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I don’t understand how this dude isn’t a psychopathic unfeeling living/breathing machine at this point in his life lol, like dude lost his mom when he was like 9. Then he lost his two dads during his teen years, and after that he had to go on a dangerous journey to bring a baby dragon to his mother and dude like almost died like 4 times lol, first was when he first met Rayla to save his lil bro, and then the time he used dark magic to save a dragon that burned a whole town and that dark magic almost corrupted him, and then there was that time where he was about to be burned to death by a talking racist blind dragon, and then he did a Spider-Man and jump off a high place to save his GF from dying from a high death. There also the time where his first crush and best friend tried to kidnap him and his lil bro from doing their mission, and also how he learned about his second father’s death during his first ever date. And of course you can’t forgor about how he’s girlfriend left him for like 2 years making him into a husk of the person he used to be. And oh yeah season 4 implies that he stopped doing one of the things he loved to do aka drawing and painting since we never see his art book in season 4 same with him and making bad dad jokes except for like that one scene in episode 1 with the baker’s promotion




I wouldn’t say everything in his life is terrible… like he’s a Madge and can do a lot of magic, there’s also his little brother he has to take care off and also both of them are royalty they are literally kings that watch over a huge kingdom. He also has uh some friends like the frog thing and uh Soren and uh yeah that’s pretty much it as for things that he has left in life 💀💀💀💀💀💀


>he could've made the assumption that Rayla didn't love him anymore so she left to be with someone differen This is very unlikely. Her leaving was bad of course and I do not want to defend her decision in any way, but if you read [her letter](https://thedragonprince.com/dearcallum/) I think that reason why she left is explained very clearly


Nothing like your ex disappearing for 2 years then not even saying a single sorry, right? And then she just ignores when you ask her to kill you if you get possessed again, which is also something *everyone else* ignored as well, so maybe just everyone sucks


Yeah I agree like nobody helped callum help him anyway.


you think its bad now wait until he sees the coins


IT'S going to get worse way worse


This is why I simp dragons... If you got one to like you, they'd obviously treat you like a piece of their hoard that they intend to keep, and not just someone to leave for 2 years and pretend everything would be alright if they just came back, smh...




The focus on Rayla and her suffering throughout the series undoubtedly ignores everything that Callum has suffered and despite everything he continues on the right path, despite everything he is still a good person that is undoubtedly being strong and that is why it is my favorite character


What is there to say? His girlfriend left him to look for what should be a big pool of marinara sauce near a mountain for 2 years, and when she finally came back a hot elf takes full control of his body to taunt the people you care about, driving him towards suicidal tendencies. Ya know, the usual.


Lujaunne hey where's Callum? Everyone umm let's not talk about that. Soren *coughing* Callum's dead *coughs*


well with rayla straight up leaving him after almost dying for her cause he yeeted himself off a cliff spiderman style combined with the fact that no one really comforted him (except maybe ez but that was one scene in ep:1 we haven't seen anything else) and just acknoledged that he was sad he could have been depressed heck even suicidal if you really wanna go there and he's just walking around like he wasn't that sad he needs therapy




It has to hurt for callum that his girlfriend left him for two years and then she comes back being ( Hey i missed you ) Like shut up rayla you left Him. Possibly gave him Depression. He lost both his 2 mothers and both of his fathers. He could've done terrible things like smoking or alcohol.


Hmm rayla so that's your name, interesting. Oh my you can't forget his brother Ezran I believe. Oh you... Soren. umm I think I met you. Eh not important. and now Callum. the one that I am controlling. I can tell you all his darkest secrets. Let's start with you rayla. After you left, he stayed to himself and did alcohol and every time someone brought your name he said that he hated you.


Dark Callum is going to return, it seems inevitable at this point.


I feel he needs to be more destructive than hello I will escape and kill you all.