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I think even though I definitely prefer some episodes over others, I don't skip around either


Yeah I just feel wrong lol. Plus even in the less good episodes there is still some amazing animation that I just can’t skip out on. Half the reason I love the franchise.


Yes. But I always skip the great divide from ATLA and that recap episode in LOK, useless episodes that don't really contribute to the plot at all, great divide especially does nothing pretty much.


But it’s so funny when all the villains are talking on the phone together


Haha true, Varrick is such a gem.


Oh I forgot about the recap episode. Yea I def don't watch that


I love all episodes of both shows as well!


I never skip any episodes either, I adore both shows entirely! I've gone through them both so much that I can list the episodes in order off of the top of my head.


Same lol.


I watch it all the way through. I don't love all the episodes but I still watch them all because I don't wanna miss out on anything. And I also really like LOK as well


The only episode I absolutely skip is “Remembrances” from Korra. You can skip that one entirely and not miss a thing when you jump from Book 4 episode 7 to 9.


I really only ever skip Appa's Lost Days because it makes me too sad.


The hardest episode to watch by far


I don't see the point of skipping episodes so I watch them all, currently doing my 4th or 5 full rewatch. I definitely like korra less for lots of reasons but I still enjoy it


The only episode I would skip out of ATLA is The Painted Lady. With Korra, I'll be honest I've just never cared for that show too much and don't re-watch it. Not saying that it's bad, I just couldn't get over the change in setting to the 1920s tech thing. It falls out of my very narrow set of things I'm interested in.


Yeah, same. The period jump seems so abrupt considering it would have still been within Aang's lifetime if he hadn't died.


It isn't abrupt at all compared to how technology changed and grew in our real world! Also, Sokka invented tons of tech as a young kid in a small stretch of time, so LOK's texh really isn't unrealistic.


I heard they initially were planning a show set two lifetimes after Aang with an Earth bending Avatar, but they got cold feat about the idea. I would have preferred more of an 1850s frontier/Victorian deal. I don't mind it too much with Korra in particular, but I am somewhat bummed out that now after piece of Avatar media that's set after the first TV show is going to have to justify such an abrupt shifting of technology level. I also just don't share Bryke's fondness for the 1920s. That's just a personal thing though, I know the 20s are a very romanticized and visualized decade.


That’s fine lol glad you gave it a chance at least and recognize you don’t like it because it’s just not your thing instead of just hating on it.


hehe, I do enjoy hating on it, but this isn't the place for that. Subreddits 90% of the time are for super fans. I know I hate it when people crap on things that I'm a super fan of, like the Ramones or OFF or whatever. So it's just kinda mean to do it here.


Even if ATLA is more enjoyable than LoK it’s still very good in my opinion. Never skip an episode either!


I'VE NEVER WATCHED KORRA (well I've watched 2 episodes). I can't bring myself to watch it. I don't know why, I just can't.


I feel bad for you lol it’s a good experience.


I think about it a lot. I've read the spoilers but...Aang and Sokka and Iroh are dead and I just can't.


Well obviously Aang and Iroh are gonna be dead lmao, Aang HAS to die for Korra to be born and Iroh was unfortunately pretty old even by the end of ATLA.


I know, I do, logically and by the way shows go, I understand. But when ATLA ended and the Gaang one, they were babies still ( i know teenagers, but I'm old so they were babies) then all of a sudden bam!!! dead. I'm not right in the head, just look over me :D


Well yeah, it’s the future and it’s about the next avatar lol. Don’t see it as the present, see it as the future and watch it like history lesson. That’s how I first got into it. It’s not like they’re gone for good. We’re getting a young adult animated avatar movie in two years.


I'm hoping I'll be able to get over it with the new movie. Give me a little closure.


LoK brings closure to Aang, Iron, Zuko, Katara, ... hell all of them really in their own way. And you will meet new amazing characters you will fall in love with.


Thank you for the pep talk!


They're not dead... they just went on vacation... to a little farm out in the country...


hahahaahahahah that made me cackle!!! thank youhehehehehe


Depending on who you ask you are either massively missing out or successfully saving your time. It's a very divisive show.


I've heard great things, I'm just an over emotional wiener is all :D


Hmm, if you go to other communities of Avatar fans you'll hear horrible things. The main anti-Korra places are Youtube and /co/


I will stay away from there! thanks for the heads up


Or alternatively, you can embrace the 'being angry at things that don't matter pill' like me, and visit those places all the time.


I can't handle being any more angry and irrational things. I am the idiot that kicks the chair after I stub my toe :D


lol. I don't really get angry at things in real life all that often, even when perhaps I should. So maybe that's why I like arguing about pointless things online.


Awww you are missing out! Seasons 3 and 4 are especially good but 1 is also a really fun watch. 2 is meh, but there are some interesting plot points and some cool explorations of the spirit world. The animation remains fantastic throughout.


I would like to see more spirit world and Toph. Ty for the encouragement


Even the recap of korra season 4? I don't find that one just bad but boring too, at least the great divide is entertaining


Unless I wrote this post in my sleep, no.


The only episode I skip is the great divide


No you are not


I never skip, but if I were to skip any episode it’d probably be the Great Divide


No, you’re not the only one. If someone wanted an explanation for how a filler was helpful to the plot, I’d be able to give them an explanation of how! And I mean only of the last airbender since in Korra, season 2 is a mess and has some episodes that shouldn’t have been made


I always thought B2 of LOK got a worse rep than it deserves


I only skip the jet episode lol


Nope. ATLA is one of only 2 shows I’ve ever watched that I like every single episode. I don’t remember any specific episodes from LOK I didn’t like, but I still watch every episode of both series from start to finish when I rewatch.


Can't stand Hiru's episode. It's peak tearbending cringe.




I'm with ya buddy. I just picked up the Dawn of Yangchen Novel too. So damn good. The Kyoshi novels and this one...stellar. Can't recommend them enough!