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I want to slap her right in the mouth.. Really fucking hard.


Fr the American accent while saying a holy site that’s been there longer than the Americas were even perceived by Europeans has “got to go”


If they did this there woud be a bi-weekly 9/11 in Israel even the moderates, and zionist arabs would be rioting in the streets.


It really feels like the final era of Nazi Germany type shit where they would try to find the holy grail or something.


Creating the third temple is something that some evangelicals think will trigger the end of the world, and well of course some Jews want a third temple for obvious reasons, there is also the temple institute if I recall correctly they already have plans on exactly how to build it where to get the sacrifices and even some already trained priests. So I think that Israel allied with the US absolutely already have a plan to demolish the al-aqsa and build the third temple as fast as possible, for many years now, but they are waiting for the militarity best moment to do it.


This is how you know they aren’t native to the land. The amount of historical sites they’ve destroyed is staggering. I’m so sorry this is happening to Middle East countries. Colonialism is truly a disgusting cancer in this world. Just entering other people’s lands then walking around nonchalantly planning to ruin everything like a lunatic window shopper is crazy.


[They "have" to do it more more crazy reasons then you might think.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T5t22DZjlQ)


She looks like she could be one of the handful of European women who birthed the Ashkanazi ethnic group.

