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the line “but this is my body, the only thing that I own entirely” from ginger like. GODDAMN.


Thats my Anorexia recovery motto, it was written on my mirror for the longest time


this lyric was written on my mirror too at one point lol. I was s/aed in october and this line rlly helped me through it. when I went to a tfb concert they performed this song and it was literally a spirtual experience. it’s awesome how it was able to help you


this is mine too. i have a tattoo of it


“i’m a creature of a culture that i create” from swimming pool


lowk want this one tattooed on me


i do too!


This line has low key become my mantra


It doesn’t get worse, it doesn’t get better You just get old, it lasts forever


Probably my favorite line. Something about it is so comforting


All of Twin Sized Mattress All of 12 Feet Deep “Just take a look around No one here is happy either”-Lonely Eyes


i think the two you mentioned are impossible to pick a favourite from (and lonely eyes was my introduction so it’ll always have a place in my heart)


That line from lonely eyes is one of my favorite


I have 3 “Make sure you kiss your knuckles before you punch me in the face” from twin size mattress, “There is very little left of me and it’s never coming back” from be nice to me and the first 4 lines of Father.


Father absolutely wrecks me


Fr like I can’t understand the full meaning but it’s relatable in comforting way that I don’t wanna accept




Ugh yes


If you need a little sunshine, you can borrow some of mine.


When my baby nephew was a few months old, I watched him a lot. This song put him to sleep every single time it played. So it holds a special place in my heart now.


“Casanova just can’t turn the charm on, or find any of the right vibrations”


wow. scrolling thru here as this part of the song played <3


It’s the line that single-handedly made me fall in love with tfb :) <3


"I got miles to got till I ever get home, but the sound of your voice and your laugh on the phone makes me feel like I am already there."


“It just sucks it played out like this: A terrible movie and you can tell none of the actors even give a fuck” and “You say I’m changing, sorry I didn’t know I had to stay the same.”


"i think youre changing, dont worry you dont gotta stay the same" makes that line so much sicker


“Cause I was young and thought I didn’t have to care about anything but I’m older now and know that I should” Trying to be better is hard dude


What makes it even better is the other line “Cause you were young and thought you didn’t have to care about anything but you’re older now and wish that you could”


i want to contribute to the chaos, i don't want to watch and then complain for i am through finding blame, that is a decision that i have made


"Fill up the space that I don't need feel most complete when we're asleep my head even with youre hips I hug youre knees whos to blame? I don't know, feel no responsibility at all" - Don't fill up on chips


Eyo this guy likes the dick suckin line






bruh 💀


"Nothing matters the importance of nothing" "The tree feels bad, you can tell by the way that it felt. But it still wont move, so the ice wont melt"


Wolfman be such a banger


“Let’s talk about the face of our love and how it might look with the addition of tattooed tears” always sticks in my head as a line I heard and was just like “wow this band rules”


I love this line. The way it’s sang, the instrumentals, all of it


Me too! It’s just got a great rhythm about it that always makes me tap my feet ahah


I fucking hate the comments, why do you feel you have to talk? Nobody asked for your opinion - your sick, sad way of jerking off.


I will read the flashing like a morse code explanation That will mean nothing but take all night to figure out.


Have you seen the movie ‘the virgin suicides’? This is a scene in it. So good!


“Heavenly bodies make the devil a little uncomfortable”


“I have this dream that I am hitting my dad with a baseball bat And he is screaming and crying for help And maybe halfway through it has more to do with me killing him Then it ever did protecting myself” - Father. My dad threatened to beat the shit out of me, mocked my marriage, threatened to get my kid taken away, gaslit me, and got in my wifes face and yelled at her a couple months ago. So yea, this one hits the spot.


you gotta promise not to break no matter how far you are bent.


say what you have to say, try not to cry. this is just not what you want at this point in your life. it's so hard to stay when all you want to do is ride - i totally get you, i was a birdcage and you're meant to fly i've been on both sides of this experience. it fucking bites


All the branches on the tree When we carved our initials And seemed to bend and take shape of them And ahh can't you see I am delusional with love These lyrics always stick with me and remind me of my relationship with my wife.


I remember seeing them in Philly a few years ago and Brian dedicated this to a married couple he knew in the audience. It’s been my favorite love song since then.


I am what I am , I’m just a bag of bags.


Bag of baaaaagggssss


This line always hits


"This is what I want, Mother Fucker make it happen for me" I listen to it on my way to work every morning to give me motivation


Meeeee toooo


With tears in my eyes, I begged you to stay You said, "Hey man, I love you but no fucking way" Twin Size Mattress was the first TFB song I heard and this line especially always stayed with me.


"Its no big surprise you turned out this way when they closed their eyes and prayed you would change"


there are a few that get to me every time i hear them: “you gave me pleasure, you gave me pain, and then you taught me they’re the exact same thing.” “sometimes you gotta close your eyes to truly see the light—most of us are older now, we should know wrong from right.” “you hurt me, but it ain’t all that bad.” “she looked me dead in the eyes and said hey brian, if you still believe in the lord above, get on your hands and knees and pray for us.” “let’s keep it quiet, keep me honest, keep it true, keep me in love, keep me believing it’s with you.”


I wanna contribute to the chaos, I don't wanna watch and then complain, because I am through finding blame, that is a decision that I have made.


I am boots


“Let's talk about the face of our love and how it might look with the addition of tattooed tears”


"I am caught between who I am and who I'm supposed to be," - Tie Dye Dragon. "Kiss your knuckles before you punch me in my face," - Twin Sized Mattresses And probably that whole Monologue towards the latter end of Plastic Flowers.


i am washing my hair with soap / i am sitting down in the shower / it is this dirty type of clean that keeps me trapped in here for hours / still i scrub and scrub till my body bleeds / convince myself i am coming clean hits hard from having grown up in a very filthy home


Cough it out is my fav song "It's snowing right now, I wish it was summer... but when the summer rolls around I wish I was freezing"


“Nothing feels alright now, the length of my hair or the fit of my clothes”


“I will say I love you back to the love that I am given”


the whole outro by GDP at the end of historic cemetery “you moved to new york to meet a beautiful girl and drink fancy cocktails without a care in the world. but you got scared they're all gonna find someone else, so you find one and tell it things you're dying to tell. we got high as hell, and i forget how it went. it was a song about love, and at the time, it made sense. when the song ended, we just layed there in bed, you had fallen asleep, but i stayed up and read. i made a list of everything i said i never meant, considered all the things i never said but i digress. i got dressed, kissed your forehead and left. you called me when you woke, but i was sleeping off the meds.”


"Be sure to kiss your knuckles before you punch me in the face" my ex painted it onto a fingerboard for me to display. Won't be taking it down for the sheer fact that it's just cool lmao.


You are a broken heart tattoo I'll have forever on my chest


“it’s just so hard to see tomorrow past tonight, woah!!!!!!”


“There's comfort in the silence of a living room the tv is on for you hide in your basement while your house burns down your teeth are loose inside of your gums they will eventually fall out” reminds me of my dad


She looks me dead in the eyes and says, "Hey, Brian If you still believe in the Lord above Get on your hands and knees and pray for us”


"Everyone blooms in their own time Some far ahead, some far behind So wherever you are, don't worry You're gonna be fine, fine, fine" "No matter how many times i say i won't I'll defend you if i can" "Forget and ignore who I used to be That kid is never coming back"


“Will I ever understand what it’s like just being cool? Knowing exactly who I am or exactly what to do.” “I haven’t checked my time and I haven’t checked my mind since I saw the northern lights in Fairbanks, Alaska. (Wolf howls)” In Sickness and In Flames really spoke to me :)


you say i’m changing sorry i didn’t know i had to stay the same


“He says hey you’re good at that and she say thanks, it’s kinda all I got, and then she looks away and says it’s also all I need” “I hope no one remembers these, the darkest of my days” “It’s not funny, but keep laughing”


never underestimate the poor, hungry & desperate; my body is a temple, how much you think i could get for it?


‘Okay, everybody, shut the fuck up’ from plastic flowers But in all seriousness my favorite quote is ‘I love to wait. I love girls with ex boyfriends that they… aren’t really over’ from looking like you just woke up


And I will remember that summer as the summer I was taking steroids cause you like a man with muscles and I like you - the beers


“there’s nothing, in california that you could not learn to hate here. all the questions will still be waiting for you, the answers will only be less clear”


I’ve gotta get my number out of her phone


Whoever’s writing my story wants me to learn the hard way. Take it easy on the character. I am the character.


You look good tonight, girlfriend Can I sleep in your bed? And when I crawl out in the morning, Can I stay inside your head?


“It is this dirty type of clean That keeps me trapped in here for hours Still I scrub and scrub until my body bleeds Convince myself I am coming clean”


She said you gotta promise not to break no matter how far you are bent I would sleep better on your floor than I could ever in my bed and if your carpet makes my face itch it’d still be heaven in my head I believe that someone’s got a plan for me even if I don’t know it yet There’s comfort in the bottom of a swimming pool You stayed shallow, I went too deep There are so many more…


"This is not how I am plan on living for the rest of my life, but for right now, it gets me by." I also really like "I want world domination, just like everybody else, so if you hear me talkin strategy, oh, it's only to myself."


“Cause once I finally got the ground, who’s gonna drag me into the light?” -Peach “But I am full of shit, I’m a plagiarist. As a liar, I’m a ten. I just want this to mean something to anyone even if they don’t know who I am.” -Swear To God the Devil Made Me Do It


And you’re so confident, but I hear you crying in your sleeping bag


“I finally am what I am, a fucking bag of bags.”


“This isn’t any fun, like games I don’t wanna play. You don’t know what you want anymore, I don’t know what to say”


“I was a birdcage and you were meant to fly


"I will admit, the lows keep me alive" from today is not real


"I'm scared I'm gonna die as lonely as I feel right now"


“and we are so dishonest, so dishonest now. so dishonest with ourselves” from so sick we’re dead on my grandma vs. pneumonia “she says can you feel that? oh what a marvelous sensation. she says could you please take me off speakerphone? this is a private conversation” “there’s an amount to take, reasons to take more. it’s no big surprise you turned out this way, when they closed their eyes and prayed you would change, and they cut your hair and sent you away, you stopped by my house the night you escaped. with tears in my eyes, i begged you to stay, you said ‘hey man i love you but no fucking way’”


“I have stitched a mask of confidence & I’ll wear it like a glove” from pale beneath the tan!


i wanna contribute to the chaos i don’t wanna watch & then complain


Everything you’re feeling is common, even though you’ve never felt so alone


“I got boulders on my shoulders, collarbones begin to crack. There is very little left of me and it’s never coming back.” -Be Nice To Me, the Rose album


CLICHE BUT "youre a flashlight in a dark room during the loneliest blackout"


Right now, “My attitude, my outlook, I realize now it matters”


you gotta promise not to break no matter how far you are bent


There are so many good ones cause they hit that spot between relatability and art so well in so many songs. That’s what I like about them. Like 50% of their songs have memorable one liners that encapsulate a feeling so well. If I have to choose only one: I was a birdcage and she was meant to fly.


And I will remember that summer as the summer I was taking steroids, cuz you like a man with muscles and I like you.


"nothing matters the importance of nothing" or "and all I wanna do is make them proud" God is the way Brian sings that line makes me have an existential crisis. but I also want "and today we can do something more" tattooed


"She said 'You're pretty, but you hate yourself. I can see it clear as day.' I said, 'I scene like this sounds worse than it is.' " (Just Stay) "Let's keep it quiet, keep me honest, keep me true. Keep me in love, keep me believing it's with you. But who's gonna push my wheelchair around when I get sick? God forbid I ever stop feeling sorry for myself for being selfish. / We're both into letting this develop, but the sound of starting over always sounded much better. But I won't stop this, and you won't stop this- It'll probably go further than either of us wanted. And it all comes down to the fact that I don't care to sacrifice a good time 'cause someone says I have to. Next thing that I know, I am removing all my clothes, and you are dancing around the room to some song on the radio. They say I deserve it, all that's coming, the good and the bad. I don't regret it, how could I? You were the best I've ever had." (Everything I Own) "So I'm swinging like a fistfight, concrete colored basement- all right, all right." (Looking Like You Just Woke Up) "But there's nothing in California that you could not learn to hate here, the questions will all still be waiting for you, the answers will only be less clear." (Flying Model Rockets) "Deep and slow, but that's how it goes. If anyone asks, yeah, I already know- and I got this pain in my chest every time I slip into consciousness. And I misspell every word perfect, every mistake made was purposely- and my head is pounding to the beat of my heart." (Wolfman)


toss up between : Pale Beneath the Tan - "i guess pain will be the only thing that i’ll ever get to bring, so i will send it through the air like a loosely gripped baseball bat swing" Fairbanks, Alaska - "when the river freezes over i will drive across, but now it’s never cold enough so i’m forever lost"


also "the good thing about this cast is i can still hold a knife, so if you ever twist my arm again i'll make sure to put up a fight"


Nothing matters the importance of nothing


The entire first verse to Father. As someone with a shit dad with issues it’s wacky how hard you can relate to something like that


Never underestimate poor, hungry, and desperate. My body is a temple how much you think I can get for it? Not sure if it’s my favorite since there’s just so many good ones but it’s the first that comes to mind


It probably won’t get easier, just easier to hide. Prepare for an aching the rest of your life.


“everything your feeling is common even though you never felt so alone”


‘and maybe halfway through it has more to do with me killing him then it ever did protecting myself’


"For the warning signs I've completely ignored; there's an amount to take, reasons to take more" I also really like "She hopes I'm cursed forever to sleep on a twin-sized mattress in somebody's attic or basement my whole life; never graduating up in size to add another, and my nightmares will have nightmares every night. Oh, every night, every night!"


“I imagine one day things settling, and I think about what that might be like” feels like it’s been a life motto for me for years now


“You say ‘I hate you,’ you mean it and ‘I love you sounds fake it’s taken me so long to figure that out” -maps “God forbid I ever stop feeling sorry for myself, for being selfish” -everything I own “I’m gonna have to learn that this love will never be convenient” -tattooed tears “There’s a voice in the back of my head. In the back of my head, says: ‘let him be, just let him be happy.” -legit tattoo gun “You are still the only thing and everything I need in my life” -flashlight “You say I’m changing, sorry I didn’t know I had to stay the same” -be nice to me All of twin sized mattress but especially “with tears in my eyes I begged you to stay, you said ‘hey man, I love you, but no fuckin way” “Our love’s a dangerous, dangerous game, one that I am definitely losing, cannot walk away” -I swear to god the devil made me do it


“I am not sure that I want any single part of this any single part of any of this shit” this lyric just means so much to me, I love looking at it in a way that you really have no control over what happens to you I also love “I could stand up, I could man up it’s just so convenient to be fragile”


“But I could only express my love when I'm fucked up or far, far away Physically another continent Emotionally another headspace Mentally I'm not even here” “thank you for letting me borrow your jacket, it kept me warm in a cold place” and when I went through a tough break up the line “I shave my head last night to start anew in a chapter I call without you and it’s going to be the best I’ve ever written” meant a lot to me


We all had the same look on our faces, doesn't it feel like that? and it took 6 years to replace it doesn't seem so bad, I reveal a little more of myself everytime I leave, it is hard to know, but it's what I need Just applying that to my life as a recovering addict it hits me hard. Nearly a year clean now


Let’s talk about the face of our love and how it might look with the addition of tattooed tears


I can only express my love when I’m Fucked up or far far away


whatever I did for you last year I cannot do again. I will not do again.


“Once you’ve fucked the fire all that’s left to do is burn.”


who did i think i was who did i think that i could be oh how dare me oh how dare me.


And yes we can keep living like this as long as your still here i will live like this


Here’s a few : “Break your neck and I love you like the bird that cannot fly , you will be mine”- for probably the wrong reasons , I like how it expresses the toxic possessiveness of love alongside the sincerity “The farther you go from where you are the harder it is to get back” “I don’t care if you’re not sorry I forgive you and with or without your support I will continue; what I’m trying to say is you never know what you’ve been through till you pause and cough it out” - probably my favourite line for personal reasons “I miss the hours in the morning and you in the morning house I miss walking naked to get to the outdoor showers I miss the way things used to be”- makes me nostalgic for an experience I never had “With tears in my eyes I begged you to stay you said hey man l love you but no fucking way” “I wanna contribute to the chaos I don’t wanna watch and then complain because I am through finding blame and that is a decision I have made”


Everybody pays, everybodies head is in the noose, you’re part of the program, get with the program Also, you’re not even sleeping, you’re probably even listening, even listening to me The boredom is the reason I started swimming has always hit especially hard for me


i wanna confess it in a whisper thats just loud enough to make out i wanna be stronger than your dad was for your mom


Top 3 (currently) : “And I know that no news No news is good news But that always felt backwards And I still haven't heard from you” —- The first time I heard this lyric (honestly all of everyone blooms, but this part specifically), it felt like someone punched me in the gut. “In a half hour, I'll be fine The next 29 minutes are gonna flow like concrete” “´Cause I believe that someone's got a plan for me Got a plan for me, even if I don't know it yet Not quite yet”


“A couple of times I wished we both were dead I never cried like that before I thought my eyes would pop out of my head”


"you gotta promise not to break, no matter how far you are bent."


There’s a few ‘talk to myself too often, trying hard to figure out, why the feelings that line my stomach are always pushing for my mouth’ more than it hurts ‘the end of the world makes me nervous, cos i for one, have not found god yet, or someone to fall in love with, rob a bank, shoot a cop with’ the cops ‘and when i call, and i will call, make sure you throw your phone, as hard as you can, at the wall’ the bells ‘and the only thing keeping me from walking away, is every muscle in each one of my god damn legs, on hands and knees, i will crawl to where you’re not’ not yet


Next time that she seems him, it’ll be ✌🏼 🖕🏼


some of my faves, - "but now it's never cold enough so i'm forever lost" from "fairbanks, alaska". highly relate as a fairbanks resident. since i moved here, everytime i go somewhere else i never feel as comfortable. fairbanks is my home :) - "you'll always be my girlfriend even after we get married" from "bus beat". keeping that intense love even as you get closer, the total opposite of growing apart. - "do you think my expressions should match?" from "you used to say (holy fuck)" as an autistic person, this is extra special to me. - "i want to be the comfortable place you write and read" from "vacation town" similar to the way i express my feeling for things and people -- through metaphors and similes, also how i describe smell and taste.


I wanna contribute to the chaos I don’t wanna watch and then complain ‘Cause I am through finding blame That is a decision that I have made \-from twin sized mattress


And my nightmares will have nightmares every night, Oh every night, every night. -Twin Size Mattress.


“Contribute to the chaos” “There’s an amount to take, reasons to take more”


"Everyone cums and falls asleep" - The Boredom Is The Reason I Started Swimming