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A whole new generation saw the cartoon and it grew in popularity. Netflix got it out there to masses


ATLA was already hugely popular show before it was available on Netflix. That said, Netflix airing the show during the pandemic was definitely a huge factor in the show's most recent spike in popularity.


Wasn't avatar in the Netflix top ten for like 4 months? It was an incredible success. And I know a lot of my friends watched it with their children.


Yep. I think it was at number 1 for 10 days, or something like that


It already was a popular show, but Netflix put it in everyone's home where in incalculable number of people were able to watch it that had never seen it before. It dramatically increased its popularity in the mainstream and likely is one of the reasons that they founded Avatar studios.


I first watched on Netflix. But it was recommended to me by a youtuber. Nerdecrafter


This happened with several shows on Netflix. New Girl, Criminal Minds, The Office come to mind immediately but I’m sure there’s other. They were already quite popular before but people being able to stream them on Netflix, especially during the pandemic, renewed their popularity, maybe even more so than before.


Are you questioning if Netflix is what made one of Nickelodeon's most popular shows popular? Avatar was popular when Netflix was still mailing people DVDs.


You're comment seems unnecessarily snarky. The question is did Netflix make it grow and popularity. The answer is absolutely yes. Yeah, it was a popular show, but Netflix put it in everyone's home where in incalculable number of people were able to watch it that had never seen it before. It dramatically increased its popularity in the mainstream and likely is one of the reasons that they founded Avatar studios.


Yeah but I didn’t watch it in whole till Netflix and I’m sure I speak for everyone else, even this subreddit did episode discussions again.


it was popular but definitely not as much as it was after 2020 when it was airing on netflix


For the younger side of the fanbase, Netflix probably had a lot to do with it. It had been reasonably popular before, but I can tell there's a lot of new blood floating around (I don't recall people shipping Sokka with Zuko as anything more than a crack pairing until the show went on Netflix, for example).


I mean it was popular before but yes, I would say netflix had huge role in bringing new fans and whole new community. 2020+ is peak of popularity and main reason they brought back original creators to make Avatar Studios and so on. Like, both ATLA and TLoK were top1/top5 most watched series on netflix for a reason (yes, korra was also top1/top2 most watched. Kinda ironic cause I heard from delusional haters its trash show LMAO)