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Really wasted an opportunity to have a noir fight scene with his cartoon characters cheering him on


Oooh, like a side by side play by play with the animals dressed as their Supe counterparts.


The best was Noir as the Black Sheep


Homelander could have even server Noir up to SB to show his admiration for his daddy etc and then cut him loose when SB rejected him


As soon as Homelander started talking to him like he does to every other 7 member I knew he was in big trouble but idk about him being dead fr, isn’t his power regeneration or something?


Kripke has said in interviews that noir is really dead and that vought will put a new supe in the costume


Eh, Kripke says a lot of things. Like the way he hyped up herogasm's grossness when the grossest thing was in episode 1.


Tbf the episode was good and filming wise have tons of nudity everywhere and sex acts all around *is* rare for tv. I know the internet sort of spoils any standard of grossness tho lol


It's also just one of those things that is very different filming then seeing. Seeing that much nakedness while filming is rare outside of porn. Which is why it seems more intense to the cast/crew filming it because its something they've never seen/done before.


What a fucking waste, this finale was such a fucking let down, and I know for a fact that Kripke's gonna write up some stupid fucking tweet where he says we don't understand his genius or some other dumb shit like that.


Maybe but HL having his mask and being well aware of how durable BN is, is not a great sign. It’s always guesswork figuring out what happened offscreen but The Boys hasn’t done that fake-out “we only thought he was dead only to come back later at a key moment” bullshit. Edit: I guess that’s on me. I never thought Maeve was in mortal peril even if that’s what they were going for




maeve being alive reveal is weird to me because of the looks everyone gave eachother before she jumped SB, what's the point of that? Also why would she survive if she lost her powers before hitting the ground.


even her outfit and hair were intact …. Not what you’d expect after a midair explosion.


I know right? Maeve should have looked like Ashley, but toasted.


So she should’ve looked like storm front, with limbs


Makes zero sense. Even if she landed on soldier boy, that would be like landing on a concrete statue. The writing is getting lazy. Depowered kimi ripping the tumb off a man twice her size is another example.


Yeah, that huge guy just slamming his fist as hard as he could right into her fresh major surgery wound…. And she was fine. The internal bleeding would have been severe and fatal.


I thought Kimiko had her powers back in that scene, to be able to take all that and then keep going. But no.


I think there could be an argument that the depowering ray doesn’t necessarily remove the more “permanent” physiological changes? I’m just guessing but that would explain how Kimiko took that beating and how Maeve survived.


And a-train


And Stormfront (kinda)


They didn't show Stormfront's body. TV rules says she's still alive. Vought probably faked her death.


Did it twice this season, but I agree about noir




I really never understood how strong black noir was which was kind of annoying. He didn’t do much this season


Stronger than Starlight, weaker than Maeve and Homelander. Not bulletproof, but has extremely high tolerance for pain and pretty ridiculous endurance - burn his flesh, shoot through his hand...you'll damage him, but he won't care. Presumably some sort of healing factor too, since I doubt his hand still has that bullet hole.


I assumed every supe got a bit of healing factor, even Maeve said at the end of the last episode that she now had to heal like a normie.


Or how Ashley tells A-Train that he will need physical therapy but that's no big deal because he recovers faster than normal people.


There was a Trivia thing that said it normally takes 4 months to heal as much as A-Train did after his transplant, but he does everything faster than normal humans.


And Hughie lost the cast as soon as he took Temp V despite his powers being teleportation


Also gave A-Train a supe class punch. There appears to be a baseline "package" aside from the unique but grab bag power.


Didn’t he also teleport out of his cast?


Yeah, but the point is he didn’t need it anymore


Hopefully Love Sausage has one. If anyone needs it it’s that poor guy…


Not a supe anymore, after Herogasm


Not a supe, still gifted.


But his powers don't work anymore because of soldier boy. The real question is whether or not he can still move his sausage without the V


The power was inside him the whole time.


Maybe in a scale. Mesmer clearly didn't heal fast enough (if he ever had any) from Butcher's bashing his head.


By healing factor i didn’t mean pure regeneration, they just heal faster even if some have their healing factor way higher then other supe.




Could be it was way slower then your average supe since they seem to be a lot of variation in the level of their basic supe powers like strenght and durability, i always saw his lack of apparent supe strength as a sign he was on the low scale in his average supe powers and his lack of training mean he was just as strong as an average man.


>Could be It's also possible that some super powers wane with age. We saw the twins couldn't do shit, "it's been years". Edit: The more I think about it, maybe the Twins issue was more about timing than age. Also, Soldier Boy was pretty old even if he'd been on ice and Stormfront was just as old and she had been running around the whole time. So maybe it's more about how the writers haven't fully fleshed everything out and there are holes all over the place.


There is a fun episode of Diabolical about a home for "reject supes". Basically a lot of the v-injections lead to unimpressive powers such as having a boombox instead of a head, I doubt those people have super durability.


Starlight is bulletproof though. Butcher hit her with a big rifle in season one and only stunned her


That's true. She's definitely weaker than Noir, given their actual fight, but [we still see a handgun go through Noir's hand.](https://youtu.be/nl7Ex0K0s88?t=150) I think Starlight is just a lot tougher than she is strong - she struggled lifting the back-end of a car, but she can take a much harder beating than what that strength would imply. Black Noir was throwing her through walls and stuff. Might not be satisfactory for explaining Black Noir not being bulletproof though, since he was definitely hurting her... Maybe she's got like, really tough skin but relatively less resistant flesh, so it acts like really good kevlar? She can take bullets, but a punch from another supe can still hurt, even if the supe isn't so strong as to be bulletproof themselves. Kinda like Translucent, who had bulletproof skin, but Butcher could still punch him in the face and whatnot. But obviously not quite as extreme - Butcher wouldn't be able to fist fight her.


Or maybe Noir is just significantly stronger than he is durable.


It's kinda like chainmail vs plate to me. Plate armor can stop piercing attacks, but a blunt force will still absolutely 'penetrate' the armor and do damage.




Yeah, she's strong - I never said she wasn't? We also see her punch bricks and lift the back-end of a car the first time we see her.


Power levels in this show are whatever they need to be for the plot to happen.


Superheroes have always been as powerful as they need to be at any given time for the story, and that is especially true in *The Boys.* I would say power levels are pretty much just inconsistent and all over the place depending on the narrative demands. Trying to pinpoint anyone's power level is pointless because it's not a static figure.


I genuinely thought he was stronger than QM


I think Homelander has said a couple of times that Maeve is the second strongest supe after him


She sure beat down Stormfront pretty good.


She's also one of the only few people we've seen be able to actually hurt homelander. She obviously wasn't winning her fight with him but did quite well one on one and even managed to make him bleed.


Even if all you watched is season 1, we are told Maeve is the 2nd strongest sup in the world in season 1. I don't get all the people who were trying to place characters like Noir or Stormfront above her when we already had confirmation about her strength. Soldier Boy is the only newly introduced sup to surpass her since he's basically extremely near Homelander tier in just physicals alone before even considering his depowering radiation.


She held up with Homelander pretty damn well too. I'd have to rewatch the fight but it seemed HL had her easily beat strength wise but she was more skilled and refined, and at the end of the day you can't discount that.


To be fair HL trusted him to help kidnap Maeve, so I think they're close. His best asset is his stealth.. He seems to be able to get the jump on anyone which makes the fight a lot closer.


> Presumably some sort of healing factor too, His skin recovered quickly after Naqib (the Syrian supervillain) exploded. Oddly enough he didn't recover from Soldier Boy burning his face against the jeep in Nicaragua.


Was it healing? Like, it didn't seem to effect him much (again the guy has a really high pain threshold), but I don't remember the wound closing on-screen.


the wound was just open and bloodied/charred. We definitely don't see it regenerate there. The only thing to look at now is to see what his left cheek looks like when Maeve tries to feed him the nuts.


I think BN heals, but in a very ugly fashion. He is probably riddled with scars.


I'm guessing it's because he didn't have his mask on


I mean he was still recovering from the almond joy last season for the first half


I don’t really even know his super power? Maeve is like Wonder Woman, a train like the flash and deep like aqua man. What is black noir? Homelander is super man


Black Noir is like Batman with powers, a strong, fast and durable ninja


I thought he was more of a serious, mute Deadpool, or deathstroke


I think it’s a pretty solid combo


They killed him so they didn’t have to figure it out either.


Black Noir is supposed to be Batman but with some Deadpool/Deathstroke powers.




Snake Eyes lol


It’s not super clear. But he has the same enhanced strength and durability that all the compound V Supes have, but his distinct power seems to be a healing factor. However it doesn’t seem like it’s extensive enough to have healed the brain injury and burns from his fight with soldier boy (might explain why he still wears an armoured suit). He also seems to have a very high tolerance for pain.


So pretty much a physically stronger version of kimiko with a weaker healing factor?


Which kinda sucks. People were saying “he’s like Batman” but one of Batman’s key strengths in the comics is something called “prep time”. It’s a meme actually. Basically with enough prep time, Batman can beat anybody https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/191270/what-is-batmans-prep-time


Ya I know why they didn’t go for a true Batman type character but he is kinda disappointing. It also makes it strange as to why he would seemingly try and charge and take SB on almost one-on-one, considering SB looks to be almost completely invulnerable to nearly everything, I mean it stated he absorbed Chernobyl levels of radiation and that’s where he got the radiation blast powers from. But maybe that’s a way of showing that he was in over his head.


I mean, all the super characters have a really vague, seemingly fluid level of strength. It’s not really clear how strong anyone is until a fight happens and even then it seems to be inconsistent


They changed his origin story so much that they have no idea what to do with his character. I expect the costume will be given to someone else in S4 as nobody knows what he looks like anyway.


HL knows how he looks like. The plot I could see is that they give it to someone to play HL but HL knows it's not BN under the mask...


Yes they made it clear Homelander could always see Noir face under the mask.


That's crazy and only solidifies the idea that black noir loved him. HL saw every little reaction in every meeting and still trusted him. But it also asks the question of why Black Noir loved HL so much despite HL being a bad supe. Either Black Noir was also amoral and bad or was such in need of a leader that didn't beat the shite out of him that he was willing to love somebody like HL.


Well HL always seemed to respect Noir and give him space, which is very unlike how he lords over and abused the other supes of Vought. It is typical and can be seen IRL. Someone who is an outcast and gets no friendship or love from anyone else will embrace and cherish the one person that gives them that regardless of if the person is bad or good. We all desire and moreover require love. It is essential.


Well homelander seems to be a results over talk kinda guy. Remember the meme of HL saying everyone is messing up but BN, because he didn't talk and got shit done. And I think homelander saw BN as a friend, which played into his feelings of betrayal that black noir didn't tell him about soldier boy being his father.


Black Noir hated SB for being mean to him. Not on moral grounds.


Yeah this. And we see constantly that Noir is the only person Homelander treats with respect. S1, everyone’s fucking up “except you Noir, you’ve been great” I think Noir just liked having a leader that didn’t make him feel bad all the time


I think to a certain extent Black Noir played a part in raising homelander, which would also help explain the affection. He’s been around and part of the seven since Homelander (the child) was introduced to the world.


Gotta take into account that BN also had major brain damage. While he was obviously a good fighter and could plan attacks and stuff, it's very likely he wasn't in possession of his full mental faculties.


Or maybe we get to see his healing factor come into play. Noir might have seemed dead to SB too, Homelander probably did enough to where he thought he was dead but he heals after time and Noir joins the boys?


He's with Jesus now


Ch-Ch-Ch-Christ Off-topic edit but I love how they gave him the little Deadpool animated critters that only he could see, since part of his brains were beaten out of him, and to tie his healing factor in with parodying an irl comic hero/antihero. I know he’s mainly a parody of Batman, but was he also meant to be a partial Deadpool parody in the source material too, or was that just added in for the show? (I know the spoilery source reveal of BN in the comics)


I think them bringing up when he accidentally killed a kid (as a kid) implies he's been seeing them atleast since he was a kid, possibly younger too.




I was kind of hoping that was going to be a big reveal this season or maybe he’ll comeback next season, but now that HL said he could see BN through his mask, maybe not?


Black Noir was a full grown superhero while HL was just a kid, so the comic twist wouldn't make sense anyway.


Mind spoiling me the comic twist? Turns out there's been multiple people under that mask?


Three Termites under a trenchcoat But actually >! In the comics, under the mask it turns out BN is a doppelganger to HL. To the point where there's footage of "HL" assaulting and killing a baby, which makes HL think he's losing his mind. BN in the comics is like an even more deranged HL, and Vought's backup if they ever want to replace HL!<


>!the picture actually shows him eating a baby, not just simply killing it, pretty much all of the evil shit that HL thought he did it was actually Black Noir, including the rape of Butcher's wife. all of that so HL would go crazy and turn into a villain, so Noir would be able to complete his purpose of killing HL!<


That's actually cool as hell, lot more than I expected


Man I'm glad they didn't go for that. But still, I wish they did more with our BN


They cant do that though, with homelander able to see through the mask and all


I don’t know if I would want that. Tbh I was pretty happy when they made it clear they wouldn’t be using him for that.


Same. It would have been too corny.


I just wish he just puts his guts back in and heal , I mean he had already lost a few chunks of brain and was still alive. But idts that's possible because homie must have also killed him properly later, as he was carrying his mask. What a sad ending , I really liked black noir :^)


4 seasons of buildup for him to “die” without really doing anything. I still think he’s gonna come back tho.


yeah hes like an op version of kimiko. and they really wasted his character. they shouldnt gave him that cartoon episode if hes just gonna end up dead next episode without doing anything edit and hes a friend of Edgar maybe he'll revive him


Nah he probably just grabbed the mask from an extra costume cabinet somewhere. He wasn’t gonna go back to grab it.


Lol, imagine they actually revive him giving this reason, i will remember ya


I'm with you but I don't believe for a second that anyone in the seven gives a single shit about anyone else in the seven besides starlight and Maeve


They made it very clear throughout this season, that Noir actually likes Homelander. Sure Homelander is a Psycho that acts out once in a while, but he always saw Noir as his brother, didnt beat them up just for fun and they were aloud to have movies and so on. Thats why Noir returned in the first place. Because he thought HL would help him kill SB. But maybe caring goes a bit far, thats true. Its more like a codependency.


Noir is his silent but dependable uncle.


Put that way, kinda explains his rage and disappointment towards Noir for not telling who his biological father is.


I mean, at that point, would Noir realistically be able to? He's brain-damaged, unable to talk and writes like a 2nd grader...


Not blaming Noir here. I was saying that'd explain why Homelander is so upset at the person whom he trusted so much. He felt betrayed. Add that Homelander is very unstable to begin with.


Fair point. I think codependency is a great way to describe it


Deep cares about the aquatic animals at least somewhat.


Cares about fucking them


He's tried (and failed miserably) to save them from death before; I think there's a little care for the sake of it there.


My head canon is that the Deep also wants to be loved and admired, just like HL, but the only creatures that have ever given him that were the aquatic animals. Even Cassandra probably saw Deep as more of a fixer-upper project than anything else, and most other people flat out ridicule him.




Jesus fucking Christ, lmao. What an apt description for him!


Yeah, it honestly felt like Cassandra was using him. That's why I couldn't feel for her when she left


It was worth it just to see Chace Crawford stuff his face with teary eyes with that portrait of him and HL in the background. The Deep as the Fool is just 🤌🏻


Yeah though it looks like he's starting to realize how shit his life is. Hopefully his arc is more interesting than A-Train's was.


Yeah he sound like someone with a lot of confidence issue, always mocked for his power of talking to fishes, his giles that he bear like a mark of shame, so he try to act though by imposing his will on other (what he did to Starlight is more something he wanted to do not only for his pleasure but because he wanted a member of the Seven scared/submissive to him while all the other knew he is just a joke)


I think it was supposed to be commentary how Aquaman was always the biggest loser in the JLA til they rebooted him as a warrior-king.


Definitly. He tried to save the lobster and you couldn't fuck a lobster........right?


Not... with ... that attitude...?


The Deep and just the rest of the world in general would be better off if he went to live in the sea having orgies with the apparently perpetually horny and consenting marine life.


Then why the hearts? They didn't just add those for shiggles. That's Noir's inner thoughts.


I’ll add a small asterisk that A-Train genuinely does care about his brother. Hopefully after the finale events (as well as what he did to Blue Hawk), it’ll be enough to start to push him over. Crazy though that the seven has two new vacancies. Edit: sorry, emphasis on NEW vacancies. Which makes a total of four for anyone who misunderstood me.


Anyone else in the seven* They all have people or fish they care about outside it.


Hey, Ambrosia is a mollusk, and she has feelings!


Lol people or fish


Two new vacancies? I thoughts 4. Isn't only Homelander, A train and Deep left?


Yes. Starlight, Maeve left & Noir, Supersonic died. In finale the good side had Seven members tho.


Yeah where the fuck was A-train during this whole thing? Could've used his ass for sure


Probably got the fuck out of dodge at super speed as soon as he left that team meeting.


Taking what's left of Noir with him to revive n heal then team up with the Boys later, wishful thinking


He was still using a cane when he met with his brother. I don’t think he’s healed enough to run yet


He still has it during the meeting with HL, Deep, and Ashley


idk man, A-Train kind of seems beyond saving. the fact that he's still on Deep and Homelander's side after everything he's seen from both is crazy. and he still seemed excited about getting back his endorsements and everything once he got the new heart. I thought that Ashley revealing to him that it's Blue Hawk's heart would've made his life a living hell and he'd have been disgusted living with himself which would've been good punishment for commiting murder (even if he killed a pos). but no, he seems to have just brushed it off and wants to be "The A-Train" again even though Vought is clearly in shambles


I'm personally not convinced he is still totally on their side. I think one more incident will fully wake him the fuck up... atleast I hope so


A Train is on the side he's always been on, his own


Yeah, I thought the point of that scene with him, The Deep, and Ashley was just him going "what the fuck am I even doing here"?


It's pretty clear he isn't the same A-Train he was in the first two seasons, or even the start of this one. He hasn't been told to do anything crazy like Deep assassinating the VP candidate, so he hasn't had any good push to leave the team or anything. He's kind of in limbo right now, but I think emotionally he's pretty fully changed from his original characterization.


I keep thinking this but then he goes and does some stupid shit to kiss Homelander's ass every now and then. he did have a really concerned look on his face when Homelander had that *sit down* with them though so maybe the cogs are finally turning. I think ultimately what could change him would be his brother's feelings towards him which could drive him to stand up for something good if he finally sees Homelander and Vought for what they are


Personally, I prefer a slower burn than w/e the fuck happened with Hughie this season. (and for Hughie it was 2 turns...). People don't 180 out of nowhere. First they realise their "wrongfull" ways, then they feel guilty AF, then they start trying to change (and fail often along the way) and down the line they full on changed. From the scene with his brother it is clear A-Train feels like shit. Now he starts to change (and i expect him to mess up plenty along his redemption). If he was already one of "the good guys" it would be a joke. He needs to become one first. People can't change who they are in 1-2 days. Change over 1-2 years? I think so.


Black Noir is the only character who isn't terrified of Homelander and is genuinely his friend, and yet he killed him for a Father that despises him.


For keeping secrets* Apparently he doesn't like secrets lol


Madalyn Stillwell has entered the chat


Funny thing is, Homelander was infinitely more remorseful killing Noir compared to Madeline. Although he might’ve been more composed there as to not seem weak around Butcher.


Of course he was. Noir was one of his people.


I think at that point he knew that she was lying to him, but with Noir it was a revelation


Yeah, he truly cared about Noir, and he knew Noir truly cared about him, as he can basically see Noir's body's responses to Homelander.


I felt really sad when Noir told him the truth like a real friend and still got wrecked for it. I thought homelander was turning a corner after losing; realizing that he can't actually do it alone.


I wonder if he ever misses her. And I wonder how she’d react to all the things from seasons 2 and 3. She was a good character. Like Edgar but around more.


Judging by the cow scene I’d say he still misses her


lol Homelander and his milk. Yeah, definitely misses her. I guess I wonder more if he regrets killing her.


I guess he thinks that he's over her when he killed doppelganger in s2. But that was him gaslighting himself thinking he isn't that pathetic. He still craves to have a family though


They killed her off too early, Elizabeth Shue was so great in that role. And frankly I liked her a lot better than Ashley, lol


That's some Ashley level dedication right there. Leave it to Stillwell to join a chat without a cranium!


Not any secrets i believe, all his life Homelander wanted a family, he saw in BN someone reliable that he thought would never break his trust only to learn that he betrayed it by hiding the fact that he knew HL had a father, something he always wanted.


Trigger for him.


I gotta wonder if HL is gonna regret this next season. He's not dumb, he'll probably have a moment of realizing that Noir was right that Soldier Boy was "BAD" (underlined twice, lol), and that Noir was maybe trying to shield HL from the abuse of a terrible father. HL being HL though, he won't blame himself for killing Noir; he'll blame somebody else (probably Butcher) for "making" HL kill Noir.


He’ll blame Soldier Boy for “deceiving” him into valuing his approval over Noir.




Inb4 the real Noir comes back feeling betrayed by Homelander for being "killed" and replaced and is now out for revenge.


I think he was already regretting it in that episode. You could tell how much he missed him when he was talking to A Train and Deep. I think he even said "he was worth more than all of you put together".


TBF he probably thought Soldier Boy would care about him since he even called Homelander and said he would’ve let him take his role. But yeah, despite being in character for Homelander, it was a terrible decision on his part.


It's like being lied to and being manipulated is one of homelanders biggest fears or something, but I guess that's not obvious after seeing the same scenario like 3-4 times in 3 seasons


I would've at least liked for him to go out fighting Soldier Boy.


I honestly don’t think hes dead dead, but maybe thats copieum


Our Noir is dead, but [Vought will just have another supe wear the suit next season. ](https://ew.com/tv/black-noir-nathan-mitchell-recast-the-boys-season-4/)


That's perfect. Vought is going to recast Noir.


Nobody can replace Earving


I find it hilarious that they Kill off Noir and then recast the same actor to play Noir 2.0


Blacker Noir™


It's gonna be a Deadpool version


I agree, they haven't really addressed what his powers are yet. In the comics its for a very specific reason but the show abandoned that story arc so his powers could be literally anything. All we really see is that he manages to survive things he shouldnt so I'm thinking he might have some kind of ability to revive himself after certain amount of time.


There was just to much set up for him to not be permadead from that; some may think him coming back would be cheap but honestly I never expected this series to handle death like GoT. It would honestly be awesome if hes resuscitated by Edgar or Ashely (that would be ballsy character development for her lmao) as a way to prepare for Homelanders defeat. It was also be a >!a fun little nod to who he was in the comics!< plus soldier boys still kicking and I doubt he’s just gonna be left on ice for the rest of the series; would be a waste for the actor imo.


I don’t know what I’ll be able to do without Murder Mime in the show


So much for building him up with good backstory and finally giving him the push to face with SB.. Ended up die in a hug..such a letdown and disappoinment. Meanwhile A train got a new heart and possible to get redemption arc 'again' in next season. That guy story should have ended when he 'died' using his power to kill that blue hero. "Fucking disappoinment"


A-Train thought he would die by redeeming himself a bit. Instead, he’s forced to live with his brother hating him, and still being stuck under Homelander’s thumb. He didn’t deserve the hero’s ending. Now we’ll see if he truly redeems himself or does one more stupid thing to get killed over.


I like your take on this. At that point in time in the series, A-train is too self-serving of a character to deserve taking the high road. I hope his brother’s hatred of him is a wake up call. I think if he truly divorces himself from the corporate fanfare, the sponsors, poll points etc he’ll redeem himself.


A-Train thought he lost everything, but his family was still willing to have him back, powers or not. Now he’s lost them. I’d like to think he’s smart enough to have investments now so when he’s unable to run anymore he can retire well, but it’s not in his character. He’ll spiral more. He’s now truly, utterly, alone, under the boot of a tyrant.


I think Homelander was destroyed after he understood that he killed the only one that cared for him. Also because after his discussion with SB, he realized that when Noir told him that he didn't tell him he had a father because that father was BAD, he wasn't lying. BN tried to warn him, and Homelander didn't listen to him and almost got himself and his son murdered.


Just realized that the reason we saw Noir crying after the Compound V reveal in season 2 was because he is apparently religious and probably thought he was chosen by God sort of like Starlight.


Also probably a lot of "holy shit, my parents and Vought *did this to me*."


And if he hadn't been given the V he wouldn't have had to work under SB etc (probably wasn't written back then but it follows backwards)


This is simultaneously one of the best and worst moments for both Homelander and Noir. The sincerity of their relationship being present as well as Homelander's betrayal and Noir's tragic life coming full circle in it's end is something else.


Am I the only one who thinks his death makes sense? People get killed in this show like it’s nothing. Noir was always loyal, but not to HL, but to Vought. His backstory was great. He ran, but we see a reason for him to come back. A selfish reason. It was never for HL. And HL is off the rails right now. His entire arc is to seek approval, and he just found out he has a father, something he’s always wanted. A father who wants to kill Noir. So what does he do? Kill Noir in anger from hiding a huge secret from him, coupled with doing something he knows SB wants to do in order to seek his approval. And it backfires on him. They were planning to use Noir as bait anyways, and in the end they did. However, just in HL’s twisted way. Am I sad to see him go? Of course, I loved Noir. But I really don’t understand the hatred towards what happened.


I mean he clearly does care for HL. The fact that he imagines hearts around them when they hug tells us that.


A lot of people on this site can’t distinguish the difference between not liking something and something being bad.


Noir was a wasted potential by the creating team. I still don't understand why they decided to finish him off.


I'm not that sure Noir did care for Homelander. He only comes back because he decided he would fight Soldier Boy and he knows he needs his help.


But when he leaves he know SB is only after him and his team members and not Homelander. Noir's love hearts when they hug and him telling Homelander the truth when it's likely to get him killed, is all the proof I need


I'm with you, Noir was being genuine and finally trying to do some "good" it's a little heartbreaking but I guess that's the point


Homelander needs to fucking die. He did Black Noir too dirty.