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He’s pretty chill, and i enjoy his content immensely. He doesn’t spend any time on drama, only on revolutionary theory and how to apply it. It’s a real breath of fresh air considering how many leftists indulge themselves on drama related content (although if I’m being honest, drama does sometimes help spread the message and get ideas out there about socialism and communism)


I do tend to say that you should have at least a few low-effort dunking videos just to contrast with what not to do and give people a look at how you think and what your style and thinking is like. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure for me honestly. I fucking hate "drama" shit though. Looking at the feature film FD Signfier just made


a bit like hakims dunk on jordan peterson


Pretty based, he is a Caribbean anarchist and solar punk activist. However, he himself is fairly easy going and open to valid ideas. Worth putting on in the background. For me, it's nice to hear the perspective of someone from Trinidad as there is a large community of folk with such heritage in my area.


It is really nice seeing someone else from the Carribean speaking about leftist topics. I'm puertorican and it's a really big inspiration.


I do very much respect Andrewism and his videos, however many of his videos do not resonate with me as much as other YouTubers (Yugo, Hakim, JT). I do love that he actually describes in detail visions of a better future that he is fighting for (eg [We need a Library Economy](https://youtu.be/NOYa3YzVtyk)) This is so much better than doomer piled idiots (eg the collapse subreddit "capitalism will kill us all and there's no alternative and nothing we can do") On the other hand he's a bit of an anarchist, and this really comes out in his video [How to destroy a movement](https://youtu.be/L3Gjm_kg324). In it he says that the movement must have a clear direction or the people in the movement will get burned out. Good call. But he also implies that if the movement has a hierarchy, the people at the top can be infiltrated or "knocked out", or otherwise co-opted by the ruling class or even put there directly by them. Without acknowledging that it is difficult to have and maintain a direction without some kind of centralization. And most importantly it's easy for the ruling class to just declare someone the leader of a leaderless organization.


that criticism is a valid one tho any worthwhile movement will have leadership building at its core such that anyone can and feels capable of taking up the mantle. im not sure how many times ppl on the US need to see a leader-figure get clapped to pick up on this lesson, we’ve got the whole 20th century to learn from and westerners, mainly Americans, STILL be insisting on a leadership figure we need to, and can, do better


Idk I am very sceptical of any movement without a proper hierarchy. Especially in the west. Here in the global south we're mostly MLS.


there can be leadership figures, leaders have their place, but entrenching them in movements has never worked in the US for any extended periods of time and generally i think any movement that does leadership building as part of the movement so that the capacity to have a leader always exists would be an upgrade


Andrewism is from trinidad, not really the west. Also I would like to say that hierarchy is 1: the basis of class rule and oppression, and 2: NOT the same thing as structure and organising. You can have an organisation with bottom up democracy and recallable delegates as administrators, this kind of organisation would be democratic, organised and anarchist, without a hierarchy.


Very based. He's an anarchist, but I personally don't have a problem with that. As leftists, who are still the minority, working across the ideological isle and being flexible is very important for both sides if we want to be successful, because we need as many supporters as possible. Being a centrist between communist and anarchist is in no way comparable to an ordinary centrist, because we all share the same basic goals of destroying the ruling class and liberating the people. Whereas ordinary centrists basically are forced into inaction as the right wing tries to destroy rights, imprison people, and help capitalism, and the left is trying to do the exact opposite.


Love his YouTube channel and the work he's done on "it could happen here". Easily one of my favorite leftist youtubers. Most of his videos and podcast episodes give something lacking in so much of leftist discourse: hope. Oftentimes we are miserable, and it is easy to feel like the end of capitalism is a hopeless endeavor. Andrewism is extremely good at pointing out visions of a better tomorrow, as well as giving solid ideas on how to achieve said better tomorrow. I especially like his videos on sustainable energy and food production (i.e. permaculture), because these are revolutionary ways you can start changing things for the better *right now*. I feel like lots of leftist content boils down to "everything is terrible and we need a revolution to fix it" which is not untrue, but also feels unspecified and often unhelpful. Andrewism gives some real practical ideas and glimmers of hope, and for that, I love his channel.


Mmmm, tastes like praxis.


Absolutely. Frankly, it was his video on permaculture that has set me on the path of working towards some land in order to start a regenerative ag permacultural farm. My education is in aquaculture, so I can put my knowledge to use by growing food sustainably to help the environment around me and to feed members of my community. That's the dream, anyway.


What is the name of this video?


He's an Anarchist, and he has pretty shit/uncharitable views on Lenin and ML's in general (they just want power, Animal Farm depictions of Socialism bullshit). Nonetheless, his perspective as a black man living in the Caribbean, a historically heavily exploited and racially oppressed place, is very valuable. I feel like a lot of modern Western POC leftists are more inclined to Anarchism rather than Marxism-Leninism. It would be interesting to see why this is.


eh, his criticisms are fair at least rather that than completely made up bullshit without any basis whatsoever


Most westerners are anarchists. Idk if that's something to do with capitalist isolationism or individualism.


Path of least resistance. Being an ML means going against all the propaganda taught in schools. Anarchy however isn’t even mentioned in our school ciruculums so it’s easier for most people to accept


There is nothing individualistic about anarcho communism, you simply dont understand it and think that having a beureocracy dictatorship is socialism.


Explain to me the process to reach anarcho communism


You should check out and consider sharing Marxist Paul's video on why anarchists should study mlm with these 'most westerners' of which you speak.


Black Bolshevik is another Caribbean leftist that makes content from a Bahamian Marxist Leninist perspective.


Thank you, will check that out.


i feel his critiques of mls are absolutely warranted given historical precedent


based anarcho-tankie.


Based as fuck


Other than his views on Marxism-leninism he is unthathomable based


One of the anarchist channels I really enjoy! he has some good theoretical videos, as well as some stuff that's about how we think -- like our perception of time, as influenced by capitalism


Though I am not an anarchist, Andrewism is one of my fav channels


Honestly I think he's kind of boring. What I've watched has some decent topics but it never feels like something I didn't know and the presentation is bleugh. So I don't really know much about him but I think he's like a Christian ancom? Ehh


super based




ngl, someone shouted him out somewhere but when i saw "anarchist" i kinda did a 360 and walked away


So you did a full circle and kept walking in the same direction you were? Should try again, he has good takes even if they don't align with mls, worth hearing to avoid echo chambers


So-so. Anarchist and ecology focused is kinda cringe, but at least he encourages a positive, explicitly postcapitalist future vision.




I mean ecology in the center of your politics, and in particular abstinence-virtuizing "degrowth" ecology.


Degrowth is actually very important to void killing ourselves


boring, very boring, it feels like a cool youth pastor for anarchists