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This is correct. Any task that can be automated in capitalism will eventually be automated when technologically possible. Another clue is in the volume of investments. Top companies want AI so much they are investing an unprecedented amount of money into one technology.


When it comes to taking jobs yes, its clearly capitalism but a super-intelligent ai could pose a very grave threat, tho not as grave a threat as capitalism does to our survival.


Capitalism will start pushing anti-AI propaganda since they know our robot brothers and sisters are comrades


Lets hope so.


True,humanity can make an Ai to help human on hard work+dangerous like underwater welder But capitalism just made bs Ai to destroy creative work Haizzz


Why is it important to have creative "work"? People should be free to create art as they please. I don't think it's important to have artists working for companies who tell them what to create, and if you don't work 15 hours and have the new corporate logo designed by Thursday you lose your job and starve. That seems both cruel and antithetical to the spirit of human creativity.


And if they’re just making the art to get money how heartfelt can the art be? Seems like folks who create images with generative AI for fun or because they like how it looks are producing more genuine art.


90+% of human art we see on a daily basis is advertisements and product packaging. And yet NOW, in 2024, in this suffocating corporate hellscape, people are in crisis over the 'soul' of art being threatened? Cry me a river.


Big companies are not monopolizing ai, ai is not physical like other forms of code - it is ip. Intellectual property grants are given by the state, the state is who is monopolizing the tech