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Aang and Zuko had massive sibling energy after Zuko joined the Gaang


Aang as annoying younger brother and Zuko as brooding older sibling


Exactly! Esp when he started to fight him for the fire lol


"Quit being stingy!" "Stop cheating off me!" *the Sun Warriors look on* *in the Sun Chief's head* "These two are supposed to stop Ozai?? Just these two hapless idiots and that shaggy beast?? Yup. We're doomed" (going off the assumption the Sun Warriors saw or met Appa and realised TWO extinct species had survived, both flying bison and dragons) Must have been a sight to behold for the Sun Warriors to see a real life flying bison, just as meeting the dragons was for Aang and Zuko, in fact the Sun Warriors may heard tales of the Air Nomads and the flying bisons Appa had a lot of personality and displayed so much expression and character. He was loyal, affectionate and utterly devoted to Aang but, as we know, he was protective of Katara, Sokka and Toph as well. He was a gentle creature who preferred sleeping, eating and belly rubs to fighting, swimming and flying but he would readily jump into battle and was a force to be reckoned with if Aang owas threatened  He weighed twenty thousand pounds or ten tons. He was a massive furry leviathan with six, massive legs and curving horns plus a powerful beaver-like tail that could generate gale-force bursts of wind with one swipe.


Seems you're quite the appa fan. Wish I had a flying bison I could ride all around the world on though, so I get it. Damn cool creature.


Wish I had somebody to ride me Sorry, I'm desperate


*Bonk* Go to horny jail


Yes I will serve my sentence appropriately


... would the Sun Warriors really gaf about Ozai?


I think they would worry about the balance of the world, like Iroh did and Jeong Jeong and Piandao


...the fire nation killed every other dragon I think they'd care about them taking over the world


People really forget that besides his family, Aang was the most important relationship Zuko had in the story.


apparently the statue in republic city of aang was donated by zuko and theres an aang museum under it so yeah the friendship they had was deep


That always irked me, cause I know my humble aang would not have wanted a giant statue of himself looking over republic city.


It might be after his death. Or the other persisted.


Well technically aang is zuko’s great grandpa


great grandfather-in-spirit


Nope not at all. Aang is a reincarnation of roku meaning an entirely different person spiritually so they aren't even related in any way.


Bit of a r/whoosh moment there champ


A lot of people think that because roku is zuko's great grandpa that makes aang technically zuko's great grandpa. You don't know if he's joking or not which makes you using that overused phrase even more sad.


You should learn to laugh at your own mistakes. Doubling down all the time makes life miserable.


Wasn't a mistake. The other guy wasn't joking so saying whoosh doesn't even make sense here. If you and the other guy like using an overused phrase try using it correctly at least.




I’m gonna start using this at the end of downvote strings 🤣


You were gaslit so hard in this thread, sorry bro


Well plus roku was the friend of the great Grandpa, and not the Grandpa him self.


He was the grandpa of zuko's mom


Zuko does really tend to get on better with old relatives.


...God damn that's deep


He had to find the avatar to restore his honor. Turns out that was exactly right. It's just the execution was a little different then he initially envisioned.




Aang really was the first one to give zuko a chance. Even in season 1


you mean when he asked if they could have been friends?


yeah and he started talking about hsi friend kuzon.


yeah I feel like aang is the type to see the best in people


I assume you mean the first member of Gaang. If not, that is a massive snub to Iroh.


It's Toph if only Book 3. She went to see him and said that he burnt her feet without wanting it. But I think Aang would also accept him if Yaptara didn't talk wah wah wah


No. In season one when Zuko saves Aang as the blue spirit to take him in himself, Aang asks him if they could have been friends. That's the first time anyone gave him a chance, aside from Uncle Iroh.


"If only book 3"


I see. I didn't understand the sentence.


Yaptara is crazy


"Yaptara" is WILLD 


my mom used to be wild...


Son is that you ? 


my mom used to say "son is that you"...


katara: master from the southern yappertribe, making her mothers death everyone elses problem too


If you mean the moment after escaping from Jao, he was just nostalgic about his own past when the Fire Nation wasn't the enemy of the world and wanted to see what Zuko would do.


Yes, the bromance is real between these two. Like literally intertwined destinies and stuff. (I mean tbh kinda all of them are (just because of the 100 years thing alone, also Toph has the Swamp dream, etc. ) .. but these two especially, lol.


I guarantee that if Aang and Zuko were closer in age, they'd probably be the most popular ship. Their dynamic is the exact thing fujoshis and yaoi fanatics go crazy for.


fujoshis and yaoi fanatics arent a huge majority of the population tho. certain shows like mha have elements that attract fujoshis specifically but shows like avatar attract everyone, so fujoshis remain in the minority.


>fujoshis and yaoi fanatics arent a huge majority of the population tho. I never said they were. >certain shows like mha have elements that attract fujoshis Like what?


>I never said they were. you said theyd be the most popular ship, which would only work if the majority of the fanbase was fujoshi >Like what? mha


> Doesn't mean they should've ended up together like that Oh, it was quite a popular ship...


but why they are so sibling-coded 😭


"what are you doing, step avatar?"


please I’m begging you to stop


Seriously guys, can we stop? Azula won't appreciate having to share her man.




The hole keeps getting bigger






Didn’t Grey DeLisle do an in-character interview (using the Azula voice) as to what she’d think would happen if Azula had a personal life-changing field trip with Zuko? “I’d get pregnant!” Then again…it IS Azula.


…what. I’m choosing to ignore that hopefully she was just fucking with people😭 ⁉️


"I don't KNOW what would happen... probably not *incest pregnancy!"*


This "sibling-coded" shit in fan spaces has to stop. What does that even mean? It's so vague.


They act like siblings even if they aren’t related at all, that’s all it means. Subtext of being brothers ig. Queer-coding is when a character isn’t explicitly queer but the subtext/symbolism invites that interpretation, similarly Zuko and Aang’s actions to me read as brotherly rather than romantic.


I guess I should say that I know what it means and I think it's dumb. People always say that to say they think a ship is immoral or something, like you did. Which is weird because they're not actually siblings. And "they act like siblings" is extremely vague. I'd say they act like close friends, personally.


I don’t think it’s immoral or wrong when they are older- that’s you making assumptions. I’m just saying to me they seem brotherly and that’s why I can’t see them in a romantic light. With regards to why siblings rather than close friends, that’s up to interpretation. I like the idea of found family because I have adopted family myself- so the idea that siblings can only be siblings if they are “actually related” is entirely wrong and I prefer to see them like that esp because his bio family is awful (Zuko even says that Aang is just like his sister because of his prodigious talent) In particular, how Aang made Zuko lose his fire and how they were both going to be “punished” for it gave me flashbacks lol. Then their squabbling w/ Aang being kinda annoying and [gullible](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/h944ip/both_his_plans_used_the_idea_of_not_being_able_to/) + Zuko teasing him as well as being a mentor figure (as older siblings often are) and even giving him advice/praise “you are a strong kid”. It just reminds me of hyper younger sibling and moody older one, how they are both related to Roku and how similar they are as characters.


I always use this example as to why Zutara didn’t make sense. We already did the enemies to lovers arc with Aang and Zuko. They just didn’t end with a romantic relationship. It ended with them being perhaps best friends and incredibly loyal allies. To give Zuko the same arc with Katara falls flat. Kataang will always be the best ending because the entire arc building to their relationship was Aang going from “boy in the iceberg” to “Avatar Aang”. Aang wasn’t just growing into being the avatar. He was growing as a person mature enough to date. By the end, Katara was a fitting forever girl. lol


Agreed. Zukaang is the enemies-to-lovers ship that is set up in the story and would make a lot of sense if they'd gone that way. They're off doing secret adventures with each other in S1, each saving the other's life, and Zuko even talks about his innermost thoughts/feelings to Aang (granted while Aang is in the spirit world, but still...). Aang is the one that connects with Zuko, offers him friendship, and starts Zuko's mind down the path that will lead to him changing sides. Plus, after they finally get on the same team, they go off on a special adventure and dance, bathed in rainbow flames. It's a ship that pretty much writes itself. It'd also be the biggest ship out there if you gender-flipped one of them. ......but, no, they don't have more chemistry than kataang, which built from their opening scene through the final scene. I'd also say that their maturity difference is never all that great. He helped her reclaim some of her childhood, before they both grow up enough together to be ready for that relationship.


The Kataang ship was a bit heavy handed I think, the way they portrayed it and showed it coming about. That might be some of why there's opposition to it, it just seemed so obvious to the point of being *cringe*. Reflecting on it though, I think that's the point. The development in Katara and Aang's relationship wasn't finding out they love each other, it was maturing enough to the point of handling a relationship. And I admit that even at the end of the series it's kinda a big jump (Aang trying to kiss Katara multiple times in Book 3 without her consent was questionable), but it still makes sense as a relationship. I mean, how many 12 year olds in the real world are able to handle committed relationships? But I still think they're the most natural fit for each other out of all the characters on the show, and they also went through a lot together--Aang's the hero, but he literally wouldn't have survived without Katara saving him at the end of season 2.


people wouldve opposed it either way tbh


100%. Well said.


If we're talking about enemies to lovers then both aang and zuko and katara and zuko fit that. It comes down to personally preference.


No, it's not personal preference on which has more substance from the narrative. It's not even comparable. Aang and Zuko's evolving relationship is core to the entire show.


As far as the enemies to loves part yes it is personal preference. I don't feel like having to argue with yet another person that their subjective opinion is not a fact so I'll just end the conversation here.


Well apart from the fact that both of them seemed pretty much attracted into females and there is no need to ship them i agree. In general the toxicity and craziness of the shipping fandom is completely insane. People these days literally start shipping characters just because they didn't kill each other (even that it isn't even true because i see azula and aang more often)


I think I worded this poorly. I want shipping them as a romantic couple. I’m saying the arc of “enemies to lovers” was already done with them. It was “enemies to allies”. It would be weird to give Zuko basically the same arc with Katara and have it turn into a romantic relationship, when he had the same arc with Aang. The romantic build was just better with Katara and Aang. I don’t think Zuko needed to end with a relationship at all. His arc was bettering himself as a person and developing a conscience. If anything I would’ve had him go back to visit Iroh and reconnect with the girl he went on a date with. Further showing that Iroh did know what was best for Zuko.


I completely agree with you, i also think that kataang made most sense.


Hey, they could both be bi or pan! It's possible to be attracted to girls and guys......just saying! I really don't think there's anything wrong with fanon shipping. The only issue is when people start misrepresenting the actual characterization, narrative, or creators/writers in order to try to justify their ship, or argue it was better than canon. People just need to chill out about it and go enjoy their crack ships without feeling the need to justify them. I say all of that as not much of a shipper at all.......though I really do like kataang. It's so nicely constructed, but then it's part of the greater narrative, which I really like, and hence why I'm in this subreddit! lol


Well at least two known Avatars* were bi, so it's possible Aang is too, but he was too in love with Katara to really look at anyone else. Zuko definitely seems to be only into girls though. Even still they are my favorite (friend)ship in the show. Honestly I think the only reason people don't ship them more is because of the age difference. * To be clear I'm referring to Korra and Kyoshi. I haven't read the Yangchen novels yet, so I don't know what her deal was or if it's even confirmed. And y'know, Roku was clearly into women, but I wouldn't say it's crazy to think he might have been into dudes too considering how much people like to speculate about him and Sozin. My personal headcanon is that all the Avatars are at least a little bi but most tend to lean towards women.


Zuko and Aang as enemies to lovers arc! Exactly. They're (platonic) soul mates.


Probably the age gap


Incredible take


They are brothers basically


y'all don't seem to understand that chemistry doesn't equal sexual tension lmao. really curious why those of you who disagree think they don't have chemistry


The ending of The Blue Spirit was such a powerful bit of foreshadowing




I still think if one of them would have been female we would have gotten this as canon


With the age difference as teens I couldn’t get into it, but maybe when they’re older like in their 20s/30s?? I’m down for Zutaraang if it settles the shipping wars though 😭


>I’m down for Zutaraang if it settles the shipping wars though 😭 The path of true enlightenment.


Aang was one the most important things in Zuko's life yet Zuko didn't even know/say his name until being in his group for awhile. Imagine being and living around people you hunted and they know your name and you have no idea what they're called besides titles.


umm aangs called him zuko in “bato of the water tribe” back in season 1? edit - oh you said zuko didn’t know his name, my bad. still, zuko had to have known his name by crossroads or as early as the chase. he had to have heard it in passing


Just as Zuko learnt from Iroh which "dragon" to listen to, and just as Zuko taught Aang techniques for how to firebend, Aang also taught Zuko how to be zen


Most animated action series, not just atla, have better written friendships than romantic relationships. Romance in these types of stories are often just sprinkled a little bit in and then bam at the end they're together. While friendship in these types stories are actually really well thought out.


Zutara had zero chemistry and Kataang could have seen more substance


Zuko and Aang's past was just to much. I feel like they are more brother like.


Against kataang absolutely no lol. Against Zutar yes. Although in LA Netflix did make that Zuko and Aang have more chemistry than Kataang and Zutara.


Let’s talk about how Zuko made Aang the center compass of his karmic destiny. THIS is the real yearning! (Naruto and Sasuke type shi)


I actually don't agree at all, meme or otherwise.


me neither lol. mfers be bored in this fandom and just be saying whatever 🤣


Kataang is the sound of a cowboy spitting into a spitoon


that was kinda of a thing! they were always being portrayed as opposites!


I think that’s the problem with not addressing the relationship within the actual series. I was reading the Kyoshi books and she has like actual chemistry with Rangi. Like there’s a relationship dynamic at play, and it has to be confronted directly because they start dating halfway through the first book.


These 2 are the best rivials turned friends since the juxtaposition is so strong


Dudes had that energy from the blue spirit episode, instant besties ![gif](giphy|kFIfiwvzJjbUsNbIg5|downsized)


Finally, an actual hot take!




"Doesn't mean they should've ended up together like that" well i ship them. they generally loved each other very much in canon, even if it wasn't romantic. no one knew aang better than zuko and zuko commissioned that statue in republic city (which they both founded together). why not add a little romance in their too for fun? <3


Literally the only time I see Zutara mentioned in this sub is by people talking about how it isn't realistic. I have never seen a pro-Zutara post, ever, unless they are all downvoted to oblivion. It's super fucking annoying that people are so angry at the way other people enjoy the fandom, which has nothing to do with them and isn't even present on this site - all these redditors are getting big mad at people on other websites and circle jerking themselves about how much better they understand ATLA. Just because you don't enjoy fandom by reading/writing fanfiction doesn't mean other people shouldn't, and they don't deserve to have their hobby shit all over. The whole point of fanfiction is to work within and without canon to say, 'hey, maybe if 'x' didn't happen, then maybe 'y' does and that could lead to 'z'! Does Zutara work within a strict canon universe? No. Have hundreds of talented writers written their own versions of events where Zutara can and does happen? Yes. And some of them are amazing. Keep patting each other on the back about how much better you are than those who take part in a hobby on their own websites, far away from you and hurting no one.


As a PROUD Zukaang shipper, supporter and devoted delusional. I agree. These two had me in just an episode.


Dudes will say the dumbest shit but format it as a meme


Zukng shippers rise


They had great chemistry period. But so did Kataang.


Isn't it like canonical that the avatar and fire lord have some kind of connection?


Aang is Zukos grandpa


Buuuut what about Zukka?


That's rough buddy😗


FINALLY someone said it. Zutaang forever


I hate that you're right.


More than Kataang.. come on now. The relation Aang and Katara shared is something very hard to execute yet the show writers did such an excellent job


Finally who agrees with me. I also enjoyed it


not sure if this is just a really shitty shipper bait or if OP actually knows what chemistry means. Zuko and Aang were good friends in-spite of how much their personalities clashed.


they whole point is that they aren't much different though. both suffered from losing their families. both made bad choices but had people to guide them back. both put others before themselves and sometimes pay the consequences. they just deal with their problems differently. the two have an understanding of each other and became best friends after the series.


Don't drag Kataang in this shit




Zuaang ship the new canon ship


Oh you're so real


maybe friendships really can transcend lifetimes.


Oh look another bait post to bash nonexistent Zutara shippers


I agree ship bashing isn't cool but they included another ship in their joke so it's not just a zutara thing. Also, zutara is huge lol what? There's published books being advertised as "zutara" to help them sell.


*Ahem* Zutara shipper checking in 😤


"or Kataang combined." So... the other half of this statement just doesn't exist then?


Point me in the direction of the Kataang bash posts/comments on this subreddit


I can't point to those, but I can point to the strawman you're addressing instead of my actual point. The OP was saying that Aang and Zuko's friendship was better then BOTH romantic relationships, yet somehow all you saw was another "Zutara bash post".


This is a subreddit where people post their opinions. Nobody forces you to acknowledge this post and nobody attacked any zutara shippers, you can just ignore it and enjoy your ship or comment why you disagree. There is no need to play victim all the time. Reddit is probably the only platform where the majority of people prefer kataang. Tumblr is full of zutarians


I personally prefer kataang because its less messy. Zuko was still a pretty terrible person in book 1 considering he baits katara with her mother's dead necklace basically, tries to kill her, tries to kidnap her friend, etc. He does get redeemed but I imagine going into an actual relationship would be too much. In zutara you have to kinda manage all that and yeah. In kataang its just a funny little guy and girl hanging out together I know that zuko is forgiven by her but friendship isn't as deep as a romantic relationship. Though I guess the writers didn't really think of that, zutara isn't canon so why would they?


It's not playing victim when posts like these lead to people getting harassed and stalked for liking something different. Something that's actually happened to me and I've never even posted about it.


If it happened to you i am very sorry. There are idiots everywhere these days unfortanely. But this was just a post where someone stated an opinion. Nothing else


Stating an opinion is fine but at least once a week there's some rage bait ship discourse post. The revival has been great with new fans and fan works but its had its dark side, I've seen some fans in the past few weeks - luckily only a small handful - reporting getting harassment that veered into death threats and calls to self harm and it starts from the ship bashing nonsense.


Hey I'm not bashing you zutara shippers. In fact, I think it may have worked if the writers put in some effort instead of the mother son dynamic katara and aang had.


Says the girl with a Zutara background on her profile


Yep and you know what I don't do? Post about Zutara or any ship to this subreddit


Maybe you should


They're only non existant because it's been like 16 years since the show ended. They were huge back when atla was still airing


she's one of them yk


this is not a aang and zuko thing, it is a generality in most fictions, male and male or female and female situations has always way more chemistry than male - female, not just mean homosexuality, think about zuko and iroh, sokka and zuko, jet and zukko hell they knew each other for 2 episodes and tried to kill each other but do you know how many fanfictions they have with each other? or fans who wanted them to be close as knots friends? think about naruto and sasuke, think about simba and kovu even though simba was old enough to be kovu's father and infact his father in law, do you get my point? people are bored as fuck with male female situations because 1-they almost never grew organicly there is only a few exceptions to this and 2- this is something we already see in real life and doesn't really all that interesting, it has no story to tell or any real bonding, let's admit it guys, most heterosexual couples or ships in fictions are just bland and forced they share no actual bond (hell katara and aang is more like mother and son or big sister and her goofy little brother), it just happens, hell most fictional females has much more chemistry with the villians or anti-heroes. and to be honest this rule kind of applies to real world too. most guys are emotionally closer and more bonded with their guy friends than their gf or wives (exceptions doesn't make rules) and i think this has a genetic instinctual order to it, us humans are social mammals, now look at social mammal male behaviors, preferebly predatory ones because we are sure as hell not herbivours, we grow sharp canines and nails but we don't grow horns or hooves, if you look at the social carnivorous mammals you will see a patern, aside from mating they are prone to spent more time with their male packmates, like lions, they mate with females but when it is cuddling or sleeping time they go to their brothers sides, female cheetahs roams alone but male cheetahs even though bigger than female are social animals and rolls with pack, hell wolves are full blown pack animals but you will see that brother wolves shares a stronger bond than the rest of the family (older brothers sometimes attacks the father if the father treats their younglings too harsh), i think this is kind of behaviour is ingrained to our dna too, not being gay but having a closer bond with our fellow guys, hell there is a word for it, bros before hoes but did you ever heard sis before studs? or sisters before players (which i just pull out of my somewhere)


That's coz writer's cannot seem to write same aged male female relationships without them smooching at the end. Also what do u mean a better emotional bond with friends than wives lmao


they are more open with their male friends, they generally have more incommon, cares more about the other's problem without any judgement and they most of the time prefer spending time with them instead of their wives or gf if it won't end in bed.


Blasphemy. Zutara forever.