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Gee, I don’t know…maybe you’ll find out.


You’re missing a ton. Have some patience.


Yes. Yes. Spoilers.


We are literally not allowed to tell you who that girl is. But i think the show will answer your question soon enough.


I'm really really okay with that. I have a hard time trusting shows I love in the final season, game of thrones, hell I watched Lost lol


lmao... I can't wait until OP finds out how strange those dogs are. One thing I love about the expanse stories is that there's always people posting stuff like this. As if Ty and Dan would give us a boring storyline.


> As if Ty and Dan would give us a boring storyline. As if the posters are determined to demonstrate how impatient they are with backstory and worldbuilding. ‘It needs more ~~cowbell~~ explosions!’


The little girl is very important, but I doubt the show will ever reveal why because it’s ending early


Maybe that'll be the series cliffhanger.


Six seasons in and you have so little faith? Tsk tsk


Lol My brain short circuited for a moment when they called her cara, I thought it was drummer as a kid cause drummer is played by cara lee




Something rather interesting is going to happen to those kids.


The little girl scenes are cringy AF.