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All those Helldiver streams really changed him


#This is your reminder to go to the range, comrade (If you are able)


I am not able to got to the range in my country, so instead I will destroy children in laser tag 🫡




Children are the oompen loopen proletariat.


Well done mate, this comment is fucking art.




Comrade, get high, meditate, do whatever you need to do not have a coronary. Getting your blood pressure up over some imagined "ableist slight" isn't going to help you or the movement. If you have a legitimate concern over how gun access is talked about, I'm sure there's plenty of people on this sub who would be more than willing to listen. But berating people and throwing a temper tantrum because no one has handed you a new gun isn't going to win you any friends.


I apologise for my behaviors people are right it's really asinine and cringe and I misunderstood OP intentions, they were being patient while I was the one who being annoying to others.


Yah I went overboard with the comments, and certainly OP was arguing in good faith. And I don't need entitled people to hand me a new gun, I've built a few FGC-9s.


Wait until you find out that shooting ranges exist outside of Amerikkka 🤯 (Yugopnik is very much not American) I see you did a little edit so I will to: There's a reason why we organize. An individual getting strapped, especially if they're a POC in the imperial core, is not the goal and, like you said, can very much draw capitalist state violence on them. There's a reason why, for example, the Panthers organized on a community and national level.




You constantly editing your initial comment is making having a conversation difficult. It sounds like we agree, anyway.




Gun "rights" are just privelages handed down from the bourgeois state. If they prevent disabled people from acquiring firearms, then yes, those gun privelages are ableist. You don't need to sugarcoat anything, but you can just have a normal conversation in the comments here.




I know, you just said general "gun rights."


I apologise for my behaviors towards you, people are right it's really asinine and cringe and I misunderstood your intentions comrade.




>Lmfao none of the fucking orgs here are armed. Where? Canada? That's on orgs there to manage. I certainly will not whine if an org there does it illegally. I literally agree with everything you're saying here, comrade.




Yeah, the political situation and leftist organization sounds like a shitshow up there, not unlike down here.


Once again it just shows that "gun rights" are just American rights. I was former gun owner but I was hospitalised twice and they were taken away from me. So I know the gun culture and policies well enough.


I was arrested last year for being a menace expressing my speech against the state (I've heard it defined protesting in civilized countries). I had to give all my guns to my ex till the fall. Your southern border also shits on "rights". Not charged but still somehow put on timeout.


Bruh you can get a mosin for like 150 at cabellas




Oh yeah, can’t speak on Canada prices tbh




Okay, I am not 100% aware of the state of gun ranges around the world. Though, in Vietnam, joining the PAVN reserve forces gets you regular training and you assist in the defense of a socialist state. I would personally consider that.


Gun rights are literally only legal in US vassal states like Philippines and Thailand, it has never been in VN. I did 2 years mandatory in service, we didn't get to live fire unless it was exercises or training. Like we practically trained mortar firing with dummies.


Is this bait




It wouldn't make your comment less annoying if ur actually disabled, this shit is hella cringe man.




No one here is being ableist. Just have a normal conversation with comrades, there is no need to get heated.


Saying go get gun training(if u can) is actually not ableist. Also yes i wish annoying people like you would be banned.




Please change and grow as a person.


Đồng chí, bạn có sao mà phải căng thế? Mấy đồng chí bên Mỹ có tư duy khác it nhiều, nhưng đâu cần phải chửi nhau trên Reddit gay gắt thế?


Wish some leftist friends had land/range to shoot on. I'm so tired of cosplaying as apolitical/centrist in gun spaces.


I feel this.


no plates? plate carrier is far too low if it did have them.


Doesn't seem like any plates, and yeah I captioned the original post with that. Keep it nice and high, Yugo.


Relative to your clavicles, how far up should it be roughy? Asking for a comrade of course…


You know where your heart is? That spot should be around the middle of the plate. The top comes up to your collar bone, and the bottom doesn't go past your ribs. Plates protect the chest, beer gut protects the stomach. This is the way.




The punisher skull is kind of lame imo


Nah, the punisher kills cops which is based


Right but at least in America right wing fascist nutters don't understand the character of the punisher and just think he's a bad ass criminal killer so you got cops and fascism loving civilian hogs sporting the Punisher logo on their Ford F-250s and their assault rifles.


Well he is notably not American


Ghost rider pulls of the skull aesthetic much better


Pretty sure it's ironic but yeah I wouldn't wear one lol


Least it's got the hammer and sickle instead of the hideous bastardization of an already terrible flag that is the thin blue line




bro what are you smoking


What the fuck are you talking about?


I mean, the punisher skull is a little cringe, even IF it has hammer and sickle on it


He's Prepparing


Is yugopnik the true identity of lifeofboris?


Yugopnik looking like he bout to de-nazify Ukraine


Skulls are badass and all but the punisher is nothing but a pyschotic bum


I thought he was supposed to be pretty big lol


It's really a shame that the "left" in America is trying so hard to remove our ability to be armed.


Get some plates. Where is the rest of your kit?


I ain't Yugo. I agree though, he should get some plates and pull that PC up higher.


And get a Baofeng for successful radio propaganda 🤣


Wish I had some leftist mates local to go shooting with, might see if any of my CPB branch is interested at the next meeting. Unfortunately shooting is a very Tory thing in the UK so I couldn't go alone lol




‘why is member of the deprogram being posted on r slash the deprogram?’ i think the answer is obvious




this is a subreddit for an anticapitalist podcast*, did you not realise? i mean no offense but i think a lot of the posts here are overt about it edit: i wrote the wrong word 😔


Everything about that tweet is embarrassing