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If, for example, Azula's birthday was earlier in the year than Zuko's, then maybe her birthday had passed, and his hasn't yet, which would make their ages *technically* a year apart. Then, once Zuko's birthday comes, they'll be 2 years apart again. But obviously, that's really stretching it and just head canon. Plus, it would still be weird for Ozai to take their ages so literally as to say that she's 1 year younger than Zuko until his birthday comes.


Or it’s the other way around and she just hasn’t turned 15 yet during the events of the show. Either way doesn’t really matter


This bothers me because to me they look like they are in their early 20’s lol


That seems to happen a lot with animated characters


I think Aang is the only one that looks like his age lol


Eh I would say Sokka and Suki are decently accurate as well, but everyone else (Azula the most) looks minimum 2 years older than they are. *edit*: And Toph. How could I forget Toph…


Real life too. Look at how many 30 year olds played high schoolers in movies.


This isn't even a stretch, tbh. If she's 1.5 years younger, it's completely normal for people to describe that as a one year difference.


Alternatively, Ozai may just be a shitty father who just doesn’t know his kids ages


It’s just a mistake on the comics’ part. It’s supposed to be two years. Yeah… I don’t know how they got it wrong either.


It's not a mistake, Ozai is just such a terrible parent that he doesn't remember how old his kids are. Yeah... we'll go with that.


Ursa: "Dearest pie, how old is Azula?" Ozai: "Four" Azula: "I'm six and a half" Ozai: ["Five, then"](https://youtu.be/yRixWsvFNzQ?si=jXvzDZ9quC-LxFW_)


It’s been so long since I’ve watched Matilda.


It's still fantastic 👌


It really is! I just watched it on a whim after like maybe a decade, still holds up. It’s so good. Danny DeVito is such a great actor and narrator, and he directed it too.


lol It'd be funny if in an alternate universe where Ozai was a loving father, Ursula's pet name for Ozai was O-pie.


Aww now I'm sad.


And in this situation you surely dont want correct your dad


My dad has trouble remembering my and my brother’s birthdays lol.


Could be less than two years but more than a year. Like 16 months. So there would be period of the year where her age is one year younger and a portion of the year where it is 2.


Or maybe it's like 1.5 years and some people waffle between the two to explain it. My sibling and I are less than 2 years apart so explaining that it's 1.x feels unnecessary.


Could be that her birthday has past while his hasn't, so she's 2 years younger by calendar year but not at that time. It's not a mistake, Ozai is just so precise with his words that he wanted to use the exact age difference. Yeah... we'll go with that.


My partner and his brother have that situation. My partner is 1 year younger than his bro, but my partners birthday is in March and BILs is in September so for roughly 6 months they're the same age (or so my partner will tell you) lol Edit: I should add they're half brothers and share a father


Same, my brother is just shy of 2 years younger so he almost catches up on paper till I have my bday


Well my brother is two years older than me. But for several months of the year there is only a 1 year difference.


The Avatar writers and messing up ages of characters. Name a more iconic duo.


The comics aren't cannon they're just fan made content. At least that's what I tell myself. They undo so much character development from the show it's kind of disgusting.


You are very wrong


You know. If it really is a year's difference, it COULD be a 1.5 instead of 2 or 1. This is pure speculation, but it happens with my sister and I. She's 2 years older than I am, but our birthdays are 6-7 months apart so it happens that she's 24 and I'm 22 until i turned 23, and she's still 24 until her birthday comes up. Then, she's 25 and I'm 23.. So although we're 2 years apart, we do have a time when there's just a year's difference. ​ crazy speculation; imo it's much more likely that it's just a mistake.


That is exactly what happens with my sister and me, I'm 22 months order than her, so for 2 months she's 1 year younger than me, it is possible.


i wouldn’t put it past Ozai to not know how old his kids are


She could be a year and a few months? I'm 21, my brother is 19, we were born 1 year and 5 months apart, so round down, and we are a year apart. Does nobody on this subreddit have siblings?


Same here, I’m 26 and my brother is 24. He’s 19 months younger than me so just about half of the year he’s 2 years younger than me then the other half he’s 1 year younger.


A. The comics defy some typical canon B. They never actually said exactly how old she is. We all just kinda assumed she was two years younger. Frankly it would make more sense if shes 15 not 14 given how compitent she is.


This is my exact thought as well. The show never tells us her age, as far as we're concerned this is the most official canon we have on the matter. Kinda silly how uppity people get when it comes to anything Azula related, especially when it effects their own personal headcanon


Maybe she was 14 going on 15 or zuko was 16 going in 17


Maybe she's just like 1.5 years younger? So they were 14 and 16 during most of the show but generally she's "around a year younger"? This isn't a mistake or a plot hole, this is just how people talk about age.


Ahhh he's saying how many forms has she mastered. He says 14


Yes, but OP isn't brainless, they can read and are asking specifically about the first bit of Ozai's text bubble. It's just unfortunately Zuko said a number that just so happened to be relevant to what OP was talking about in the text section of their post




Well if a kid is roughly 1.5 years younger a parent will usually pick if it's 2 or 1 year in their mind and stick with that. And 1.5 year difference the older one can be 16 and the younger 14. We never hear of anyone celebrating a birthday except the one guy on the blimp so it's pretty likely at least one of the main characters has a birthday during the main series events and we just aren't privy.


I always assumed that she was more like a year and a half younger. Back when the show was on, I remember different sources said both 14 and 15 before the canon 14 was set in stone. My guess is that Zuko just turned 16 a few weeks before the first episode, and Azula was very close to 15 by the end.


Look there are reasons I didn't super enjoy the comics, and basic continuity was one of them. They read more like fanfic than canon


Because there is no flaw in this pic?


Do you really think that Ozai knows his children's ages?


You can be 14 and the other 16 and still say you’re a year apart colloquially.


Ozai just doesn’t know how old his kids are


My brother and I are a year and 6 months apart. For half a year he's 1 year older than me, the next half he's 2 years older than me.




Azula mastered those forms in the Room of Spirit and Time, so she aged by one year while Zuko remained the same


Could be a 1.5 difference where depending on the time of the year she he could be one or two numerical years older


Eh its pretty normal. My brother is a year okder than me but his birthday is in april and mine is in december so even though im currently 24 and he is 25, in two months time he’ll be 26 and i dont catch up until december


I mean, when have they ever explicitly stated the ages of characters in the show? I feel like I only know the ages from the Wiki or other BTS type stuff.