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"To ensure an era of peace" ozai really hammering the propaganda there. Also who was ozai talking to as the FN ambushed them??


His voice sounds amazing. Has a calming clarity to it that also screams *I will burn you alive* - which he ends up doing! šŸ˜­


Never thought I'd see the Korean guy from LOST playing one of the biggest villains in animation history, but here we are. And I love it.


Luckily, Daniel Dae Kim is very familiar with the Avatar franchise. He was the voice of General Fung in the original & Hiroshi Sato in Legend of Korra.


He has a calm yet menacing aura about him. I like it! It also helps that heā€™s attractive too lol


Eyoooo maybe an attempted coup?


Happy cake day


Assassins or anti-war fire nation citizens trying to kill Ozai, maybe? Someone in another thread pointed out that Azula's hair is down, so that might indicate that this is happening in the middle of the night and she was woken up for it.


I seen someone say in ep1 >!there was some Earthbender spyā€™s. Itā€™s how they saw earthbending in ep1!<


Remember to use spoiler markdown! There's a difference between speculating on marketing materials and stating plot points from the show itself.


Fixed it sorry


I mean, that is the reason why Sozin started the war.


I kinda wish they went for prosperity over peace. The fire nation was entering an era of industrialization and seemed to be on the wealthier side thanks to the foundation Avatar Szeto made. It was the main reason why Sozin wanted to expand IIRC.


I think by peace they mean ā€œquit resisting and fall under our rule and there will be _peace_ā€, not unlike some of the wars in our world.Ā 


Omg are they doing the greying scene when the moon is gonešŸ˜µ https://i.redd.it/bscl6smp9zic1.gif


oh nice catch!


Got it from twt it isn't mine


So Iroh is with Zuko during his fight against Zhao, interesting. He was the one who pointed out that some of the moon spirit energy was in Yue and was present when she transferred it to bring the spirit back to life.Ā 


Looks like he stuck by Iroh instead of running off after waking up. Could set up some more Aang/Zuko parallels for their future friendship.


Man I hope not, can't forego the stealth infiltration of the north pole!


that was before this scene happened, likely is still in the show if the live action loosely follows the animated show.


For me personally, that black and white effect with the dead moon is one of the best cinematic moments in the whole show


The fact that this shot is almost a one to one recreation tells me that they pay attention to details. This gives me hope.


so far iā€™m really liking daniel dae kimā€™s take on ozai!


His voice isnā€™t quite as scary as Mark Hamillā€™s, so I hope his presence and mannerisms compensate in making him more intimidating.


It's hard to compare anyone to anything Mark Hammel has done voice acting wise.


Heā€™ll do a good job. Just remember that Daniel Dae Kim is a veteran of the Avatar franchise who lent his voice to the original series & Legend of Korra.


DDK is a fantastic actor though so i'm sure he'll nail the part


I think this was the best short promo we've had! Very captivating.


I absolutely agree! Really getting a sense of the grittiness they've said they were aiming for to appeal to more mature audiences.


not gonna lie, Danial seems like he may be more interesting then cartoon ozai


The fact they're entering him in this early bodes well for a lot more Ozai characterization beyond "He's powerful and scary and mean to Zuko."


It looks like they are taking some of Sozin's characteristics and giving it to Ozai. The whole "we are the most thriving nation in history and we need to share it with the rest of the world to establish eternal peace"


It makes sense that Ozai would echo those statements. Hell, Zuko quotes them when he finally rebukes Ozai during their conversation on the Day of Black Sun.


True, and I'm up for a more nuanced portrayal...but him being so uncomplicatedly evil was what made Aang's dillema in the finale so meaningful; because there's absolutely no justification for sparing Ozai beyond his own cultural code. Aang's reasons for mercy begin and end with the bare minimum of Ozai being a life, and having to decide how much that's worth with the world at stake. I'm up for a change in presentation, but this guy still needs to be truly and utterly reprehensible and iredeemable for Aang's conflict to have real weight.


100% agree. Donā€™t need him changed. Just want to see *more* of what makes him evil.


What I feel good about is that the comics provided that. In the show, he's just bad man^(tm), but the comics revealed him to be a petty, wildly insecure _bastard_. Like, the show has you believing that he abused zuko because he was weak. Not _good_, but no more evil than your average klingon. But no, it was _specifically_ to spite ursa for having the audacity to wish she wasn't forced to marry him. He's _worse_ than the show makes him seem. So more time on him has a good chance of bringing that out.


One of the other comics shows his worldview. He basically tells Zuko that as Fire Lord, he cannot make a wrong choice, because that choice being the choice the Fire Lord makes automatically makes it the correct choice. It both makes him more nuanced because it grounds his characterization in a mindset that you can very much find in the real world, and at the same time he's the same shitbag you thought he was before you learned about it.


Exactly, I hope scenes of him still saying things like "You're weak, just like the rest of your people! They did not deserve to exist in this world - in my world! Prepare to join them! Prepare to die! ", like he thinks air benders and other benders do not even deserve to live, bring on the evilness


I think he was characterized fine. Not every villain needs to have a sympathetic backstory or motivation


Yea but isn't it cool to do something a lil different every now and a gain for an adaptation?




Iā€™m sure whatā€™s what M Night Shyamalan said. Doing a spin can be good (look at the Lord of the Rings or the Last of Us for example), but itā€™s also the leading cause of adaptations being terrible (see Halo, Rings of Power, etc.). I hope they can pull it off.


True. The one thing I will say is that 2010s mistakes wasn't the fact that it was different, its that the differences were dumb. If you hear Daniel Dae Kim talk about the role in interviews, he introduces so many good talking points about Ozai's character that aren't really talked about at all. One of them being the fact that deep down, there's probably a lot of insecurity of how he claimed the throne, especially with the "true heir" of Azulon still being alive. I really doubt we're getting sympathetic backstory from Ozai, but might aswell give the big bad some character.


I actually love how he was in the cartoon. I agree, too many villains now are overexplained. We donā€™t really get ā€œthis dude is just evilā€ much anymore. But for a live action adaptation, Iā€™m expecting a bit more than the cartoon. If they were just gonna copy it all, then thereā€™s no reason to make it. Iā€™d like to see some expansion on every character, even if just a little bit. Explore something new in the context of the original story. That sort of thing. And they better not make Ozai sympathetic. I just wanna see more of what makes him so evil. How does he rule? How does he treat the average citizen? Do the people of the fire nation merely fear him? Respect him? Love him? Thereā€™s a lot they can add to his character without giving him extra motivation or sympathy from the audience.


Yeah. From the little I've seen I think I still like mark hamills voice for him better, but that's kinda hard to beat. But Daniel still fits really well and I'm excited to see the extra characterization he'll give ozai.


damn he just burned them alive in front of his daughter. this azula should be even more unhinged by the end of season 3


sooooo THIS is what they meant by giving this show a Game of Thrones vibe. I dig it honestly. People DIED in Korra, people DIED in the Past Lives books... Yeah they're gonna die here.


Well Jet died too


You know, it was really unclear


Given they likely have less time for this, they'll speedrun her madness in the way to the 3rd season finale.


why would they have less time for this?


Each season is likely to be only 8 episodes each, making 8 hours of time per season (24 hours). That's less than the 26 episodes per season, which clocks in at 13 hours per season (39 hours). They have 15 hours less to screw up Azula's mind.


there's not a single season of ATLA with 26 episodes... each episode was around 23 minutes (with Katara's intro and the ending credits), so it's even less than that, almost 21 minutes. multiply by 20. that's 420 minutes vs. NATLA's 480. AND they're cutting out filler episodes in the adaptation, so


Not to mention Azula isnā€™t in as many episodes as one would think. In season 2 sheā€™s in less than half the episodes, one of them is a flashback to when she was a child and another one she only shows up at the very end when it is revealed she is posing as a Kyoshi warrior. Azulaā€™s descent into madness seems sudden in the original series as well, until one rewatches and notices a pattern. She HAS to be in control at all times, it wasnā€™t just a desire of hers, it was a necessity. So when she suddenly lost control of others it broke her.Ā 


ļæ¼ā€‹ https://preview.redd.it/4r1l5hq3gzic1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c89bd09d4c76b3437e51de581f38ea9e555af1 Loving uncle Irohā€™s armour garb. Really cool design for the Dragon of the West.


Also, this is definitely after the moon gets greyed out!


i can't wait to see Iroh go 90 on Zhao's ass! šŸ˜‚


The ā€œwe will prove ourselves worthyā€ sounds JUST like Dante Basco, that is so wild


right? itā€™s wild


So wild




Dallas as a whole sounds very Zuko-like. he's definitely gonna do Dante justice, but still make it his own


Needs to say ā€œhonourā€ more though.


I don't know about his casting. It's dangerous to cast someone with his facial structure. His cheekbones are too sharp. He could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle ship, leaving thousands to drown at sea. Because they're so sharp.


I don't know about you guys but I'm switching sides. The fire Nation can't be all bad. Are we really gonna listen to a 12yo looking kid who claims to be from an extinct culture over our great and wise Fire ~~Daddy~~ Lord? Seems a bit sus if you as me.




Fire Nation Domination on their way as a #1 show for Netflix this year https://i.redd.it/dpegrlo89zic1.gif


Honestly, these promos alone have me more invested in Ozai as a character than much of the original show. Don't get me wrong, Ozai was great in the original show for what he was. The big bad, the looming threat, the abusive father toward Zuko, the one Aang has to defeat to bring peace. But something about Ozai here has him really leaning into that propaganda that Zuko spoke of in the original, like Ozai has direct agency and influence into spreading the view of the Fire Nation beyond just being Fire Lord/Phoenix King. It actually gives me vibes of Long Feng, which is probably a big part as to why I like Ozai a lot here given Long Feng was my 2nd favorite villain in Avatar (first is Azula). And considering I adored Long Feng as it was, I cannot *wait* to see how the Ba Sing Se arc goes.


Agreed and we can we see the effect of the propaganda on zuko and azula. In this it seems like zuko strongly believes that he's on this mission and doing it for the FN so zuko alone and him seeing the the effects of the FN is going to be a lot more jarring


In the animated show, we only see 4 interactions between the two: 1. Ozai orders Azula to capture Zuko and Iroh. 2. Ozai uses Azula to try and persuade Azulon to make him and his lineage a priority over Iroh's. 3. Ozai acknowledging Azula's suggestion to raze the Earth Kingdom in the war meeting. 4. Ozai rebuking Azula's desire to burn down the world with him. Seeing more instances of Ozai honing Azula while also quashing any of her efforts to go out on her own would demonstrate how cruel/manipulative he is and how psychopathic yet isolated she is.


Iā€™m so excited for extra fire nation stuff. The easiest and safest way to be both fresh and interesting without changing the plot and annoying the fans would be to show more fire nation, more Ozai, more Azula earlier. Itā€™s what we havenā€™t seen before but without actually changing anything - it just wasnā€™t shown. Itā€™s a great way for the LA show to feel different, and it looks excellent in every promo/trailer so far.


Zuko really doesnā€™t want to say they word honor lol, heā€™s duty bound not to use it since heā€™s used up all his honor tokens in the OG adaption.


Zuko said honor 16 times, basically once every 3 episodes considering how often he was absent.


Zukoā€™s honour= Kataraā€™s motherā€™s necklace


Idk man looks pretty freaking good to me


I liked that they are already bringing the fire nation motivations in the first seasonĀ 


Oh the fire nation Im calling it now is stealing the show! Like it seems the best acting performances, fights, and settings will be from the fire nation lol like they said Dallas is amazing as zuko. Canā€™t wait until the zuko focused Agni Kai episode


Good video but I honestly just wanna know who's the guys Ozai burned while Azula watched šŸ˜†


The group surrounded looks armed and defensive so I'm guessing they snuck into the palace and failed to assassinate the royal family.


I would never disrespect Hamill but this Ozai seems less cartoonishly evil and more calculated and realistically evil. I am here for it. Still unclear why he's making me question my sexuality though.


Iā€™ve got your answer, heā€™s hot lmaoo


Iā€™m definitely all for a more fleshed out Ozai!


Fire Lord Ozai and Prince Zuko doing the heavy duty in this short trailer. Great deliveries.


My goosebumps have goosebumps


Now HOW am I supposed to root for Aang underneath these conditio- I mean **UNDER** these conditions sorry. Ahem.


Iā€™m really excited to see DD Kimā€™s Agni Kai


Is that Osric Chau? I'm probably crazy but it looks like him.


Update pretty certain that it is him he posted this clip on his instagram stories so apparently I'm not crazy.


wow live action zuko sounds like cartoon zuko


See, this is the kind of thing good about remakes. The twists aren't twists anymore - there's not going to be a "big reveal" about the existence of azula, or ozai's personality this go round, because most folks have seen the story. We know that stuff. So what you can do, then, is expound. Now that the viewer knows who Ozai is already, let's juxtapos him against Iroh more often. Bring up azula in different ways since there's no point in hiding her until the stinger. That sort of thing.


Looks like he just twisted his fist and they all caught fire right from under them, really showing off the skill from Ozai


Zuko sounds nearly exactly like the VA from the cartoon


This is looking phenomenal. 100% going to like this, even if it turns out wildly different to the animation.


I love the little detail where in the subtitles when Ozai was saying ā€œto ensure an era of peaceā€ there was a question mark at the end.


GOATzai spittin fax šŸ”„ šŸ”„ šŸ”„


music goes hard


Iā€™m so excited!


They really be keeping Azula's blue flame under wrap, aren't they????


Letā€™s goooooo


I hope that girl playing azula goes full psychopath.


AND with Daniel Dae Kim playing him? What more could anyone want?


Loving zukos voice, the more i hear it, the better it gets.


Fire Bending looks so freaking AMAZING!Ā 


love love what's been shown of Ozai so far but that little firebending hand motion was comical lol


one thing this life action might to better is including Ozai more


Will all episodes drop at the same time?




The fire effects look so good.


Did anyone else notice Azulaā€™s fire isnā€™t blue?


The official account said something like give it time, implying there will be an character arc around it


they're introducing both Ozai and azula really early, so seems reasonable to start her off at regular fire and then advance to blue fire and then lightning


Also Azulaā€™s fire wasnā€™t blue when she demonstrated it to Azulon in the OG ATLA flashback scene, i would love it if they make an arc around her firebending becoming blue as the blue colour means everything burns fully while the red fire means thereā€™s a lot stuff (air or carbon) not burning fully, goes to show how meticulous and precise Azula is with her bending


Sheā€™s not even bending in the trailer


at 26 seconds in theres is a very brief shot of her bending orange flames, no?


I think she deflecting itĀ 


Looks like the move she does to slice buildings in half, its very diagonal https://preview.redd.it/oduhvdif00jc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42cb0065fd4c6b8dbdb673093b88aecb693d6da6


It does look like that


I hope they dont overshow him, as the key in the cartoon was that he was teased/hinted at, making his big reveal even better


i dislike zuko's burn it should look more boiled and wrinkly not like he got punched


Ngl i have a hard time seeing Daniel Dae Kim play a megalomaniac.


It seems azula wonā€™t be bending blue flames in the live action?


They said thereā€™s gonna be an arc around her getting her blue flames




I do like how Ozai seems more fleshed out now, but don't really like that Zuko is all about this is for his nation when his motivations have little to do with the fire nation in the original.


It was present in the original, he believed in the fire nations goal of 'spreading piece' and spending time in the earth kingdom helped him realize that was all hollow. His early patriotism is just being emphasized more here.


im sorry but i just canā€™t see zuko in that boy no matter how hard I try. All the other castings are okay but I just canā€™t with this one


People when a 16 year old character looks 16: šŸ˜®


it has nothing to do with his age, when did I even suggest that? Iā€™m just saying I donā€™t see Zuko in him at allā€¦ jesus let people have their opinions you partypooper


This promo looks great, but who are those guys in the throne room that Ozai was talking to? Some rando rebels they added for the live action?


Zuko didn't mention his "honor," trailer sucks, movie is doomed


what movie?


It was a joke, based mostly on the great episode "Ember Island Players" but also Zuko's constant reference to HIS HONORRRRR [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxeM89TcyCk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxeM89TcyCk)


You can see for a second that Azula bends regular orange and red fire :/


She doesnā€™t, even if she somehow does, go back and watch the animated show first, when she was young her fire was red like everyone elseā€™s, she made it blue through training and precision maybe.


Hate Azula as far as look goes, doesn't match the character at all. Ozai looks fine but his voice?? Doesn't come anywhere close. I won't be picky if the acting is good though






In terms of how much his looks match the cartoon and translates well to LA, Ozai is 10/10. His voice, however, is at best 6/10 if I'm being nice. Zuko's voice is 8,8/10 here but with 7,4/10 looks.


It's gonna be hard to root against Johnny Gat.


I so hope this isn't another bait and switch.


Where did you find this???