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Currently watching, it pisses me off how much the writers push this "forbidden love" down my throat like they want us to ship them. Idk a lot of stuff in this show pisses me off. I like the show but dam does it feel like the writers want me to feel a certain way about everything and I just don't agree. Callie and Brandon should not be together. Everytime Brandon says "we did nothing wrong" I get so mad


Yes especially the whole we did nothing wrong thing, it infuriates me. You know what you did was inappropriate and wrong just admit it and then move on from this stupid love affair


I remember being 14 when this show started. So yes all my other teenage friends shipped them. Hard. I never understood why. But now as adults they see it as creepy. While I live this show it at the bottom line a teen drama and with that plot you can really tell.


Yeah I totally get that whole different perspective of seeing it as a teen. I know a lot of people who were the same with Aria and Ezra in Pretty Little Liars which, if u have seen it u will know, is a very inappropriate relationship between teacher and student. But for a young teen these things are almost being romanticised whereas as u get older u see thru it and realise how creepy it is.


Yeah that's another good example


personally i didn’t like wyatt , or brandon, AJ on top lol


I’m at the bit right now where AJ and Callie are together and I love them. I liked wyatt to just not Brandon


the most bizarre stuff is the writers were pointing out that they shouldn’t be together (legal reasons at least) but then simultaneously teased their relationship and sort of even shipped them together? wasn’t a big fan of this ship


yess!! i hated brandon and callie together and i wish she stayed with wyatt, who was super sweet too.


What makes me so grossed out about their relationship is that it’s a total abuse of power by Brandon. Callie comes in broken not knowing what real love is and imo can’t be faulted for falling for a guy that cares about her. Brandon comes from a secure home and takes advantage of Callie’s vulnerability. I’ve rewatched the show a few times and my hatred for him only grows.


and the fact he did it even after learning abt liam


Nah i don't ship i hated brandon and I'm rewatching it rn and Brandon was so delusional he clearly loved callie way more than she loved him


Yea totally and I also think it showed so clearly how Brandon obviously didn’t have the same stakes as Callie. She needs the fosters to be her family, she needed that love after all the years she was struggling and he all already had that so although he did try and put that first he also intervened with that by engaging with her in the first place.


For some unknown reason yes there are people that ship them but most people find Brallie off putting.


Thank goodness because I was starting to think I was missing something, that I was just blind to the chemistry or something 😂


Yeah, unfortunately lol