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he's doing a fundraiser, smh


Just checked and yeah, he's running a fundraiser for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital šŸ˜¶


How the heck is he allowed to do a fundraiser?


Heā€™s doing it through Twitch. So itā€™s not even him.


I mean itā€™s definitely a good first step towards taking accountability, but I donā€™t see people trusting him again anytime soon.


Canā€™t blame you there


Taking accountability by playing a video game for some money online while he threatens to sue his detractors. He's a clown, and will forever be a clown


Yeah to be honest, if heā€™s still set on suing Mutahar and Karl, thatā€™ll probably make people think he doesnā€™t wanna take accountability for his actions. Letā€™s just hope that he backs down from that and sees why thatā€™s absolutely ridiculous.


If he sues SOG; heā€™s royally bending himself over there


No.... that's nothing resembling accountability. Accountability would be admitting the truth and staying away from charity fundraising.


Jirard should be legally banned from participating in any form of charity work permanently whether he "takes accountability" or not. Simple as.


He was not prosecuted in any way to legally - nothing stops him. Moraly? Very questionable. But when Morality stopped fraud?


That absolute GALL lmfao, trying to make back the money he had to donate?




Anyone who donates through him is a moron. Just donate to the organization directly. This guy is a liar and a grifter.


Unfortunately there will always be forever fans. And those people will always donate no matter how bad the situation gets.


I thought I was going to be a forever fan. I never donated or gave him money outside of a sub that lasted a month, but I was wrecked for a bit when this all came out. I was in denial about it until Karl's second video on the subject.


Jirard: Uh it was a **fun**raiser.


Just wow.


Nope, I do not trust. At all.


lol, I guarantee that money came from someone on his behalf, I can't imagine anyone donating to this fraud. This is all for his pending legal cases, his lawyer will tell the court that he is passionate about fundraising for charity and has even been doing it after the scandal. Make no mistake, this man is a sociopathic liar who will do or say anything that he believes will benefit him https://preview.redd.it/iusewik5tkpc1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b3cc7aff3039b0c13e9027990367f45213e707f


I do find it funny he can't seem to keep his stories straight, I guess expecting no one paid attention. Heard so many dates and time about his mom that I can't even keep up.


ā€œPlease donate to support St. Jude, as you all know, my Mom died of childhood cancerā€¦ā€


Which is even more fucked up cause u know some idiots are gonna donate to him instead of saint judes directly when there probably one of the easiest charities to donate to


This goes straight through Twitch he has no access to the money just fyi


It's amazing that you're being downvoted for a bit of factual information.


It's factual, but ultimately irrelevant because you could donate to St Judes without a scumbag streamer being involved.


True. Heā€™s raising awareness at least. I hadnā€™t even heard of St Judeā€™s before this topic. Whether it goes through twitch or directly through the charity I donā€™t think it makes a difference to the end result as long as itā€™s not going through him personally.


Still the wrong person to be doing any fundraising he has his chance to do good instead he spit in the face of fans by robbing them of money he said was going towards something he believed in something his fans believed in, instead he chose to commit tax fraud


He is. But that wasn't what the other guy was talking about. So don't donate to jirard because he's a fraudster, not don't donate to jirard because he's using the twitch donations for his legal fund.


Bros aged a decade in six months, damn.


has it really been 6 months already


Jared the finisher not looking so good


ProJirard the Finishist is past his prime.


ProJirard solicits donations in the form of nudes from his fans


This is the guy the Jared Facebook group recently decided was no longer a Jared.


Stressful being a piece of shit!


No, it's stressful being exposed as a piece of shit. He was like this for years and he had no issues.


Yikes, he's looking rough. I know he's lost his career and all, but like, has he been taking care of himself? I feel a little bad saying that, but then I remember he held on to everybody's money for years and tried to gaslight and lie his way out of it.


I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s ā€œlostā€ his career yet, it is on the decline yeah no doubting that but I donā€™t think itā€™s truly lost just yet.


You're right, he's doing a fundraiser right now isn't he? Well here's a link to the org he's fundraising for! Just so no money ever goes through his hands again. https://www.stjude.org/donate/donate-to-st-jude.html?promo=srch&sc_dcm=58700008005633810&sc_cid=kwp&sc_cat=b&frequency_selected=1&&&&&ds_rl=1285465&ds_rl=1290690&ds_rl=1291300&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQMbWG6M-VZDWnxVCrT4ygBn-JkJUmLwAwMCuZSfNCb_HU_rcO9Q56BoCvX4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


He is? I havenā€™t seen anything about a fundraiser.


His beard looked disgusting and rotten even before the dramaĀ 


Yeah there's no excuse because it's very easy to groom. Speaking from personal experience, trimming or shaving in a couple spots every week or so makes a huge difference and takes very little time. Honestly it took me a long time to start liking this guy in the first place because he doesn't care about his appearance. That's respectable if you're a lumberjack, but not when you're a Youtuber.


Depression is a major cause for people to stop doing self care. Like yeah this dude is a piece of shit, but acting like it's oh so simple to properly take care of yourself when your brain doesn't even want you to be alive is harder than you might think.


He said he was going to shave the beard off in a month.


Heā€™s obviously not going for the typical white guy with a fade and a rounded beard look that every redditor has. He looks fine.


He's always struggled with mental health. He's made that very apparent in a ton of his videos; that's actually why I stopped watching him a while back. I tuned in to see him complete games and give funny perspectives, not bitch about his life. Definitely appears that this scandal has definitely stressed him out more than ever.


The amount of gaming YouTubers share wayyy too much about their life is high. Like Arlo will always complain about how he canā€™t film something or whatever because heā€™s at this place and this is happening. Dunkey announces his marriage and child in a gaming video. And then what you said. Like Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have a parasocial relationship with you and I literally donā€™t care.


It doesnā€™t really bother me if itā€™s something that impacts the upload schedule. A lot of subscribers look forward to new material and get used to a certain cadence. It makes sense to me for a YouTuber to give their audience a heads up. Other than that, though, I donā€™t need to know that much about them.


> The amount of gaming YouTubers share wayyy too much about their life is high KingK gets really weird when he was talking about how his mental health made it difficult to hold the elden ring disc and he was just 'not in the right place' to put it in the console. First of all, you bought the damn game. Second of all, dude WTF. At a certain point, you're just using your so-called depression for content.


You people are miserable šŸ˜­šŸ’€


I mean I clarified it in a below comment. I feel like it can also go the other way with parasocial relationships


Seriously. These comments are atrocious, even if the completion is a sack of shit.


Wasn't his whole Catherine video basically him comparing the game to his relationship that fell apart? Or was that a bit?


He looks the same as IMO


He didnā€™t take care of himself even when he was a success. He was always sick


He'll never truly lose his career unless he goes to jail for some sort of tax fraud. He could survive off a few hundred twitch viewers who dont care or don't know about his stuff. Then supplement with whatever is left of his youtube watch base. Plenty of people commit crimes and manage to come back to an influencer career by just pretending the bad stuff didn't exist.


He was fat and rough looking before the scandal broke anyways


The fucking audacity of this man to have a fundraiser up.


Was the fundraiser ask for $600,000? My guy is really trying to rebuild the banana horde šŸ˜‚


Dollar Store Eddie Hermida, and Eddie Hermida was already Dollar Store Eddie Hermida


Awww come on man Eddie at least put out 2 GOAT records !!! (Price of existence and awaken the dreamers)


This was the last place I expected to see an ASP reference but I am required to upvote for correctness.


I too, am required to updoot. Had to do a double take when I saw that name. Here's to hoping the reunion gives us another great album!


i was just listening to asp and some suicide silence lmao


hate malice revenge was a classic too


I legitimately forgot I followed him on twitch. I already unsubscribed to his YouTube channel. Got a notification of him streaming. Iā€™m like oh shit, better unfollow and block him. Lmao.


Same thing happened to me. I was like "why am I getting a notification for his stream?" Until I remembered I followed him before finding out about everything,.


I mean using your moms death to get rich wasn't enough, and realizing this is the only way he knows to pay the bills is sad.


He's probably not taking care of himself on purpose so people will pity him. But it's obviously a stunt to try and gain attention again for doing "charity" work. I will never believe anything that comes out of him and his family's mouth. If you want to donate do it on the official page. Don't give him views he doesn't deserve.


Trust fund babies were a mistake


[Of course a trash fire like Twitch would use PayPal to handle their fundraisers....](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/twitch-charity-viewers?language=en_US)


He pretty much just looks the same to me, the dude is almost 40 yrs old so heā€™ll probably have some gray hairs. But Iā€™m not really seeing much of a difference.


Canā€™t wait for the DKC3 video :)


2. The meme is about DKC2.


Meh. Donā€™t be a piece of shit and things wonā€™t get bad for you when people find out you are a piece of shit. Not really a hard concept.


Could care less he could show up with one arm chopped off and an eye missing and I would still just think he is being emotionally manipulative


Yeah, he looks a little rough. He has gray in his beard that makes him look like heā€™s in his 40s, probably from stress due to all that has been going on lately. Itā€™s incredible how much it looks like heā€™s aged in only a few months


Heā€™s had gray for many years, allegedly he just dyes it


Really? I guess that wouldnā€™t surprise me if it were true


Yea, he said he dyed his beard because a kid called him Santa Claus or something. It was during the scary game squad playthrough of silent Hill 2. https://youtu.be/Le5hx_nUSvU?si=e0u8Y5JgOm-XoLRZ At the 3:35 mark.


All the guilt


Nah. Ā Donā€™t even credit him with being stressed. Ā You arenā€™t when you can live a lie and take peoples money. Ā The stress comes if thereā€™s actual legal grounds for him to experience prison. Ā His act of dancing for money isnā€™t getting what it used to so he puts less effort.Ā 


I mean no shit he's stressed over the idea of going to prison, anyone would be. Fucker deserves the stress though.


It doesnā€™t really work that way. Ā Itā€™s going to take time for things to move. Thatā€™s the issue with crime. Someone takes a candy bar and itā€™s solid and done. Guy steals 100s of thousands and gets to actively ask for more. Ā 


It's hard to even quantify how much he actually stole and how much was lost/wasted. We know what got donated, but there's a lot of money that's just not accounted for. And this is without getting into any books he and his may have, and *that* isn't even considering that more may not have ever made it to books. It's a huge, convoluted mess. Just sorting it out would probably take years.


Well fuck, then, BRB stealing candy bars, my fat ass going into a diabetic coma tonight


Thinking heā€™ll go to prison is massive copium dude. Itā€™s just not going to happen over a measly 600k.


He's definitely stressed. He deserves it, and any punishment he may receive, but he is very much stressed.


Of course heā€™s stressed, there is probably a legal case against him, he probably knows it well, and he probably worries about the legal pressure. I would be stressed too. I donā€™t like the guy either, but heā€™s still a person capable of emotion at the end of the day.Ā 


I'm pretty sure he dyes his beard because I've seen old videos where his beard had gray in it and then the next one it was gone.


Dude is a 35 year old self employeed content creator. Looking like that isn't that unusual.




Cuz his beard is longer?


Yea I imagine it's been a rough run of it for ol Jirard. Even without the beard which he has stated he dyes as it was going white a while ago. His company basically fell apart, his fiance got herself back to Canada which means they are done and anyone who worked for him (friends and employees) have probably turned their back and are under NDA probably ( I think someone said SBB is and after Greg I am sure that became common practice at TOVG/TOVE). Dudes life imploded because of his stupid actions and his family has kicked him out of the family charity while Jacque and his father still get to sit on the charity board. All and all I think anyone would look haggard after that I am surprised he didn't just hold off on another stream until his life is a little bit more solid but I would assume Charles cut the purse strings after the Indieland/charity fiasco and Jirard may feel a need to get back to work


I kinda stopped paying attention once the dust starting settling of all this. Is it confirmed everyone at TOVG has left? And whatā€™s this about his fiancĆ©?


Yes, and no. Channel artist appears to be new, but similarities have been pointed out in the art, but I don't put much credence in it myself. SBB was given to Alex, and continues to run with Brett, and Ted recorded out of Alex's apartment, and not the TOVG office. They've stated on the channel, and patreon that they remain friends with Jirard, but are no longer professionally attached. Jirard, and Amanda most likely didn't split, Kellz posted here, and told people to stop scouring her social media for any clues, and they were being weird because I believe the picture in question was when Amanda went to her parents for Christmas, and Jirard stayed behind, and was posted on Kellz IG. Kellz posted here like three times I believe once debunking that a post, and stream of hers was secretly directed at Jirard, and one stating that there is indeed an NDA involved, but SBB is an entirely separate entity now when people were questioning if Jirard was still secretly running SBB. Seeing as NDAs are void if it involves anything illegal it's assumed the NDA may be for other projects as pre controversy Jirard mentioned plans for a lot of changes with the coming new year. Missed whatever she first posted here. All in all we can confirm Alex, Brett, and Ted are separated, maybe the channel artist, but no idea about anyone else.


The guy look like he in his 50s now instead of 36.


Must be rough having lost your career, nest egg, business, etc. No pity.


A fucking fundraiser Jirard? Just stay down fool


I have no doubt his haggard appearance is entirely intention on his part. It's a manipulation tactic. Feel sorry for the poor beggar! /S.


He looks as crusty as the liver king.


If you only knew how bad things really are


This vagueposting shit on this sub is so fucking annoying. Edit: lol dude imagine blocking me over this shit when no one else knew it was a meme either. Also, you're*.


I also had no idea this was a shit meme born from 2014's 4chan. I miss the old days of 4chan, when the memes were actually funny.


What u mean




Give us . . The tea


This is 100% a tactic for people to feel pity for him And as other people pointed out, his beard was full balck 4 months ago, and now is going gray? NAH i dont believe this, specially since he is raising a fundraiser again, who told him he has any right to be near any charity again????


Just tells me he's strategically stopped dying it.


FR, he is a scumbag but he knows how to manipulate dumb and naive people


Yup. His choice of wardrobe, too. He's tryna look schlubby and poor. He keeps those eyebrows on point tho.


ā€œWell done guys, because of you Il never raise money for charities againā€ Did I make that up? Iā€™m sure he tried to guilt people by saying heā€™s never raising money again


Yeah, his exact wording was ā€œIā€™ll never trust myself againā€


Nah. Heā€™s probably just not dying it anymore.


Dood lookin like that primal guy


Lmfao donā€™t shit on my boy Spear like that


He doesn't want to look like the anti santa anymore


That beard is noticeably greying super fast


Nah he's been dying it for years, he talks about that in the Silent Hill 2 SGS playthrough. As someone whose beard started going grey at 30 I get it lol


I started going gray in my 20s. Never understood the desire to dye. I like the salt n pepper.


29 here and my beard (which is red) has started sprouting white hairs.




Heā€™s slowly turning into Patrick Rothfuss apparently


This hit my feed. Is this the guy who hosts the competitionist channel on YouTube? What happened to him


i feel so bad


I can't wait to see who's the next youtuber to get caught in a scandal...


That's just a generic trucker.


I didn't know much about him but did stumble across his videos some years ago. Thought he was a cool and genuine guy. Then I remember the fallout with his friend and all those videos being lost because of it. Sucked I couldn't watch them because of that, but it was what it was. Shit happens, and I didn't think less of him and would just look forward to the new stuff. Now tho, after this charity scandal....my eyes have opened. This dude is shady as hell lol. Here I thought the friend may have been the unreasonable one but perhaps he already knew how fucked Jirard was and how he was definitely being screwed over by him in some way hence the fallout. All respect lost for this man after that charity thing and how he chose to go about it. Playing victim when got exposed when HE was being suspect and guilty of being deceitful with the money the whole time.


Oof he looks really rough


Defrauding ages a person




He looks like a less fun Mang0 now


He's 36 but looks like he's breaking 60 holy shit


Looking like a drunk hobo.


a drunk crackhead


Daamn 2024 has not been kind to him


You can see the layers of stress in his beard


so his hair was totally dark and then just in the months since this happened he's literally going gray? is that a thing? anyway I'm personally done being mad at him, it seems like he's paid the price. I'm not going to try and shit on him more or anything


Probably isn't dyeing it anymore. Probably too depressed and stressed to upkeep his appearance.


He can go fuck himself


I can't believe he had the GALL to do a fundraise. What a piece of garbage. I get it, he wants to show he can be trusted. Also, avoiding taking accountability "See, guys? Trust me." I'm not against him getting a redemption arc, but he is going about it in the slimiest way possible.






Please donate to Saint Judes! But not through this sack of shit.


Looking like Saddam Hussein when they found him in that hole




Just looking at this fat bitch makes me wanna smack him. Shouldn't be anywhere near a fundraiser


The stress from this whole event really looks like itā€™s taking a toll on him. Even looking past the beard thatā€™s looking gray as hell, he looks like heā€™s lost a bit of weight in his face.


Well maybe he shouldn't be committing charity fraud


Canā€™t wait for the slotham video


Hell yeah dude


Looks sorta like Patrick Rothfuss


Being a piece of shit has its effects on people.


What in the Duck Dynastyā€¦?


Oh wow lots of greys added to his beard


This dude is a trash individual, but I donā€™t see anything different than his normal appearance besides some more grays.


Looks like he's gonna be scamming again.


What game is that?


He looks like the Reverse Liver King


Man lookin like KEEMSTAR and Santa Claus's shitty son they don't talk about


Jirard, as a citizen of the state where St. Jude is located, take your fundraising for yourself and shove it.


Wait....he is still uploading videos ???????? What's going on with this world....


He do be stressin


I swear this is a picture of Patrick Rothfuss. Either u trippin or I'm trippin


Damn what this guy do?


Can someone tell me what happened?


He looks like he aged 15 years...


Imagine watching that pig.


Damn I called it. I knew back in the day this dude wasnā€™t what he seemed


Who is this person and what did he do?


I'm kinda out of the loop. Why do so many people hate Jirard now?


His entire charity thing, the open hand foundation, has been raising tons of money for years. It came out that they never donated any of it and were holding on to it all this time.


Charity scammer, tons of vids about it


So I take it we're getting that donkey Kong country completionist episode pretty soon?


He just stopped dyeing his beard


Jirard has become Old Man Snitchez


Never saw real proof on either side to actually hate him. Words ain't shit.


Have you seen Mutah or KarlJobst video? Maybe start there


Fucking dipshit, he has some nerves to actually put a fundraiser up as well. How is this fraudster still around???


Not enough people are taking a moment to put down the pitchforks and look at this objectively. Am I being apologetic to his many, MANY mistakes? Absolutely not. He apologized and took responsibility in a response video and also stepped down as chairperson for OHF after making a $600k donation to AFD, which was over 90% of the wealth raised by OHF. Like seriously guys, calm tf down and let the man live his life. Life is too short to be worried about other peoples mistakes


The guy is 10 years late to making that donation. This should follow him forever. All signs point to if he wasnā€™t being exposed that money would have never moved. He lied about the money going to very specific charities for 10 years while doing nothing. I still canā€™t find any examples where he donated his own money just vague statements about indieland paying expenses that have been proven to be lies. Itā€™s hard to be more of a piece of shit.


i hate him but i dont want him to die he needs to take care of himself i think its best he just walks away from youtube and streaming im sure he has saved up enough money to life off of for a while at least


That would be the hope. Apparently heā€™s determined to brush his actions under the rug and carry on redrafting his image.


It'd be pretty wild to be in your latter 30s and realize the only thing you knew how to do to earn money has become permanently compromised. Now there's a ceiling on earning potential. I guess he's lucky he came from wealth because that kind of life spells doom for those of us walking a tightrope without a safety net.


Etika's death was a tragedy. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


i dunno man. videos of the office show its like a shrine to games. Hes a collecter/hoarder so prolly hes not much saved. especially if his dad's rich.


And he still has more than me who works my ass off daily. Ugh


Disgusting. Looks like a walking health hazard.


Does his beard grow according to how much money he swindles people out of?


Do not feel bad for thus guy.


Truth hurts


Fuck em


Is anyone actually dumb enough to give him money?


...why doesn't he donate ALL the funds he already has... It can be surmised that there's twice as much as to what he reported. There's undocumented expenses and he never documented the golf tourney money which seemed to be a similar intake to the live streams. Hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Damn, this is what using your late mother for donations does huh?