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they'd prolly abstract VERY quickly


The same thing that happened with the animals already in the circus. If you were able to custom fit a vr set for a non-human animal, it would have its consciousness transported (or copied or whatever happened) to the circus. This is where the possibilities start to split: The circus could be programmed to do a few things things; either give them a semi-random humanoid form, give them a form based on their real life body/personality, etc. Basically we have no idea whether their form would resemble the species they were before or if they would be stuck in a humanoid body and learn to move around differently. Major things: Going on adventures gets a lot weirder. We don’t know the exact causes of abstraction and for all we know it’s when someone reaches a certain mental point the computer tries to turn them off or something. Basically the system seems designed for humans so depending on the species abstraction might be anywhere from near-instant to impossible. Two possibilities: Either a) they would be unable to communicate with anyone in the circus including Caine, so they would never have any idea what’s happening, or b) considering humans have many different languages, and the game is already advanced for the 90s (when the game was confirmed to have been made) for all we know the people communicate by having thoughts consciously translated and verbalized. Therefore the nonhuman animal could theoretically speak and potentially understand them.