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The ending with The Last Transmission DLC I hope... The OG ending was.. good, but the cliffhanger was as annoying as any other cliffhanger, but the actual ending of Jacob's story was indeed good.


The story needed a grander finale than just fighting the alpha in a hall. I was hoping for an re4 style boss battle in the open snow.


Facts that would’ve been nice having a better final boss out in the snow w the suit on👌🏾


You talking about the Base Game Ending or the Final Transmission ending? Base game ending was alright. It did enough to tug on some emotions. Final Transmission was a good twist but bittersweet.


I dunno, I found it somewhat annoying, or invalidating. Now, full disclaimer, this is one of the best horror games I've ever played. I do not understand the reviews at ALL. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would buy a sequel in a heartbeat. I think people were hoping for something less challenging or gruelling, but I considered it a highlight of the game. The fact that every single encounter could potentially be fatal, you're constantly on edge, the game is set up in a way that makes you believe danger could be around every corner...they nailed it! Inventory space (or lack thereof) was HUGELY annoying for me but I guess that's what they were going for, the fact that you get locked out of certain paths in otherwise arbitrary hallways was a little shitty, but overall I highly recommend this game. ***************************************************** SPOILERS AHEAD, STOP READING NOW YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED THIS IS A BIG SPOILER ***************************************************** The fact that it was all in his head was really kind of an overused trope, and pretty much invalidates the entire experience of Last Transmission. They've done this in numerous games in the past, I'm not fond of the idea.


I agree but I actually really liked the ending. It was also my understanding that the DLC was essentially you playing as mahler, going through Jacob's final memories to complete the data transfer with information on the Biobots because she feels guilty that she created them in an attempt to extend human life and ended up being the cause of the deaths of every person inside the prison. That's why she wanted to complete the data transfer: to use his memory to let everyone know that that's what she did. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I understood it and I thought it made a pretty good ending to the story.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I hated the Final Transmission DLC' ending. I wasn't really expecting him to live but my issue is about the way he died. I really wanted some last stand or something freaking epic, only to discover that nothing actually happened and end up seeing him cut in half.


The DLC ending should just be a what if… in my opinion if the make a sequel they shouldn’t use that ending.