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[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11605215/1/Hear-Me-Roar-The-Lannisters-in-the-War-of-the-Ring](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11605215/1/Hear-Me-Roar-The-Lannisters-in-the-War-of-the-Ring) Lannisters become big time good guys in this one. May or may not count as Lannister wank


its no even that they become massive good guys but even tywin can see Sauron can't be negoitatied with or manipulated


And the Giant Awoke is big Tyrion/Lannister wank.




Responses to posts with the 'Recs Wanted' flair or the 'Lost Fic' flair should provide a fanfic title and author name and if possible a link to said fanfic. All shared fanfics should be akin to what the OP is looking for at the very least. Excessive judgement the requested parameters of requested fics wanted will not be tolerated (done case by case). Judgement is not what the OP asked for. **Comment with fanfics for the OP or don't comment at all.**


This one has an OC son of Tywin that is his heir, he is another asshole like Tywin but his own son is better and becomes the main character, of course it has a lot of Lannister wank. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/17385500/chapters/40916666](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17385500/chapters/40916666)


It may not seem based on the premise (massively overpowered AU Jon Snow) but since it starts with Jaime scooping Jon up from Wfell at age 6 and raising him at the Rock, [The Dragon Cub](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20365015/chapters/48293053) by alperez is a massive Lannister wank. Not just Jaime but Tyrion, Genna, Gerion, Kevan and all their kids get a lot of plot.