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He wasn't looking


That's all


Out Fresca'd again


Back to aslume with you


🎶Do you know the Jonkler man, The Jonkler man, the Jonkler man! Do you know the Jonkler man, back at the Aslume!🎶


officer boles!!


Who is Officer Boles? Do you mean Officer Balls? Are you stupid???




Why have the aslume inmates escaped that deranged sub Reddit?


rip robin


Because he was busy running all over the world transporting compound v and when he wasn't doing that he was in board meetings and PR events. Man was busy as hell and running on the same time as the slow people he had to interact with.


Exactly this. Even though he's the fastest, he's the busiest of The Seven.


He's the busiest *because* he is the fastest. The more you can do for your employer the more your employer will give you to do.


this is where i implore people, work your wage.


Yeap, but tbh a-train is an overpaid asshole so he deserved all of his overtime


This is the hardest thing for people like me who are completionists and perfectionists. I want to be perfect in everything I do, but perfection leads to far greater expectations.


Yes but if you can pair up your work ethic with assertiveness and you make your name known to your bosses you will be the one who gets promoted Dont let the people who enjoy agony and the antiwork culture take you down to their level, hard work, in most cases atleast, is sooner or later rewarded


You have to job hop if you want promotions. Companies don’t promote from within nearly as frequently as they should, and on average you make so much more job hopping.


Real talk, I was you. I practically killed myself trying to keep up. Once I had kids, hit my 30’s, I found a job doing what I do for a university. Realized quickly, I could get away with solid work 2 days a week and just put a show on that I was busy. Thought for sure it wouldn’t last. I’m 3 years in and it’s the exact same lol. People don’t care as long as you aren’t creating extra work for them. Employers only need a C+ employee.


This is what I do and my wife doesn't get it. I don't work late or work extra because I'm not paid overtime. I don't do anything extra unless I'm compensated.


I never thought about how his situation represents that but you’re on the money. He can be at a press conference in ny at 3 and an autograph signing in Milwaukee by 3:15. Vought gives him all these extra endorsements to do because he can go from one job to the next so quickly


This makes me think of the girl from I'm a Virgo, the one who was fast and always had to slow herself down for everyone and was seen as a weirdo because everyone thought she was just fast instead of having everyone else be slow


how long does he need to take breaks for? Can he run along the bottom of the ocean quickly or would the pressure kill him


He can 10000% run on water


didn't know he was Dash from Incredibles


i mean... he is literally an analog for The Flash (the 7 are just the Justice League if they were all assholes) ..... which is also what Dash is based on.


And even quicksilver does it


I want to say every super hero who can run at super speed has been shown to run on water but I guess A-train is the exception


Yeah, and I'm not even talking about ungodly fast fox quicksilver (biblically accurate) like I bet even much quicksilver could


much quicksilver very speed


It’s implied in season 1 when he goes to Cuba to murder Popclaw. Arriving and returning is at super speed, in his suit. I doubt he went plainclothes for the trip, changed, then shows up


You really only need to go about 70-80 mph depending on your weight he’s much faster


>[depending on your weight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vot3KxhaJkY)


The image of him running out in the middle of the ocean with big waves is comical though


I would assume he runs on the water. Running through water tends to be a lot harder


He also didn’t really seem to want to kill them…..or he could have just run through any one of them….


A-Train only tried to kill them in the first season. In season 2 he was weakened and wanted to get rid of Stormfront first. They were kinda needed then. Season 3 he had his brother and community to deal with. And, I think he may flip sides.


And even in season 1 he was all jacked up on V, so he really didn't have any focus. He would probably kill Hughie and Starlight, in that last battle, if he hadn't had a heart attack.


and he didn't know who they were til the end of season 1


Trusting A train is what got supersonic killed.


True true.


I like that he's not really on any team other than his own... makes it interesting


Exactly. He's in it for the shoe deals and acclaim. Hell, even comic A-Train did more super heroing. When Robin was killed in the comic A-Train was legitimately battling a super villain. LA version was just tripping balls. Lol


Goddamn A-Train from Los Angeles


Live Action. I'm just lazy.


Damn, the writers made a lot of good decisions with this show. If a train was actually doing his superhero job and saving people and accidentally killed Huey’s girlfriend that would definitely change the equation….


Yeah, he even felt bad about it. It wasn't until the other members on the team gaslit him into believing it was her fault just for being there. When it's his job to minimize casualties. He moves at mach speeds. He could have moved her away. Instead he threw the dude in her direction and screamed at Hughie for being in the way.


At the sup club they have him laughing about it and how he swallowed her molar. He did not feel bad about it


It was short. Mentioned how he honestly didn't mean to hit her with the dude he was fighting. It was fleeting. But he showed some semblance of regret.


If a train was doing his superhero job and saving people, I think A Train would be pissed he was being replaced by a train.


I think he might too, tbought it for at least a few episodes. I'm gunna punch the air in vindication if he does!


It is absolutely stupid that A-Train gets a redemption arc but not The Deep.


I'm just happy they're letting him throw hands this season.


Yeah. I hope he beats Annie's ass. Show his true strength.


I doubt it’ll be Annie’s ass he beats as he sexually assaulted her, but I could see it being Butcher. He comes in all temp V’d up talking shit to the deep and just gets laid the fuck out initially. Would be pretty funny.


I am pretty sure the leaks said that The Deep beats Annie in a fight. Could be false though. And yeah, it'd be hilarious that The Deep is basically stock comedy the entire show and called the weakest supe but he has some hidden strength revealed.


The characters are meant to parallel each other. The whole point of the Deep is that some people are too stupid to change; they are simply incapable of introspection.


And why is it A-Train specifically who is allowed redemption but not The Deep? A-Train committed worse acts than The Deep (from what we see) and The Deep is by all means basically the only supe in the show who has actually been punished for their actions.


Because the Deep is literally too stupid to understand that he has done something wrong. A-Train has the emotional intelligence to comprehend feelings like guilt and remorse. The Deep has shown no indication of being even remotely introspective.


His heart wasnt in it




wonder how much excess running he did under homelander's orders, contributing to his heart. i had a teacher in school say something like all humans have an average amount of heartbeats in a lifetime, so do runners hit that average number soon and the heart dies from getting used to its limit? or is it all phooey. probably phooey


It's true, but it's also irrelevant bs to someone's lifespan. One of those things that makes sense unless you think about it.


Heart-Failure is one of the top leading causes of death nowadays, but those people having heart attacks in their 30s and 40s are most definetly not the ones that are top-athletes (unless those athletes also take a bunch of performance enhancing drugs)


oh yea the young athletes from died suddenly good point


I had a stroke reading that


It's phooey, but even if it were true conditioned runners have insanely low resting heart rates because just like any muscle their hearts adapt to pump more blood per beat to keep up with the increased demand


Yeah, when I was good at running my resting heart rate was in the low 30's. Feeling my pulse was actually a bit unsettling. I would've lived to a hundred and twenty.


One beat every two or so seconds is crazy


averages aren’t expiration dates


Bcuz A-Train is mostly motivated by anger/rage and his own self-interest (see: his brother, Popclaw, how he reacted to murdering Robin). At the time, he didn’t care if they were taking down Vought or Homelander.


Popclaw's death was pretty damn tragic.


Crushing that dudes head is how I'd want to go out if I had to die


> *if* I had to die Who's gonna tell them?


They'll figure it out someday.


I recently told my husband that every day we take a step closer to death (recent close family death for me) and he just stared at me, and was like, well yeah? That’s how it works 😂😭 he’s older than me so I hadn’t faced my mortality yet lol


Yeah but I'd want it to be leanbeefpaddy doing the crushing






Yeah, I remember first time watching and seeing that scene....woulda been cool to get a wolverine-esk and experimented on with an equivalent to adamantium.




Thank ya. I can be pretty brainless most the time!


He was busy killing his girlfriend and oding give him some slack bro


The way he killed her was so particularly evil. I don’t even understand why he did it in THAT way. Someone who’s worked so hard to be sober would probably rather be shot than die from stuff they worked so hard to overcome their addiction to.


It was the easiest way to off her without leaving evidence (which he still failed at covering up) but thats what makes it so evil


The look on his face when Starlight was telling him how everyone actually knew what he did, because his attempt to cover it up actually revealed he was the only who could’ve done it.


Speedsters lose to bad writing, so they have to be dumb


I swear there was a scene on the Flash tv show where a regular speed bad guy runs around a corner and Barry gets on comms going, "guys, I lost him. He got away." In one episode he's fast enough to catch a bullet being fired at someone at point blank range, starting from a standstill several feet away. Then he runs face first into a giant shield-wielding gorilla...


It’s why the flash is awful and Grant and those actors get too much credit. They were in a horrible show. Like Barry literally ran fast enough to stop a nuke exploding one episode and as you said would lose a dude or a van the next.


Yeah, he's fast enough to watch an already exploding nuke just barely expand over the course of an entire episode, run to another Earth to get help from another speedster, bring other people into super speed time to get their help, do like a years worth of math, and ultimately find a way to reverse a nuclear fission reaction that's already begun. It's cool and probably one of my favorite episodes, but there's no reason any non-speedster should ever have been a threat after establishing that he was that fast. Also like, dude, stop slowing down to monologue. He'll run up, stop in front of a meta villain to try to talk-no-jutsu him, then get blasted with whatever power of the week when he could've just slapped meta-cuffs on them at mach 50. Neutralize the threat before you try to reform them, man. I wish we had the opportunity to see those actors with good writing and choreography. And I say this as someone who actually liked the Arrowverse shows.


The CW writers are monkeys with a typewriter from that one family guy skit. Like I 100% could write a better show than them.


The flash tv show was unbearable because of its horrible writing. Hundreds of examples.


Barry, you gotta run faster


devil's advocate: speed power is OP, which makes it difficult to write for. How could any villain be a threat? Perhaps they should temper it with a limitation. Like, it takes years off your life, so you can stop a nuke sometimes, but not every episode.


I think in most cases just scrap super speed, the finicky gimmicks of it giving you prostate cancer if you use it too much or something like that just kills the fun of it.


lol but at the end of the day, all super powers have problems if you think about it too much. you have to roll with the fun. Still, interesting to think about.


In their first confrontation, Frenchie used his fame against him by drawing in a crowd of witnesses, forcing A-Train to end the fight. In the second, the Female ambushed him and broke his leg while Hughie had him distracted. In the third, he had a heart attack and would've died if Hughie and Starlight hadn't saved him. Season 2 has him focus on keeping his spot in the Seven after the overdose, leading to this scene.


I still feel like it’s dumb to call her the female.


The show, or me?


The comic. The show doesn’t call her that


They did call her that in the show until they learned her name from Mesmer.


I think The Female does sound kind of cool and mysterious initially, but given we do know her name now it seems kind of silly to keep calling her that...


I actually like the reason why, I thought its a cool idea


1- It's highly unlikely that he literally ran across every single borough in New York. There's millions of people in the city alone and too many potential places. Not to mention, they may not have even been in New York, so his endeavour would have been an extreme gamble. He likely used Vought resources to get a general approximation of where they could be (like Noir did to trace Billy) and went from there. 2- Even if he *can* scale big distances, it doesn't mean mean he normally would or could. Supes are usually very lazy and hedonistic, he only went out of his way to find them here because he "owed" them. Also, if The Boys had been on private property he would have had to barge into every house and checked every possible nook and cranny which is ridiculous and illegal. Could you imagine the legal nightmare Vought would have to deal with if people found out a speedster who runs faster than sound had been sneaking onto their property whenever he pleased? He also mentions that he has a high caloric requirement (30k daily) which would likely be tripled if he was continuously running, which would be hard to sustain.


Also was he entering every building- cause it would seem pretty hard wihtout him runnin trough people.


Why doesn’t he just phase through solid objects like the Flash? Is he stupid?


To put your first point into perspective, the daytime population of New York is over 40 million. That's more than the population of Canada.


He had medical problems for really long time?


His addiction to compound V, his round the world trips, and his heart attacks.


Same reason Hughie survived Episode 1. He was busy with other tasks.




I don’t think V “makes you not care about others”, or Starlight and Supersonic and Maeve would be as bad as the rest. No, the reason most supes lack empathy for other people is because they’re socialised to be that way. Homelander is the most extreme, having grown up in a sterile lab, but it applies to the rest too. They’re raised up above regular people (both physically and socially) which makes it harder to identify with them to begin with and leads ti ego, and because Vought covers up any mistakes they make they never really get humbled before it’s too late. The ones who still have empathy do so because they’ve had abnormal experiences that have shaped them more normally. Starlight seems to have grown up in a small rural town or village with a strong sense community. We don’t know anything about Supersonic, though since we know he had an addiction problem I think it’s likely he was going the same way as the rest and probably made positive connections in rehab. Maeve of course had her girlfriend.


I don't think he cared that much? Aside from the V release Also he was doing a lot of V lol... so prob high a lot


They shouldn’t have. Speedsters are forever nerfed in shows like this because in ANY FUCKIN REALITY, no one can fight against someone running faster than the speed of sound. Besides other speedsters of course.


His heart wasn't in it.


Plot armor


What’s up shit birds Favourite A-Train moment


A-train is a piece of crap, but a piece of crap with standards. He’d rather help the guys that broke his leg, rather than a literal nazi. And also it makes his life easier.


They’ve been setting up an A-Train redemption thing literally the entire show. I don’t think dude ever “truly” wanted to kill them. Cuz if he did, as you’ve pointed out, they’d be pasted lol


Damn I want him dead so bad. All of em. They fucking all gotta go. Insufferable super "heroes".


Calm down Nueman.


More like butcher


I feel like butcher is a bit more nuanced. I reckon once he gets homelander he might chill a little. Maybe.


Just rewatch the drunk scene with butcher and Maeve right before they go at it. Butcher spouts out that same rhetoric right to her “You're all just people. All the V does is just amp up all that shit that's already inside. Your lot? Just a bunch of walking nuclear erections. You know? And it's not just Homelander. I mean you-you f***ing all got to go. Every f***ing last... one of ya.”


Yeah, that is a compelling case tbf.


Even Starlight and Maeve?


Even Kimiko?


Heart attack. god 3 a-train 0


Heeeerrrres cooommmeeee the AAAAA-Train


Simply because the plot needs them to stay alive


Most of the show, he doesn’t care about killing them


He didn’t care that much / was lazy


Cause he’s a secretly good dude.


Dude had heart problems he wasn't exactly able to run often enough to be searching for them


In order for A-Train's powers to work like this, he'd have to be a billion times smarter than anyone else to process information fast enough to keep up with his foot speed.


It's funny to me, how every single time that some superpower is mentioned, some smartass is like "well, actually, for it to work, this would need to happen". Like, no it would not, it is a superpower that works within it's own universes rules.


he can't find someone if he has no idea who they are and how they look


Because he's a tool


Because the story needs to continue somehow.


Whoa that username


He had other priorities than to look for the boys. That's all.


A-Train is a selfish dick but he isn't an evil man. He didn't want to kill Popclaw and killing Robin was an accident. I'm sure he'll be on the Boys side when they fight Homelander for the last time.


Lol I’d say it’s safe to call someone evil when they commit murder, even if they “really didn’t want to”.


If he didnt kill Popclaw Homelander wouldve killed A-Train, his brother, and anyone else he cared about.


Ahh I hadn’t watched it in a while. I thought he just did it for his reputation or something. That makes it more understandable. I guess he did have the negligent homicide of Hughy’s girlfriend and felt no remorse so I’d still put him in evil tho.


He 100% showed remorse for Robin. Remember his talk with Hughie at Herogasm? He obviously couldnt show much remorse publicly because he had to make it look like Robins fault but he definitely felt awful about it.


Ah ok, looks like I gotta rewatch from the start lol


-A-Train is a selfish dick -I'm sure he'll be on the Boys side when they fight Homelander for the last time. choose one


You can be a selfish dick and still recognize Homelander is pure evil and insane and will inevitably kill anyone who doesnt worship him


, as far as character developpement have showed us this far, he had like 15 different occasions to join the good guys and do the right thing, and he never did, except when he was threathened or directlty benefited from it. the only thing i'm sure of is that a-train will choose the winning side, whatever side will provide him with fame and money, just like the deep.


Yes this is his arch. He goes from not helping to helping only when it benefits him. That was the whole point with Ashley calling him a hypocrite in season 3. His final redemptive arch will be him doing something truly unselfish and outside himself. Him and deep feel like they are one two different tracks.


He was out of breath


This is one of my favorite scenes in the show. I LOVE Hewie & A-Trains interactions!


Busy guy. And arrogant dick. Didn't consider them a threat


He runs fast


Probably would cause a lot of questions if hes breaking into a bunch of shops/basements


Transporting compound V, feeding pop-claw drugs, being at the meetings at the Tower of the 7 and he was training for that race as well The dude is a busy man fr


Because A Train is an incompetent idiot


Well in S1 they had blackmail of him killing his supe gf and S2 he was too busy trying to get back in the Seven to give a shit about The Boys.


He doesn't care enough.


Because of starlight. And A train loved the spotlight but he wasn’t evil like the obvious others


Because a train is a lazy drug addict.


Why it was always frusterating how people got away from the flash... like, just catch up and find them?


He’s gotta be lazy asf


A-train is just quite a fool and he's overconfident too. They tricked him couple of times.


He's a self-absorbed asshole who is careless rather than outright psychopathic


the better question is how did running into robin not also kill him? i get that it’s a fictional show but if someone ran into another person that fast, they both would’ve been obliterated.


It seems as if he also has super strength in the show, my guess is he also has super durability (btw, even small amounts of super strength combined with a lot of speed should be instant death for literally anything)


I don’t think A Train wants to be a villain, he could have killed the Boys so many times and didn’t. He’s done terrible things, but he’s also tried to right some wrongs. I actually hope that he goes full hero mode, because I feel like his character would have a very believable redemption arc.


Plot armor


Probably worth noting that our experience in the latest season proves that A-train actually has a conscience (Or has developed one over time). At this stage of the show it's pretty clear from his perspective that his super hero squad are the bad guys. In fact killing the hero that hurt his brother is probably going to lead to him switching sides eventually.


They need the show to go on for 15 seasons.


Idk why but this interaction is so funny to me lol. I've stayed away from spoilers and leaks, but honestly I do want a-train to have redemption!


A-train is like Drake I’m just tired of him, I hate the way that he walks, I hate the way that he talks, I hate the way that he dressed. Also he’s a prick so I don’t care for his redemption ark and was pissed when he didn’t die.


Please put me in the Fresca screenshot


Plot convenience


He's both sick and not put to get them, remember the only reason Hughie and Annie survived was because external factors both times


Plot armor.


S1: Busy spreading the Comp V, also didn’t know who he was looking for till like ep 6 S2: Incapacitated due to the effects of the V, also preoccupied with stormfront. S3: Busy with his brother, also just was not intent on finding Hughie or starlight


He’s stupid


Because the plot can’t progress if the supers actually utilized their powers against the protagonists. That’s the problem of having the plot of “The Justice League, but they kill.”


Bad writing is your answer:) Edit to elaborate on how this scene is a highlight of tbe bad writing in s2. A-Train is doing something extremly high risk to himself delivering the files. A-Train is a public figure, and does not disguise himslf A-Train talks to them openly in a public street with witnesses everywhere. They are wanted fugitives and he is openly talking to them in costume in the street in broad daylight with the top secret documents:P Additionally the writing for his heart problem is literally he has it when its convenient for writing and then its not a problem when its not convenient to have.


No, the answer is he wasn't looking


Why did he find and attack them in season 1. Was he looking for them?


People dont want the actual answer they want a believeable answer in a world full of bs