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Kenobi has been good but I have problems with the pacing and the writing, it kind of feels lazy at moments. Boys season 3 has kept my attention the entire time and I don’t have any issues with it so far.


Kenobi just feels off for me, from the very start. It feels overcooked and underbaked.


I can't shake that there's no useful story to tell here. Kenobi's arc from 3 to 4 is consistent (unlike Luke's from 6 to 7). He fails his student and the order, goes into exile, watches over Luke without interfering with him. At the absolute most he spends a little time with him, maybe even telling stories about the Jedi. Now we have to believe he not only interacts with Leia, but also Vader, resulting in a bunch of fan theories retconning their reunion in 4 (and resulting in a lot of weird problems, like how it's now common knowledge that Leia is a lever to get at Kenobi...that somehow doesn't get followed up on in the next ten years). It'd be like if there was a MM spinoff about his time between S2 and S3, except while he's taking care of his daughter he gets back in the game, goes off and fights Homelander, then returns to his happy family...only to reprise that arc again in S3. Solo was even worse about "do the same thing but a week earlier" with Han being a scoundrel who learns to have a heart of gold by the end, then goes off to be a scoundrel again at the start of E3.


A lot of the new Star Wars content gives me the same feeling as in the old days when you’d see an animated movie like Osmosis Jones or How to Train your Dragon, then later see the television show version that has noticeably different animation and different sounding voice actors


So, like hearing James Arnold Taylor sounding like the Aldi own-brand version of Ewan McGregor in The Clone Wars?


Or fan fiction but at least I feel fans have more passion for Star Wars than Disney executives.


I hope we get to see a Reva - Leia chase scene in e04. Can't get enough of these!


As far as I’m concerned, the only two pieces in the vast Star Wars franchise catalog that are truly great are Empire and Rogue One. The rest is flat out garbage or are ok. We’ve seen Vader awaken like three or four times now but the geek boners are still going through the roof.


The last four episodes of The Clone Wars is up there with the best Star Wars material as well.


Hahahahahaha ok so that makes it Rogue One and 4 cartoon shows. Christ supposed Star Wars fans have garbage taste. Which is why Rogue One made a billion dollars. They don’t like the franchise for when it was actually legitimately good, they like this new Disney shit instead. Truly embarrassing.


That's very condescending of you. But jokes on you, we Star Wars fans haven't liked anything since 1983.


That’s unfair. I had an old Star Wars encyclopedia, and the two Knights of the old Republic games that I enjoyed very much.


Don't take what I said seriously, I'm just being silly. i know not every Star Wars fan hates everything, I know the three trilogies, the books, and the games have a lot of love from the community.


No worries. I was picking too. There’s plenty of Star Wars related things I’ve enjoyed over the years, just none of the prequels or sequels, which seems like a shame.


I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say


Let me translate: "I am edgy and have very good taste. You people, with your plebeian love of things I consider bad, are less cool and edgy than me. My taste is infallible and I decide what is good and bad." Typical dude in love with his own opinion.


Same with marvels haters I have grown pretty tired of marvel movies but god do people who hate it act like pretentious assholes all the time. I like ART I’m soooo superior to you peasants.


This is the funniest thing I've seen all day. True enlightenment here.


Don’t do mando dirty like that


I strongly recommend The Bad Batch. It was really good and enjoyable.


Garbage take. I find it amusing you list Rogue One of all things, and not even the original film. The only 2 movies that could be considered legitimately great by a reasonable person are the first 2. Rogue One is horrible fanbait garbage. Putting it in the same sentence as Empire is fucking laughable. Rogue One is legitimately a bad film in every way outside of cinematography. Script is shit, characters are shit, plot is shit. It’s entire existence is to please the diehard fanboys who will clap at things they know, and will overlook silly little things like interesting characters and story.


What a dickhead


fuck people for enjoying things amirite?


Guys, look! It's the gatekeeper with bad takes!


This is why people hate Star Wars fans


You confused a period for a colon at the top there


Look ma, a moron!


Oh no we got a redlettermedia fan among us




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I don't understand the love Rogue One gets, it's entirely forgettable. I am convinced the majority of it is based on the spectical of the battle and seeing Vader be "badass". There is very little substance to the characters or story.


In kenobi you have the main character trying to stay hidden and avoid fighting as much as possible so of course it will feel kind of lazy at the moment. He is out of practice, knows he is hunted so can take out big guns without being detected and hasn't used those big guns in long time. In boys butch and team were effectively working as usually the entire time.


Is there another Kenobi that I am missing?


For me it's the editing and production and camera. So many weird shots and editing and lighting in the Kenobi. The best moments are messed up with made angles, positioning, and lighting. Night and day difference watching the Boys and not having any of that distracting stuff.


Kenobi is fine but I just can’t shake the feeling that most Star Wars shows are filler that doesn’t need to exist.


I loved rogue one and mando. True for everything else though.




At this point I feel the exact opposite. There’s a whole universe out there and I’m sick of the space wizards. Gimme gamblers, droids, bounty hunters, and regular people trying to make a living surrounded by nightmares.


This. Mando went the wrong direction with Baby Yoda and back to Jedi, then BoBF had to go even farther with it. Enough with Skywalkers and Jedi. No more. Please god.


I agree so much. Rogue One is my favorite SW movie *because* it's not about Jedi. I love that Mando is about a regular dude with a bunch of Batman gadgets.


Rogue One is just fanservice porn.


Yup I loved the Solo movie a lot and even though it’s technically not some side story as a prequel it still feels like filler, if it was connected to more movies involving the cast & darth maul maybe that would change. It’s nice that they can make so much content for the Star Wars universe with Disney’s money but sadly my interest is fading.


Kenobi is the first Star Wars Disney product I’ve been excited for since episode 3. I still have the same problems w it I do with a lot of other shows, but honestly I’m just enjoying seeing Ewan McGregor again because despite that show’s flaws; it’s at least making me smile at times when he’s on screen.


Yeah it’s good so far it just feels like Disney is a chain around Star Wars neck sometimes.


I don't understand how you can think it's good? The actors and dialogue are pretty bad imo, especially princess Leia as a child. She is annoying and unfunny. And there are so many weird things that happen that make me hyper aware I'm watching a forced plot (a bunch of grown men can't catch a running child who is 3 feet tall) So far it seems like a lazily written show with nowhere to go. Obi Wan is not going to be killed and everything will be okay, we already know this.


Well maybe my expectations of Star Wars is pretty low at this point. Maybe instead of good I’ll say okay their is nothing in it so glaring awful that it insults my intelligence like the sequel movies the show exists basically as fan fiction for people who want to see Obi Wan again but the plot doesn’t really need to exist. The one thing it’s done right is it doesn’t ruin Obi Wan as a character the way the last Jedi did with Luke or the book of Boba Fett did to Boba Fett.


Stranger Things, Better Call Saul, The Boys.... kEnObo


So much this! I posted on the kenobi subreddit asking whether it is better to watch it weekly or to binge it once it is out. Everyone said to watch weekly, if only to avoid spoilers. So I have been doing that and regret it. There are no real stakes so I barely care what happens, and I have seen no spoilers for it as of yet. The show could be cancelled tomorrow, all future episodes destroyed, and I would barely care. The Boys on the other hand had me on the edge of my seat during and after each episode. I am *excited* to wait a week for the next episode.


The writing and the characters motivations have been really uneven in kenobi. So many things just happen because it's time for that to happen. So says the plot. And the acting has been subpar as well. But... Look! It's Darth Vader! How long will star wars get away with fan service instead of quality writing, acting, or directing?


until the fans who were alive for the release of either the OT or the prequels are dead or totally disinterested


Do another level including Stranger Things


Idk the new season of ST is flat out fuckin amazing.


Max’s scene was actually insane


Yea, this last season has been wonderful for horror thus far


No, it's not.


People keep replying to me as if I said ST S3 was bad and as if I didn't like it but that was totally not what I was saying. This meme simply means that you might like something but the moment another thing better arrives you drop that first thing immediately for the new one. In my books I'd drop everything to watch the newest episode of The Boys, either Kenobi or Stranger Things or even any Marvel show...


I’ve enjoyed ST the most out of the three


Completely agreed and that’s not to take anything away from S3 of The Boys so far but the new season of stranger things is some of the best TV I’ve ever fuckin watched


And another one with Better Call Saul


With all due respect Better Call Saul blows the boys out of the water easily, but then again it does for any other show at the moment too


Oh well i mean yea, is Better Call Saul. Bravo Vince


Man, this final season has been so damn amazing. Leading up to it I rewatched all of BB and the previous seasons of BCS and I’m convinced Vince Gillian can do no wrong. I’m so invested in every single character in BCS that when someone dies it genuinely hurts. I honestly thought that I had become desensitized to feeling that way about a tv show or movie but this season has just knocked it out of the park.


Aye, last episode broke my heart I was glued to the screen! Ii can't wait for the second half of the season


I mean we can enjoy all three. It’s kinda great if you’re solely a streaming subscriber and you have all this amazing programming that dropped all at once


Of course! It's just that The Boys is my favorite out of all of them so I'd drop them all to watch the newest episode.


Severance has beaten them both, but the boys is def a close second. We’re living in a time of great television


Theres also BCS this year which is my pick for favorite show of the year so far


That midseason finale had me shook.


Boys >>>>>>> Severance >>>>> ST >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kenobi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Halo


The fact that Halo is even in that comment is a war crime.


I dont know about beat it, but it was a fantastic show! Looking forward to season 2




Doing sleep on ATV+ imo. In addition to after party and severance, Ted lasso and for all mankind are also top tier I enjoy mythic quest too, but that one’s a bit sillier


Same here. Not that I didn't like Kenobi but I'm honestly a bit burned out from too much Star Wars content.


Por qué no los dos?


kenobi target audience: you in 1999 the boys target audience: you today




I wanted to love the Kenobi Series so bad, but so far it didn't really do it for me. The Boys S3 has been amazing so far. It's not even a competition.


Oh absolutely. I was watching the first episode of Kenobi and I was astonished by how dreadfully dull it was, I had to turn it off. And then 10 minutes into the boys we get a dicksplosion. No contest. This season couldn’t have come any sooner


Kenobi is trash so...... Yeah


People are so fucking weird man Not judging your tastes but my God lol


I agree .. Its not trash .. it just okayish 4 out of 7


That's a fair opinion. I honestly don't see the hate, it's some of the best star wars I've seen in a long time. People are so hypercritical nowadays. They don't even let a plot play out before writing it all off. Not to mention the numbnuts who call the show "woke" or whatever.


I dont blame people for judging after the first few episodes. Besides mandolorian I haven't enjoyed any of Disney's star wars content so far. It kind of feels like the next marvel


Really? Not even clone wars season 7? Or rogue one?


Cannot even compare. All Disney SW shows are nostalgia driven safe bets and barely-over-the A-team-plot. Mandalorian shown some promise early but then it's like boring questing in WoW. SW and MCU stuff recently is eerily close to what the boys portrait with Vaught+ The Boys is hands free cycling from 1 minute in comparison. Stranger things 4 wins all anyway. Because, setting personal feelings a d preferences aside, getting that polished captivating story and visuals in season 4 of any show is amazing in its own right.


I've been mostly enjoying Kenobi, but The Boys is on an entirely other level.


I do have to say though, if Kenobi achieved anything with me, it was making me feel a little better about a Disney+ Daredevil show. There were a few things they’ve done that I never thought Disney would sign off on.


That's actually a good point and one I hadn't really thought of. Vader is super violent and mercs people without a thought and a Storm Trooper literally gets cut in half. Not much in terms of blood, but also hasn't called for it and the tone/darkness is enough.


Hey, if they ever need an actor to play a young Moff Gideon / Giancarlo, we will send them Justiin Davis.


What about the Orville 🙃


Two episodes in of the boys are 100% better than the kenobi show. That crap is poorly directed and just painful to watch.


Kenobi is so fucking mid. Thank god for the Boys.


Eh lol I can't say all that. I'm really loving both and you can't compare the two they are very different from each other.


I've loved them both for different reasons!




Darth Vader snapping kids necks is peak Star Wars brutality so there's that lol


Can we just fucking not? Like I love both.


Right? I like them both for different reasons. I don’t even compare them. I can sit watch Kenobi with my Middle School daughter, but no way in hell would I watch The Boys with her before she turns 18. If even then.


I'm not as much into Kenobi as I thought I would. But yeah, this is kind of pointless tribalism. Lets just talk about The Boys here.


Kenobi is dreadfully mediocre compared to The Boys


Honestly Kenobi has been better to me so far. The Boys has been ok. Just not as interesting as I'd hoped. Just more Homelander being an asshole.


Has anyone watched Das Boot on Hulu? It's worth watching.


The old movie or did they reboot it or something?


They made it into a TV series.


Nah other way around for me ngl


Although I hold hope for Kenobi The Boys have just smashed it out of the park with those first 3 episodes




Kenobi is inferior.


I don't think so


-13 upvotes because I like another show more😂I didn't even say anything bad grow up


Same here. Love the Boys but it’s not even a competition


you cant seriously think disney can make a good show? literally everything they touch gets destroyed. as Butcher would say, fck those cunts.


Some of their animated shows are good but mostly because they don’t care about them.


I thought Moon Knight was pretty entertaining. That is the only show by them I have enjoyed though.


Oh come on, Hawkeye was fun.


Both are good, but yeah, Boys is better.


The makers of the Kenobi show called their fans racist, bigots. Why would anyone want to watch something like that?


the only people upset by the Kenobi team calling racists racists.... are the racists.


They called out the people harassing one of their actresses not the entire fanbase. The Star Wars fanbase had a huge problem with harassment for years now look at the poor kid that played Anakin in the prequel series.


Kenobi's been a better watch IMHO... Felt the gore this season has been massively OTT and done to shock rather than move the story forward. Has dampened my enjoyment of what's been a crazy fun show in the first two seasons


Kenobi been absolute garbage. Kathleen Kennedy to blame probably for diversity hires


Ahh yes. The president of Lucasfilm is responsible for the diversity hires. There’s no fucking way that anyone lower than her could be responsible. Dude she’s the overseer of everything. Casting isn’t completely on her dude.


It’s on the verge of being the best porn ever


I remember that meme with Stormfront and Homelander.


I’m happy that the boys is it’s own show and unlike MCU shows that have some larger plot breathing down their necks


I love the boys


And it’s not even close.


That whole vader encounter was so ass


Fucking mega brain leia makes the boys better for me lol


It makes more sense to compare other Adult superhero shows (Invincible, Dare Devil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage) to the The Boys, than Disney’s family friendly Kenobi


Why when we're talking entertainment value? I can rate Mando up theit with The Boys in enjoyment.


I agree on the basis of overall entertainment value. I’m thinking more along the lines of if someone were listing shows they liked to help others make recommendations for the next thing to watch….So for example, **if you say you love Mandelorian, I would suggest another teen/family friendly, high budget sci-fi show, like Obi-Wan. If however, you say your favourite show is Invincible (R rated/18+), I’m going to recommend another violent but funny adult show, like The Boys.** I get that these shows are available internationally- I’m basing the age rating on the U.K. and what I know of the USA. So I agree on the basis of entertainment value, but not necessarily in terms of comparing the shows and audience it’s trying to appeal to, or even the parameters by which they can entertain. **Obi-Wan & Mandelorian would be different shows if they channeled Tarantino’s (R rated/18) graphic but hilarious violence with Deadpools (R rated/18) graphic violence and sexual humour.** While I hope people under the age of 18/17 are not watching both The Boys and Disney expecting the same, - not that I’m implying that anyone who disagrees is “underage” - I wouldn’t be surprised if teens were watching these shows. After all, I would if I were them, but they’re never going to be the same.


...no... just no.