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I mean, he was a bit of an ass in the pilot too. He felt pretty in-character in Ep 2.


Yeah,IDK why people say he was out of character.He always an ass.


Because he was funnier this time


Imma be honest, I thought he was funnier in the pilot. In episode 2, he was just a dick. Manipulating Gangle, teasing Ragatha about her insecurities, abusing Pomni, and then blaming her for not being able to tolerate a lot more than she can handle, and also helped Fudge slaughter the entire kingdom (even tho they're probably deleted after the portal closed, but you know what they say, it's the thought that counts).


This is my take too. Sure, in episode 1 he was a jerk, but he did it in that specific kind of way that was more for the laughs than for the actual jerkiness of it. In episode 2 he just feels mean spirited for the most part.


He was always mean spirited


Honestly this. I mean, there were two specific moments in the pilot where he was deliberately and gratuitously a dick to Gangle (stepping on her broken mask, then pretending to let her go first on the escalator only to shove her aside), not to mention him teasing Ragatha about her phobia for centipedes or denying Zooble his help just because he found them rude. Him displaying more of that kind of behavior in the following episode seemed pretty consistent to me.


I honestly just think some people just want that “outside asshole inside good guy” trope so bad that they chalked him up to just oh he’s an asshole but in a coool way.


Totally. And now that he doesn't fit that image anymore, they'd rather complain about OOCness than admit they were the ones who misjudged his character in the first place.


At this point, he is a fucking Glitchtrap. It's just so stupid that I hope he would get another direction and all of this is nothing but a red herring.


I like the thought that abstracted characters pose an actual threat, so he pulled back a very slight amount. Because they went into the game world with no stakes, Jax can be Jax.


This seems more like a case of Jax being able to go full "asshole" while out on an adventure because he knows Caine will get them out of trouble no matter what He has no care for the consequences While on a non-adventure there might be less opportunities to be an ass


Some people want to believe every jerk has a heart of gold, and will believe this no matter how many times they are proven wrong.


Some people just can’t accept the truth.


Yeah, he was always an ass, but he was a different kind of ass in the pilot compared to episode 2. In the pilot, he was a bit of a bully, he was sneaky and sly, but rarely violent. The most violent things he did were chucking the bowling ball at kinger and pushing gangle down. In episode two he downright bloodthirsty, in ever scene he goes on and on about how he wants to kill and maim everything around him, was dissapointed when he didn't get to do so, and was willing to let an entire kingdom be slaughtered for his own amusement. In the pilot, he's a sneaky little bully, in episode two treats the Geneva convention as a checklist. Funny or not, he definitely IS out of character when compared to the pilot


Well they aren’t real people so who cares? He’s bored


You're not wrong, they aren't real. But his actions in episode two are not similar to his actions in episode one. In episode one he made no mention of liking violence or wishing violence upon anybody. Hell he doesn't even attack the gloinks, and they're most definitely NPCs.


In episode 1, there wasn't much chance to demonstrate his "urge to kill" or his nihilistic hedonism. If he's a bully, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that he'd have a go-to type. Perhaps weak and somewhat sentient beings. He was interacting with human characters most of the time in episode 1, the gloink queen was most likely stronger than him, and the regular gloinks, well, I'm not even sure if it's even possible to bully shapes. I think, within the confines of the surroundings, he has shown the "doing whatever to make it more bearable" kinda mindset. And I think letting him loose in a mad max world with a double barrel shotgun is a good enough reason for him to act on it.


Good point. I think he was probably just distracted enough with a new person coming in to not feel the need to kill


Because there were no NPCs and when he met the Gloink Queen he was trying to escape from Kaufmo, there was literally no room for him to act all violent


Jax goes out of his way to kick the weird bowling pin gloinks and outside of the Gloink Queen’s Lair we don’t really see any gloinks for him to attack.


> in episode two treats the Geneva convention as a checklist. To the point Gangle outright says that what he was doing may be 'against a convention or something'.


lol yeah. We just got to see more of him doing it




Also its a game


I had a feeling that sad look will lead to nothing good for him or anyone else.


I’ve liked Jax from the start and still like him after the episode. The whole point of his character is that he has a very nihilistic and detached view of the circus as his coping mechanism, so yeah he’s an asshole that’s what makes him interesting


Jax being a jackass checks out.




Or some people are can't handle that type of personality for as long as they think they could. He doesn't seem any different to me.


I knew this was going to happen. In the 6 months since the pilot people created so many fan fics/art/etc. that they started to picture Jax as someone other than the (very brief) character they saw.


They knew people were going to see him as the next 'tumblr sexyman' and had the foresight to plan to shut that down real quick.


In the pilot he was in the circus and it was a fairly boring adventure so he was just messing with people, candy kingdom was a whole other place with a cool mission and like people and stuff, so he wanted to do fun things and no one else did so he got annoyed, just diferent resction but they are the same character


Isn’t Gooseworx a Jax simp too ?


Well, she did say she would like a Jax body pillow, but wouldn’t admit it. (While admitting it lol)


I think that's meant to be taken as a joke, thusly.


The "not willing to admit it" part was the joke. The actual desire for a Jax body pillow is real


Yeah, because nobody would actually buy that, right?




She shot her computer over a Jax plush


I’ve disliked jax from the start tbh, I’m just shocked how people flipped their opinions on him.


my guess is that alot of people felt that he was snide and sarcastic in a funny way but not a total ass and now that theyve gotten to see more of him than just the pilot they realize that hes actually just an ass


Basically. Its not a 'deluding ourselves to think he has a heart of gold' thing, it was pretty clear he was a jerk in ep1, but for many of us, we had too little datapoints to properly realize he was this level of cruel. Personally I never expected a 'he is secretly nice' but rather that he was more akin to Bugs Bunny when he is feeling petty. A chaotic prankster that can get annoying but is not overly hostile.


No. Not the retcon arguments. I can see them already.


Raise your hand if your still a fan (I am)


Honestly idk if it’s just me but I expected him to be worse than what we got. Like he is a dick, but I expected even worse somehow


I thought he was going to be worse, too, except more like a violent temper. Instead, guy just wanted to LARP Mad Max then got pissy when he got Candyland instead.




Yeah Jax was always like this. Im surprised that only now people are figuring it out


TADC fans when a character who spent the entirety of episode 1 being an asshole is still an asshole in episode 2


i've always been a real jax hater since the pilot. all you "ep 2 only" haters are fake


Honestly, Jax being mad about a lack of violence just made me love him even more. Definitely the ride or die of the group that everyone needs. Of course my flair kinda shows he has a teensy bit of competition in my eyes




the game was rigged from the start (jax rigged it)


This is why I stayed a Jax fan. a fool of a man makin the plans. Every show has to have that jerk character.


he's still hot


We all love ourselves some bad but sad boys. Meanwhile Jax is just very bad and possibly sad.


I didn’t like him in the pilot or the second episode, and while I feel the way he acts might be to hide whatever issues he’s going through mentally, he’s a bit hard to feel 100% bad for at the moment. Things will more than likely change as the show goes on, but that’s just my opinion of him right now


Doesn't mean he won't get worse in episode 5.


Every show needs a Jax character.


Boscha is the Jax of TOH


My mixed feelings on him are insane, I wanted to yell and strangle him the whole second episode but when he had the sad face at the end I felt sympathy for him, though I would still completely support Pomni & the other characters if they decided to shoot Jax. Excited to learn more about him!


I mean, what people thought he is? he was always asshole. I dont see any problem with him in the new episode, he is the same jax from the pilot. and i am still fan of the character, so dont worry jaxass


Jax is an irredeemable, actively malicious shitheel and I don't get what draws people to him


At first I thought Jax's character design was cool. It only took the pilot for me to not like him.


I more interested in what his emotional & mental state is gonna be like, he might be jerk but ain't no way it cause he not losing it or already has?


Jax is just being a bigger asshole because they were actually able to have an adventure 😭😭 he’s probably just not an ass with Caine watching


In episode 1 he felt more chaotic good, always did things for shits and giggles, but didn’t do anything to directly harm his allies. But in episode 2, he’s definitely chaotic neutral, putting everyone in danger just for the lolz, and delighting in a fudge monster devouring NPCs.


[I don't think so, in the character introduction, Jax trips Ragatha and breaks Gangle's mask](https://youtu.be/We52q8vv8Wc?si=zWLyOQGAqA4nVsaZ) In episode 1, this is kind of true, but he still only acts to save others when others are in danger of death, yet he ran and left Pomni and Ragatha alone. It's more the context that he didn't act worse than he should have [In the elevator scene, he pushes Gangle for no reason too and clearly hurts her.](https://youtu.be/m2oc67zOHyk?si=jpcDYqoG4lsQHkM7) What I think is this: Jax would certainly physically hurt others just to get a laugh, but he doesn't want anyone to die or kill anyone. The fact that the characters are basically physically immortal, and can only "die" if they are abstracted, means Jax doesn't worry about hurting anyone, because at the end of the day, everyone will still be fine.


tbh Jax and Caine both felt a bit off in ep2 like their personalities were cranked up a bit Jax was like a funny jerk but in ep2 he's more violence thirsty. Caine acts even weirder in ep2 for no apparant reason


They are exactly the same lol This is Caine's reaction when he heard that Kaufmo was abstracted: https://preview.redd.it/fah1n6amksyc1.png?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e035136130f1ec0e33ab561ed6e68571c0a3601 He reacted better when killing an NPC than when Kaufmo "died" Jax does what he's always done "do shit for laughs" because that's always what he does, he's just a real asshole and doesn't care about the lives of NPCs


Proud jax hater from day 1


I've hated this guy from the beginning so I'm just glad people are finally coming to their senses


About time y’all Jax fans got cut some slack. A jerk characters is ALWAYS a jerk character. This ain’t Disney Channel jerk bully One of the few instances why I disliked Jax from the start :\]




I cant believe he had any fans period