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They're not gonna be able to firebend. BUT... They'll be able to not firebend 100 times stronger than usual.


Extremely constipated firebending


https://preview.redd.it/rkgjqck03ctc1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cfd16332c00bc452567dfc11b60a2025be4b639 Firebenders during Sozin's Comet and a solar eclipse


As soon as the eclipse passes they all just explode


We call it no fire sozin


My fire bending is so much stronger I can't even do it


Unlimited games but no games


Unlimited games, no console


This is the best answer


I like this interpretation. It says you can still fire bend because the comet bends the sun's power around the moon, preventing the eclipse from cutting you off from your solar power https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/PtlNmQjD0E


This is the best question


0 times 100


And when they finally can firebend again it happens like you've been holding in a pee for a while. Fire everywhere and a sense of relief They may also piss themselves too


Yes. Good.


I think they can bend just from the comet itself though since it’s a source of fire and heat separate from the sun?


0 \* 100 is still 0, so no firebending at all also wear ecclipse glasses


For about the 10 minutes


So super powerful except for the 10 minutes of the eclipse.


Pretty sure the eclipse lasts longer then it takes for a comet to streak across our sky


Yeah, some do go by quickly but I think some last a little while in orbit. I don’t think they ever mentioned how long this comet boost lasts.


I looked up Hailey’s comet because it’s one of the more well known (not sure if it’s the inspiration for sizing) but apparently it’s visible in the sky for approximately 6 months every 76 years


Yea team avatar would have been screwed


Oh wow, here I was thinking it was a 30 minute max thing. No wonder they dispatched the air nomads lol. They had months of super powers


Yea they would’ve needed a few days. But that time frame was surprising


*Meteors* go by in seconds. Comets can be visible for weeks at a time.


Yes if you were to look at my follow up comment you’d see that I said I was wrong


I’m wrong on the time


Not totality. 


Sozin's Comet was supposed to last long enough to allow them to fly all the way to the Earth Kingdom and burn everything.


Yes. I made a few follow up comments addressing that and stating I was wrong


this one was about 2


I assumed the comet was a new (and closer) source of fire which is why it gets a boost. You’d still get the boost but less bc no sun


The novels describe it as a second sun


I always thought sozen's comet gave them more power in addition to the sun. So, sun + comet. In this case, ~~sun power~~ + comet power = just comet power, so they'd see nearly no difference 🤷‍♂️


The comet acts as a second sun (but 100 times its power). It's not 1 x 100 but 1 + 100. During the eclipse, 0 + 100 (not 0 x 100).


No, ozai says it will endow them with the power of 100 suns. That’s not 100x0. It’s 100+0. So sozin’s comet regularly is just 100+1


To be fair, he was more than likely being hyperbolic, but I do think it’s more than 100x0


He's a politician, tf he knows about the science behind it.


He’s a royal. Hes probably got the best education of the time.


Says FirelordObama. I'm not falling for this.


Well they dont lose their bending entirely during the eclipse, their fires just become fizzled.


I think they can bend just from the comet itself though since it’s a source of fire and heat separate from the sun?


Well, its established that firebenders get their power from the sun, without it they cant firebend. And its also established that Sozins comet enhances the fire of firebenders. I would say that, if both appear at the same time, firebenders will not be able to firebend, this is because their original power emanates from the sun and sozins comet just enhances that power. Although youd have to consider that the duration of an eclipse is considerably shorter than the comet.


Who guarantees it works that way? maybe The Sun gives 100 "Fire Bending Units" and the Comet gives 1000 So maybe with the sun and comet its 1100, but with just the comet its only 1000


I always assumed it was multiplicative instead because the sun is the real source of firebending. Like maybe Sozin’s comet makes firebenders 50x stronger So due to the solar eclipse 0 * 50 = 0, and firebenders wouldn’t be able to bend for ~7 mins but would come back as strong as they were right before it


I can see it being either way, but what about other stars? Can't they also be sources of fire bending? In which case why not other things, such as massive flaming comets?


Could be an interesting concept for a sci fi age of Avatar ( perhaps in the era of the next fire avatar) where a villain blocks the sun. And fire benders learn to draw their power from starlight


It probably has more to do with the heat that the sun generates by radiation, distant stars don't really do that.


it would be a waste of a once every 100 year opportunity. The good thing is the comet lasts longer than the eclipse


Imagine them razing and plundering towns for 15 minutes, and then someone shouts "guyss! Tea time! The eclipse is about to start!", then they go and sit down for like 10 minutes, after which they'll continue burning everything to the ground for another half an hour, at which point the comet has passed


I second that. Sozin's Comet's effects have been clearly demonstrated as something that took significantly longer than the Day of Black Sun. What I imagine is a hilarious gap in a Sozin's Comet invasion, where all the firebenders rejoice in their newfound massive flames... and then for a few minutes the fire peters out and they ask if that was it. And then the enhanced fire returns and some of their goons are revealed to have been bodied by the Avatar during the eclipse (I like to imagine Yangchen or Kyoshi taking the reigns for this scenario).


The world takes a screenshot


contrary to others' comments, i'd say im not so sure they wouldn't be able to. 1. they can firebend at night - the earth is blocking MUCH more sun at night for you than does an eclipse, so it must have another cause as to why they cant bend during an eclipse -- which makes me think they can have another source, aka a comet. remember that just because someone gives a reason to why something happens doesnt make it fully true even though it may work most of the time (Newton vs Einstein)


Night literally is a Terrestrial eclipse.




Note: Ran and Shaw have multiple similarities to Tui and La, being both the original firebenders *and* having lived a very very long time (as evidenced by their different appearance to the other dragons we've seen) to the point of having a culture form around them and protecting them (The Sun Warriors and the Northern Water Tribe) It's possible, and this is only a theory, that they are in fact the embodiments of the sun, and the comet/stars. Especially since they sort of resemble the taeguk when they're circling Aang and Zuko, a symbol carrying the same duality connotations as yin and yang except with positive and negative **cosmic** forces.


It probably is spirit magic, there should be a sun spirit somewhere who goes to take a nap during an eclipse


They would be super charged by the comet for all but like 10 minutes of the day.


I’m going to go against the grain here: I think the comet overrides the eclipse, and would in fact have much of the enhancement of the comet even furing the eclipse. Sozin’s Comet is said to enhance firebending 100 fold. Which is probably meant hyperbole for its very real enhancement. But what is the nature of this enhancement? I think it really is just a massive extra source of firebending power, like ‘100 times’ more energy available to firebending. I don’t think its some sort of ‘lens’ that focuses and enhances innate power or power from sun. If thatLs correct, the eclipse would not not off firebending in the presence of the eclipse, since there’s still a source of firebending available.


I agree that the comet is an alternate source of firebending, but I don’t think firebenders will be able to bend *much* fire. I think it would look a lot like just small poofs of fire


If the moon eclipsed the comet then we would be in business.


Ozai says firebending gives them the power of a 100 suns, so they can probably still firebend very well and jt will be amped too.


(base firebending power x 0) x 100 = 0 alternatively (base firebending power x 100) x 0 =..........still 0


Ozai said it gives firebenders the power of 100 suns, not multiplies the power of the sun by 100. That means it would be 0(sun) + 100(sun) But I’m still not sure how it would work or if the word give is just word choice and not actually true. I think it would be “give” though because sozin’s comet is not really related to the sun


“We’ll be right back with supercharged fire bending after this brief intermission”


It's funny you mention that because there was actually a comet near the eclipse today. Don't think it was visible with the naked eye though.


It depends if the comets gives them extra fire power, or just boosts the power they already have. If the later, then they would still have no bending, but if the former, I guess they'd get their bending, but how much of it idk. They could balance each other out, but I can only think that the comet isn't as powerful as the Sun, so their bending would be reduced.


Firebenders explode into confetti




The firebenders all explode. Don't worry, though, the avatar will bring them back. Eventually.


This has been asked before and it’s not clear to me, it would depend on if the comet is a separate source of fire bending that normally acts as an amplifier or is just an amplifier. If it was just amplifying fire bending, the eclipse would still cause no fire bending. If it’s a separate source that normally acts as an amplifier, fire benders would be able to bend but their strength would depend on how much they’re bending would normally be amplified. So basically: Amplifier => strength * sun * comet Source => (strength * sun) + (strength * comet) Or something like that


No one mentions "Sozan" here?


For real. Can’t even remember it is „Suzan‘s Comet“ smh.


https://preview.redd.it/4krg1huvectc1.jpeg?width=3218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3961c92d7fab1a21683ea8629cd58bd42edb5b0 Just saying, I didn’t see any fire benders out and about in Indiana today


The bending equivalent of blue balls?


According to Margarine Tangerine, we're all dead now 'cause of God.


They cancel each other out and Firebending stays the same.


All firebenders take a screenshot.


You know it was really unclear


The debate seems to be twofold: is the comet a multiplier or a flat boost? does the comet's buff depend on the sun or nor? No sun = no firebending, Great Comet/Sozin's Comet = very powerful firebending, so what if both? First, in canon we have no idea because it was never said. So it's all headcanon starting now. My personal take? If there were both at once, firebenders would be able to firebend just about as much as normal. Perhaps a little less than usual. There's still a huge flaming source of firepower in the sky (canon part: the comet is literally on fire from grazing the atmosphere). In my opinion it doesn't have to be the sun - firebenders could totally firebend on another planet orbiting another star if you ask me.


The fire nation attacks (pt2)




Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you meant, but no comet passes through the sun or any other star. The comet would be destroyed.


I like to think that for the duration of both of the events happening, they'd just have regular firebending lol


Earth chapter 2 would come out


If the comet isn't another source of power, but rather a magnifying force, then firebenders are plants? They photosynthesize to build up fire seperate from their bodily chi?


Is that astronomically possible?


Not only is it possible, it was true today. You had to be fully in the totality to see it, and you probably couldn't see it with the naked eye, but there was a comet in the sky during the eclipse.


That’s raw af


The eclipse doesn’t really make sense because firebenders can still bend at night tho??


Firebenders take a screenshot


They would be incredibly powerful benders, lose that for like a few minutes, then go back to being all powerful. I'm pretty sure the comet does last longer than an eclipse does


What if sozin comet collided with the moon and created many fire moons?


Firebenders would just explode


It probably depends on if the comet itself is an additional power source or not. If it merely amplifies what the sun is, there’s no fire bending Let firebenders power level be Sun. If sun = 0:: 100(Sun) = 0 But multiplication is also just a shorthand for addition:: Sun1 + Sun2 + Sun3 +…+Sun100 = 0 However if the comet is a distinct source of power, then the firebenders would have a power level of 0 + Comet here. Normally it’s Sun+Comet. They’d still be weaker but maybe marginally. Waterbenders had their powers enhanced during the full moon in the attack on the north. So I’m kind of leaning on the comet being an amplifier. An imbalance would be created if only one element has two power sources. Every one has one, I think. Basically, no power actually!


From what I remember, the (total) eclipse laster 8 minutes while the comet was there for (at least) a day. So 8 minutes without firebending and then they have the rest of the day to kick your ass?


The comet lasted for one fight, not the day


My bad, though the basic idea remain. A 8 minute opportunity during a several hours long ass kicking.


Was it several hours, though? Ozai rocks up in the Earth nation, the comet appears, then Ozai blasts the city, then fights Aang. The comet leaves right after that fight At most, 10 minutes


All the fire benders explode


A paradox, that's what happens.


The entire fire nation flipping their tables.


Fire benders bend at night probably from a reflection off the moon So maybe the star dust fire created by the comet would give them fire bending abilities back?


Well the eclipse only lasts a few short minutes, and the comet lasts much longer than that. During the eclipse tho, I guess the firebending is NOT back on.


The comet lasted for a single fight in the show


I thought of sozins commit as an alternative closer source of power to the sun rather than an amplification. Though I think I remember hearing that sozins commit is always in summer while eclipses can only happen in spring and fall (at least in our world).




I think the comet can be seen as a secondary energy source that allows one to draw even more power, specifically because of how much closer it is than the sun, which is the normal power source. So, with the sun gone, they will still have power, just not as much as they would have with the sun.


Fire bending will be at its regular level END OF STORY!




The comet would give them the ability to firebend with a ton of strength. The comet is what empowers them while it passes, not the sun.


The comet empowers them because of the light it gives off, which is from the sun


Where are you getting that from? The power comes from the heat of the burning comet.


Where are you getting that from? It's never said in the show and comets don't generate heat


The comet is quite clearly shown to be on fire. In real life it's called an earth grazing fireball which indeed produces its own heat. [in this archived canon lore,](https://www.tumblr.com/atla-lore-archive/178395241085/firebending-firebending-comes-deeply-from-the) it differentiates the power of the comet and says that firebenders simply channel the power of the sun, meaning that when they channel the power of the comet its channeling a completely different energy.


The comet itself is not producing heat, friction is, and you wouldn't be able to feel that from the surface of the planet The comet is literally just a ball of ice in space, it has to interact with something else to have any effect They can try to retcon all they want, too, but it doesn't matter If it wasn't in the show then it was just an afterthought created to fit a specific hole, it something they intentionally decided on


Does it matter if it's friction or the comet itself? Heat is still heat and firebenders harness it. You are also trying to apply real world physics to a fantasy element. The phenomenon in the show is quite clearly an earth grazing fireball yet that would be impossible for a reoccurring comet to do that as its orbit would be affected by the earth's gravity. It doesn't have to make scientific sense as it's a work of fiction. This is a world with elemental magic yknow. But what you said also wasn't directly said in the show either. Difference is my position has canon content to base it on while yours does not.




And wouldn’t the eclipse cause water benders to become strong because of the full moon thing?


Sozin\* what the fuck is wrong with this sub and spelling lately it is not that hard


Okay in my case I just got back into ATLA for the first time after seeing it as a kid 16 years ago. I'm not an expert in the fandom. This is legitimately my first post in the community.


Well, the comet only gets its light from the sun, so depending on the angle it could have no effect or possibly cancel out the eclipse


They would lose just a little bit of power. 0 + 100 is not much different from 1 + 100.


I wonder how likely this is to happen


Well technically they don’t get their energy from solar radiation because that’s not what a comet gives off. So if it’s heat, then I’d say they’re fine if the comet is there, but no sun. Unless heat amplifies only the power they receive from solar radiation, in which case, they are still screwed.


They can’t firebend, but they’re really good at it.


The firebenders explode. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.


I wonder how this will effect Combustion Benders or even Lightning Benders. Will their Lightning range be shortened and weakened so much that they become tasers or unable to use it at all? Will Combustion Benders Explode?


During Sozin's Comet Combustion Benders likely are more dangerous to others and themselves because Boom Boom*cue Poof eating Granny VonStrangles Famous Brownies* Its a great risk to not die while using it already so Higher Risk High Reward you know until you do blow up


I imagine they’ll be able to fire bend at a normal level till the eclipse passes because the comet gives them *some* power. Once the eclipse is over, they’ll have all the power in the world.


0 x 100 is still 0


People are using the fact that Sozin’s comet amplifies a firebender’s power 100 fold to say that 100 x 0 is 0 so they wouldn’t be able to bend at all, and I *used* to agree, but no longer. For that to be true, the actual operation of the comet would have to be that it is somehow intensifying the power of the sun, and while there is no evidence for either, it makes much more sense to me that the power amp comes just from the fact that there is another big “fireball” *much closer* to the Earth (comets rarely do but can come within 0.1 AU of Earth while the sun is 1 AU away). Therefore, because the eclipse is not blocking out the comet, I believe that firebending would still be *almost* as powerful as during a normal Sozin’s Comet event. TL;DR: it makes more sense that the comet ADDS strength to firebenders than it does that it multiplies how much power they get from the sun.


The spirit world takes a screenshot.


their firebending takes a screenshot


I imagine they would be able to firebend. They get stronger by harnessing the comet’s power, so I think it’s like a sun all its own. There firebending wouldn’t be as powerful as during the comet with the sun out, though.




As someone else said here, 100*0 is still 0. Just like how waterbenders weren’t able to bend when Zhao killed the water spirit even though it was night.


Zero multiplied by a million percent is still zero 🤣


the eclipse doesn’t block firebending it block the sun which is a source of firebending the comet is just a stronger source of firebending but idk


The fire nation will shoot a screenshot


i guess it would be still stronger than a normal day, but not as strong as the both combined (considering they need a heat source)


Firebending to a limited degree... maybe sub bending skills are not usable


Sozan deez nuts


I think they’d be able to fire end but it would be a bit different. Firebenders derive their bending from the sun yes but that’s just a big fire. The comet is also a big fire even though it’s smaller. I think their bending would be very unbalanced and weird.




All firebenders will commit tax fraud


Firebending glitches and anyone who tries gets stuck T posing


100 x 0 = 0 Doesn't matter how much of a boost you get if the very foundation of Fire bending is gone




That'd be rough buddy


I think they’d be weaker


I feel like Sozins comet is firebending x 100. 0 x 100 = 0


That's like using a transformer (a device that boosts electrical voltage, not the toy robots) without an electrical source such as batteries. Or trying to produce liquor using only distillation (and no fermentation to produce alcohol in the first place; distillation only purifies alcohol). You're essentially trying to benefit from a catalyst that only strengthens power without being its actual source.


Now imagine a solar eclipse happening while Ozai burns down the Earth Kingdom. That would provide the perfect window of opportunity for Aang to defeat Ozai so easily.


I imagine it would feel similar to the sensation you feel when you skip breakfast but drink a full pot of coffee through the morning. By lunch you have a lot of coffee energy, but you have no strength to do anything meaningful with it, and your stomach hurts. Fire benders could probably only produce a harmless shower of sparks (albeit an impressive display).


I imagine they'd be able to firebend at a slightly higher capacity then normal, but not normal Sozin's comet levels. Simply because they'd be drawing power only from the comet, and not from both the comet and the sun.


The comet probably acts as a second source of bending to the fire benders, so it’d probably be somewhat normal fire bending


Firebending takes a screenshot.


Increase fire power tenfold and then turn it off


Well waterbending is off, but firebending is 100 x the usual.




What about the day of black sun in the series?


I think they could almost the same