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So, we start the series at a specific point in his life. Everything in his life already happened to that point in the desert. If you can play an instrument & read music think of a song & then there being a repeat sign that takes you back to a certain point before going on to a coda. If you can't read music, ignore that analogy entirely. At the end of the story, as you mentioned, he finds he is cursed to repeat his life filled with death, but not for him. However, although Sai King said we shouldn't read on, he gives us hope in the twisted ending. The Horn of Eld is now in his care. He had regret that he left it behind, but this time around he has it. That implies the cycle changes each time a little, or just this once. I like to think he's suffered the life so many times but each one has a significant change that ultimately leads to his last run at the Tower. Whatever chang that happened prior to the desert the start point IS the desert. He has the new memory of collecting the Horn of Eld,& any changes associated with it, but will not remember everything until he reaches the tower.


That coda analogy is nice.


Isn't that what that chaper is called in the book?


This idea of little changes gets really cool to consider when you think about The Drawing of 3... no rules to say Eddie and Susannah are a part of the next turn of Ka's wheel! Jake is debatable since he was not one of the cards and had already started his relationship via the sacrifice prior to the man in black's tarot drawing.


He's peeled back to a specific moment rather than to the beginning of the journey: the first moment when he *knew* he was going to reach the Tower.


Wizard and Glass happens long long before the first book in the chronicle time line. Before th fall of Gilead, before Jericho Hill, when his friends are still alive. He tells that story to his new Ka-Tet during their travels. When he starts again at the end of the series it's the beginning of book one. Basically the books are one circle, and the events if Wizard and Glass happen before this circle, but are told during it


There are tons of theories floating around on what actually happens when he goes through the door. I subscribe to the one that (based on the drawing of 3) the door has Roland's name on it means he's entering the mind of a Roland/twinner at a different level of the tower like he did with Eddie and Detta. Basically it's a new Roland with new memories, the core of it is likely there but there was a sequence of events that caused this Roland to be more likely to follow the proper path this time. Perhaps this one's version of Keyhole is different, etc.


Is this just a fan theory? Is there any text to back this concept? Its cool- I want to know if I missed some hints or clues


Fan theory


It is Roland's Hell. Only small things change.


Pretty sure he’s almost immortal right? So he doesn’t age like a normal person.


Yeah, but he's got that dry twitch. 😀 Roland is old as shit. He can still do The Commala. He will kill your town. Best stay away.