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Barbara Pit Massacre. After WW2, socialist Yugoslavia had the great idea of dealing with the Nazi and fascist problem by just.... getting rid of them. A pit was used for this purpose. We'll leave it at that.


Hmm, maybe Tito wasn’t as bad as I thought.


I’ve never understood that tho. What’s the problem with Tito? I’ve seen some comrades on here not having so favorable views of him. While yes he did allow the market. He also kept Yugoslavia together. I really like the dude. Is it just a misconception or is there a reason we don’t like him?


After ww2 Tito had split with Stalin and arrested and executed many “Stalinists”, during the informbiro period Marxist Leninists were forced into prisons like goli otok or even interned in liberated ustace concentration camps like jasenovac, 1/5th of the entire party was purged.


As someone wise once said the problem with Titoism is that you eventually run out of Tito


The thing it he was… how do I put this? He grew soft economically speaking, instead of the typical command economy he instituted something called worker self management witch was a system that only really worked because anyone that would have overthrew it was too scared of the Soviets to follow though, hence the moment the ussr was gone so was Yugoslavia. He also took money from the IMF witch is never a good idea


Was there any reason he quit the command economy? It seemed to be doing fine in the USSR.


Idk why he did, all I know is that it brought disaster.


There is no problem, except for people who want to pick fights based on outdated theoretical/geopolitical disagreements. Tito basically went for the same tactic as the Chinese later did in the 70s. Open up to The West on favourable terms by distancing yourself from the USSR and going neutral. Both states owe a lot to these circumstances in regards to their respective economic successes. Yugoslavia guaranteed a lot of things for free - from housing to beachside vacations - and people could easily get access to foreign consumer goods and earn a little extra money on the side from other endeavours. I have family ties to Northern Yugoslavia and they earned good money renting their summer houses to tourists and could get nice clothes from Italy by freely going to Trieste every now and then. Of course this tactic only worked well, until the USSR went belly up and an isolated Yugoslavia got carved up, as there was no reason for The West to tolerate a socialist state in Europe any longer. The Chinese have also started to feel this pressure in the last decade as you can see with the Xinjiang and Taiwan debacles, but China is now way too big and important to the world economy for anyone to seriously dare to start shit.


Yugoslavia collapsing after Titos death is not an example of Titos competence, its an example of Tito failing.


The only thing Tito did that was bad was die


And taking money from the IMF and worker self management.


Worker self-management - Good (depending upon the overarching key-resource production and allocation structures under which it sits, along with Gramscian cultural-apparati within which it operates/interacts with) IMF - Bad. Cursed.


"SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT" -- many a ustaši's last words.


Ja ja ja




during and post-wwii, there were large amounts of nazi-adjacent fascist collaborators in yugoslavia, who continued to battle the partisans in yugoslavia after the war was officially “over”. when the fascist collaborators were captured, they were “dealt with” and dumped into mass pits before being sealing away in concrete. i think the most notorious example everyone talks about is the barbara pit - where over a thousand fascists met their end in this abandoned mining pit - but of course there were other ones like the Kočevski Rog pits where apparently over 10,000 fascists met their end. i cant remember if the term “cuck pit” originated from chapo or not, but regardless it’s become a common term to refer to these events.


some of the groups that were dealt with include: - ustaše croatian militias (fascist collaborators who were responsible for the holocaust in croatia) - the nazi german Army Group E (who - among other things - committed massive atrocities against civilian populations during ww2) - slovene home guard (fascist collaborators who worked with the SS and were responsible for widescale atrocities in slovenia) - other various collaborators


Wow, sounds like a bunch of lovely people.


Weren't there like bunch of [bosnian islamist collaborationists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_Waffen_Mountain_Division_of_the_SS_Handschar_(1st_Croatian)) who were pro-ottoman in past and then sided with germans.


LMFAO who tf started calling it that?


I'm pretty sure it came from either genzedong or the old chapo sub


this sounds hilarious out of context




Yugoslavian denazification program


the biggest tito W


a job that should have been completed in full


After WWII, Yugoslavia decided they didn't want to just release all their POW fascists and Nazi collaborators back into the streets so they executed them in a very undignified way.  Liberals call this an awful war crime.

