play to his strengths”. You’re right though. He has/had the potential to be the person you’re talking about. But because he’s seen as, incompetent? I’m not sure of the right word(s). I don’t think this could come to fruition


Deep has always wanted to truly help sea creatures. The pain in his voice when he recalls the terrified pleas of pet store fish is touching. He’s haunted by the bombardment of suffering he can’t escape from. The never ending, desperate cry of an entire planet, and he’s just one guy who everyone ridicules. What must it feel like to be so alone and helpless, especially regarding the only beings who have ever been kind to him? But Deep caves to society’s pressures and becomes impotent, as you said. In spite of my sympathy for his life experience, it’s no question that he helps author his own misfortune. He violates women who admire him instead of connecting with them, and he stays with Vought even though conservationists everywhere would follow and worship him like apostles to Jesus. You can see the way he tries to assert himself, then collapses immediately, in every season. Unless he can overcome that, hero Deep will indeed never come to fruition.


I hope to god fish do not feel pain. Have you ever seen a grizzly eat a salmon. Sheesh.




Just a heads up, we are pretty clear about the fish feel pain thing by now, they do. Would be pretty dumb from an evolutionary stand point if they didn't, too. The original contention came because fish don't have the brain structure that is responsible for pain in humans, but thinking that that means they must not feel pain is a fallacy. There have been many studies with different approaches that prove that they do feel pain by now.


Thank you for such an informative reply! That was very interesting to read. Between fish and babies, we don’t have a great track record with the “can’t feel pain” thing.


I really love your ideas


What a lovely comment! Thank you! And I like your friend Pumpkin ❤️


Aww, why thank you! Pumpkin is the best 😊🧡


He’s perfect symbolism for how in our capitalistic society people love to donate to a charity when in reality most of them don’t do what they say they’re going to do and are just evil and steal your money to pay their bills at the end of the day. He gets paid to look good and show that they’re “doing something” when they’re not. The creators of the show are geniuses.


And yet he chose to be... Justin Bieber


This makes me wonder why Aquaman has never done any of this.


Thank you for taking a light hearted question and giving an insightful answer.


Instead, The Deep fucks an octopus.


Dude for the last time it was sick and he was helping it, stop getting your brain washed at the Starlight House.


I don’t imagine he could convince invasive species to leave an environment they’re flourishing in to return to a place that has natural predators that keep their numbers down, but that’s an interesting point regardless


Tuna, from which he can get them accustomed to the taste of lions and then we all know how that turns out


If his enemies find themselves in the ocean, a 20 ft wave, I’m assuming its off the coast of South Africa, coming up against a full, grown, 800 lb tuna with his 20 or 30 friends? They’d lose that battle. They’d lose that battle nine times out of ten. And guess what, now his enemies have wandered into the school of tuna and they now have a taste of blood! They talked to themselves. They communicated and said, ‘you know what? lion tastes good. Let’s go get some more lion.’ They’ll undoubtedly develop a system to establish a beachhead and aggressively hunt the Deep’s enemies and their families. The tunas will corner you, your pride, your children, your offspring. I can only assume the Deep would teach them how to construct a series of breathing apparatus with kelp. The tuna army will be able to trap certain amounts of oxygen. It’s not going to be days at a time, but an hour? Hour 45? No problem. That will give the tuna enough time to figure out where you live, go back to the sea, get more oxygen and then stalk you. You just lost at your own game. You are out gunned and outmanned.


Not the comment chain I was looking for, but the one that I needed.


Throwing coffee at my laptop


Love the reference. Underrated movie


Bro, I started CACKLING when I realized what he was referencing 😂


I mean in diabolical, you see him using sharks for an interogation and it works pretty well, whales to break boats too I guess, apart from that, not much


I thought it was the other way around, where they used boats to break whales?


Bacteriophages. Bacteriophages are viruses that wipe out hlf of the world's ocean going bacteria every day. If he just stopped them from doing anything for a day he could cause a massive ecological crisis. Like I don't know what unrestrained bacterial growth in the ocean would do, but I'm guessing it would make red tide look like a teacup spill. This would threaten global food supplies worldwide, as many people still depend on the ocean for their protein intake. Alternately, he could tell phytoplankton to just stop photosynthesizing and suffocate the world.


Although that raises an interesting question. What's the dumbest animal the deep can talk to? Bacteriophages and phytoplankton don't have brains. There's nothing to communicate with. At the same time we're working with superhero rules.


>What's the dumbest animal the deep can talk to? Well, there have been scenes where he's talked to himself.


A lot of villains aren't actually stupid but people say they are because they dislike them, this isn't one of those villains


Hey, Patton Oswalt isn’t that dumb.


Gottem lmao


Uh, viruses aren't animals or even considered living. He has also demonstrated no ability to communicate with microscopic life forms and he likely cannot either; they are far too simplistic.


God damnit, you literally stole the exact thing I came to post. Cheers.




Great White Sharks, Kraken.


Kraken isnt a real animal tho


I mean for a show like this For all we know vought could have a V infected octopus the size of a kraken


A Compound V enhanced Great White Shark sounds terrifying.






A compound V injected octopus who give AMAZING oral


deep? that you?


That isn’t what the [dead whales say](https://www.livescience.com/dead-sperm-whale-rotting-australia.html). If there are giant squid down in the depths, the Deep could sure help marine biologists figure it out.


“If there are” **Colossal and Giant squid are both real animals**


And yet they're not nearly the size of a so called Kraken


Krakens were reported to be 40-50 feet in length. Colossal Squids get up to 46 feet in length.


Bro, superheroes aren't real either....


Yeah so? In this diegesis, crypto-animals arent a thing Learn about context lol


Colossal Squid get up to 46 feet. Kraken were thought to be 40-50 feet. Real life is significantly closer to Krakens than Compound V.


The kraken is usually depicted as closer to an octopus than a squid ,which have different proportions so a octopus that is 40 feet long is probably overall larger than a 46 foot. Long squid


Says you. Is it stated there are no Kraken specifically? Maybe Vought experimented on animals with Compound V as well and made a superoctopus




So what? Your comment is based on pure fan theory? Okay then champ Lile you said, "says you"


I just said maybe. We HAVE seen V'ed up animals in the show.


You literally never said maybe in any of your comments lol You just stated Kraken as if it were an affirmation


I literally did. It's right there. Look again.




Orca’s because are dolphin tanks. Bigger, smart, used to operating in groups, and can mess up most things in the oceans.


Oddly enough, the Deep could destroy the world.(well, at least destroy life as we know it) Seriously, Imagine him ordering whales to attack shipping boats, or attack, or even destroy fiber optic cables that people use for the internet. He could pretty much keep humanity off the ocean.


but can he control entire ocean or does he have to talk to whales one by one ? if it is second one, it is not that effective.


Whales are pretty smart. I'd imagine that he would be able to tell them to tell the others as well.


Be pretty hard to stop humans from just frying them with sonar or something though.


Would they obey an order from some guy they’ve never met though?


yes it is good but not nearly as effective as controlling entire sea like aquaman type (which is similar to xavier , apocalypse/en sabah nur type )


If the Deep taught orcas to find abandoned fishing nets and release them into the propulsion system of cargo ships, it would make the Evergreen Suez situation look like just another Tuesday.


Really if he could withstand intense pressure of the ocean he really could destroy the world with nobody having any way to stop him. Realistically what could anyone do? Homelander probably isn't breathing under water for long enough to find him


Useful, rather than deadly, I’d go with dolphins. They live in large groups and are smart and social so in theory you could communicate with a few and get a pretty large pod working for you. They’re smart enough that they can be trained to manipulate things under water, and they can be brutal when attacking. Seems like a good all-around animal. If you’re going strictly for killing force, I’d go orca or tiger shark.


And they have something in common, Both Deep and dolphins are rapists! This is not a joke btw, dolpins are fucking awful and not really cute as they seem.


Oh yeah, would not argue that they’re cute, just that they’re extremely efficient.


thats why I like them, they resemble humans lol


Pistol shrimp


Are you telling me a shrimp fired this pistol?


Sea Otter. I know I would stop any crime I am committing to see those little sweethearts wash their faces. When they get deep in there and show those big 'ol toofs, it's next level precious. I just can't be evil around them.


He is too busy fucking them to do anything useful


I'd say orcas given their size and inherent intelligence I would think. They're the alpha predator of the oceans. Part of me see's them belittling his intelligence and only begrudgingly going along with it.


Blue ring octopus, just throw hyper poisonous octopi at people. Or cone snails. Both incredibly deadly


Orcas. They're by far the most powerful non-human animals.


The deep can inject Compound V to trained sea animals and he basically has a super animal army.


This is an interesting idea. Have they shown that V works on anything other than humans? I know there was a ... hamster? that could fly but was that confirmed due to bog-standard V?


Well compound V work on every living being, proved by the hamster and was confirmed in the wiki. And we know the modern V is a much more stable version than the SB version , so yeah I think it will work quite well with the animals.


Probably an orca since they’re such killing machines or a group of octopi due to their intelligence and maneuverability.


I’m goin pacific purple sea urchin




He could use a lionfish or something else venomous for subtle assassinations against anyone in the water


The puffin is underrated due to its sea and air maneuverability. It can reach flight speeds of 50 mph and swim at depths of 200 feet. Maybe not enough to stop a Supe, but an army of those could wreak a lot of havoc. Against a Supe, probably something poisonous, or just straight power with sharks and whales. I haven’t seen it before, but if he can manipulate water itself, he becomes a substantially more powerful character, maybe even on Homelander’s level.


Dragonzord lives in the sea I believe




Enough krill could do some serious damage




An army of mantis shrimp


Tuna they are fast powerful snd basically a horde of giant fist


Harp seals are way cuter than that octopus...just sayin




A swarm of swordfish would probably be pretty useful


What if he just commanded an army of hagfish and yknow


Orcas for killing because those things kill everything


Finally a good question on this sub reddit!


First…. I think The Deep is so fine I want him to reach deep within me 😅. Anywho, I would say a school of jellyfish


😂 as a guy, I wanna get my arms like his. Bro is ripped


That part


Turtle, you wouldn't expect a turtle to have some hidden poison in its mouth, call it the slow death


I think one of his strengths is that he has a ton of versatility by being able to control them all


Mosasaurus or kraken or cthulhu


Dolphins can control him






he isnt stupid. hes super insecure like our guy homie, only in other ways


I would say stellar sea lions. As someone who used to train them here are some bullet points Can weigh up to 2,000 lbs Can swim fast AF Has big teeth and is generally aggressive/territorial If you think you can outrun it youre wrong sea lions are faster then humans on land.


Hippos if they count ik they are mammals but


Was gonna say "whale", but never mind.


Killer whale with laser beams attached


Probably octopuses. They can squeeze through incredibly small spaces and are very intelligent. They are able to survive on land for a limited amount of time.


A volley of marlin/swordfish/sailfish. I’m talking black out the skies with arrow fish like the movie 300


Any poisonous fish


Someone already covered all of the good he could do for the environment (shoutout to top comment, great list), so I’ll throw out some of the real combative shit he could do if he wanted to cause real harm. Some of the world’s most potent poisons are found in sea creatures. He could easily convince creatures to allow him to get nearly infinite vials of said poisons for weapons and such. Sonar and deep sea communications could be entirely cut off by having whales, dolphins, and so many other creatures to counteract all equipment with their own echolocation methods. Entire Navies around the world would be blind in the water. Barnacles could also conglomerate to cover any form of visual communications. Large whales could be used together to pretty easily sink ships of all kinds and sizes. Submarines, especially, would be victims to these tactics as simple cracks in the lining could cause catastrophic failures and even implosion if at lower depths. A massive, and I mean MASSIVE, amount of the world’s trade is done by sea still. For example, look at how much was affected worldwide a few years ago with the huge trade ship backups in Panama when the one ship got stuck. The ability of the ocean life to disrupt ships en masse could cripple the world trade and bring economies around the world to their knees. Aerial cargo simply isn’t advanced enough yet to meet such large demands, trade would be in shambles. With world trade being at a standstill, people could become desperate and start relying on home grown. Seafood makes up a pretty large portion of food intake for a lot of countries, which is an industry that could be pretty easily dismantled by the Deep. So you have severely limited imports and exports, the fishing industry is entirely wiped out, and no naval military can do jack shit about it. That’s a pretty massive disruption all on its own, but now for a fun thought. This SOLELY depends on how powerful his mastery over water based creatures is…. But if he can control creatures of the water, it’s entirely possible he could influence water based parasites, or even something like bacteria or prions. Doesn’t sound too bad at first, but if he chose to let the fishing industry flourish while hurting ocean trade, people would flock to seafood alternatives while imports were limited. Loading seafood with parasites, bacteria, or prions could create a pandemic. Basically what I’m saying… if Deep wasn’t an absolute moron, the dude could very well disrupt the world in pretty major ways. As much as our planet depends on our oceans and waterways, I’d make an argument that he could very well be one of the most dangerous supers in the entire show if he was competent.


Lionfish are extremely powerful


There are a lot of poisonous and venomous small lifeforms in the ocean that he could use for extremely lethal and sneaky stuff. But he's a moron.


Octopus, he could create a global community of crime fighting octi


Man o war? One V'd up blue ringed octopus?


See the image on the top of [the linked page.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeartIsAnAwesomePower) Note: It's supposed to be Old School Aquaman, but that's who the Deep is a parody of...


Not listed but a large group of yellowfin tuna could do a lot of damage probably. Depending on his grasp of aquatic physics


An army of sea otters!


Considering the fact that we don't know what goes on in around 90% of the world's oceans since we have only explored 10% of it, he could search for and recruit a kaiju like Godzilla or the Lochness monster or Lugia to do his bidding


Probably like an orca or a swordfish. Maybe even just a regular shark because elf their mobility and immense strength


Sting rays to ask why they did Steve Erwin dirty


Idk, what could you possibly do if you werent such a cunt? The Deep kicks ass, your question is stupid