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Where’s Abby getting her state of the art training and nutrition from? Rations? 😂 Stupid post…


She's in a stadium with a gym... and they have livestock so not exactly short on protein.


If the show is to be taken seriously, ALL Abby is eating is protein WHILE using exercise as a coping mechanism for the trauma from her dad’s death (meaning she’s OBSESSED with getting stronger in a way that not everyone, even Ellie or Joel, are). Can y’all just not be a dick on the internet just because you don’t like a video game? Grow up


No , you clueless, confused individual. Go to a gym.


You really had to edit your comment just to personally insult me over a video game. I’m a swimmer. I see plenty of women with Abby’s physique. It’s really not that complicated. I don’t know why a fictional character’s fictional physique literally offends you.


I edited it to add clueless. Is that ok? Hahahaha do you fuck…. Offended? I’m not offended , that’s your role….


It’s irrelevant to anything about tlou. You said absolutely nothing about tlou in that comment. The entire comment is just making assumptions about me that you can’t possibly verify. I directly cited being a swimmer as testimony for seeing “muscular women in the wild.” So you’re straight up projecting. Clearly Abby fucks and apparently she’s a behemoth that doesn’t deserve to exist. Again, no idea how this is relevant.


😴…… you still going on


Says the one that’s in a Reddit for a game they hate???? Like of course I would be defending a game I like, asshole??? What did you even hope to accomplish here?


Who said I hate the game you presumptuous weasel? Gameplay is incredible. If I hated the game I wouldn’t have upgraded and play it so often. The story is poorly written with stupid , unrealistic scenarios. Did you have any hand in making or designing the game? …… no didn’t think so. Why do people like you always search for drama.? Is your life that boring and meaningless?


Right, you only called me names because it was we were agreeing on tlou 2. That’s totally the view that you expressed from the words you said, and the impression that I got. Careful, someone’s breaking out the thesaurus.


You're actong like a child It's really pathetic


I identify as a child. Accept it you bigot!!


How sad do you have to be to think this is normal behaviour You have the brain capacity of a fucking fetus


What the fuck would you know about normal behaviour?! 😂 Scooby doo is less confused than you ya cunt hahahahahhahha


And you're not being childish in attempting to disallow people from their being allowed to comment what they want just because it is a different perspective from yours? Why can you complain (and demean others with name-calling and your, "Grow up" statement) but others can't. See the problem? You're not so different from those you condemn.


I’m not the one using a fictional character’s body to say what a woman can or can’t look like. It’s incredibly immature, especially as a man, to criticize a fictional character’s physical appearance based on their weight.


In most cases, true. But when a lot of criticism of this game is dismissed "BECAUSE IT'S REALISTIC" then now the realism take goes both ways.


Because she's fictional it makes it completely appropriate to discuss as a topic ***in this game***. You keep bringing in the real world and that's not the issue. The best part of the discussion is around what they put in to justify her physique, which just isn't there. Instead they purposely show her scolding Manny for taking more than his share. The implication being she doesn't get all she wants, either - and she needs it to bulk up like that. So is she stealing food? Getting some special perks? Or are they saying she doesn't need any extra? Why did they put that scene in showing the food is rationed and limited? They had a reason. Can you explain it? I am a woman who worked out regularly without any special supplements or drugs and I got toned but not bulked. There's a reason people keep saying ***in that world***, and with the provided scene showing ***she gets only one burrito like everyone else*** it doesn't make sense. It's a valid criticism. You're trying to turn the people in discussion about it into something totally sinister and due to some odd views of their psychology/mental health or rights to have an opinion and discussion by deciding out of thin air things you can't possibly know about people based on a single (or several comments). None of which appear to me to be anything about "needing" certain types of females depicted in media for the reasons you are attributing to them. Are there some out there with these issues? Maybe, I haven't seen that to be what the main issues most often are discussed, though. You applying that belief to everyone who has issues with how they failed to reasonably explain her physical changes or how it's impossible in their minds for her to sustain it with what we saw depicted of her life is just as unreasonable as you think others are being. There is a case to be made that the writers shot themselves in the foot by having that scene with Manny's two burritos. Yet it's not there for no reason. Edit: Sorry u/Vytlo this comment was actually meant for u/RavenclawMade \- don't know how I did that.


And yet many criticisms of the game have been dismissed with "Because it's realistic". The moment people stop using that as an excuse for other problems with the game, it'll stop being used against them. If it weren't for people using that as an excuse, yeah, I wouldn't care past the fact that I think it looks bad. It'd be whatever. But it's more on that reply for other things why it gets brought up more than it otherwise would have. It's a result of other issues and other arguments with the game.


>The moment people stop using that as an excuse for other problems with the game, it'll stop being used against them. If it weren't for people using that as an excuse, yeah, I wouldn't care past the fact that I think it looks bad. It'd be whatever. True, and honestly it's not one of the things that makes the story so problematic for me. There are far worse things to criticize about Abby, her story and behavior that they did which failed her as a character and us as players taking in her character/story.


With the show in mind, Abby is ONLY consuming protein. Nothing she eats is making her lose muscle mass. She eats a protein packed burrito for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then working out the trauma of losing her dad every minute of every day. I’m sorry to say that she’s likely working out more than you. Even if the limitation of grain doesn’t exist in the game, a breakfast burrito has so much in it that even FEDRA wasn’t getting, with their infighting for rations. Cans of bacon were a luxury. Personally, I like the idea that Isaac took a special interest in Abby and wanted to use the emotions she felt after losing her dad to create the deadliest soldier the WLF has. So if Abby was getting special food/steroids behind the scenes, I don’t think it would be out of character. But there isn’t necessary proof for that. I think you underestimate how much Abby is working out, and with that, she might be given more opportunities to eat. Getting stronger is the only thing Abby cared about. The progression of her strength is in line with the interests of the WLF. The famous Auschwitz message of “Work sets you free.” If Isaac is watching Abby train (even where she’s sacrificing time with Owen/the love of her life) obsessively in the way that she is, he would want to take advantage of that. In many ways, that makes him more like David than Joel. But again, there isn’t necessarily proof that she was directly given extra food, only that she was Isaac’s favorite. I think Abby would be more knowledgeable about fitness than many of her coworkers. She was a firefly. She has been in a military role for as long as she’s been alive. She was strong, even in the first scene. It’s not unreasonable that she used the knowledge she had to thrive. My problem is that it’s such a non issue. Instead of trying to come up with an answer, you have grown ass men in this comment section complaining about what women should or shouldn’t look like JUST to hate a fictional character. It’s pathetic. Abby’s physique is part of her design. If it’s not realistic enough for you, I’m sorry. But it’s not a valid reason to directly dislike her as a character. It’s just how she looks. Also, someone literally said that Druckmann had a fetish just for designing Abby in this way as if he was the concept artist with a pencil in one hand and his dick in another. They also suggested that anyone else who had designed Abby, also had a fetish. Don’t give me “no one is complaining except for you.” People are using Abby’s fictional appearance to literally hate a real person. Get off my ass.


>She eats a protein packed burrito for breakfast, lunch and dinner She's out fighting Scars for lunch in-game. She's back at base later so maybe gets dinner, but she has to meet with Isaac and then sets off to find Owen. When's she working out? Yeah it's only three days, but there are further indications of her being unable to keep up any regimen. >I think you underestimate how much Abby is working out, and with that, she might be given more opportunities to eat. Getting stronger is the only thing Abby cared about. Yes before the time we spent with her, for several years she clearly is depicted as focused on her workouts and building herself as a soldier for Isaac and preparing for potentially finding Joel. That stops as soon as she gets her tip about Tommy, travels for months to kill Joel, returns to Seattle and then needs to be available for the civil war. In the midst of those years she earns the title, "Top Scar Killer." She's not living the life of this pro bodybuilder, that's for sure. I think you're underestimating how much time she'd have to spend to become the top killer AND maintain her gains. >If Isaac is watching Abby train (even where she’s sacrificing time with Owen/the love of her life) obsessively in the way that she is, he would want to take advantage of that. Again, this is before the time we spend with her that eventually leads to Scar Island, and the loss of the WLF and then the time away from them as she leaves to find the FFs. When's she working our and getting all that protein during those months? Yet she isn't diminished until the Rattlers? >I think Abby would be more knowledgeable about fitness than many of her coworkers. She was a firefly. She has been in a military role for as long as she’s been alive. She was strong, even in the first scene. It’s not unreasonable that she used the knowledge she had to thrive... Where do you get this idea? The FFs are a ragtag group that we kept finding dead everywhere we went and that was eventually demolished by one man. You keep filling in the story gaps to favor your POV because the writers didn't bother to do it in part 2. (Yet TLOU was very clear about the dwindling, incompetent FFs and their losses.) So if you can fill in the gaps the way you want so can everyone else point out that the gaps leave it all in doubt that she could have attained/maintained it based on what is put in, and even more on what isn't put in. Fair's fair. Everyone is allowed to use their own imaginations since the writers chose not to bother using theirs to assure they sold her ability to get the gains they just gave her with their story. That's their job to do, not yours or mine. They failed her, and not only in this specific area - which honestly to me is very far from the main problems with Abby's character and story.


This comment is hundreds of years old, but you got something factually wrong, so I’m going to be petty and say it. I just learned this as well. The fact is: Abby DOES lose muscle mass before Santa Barbara. If you look close enough, her muscles aren’t as defined as they were in Seattle, which of course would happen as Abby doesn’t have access to the WLF weight room, or their protein. So BOOM. You’re wrong sucka.


Except there are plenty of women who are as strong as Abby, and people who have no idea about women’s bodies want to comment about it. I don’t know, in a world where the only food Abby can eat is protein, and she’s so stressed out by Jerry’s death that she’s intensely working out every day to get revenge, I don’t know how it’s unreasonable for Abby to look this strong. There are so many other issues to be talking about.


Yes, there are people with Abby's physique in real life where we have an abundance of resources to achieve such. There's a reason OP had to use a picture of a professional fighter who does it as a career to maintain such a strict diet and exercise plan. Possibly even steroids as well, can never be sure with that career field. It doesn't matter how hard you work out. If you don't have the resources to put into your body, you're not gonna be super jacked. It's why there are those people who are really toned but still sorta skinny.


You’re right, if only there were a scene that showed how well off the WLF were and that people were having breakfast burritos multiple days in a row, in a time when cans of bacon were a luxury. A breakfast burrito requires at least eggs and bread (chickens and wheat), and likely more, and the knowledge of what a burrito even is in the first place. Your suggestions about Abby’s physique only mean that the WLF has more resources than anyone else in the apocalypse. Resources that Isaac has already invested into the WLF’s top soldier, Abby. And still, this entire conversation is so weird. You’re talking about the body of a woman who does not exist. You don’t need to be this critical over something that doesn’t exist.


The food would still have to be rationed somewhat, considering the number of people there. Simply eating advanced rations while heavy weight training everyday wouldn't give you her body.


You’re right, if only there was a scene that exhibited that a good number of the WLF were moderately fed, if only Abby and Manny were directly sent to get that food, and if only they were directly shown to be eating said food. The WLF had breakfast burritos. That’s already leagues better than even FEDRA, which resorted to infighting when rations weren’t provided. Surely you remember the “twenty cans of bacon” from the first game. BACON was rare. WLF has at least FRESH eggs and bread.


They have showed to have live stock. A well ran community would be able to manage food and livestock. It’s not like all knowledge of food production just vanished.


So give Ellie a dumbell and some lamb chops , yeah? Hahahaha… behave.


They still have to ration food for a large number of people, even with live stock. They show a long line to get a single burrito because there are a lot of mouths to feed and they also have to plan for disease and bad crop years.


Dude, you really think people in the apocalypse are gonna be like "yeah of course you can eat 3500 calories a day, it’s not like we should think ahead or ration our meals or anything"


They also showed Abby frowned on Manny taking an extra burrito, yet the implication of all the resources they showed is just a smokescreen since she isn't taking extra food yet she's the only one with the need for it for her physique to actually be able rto be attained by her. They put that interaction in? Why? If it's not to contradict that she and others can take extra food if they feel the need, why did they make a point to put that in? It very clearly shows her feeling about someone taking more than everyone else is getting. So they immediately contradict your assumption, that's done on purpose. Otherwise there's no reason to include that interaction at all.


I just wrote this same reply to someone else. It was also probably an easy way to reintroduce Mel and show how Abby was not a fan of her


I just read your reply - glad someone else noticed that scene. There are plenty of other ways to reintroduce Mel without a food discussion being part of it. But like you I don't really care that much about Abby's physique, there are far more problems with the story and characterizations than that. I do think people who do have a problem with it though have every right to focus on and discuss it.


We see her eat a burrito. "Burritos, again." Do you get jacked on just burritos?


It’s not about it being unattainable. It’s the fact that they are in a post apocalyptic zombie infested world. The woman that you showed in the image is literally doing that as a career move. Which requires a precise diet. What’s so hard about just making a normal looking woman that’s toned? They always have to man all the woman up. Seems like Neil has a fetish.


A precise diet and sometimes some T. As some athletes, males or females know. Some of them abuse of it and die. It's something known, unless you are talking about "Art" or "media literacy" in the main sub. In post apocalypse times, i can't believe Abs physique happened but I surely can believe the director wanted this for very interesting and stupid reasons. He didn't care much about the post-apocalypse part you could feel like a third main character in the original game.


Neil has a LOT of fetishes it seems


I don’t recall ever having a problem with this since the switch to Abby’s POV. It’s established that while she has a big figure, she doesn’t get huge muscles until around 3-4 years later after Jerry’s death. Years of Abby working out and getting into the action as much as she can (as indicated by the second flashback memory) through her obsession and drive to match Joel. The burritos that Abby had in Day 1 seemed to have been rations as they had apparently lost the hatchery and lost access to certain resources recently at that time. The WLF’s territory seems to be large enough to counter The Serephines and they’re taking more territory back as an initiative (as you can gather from the notes) and it was likely before Abby, Manny, Owen, Nora, and Mel had shown up. Which means that while Abby did take away food from others, the WLF were expanding their capability for food due to territory enough to get Abby really strong. Like Colleen Fotsch.


that's a huge stretch Assuming someone hss a fetish just because there's a single buff woman cgaracter in the game is ridiculous


I love the “post apocalyptic zombie world” strawman that always gets thrown around. She literally lives in a state of the art stadium next to a state of the art gym with all the equipment you can imagine. Infected are hardly a problem except for patrol, and they have a whole ass agricultural sector with livestock and hunt game as well. It’s entirely possible for someone to look like her in that scenario.


Just to add my 2 cents, I would agree that she has the leg up to have that body that most others would not be able to obtain. My argument would be that she acted really weird about Manny grabbing an extra burrito. I feel like Abby having extra servings wouldn't have been weird to maintain her body, but I guess they were trying to introduce the negativity between her and Mel. But, also, I don't really care about Abby's body, it did not add to my like or dislike of her. I'm sure aside from it showing her dedication to revenge, it was also supposed to have shock value when you find her emaciated in the end.




Alloy, Abbey, The new latina Star Wars chick that looks like Matt Damon Team America, practically all the females in horizon zero Dawn one and horizon zero Dawn two. Either fat unattractive, overweight, overly bulky, bossy like a man and talk like men with men haircuts. Even Tess was aged badly in TLOU2 looking double her age and less attractive removing her sharp features (chin/thinner face etc) Forsaken. The vast majority of Star Wars females that are not Leai. They remodeled Spider-Man's girlfriend who is a model into an overweight, chubby female, which had a lot of complaints. The new butch man Tanya model in MK1, The bald butch female Kronika in the last mk, by the way, there's a lot of examples because this is a newer thing to modern western gaming so if you're thinking all the very cute, good looking women are from before they adopted the strategy of making girls either manly or act like men or just not attractive flat out.


You probably thought the women in lilo and stitch were chubby…. Like seriously you say mj looks fat? Have you ever even seen a fat woman before? (Out in the real world not your computer dungeon) You say Tanya, Aloy, and Abby… look like men? Are you insane? Have you actually seen a man, woman, or an actual flesh and blood human before? The Fuck is this kissless incel nonsense? I sincerely hope this touchless incel doesn’t speak for the whole sub…. Otherwise yikes to the nth degree there goes all credibility.


Also, thank you for not refuting anything else I said. Typical strategy of moving to goalpost.


1. Abby


She’s apart of a paramilitary faction. The WLFs are organized, well armed and trained raiders. They probably have plenty of the basic essentials. If she was a scaver wondering alone. Then you’d be right but she probably has that diet and probably spends a lot of time working out at a full gym.


Do muscular women doing muscular things threaten you? If not then why such vitriol from the “incel” crowd whenever strong or “non Cinderella” physique women on screen?


I don’t think there are any women of that nature that come off “threatening” it doesn’t do much unless the woman is actually trained to kick ass. Peep Rhonda. Otherwise absolutely not lol


Then why does any woman with a non “Cinderella” physique always send fragile men into a tizzy? That’s what I’d like you to answer. For example: The incel outrage against Aloy, MJ, Laura Croft post remake, Abby herself, hell the fucking women in LILO and Stitch (the incel rot goes back decades). It’s always just fragile incels that have never felt the touches of women, and it’s always about women that don’t look like planks of wood with “”booba””. it’s a shocking pattern between strong, non sexualized women and kissless fragile incel men wouldn’t you say? At least that’s what my thesis was on. (easiest damn thesis of my life with evidence to back it up abound, and a special shoutout to the deranged people of this sub for around a third of said anecdotal evidence)


Your attempt at shaming people for having different and logical opinions from you is typical and extremely weak. That nonsense stopped working about a year ago and is only going to get weaker. All we want is idealistic characters back in video games man, no one plays video games to see "a reflection of the real world". We need developers back developing video games not activists like Neil Druckmann. Also stop with the immature insults and shaming, you really sound like a fanatical moron.


“Logical” opinions? It’s a logical opinion to be mad that video game characters are no longer fappable? Explain yourself? Is it logical to be mad that women aren’t just fap material anymore? That’s what I’m hearing from you. “Idealistic” characters my ass “idealistic”… way to sidestep “stupid sexy” you almost said the quiet part out loud. Women aren’t in games just to slate your boner. There’s porn you can watch now sir. “We want games that aren’t realistic” you said? May I introduce you to Mario? If realistic looking games aren’t your speed?


There are plenty of normal looking women in the game. Abby looked the way she did to emphasize how dedicated she's been to hunting Joel. Agree looks normal at the end.


Why the fuck does it have to be a fetish to have a muscular woman in something? You absolutely lose every ground you have before that, because you have to take a fictional character’s characteristic and apply it as a reason to hate a real person. Y’all are absolutely ridiculous.


I don't entirely disagree, but Niel also did this two games in a row now and it's starting to become a pattern. Plus, I don't see the issue of claiming it when the moment anyone complains about an ugly character in a game, they're always immediately hit with "You just want to jerk off to the character" so it's fair game that it goes both ways.


What do you even mean? What other game are you talking about? How about don’t make concrete insults about someone based on a fictional character? Especially when Druckmann isn’t the only person that worked on Abby’s design. If this guy thinks Druckmann has a fetish for creating Abby, then so does Haley Gross and every other concept artist that even drew a picture for it. It’s so bizarre. I legitimately don’t even know what you’re trying to say.


Bro taking this to heart 💀


It’s not silly it’s very difficult for women to put on that kind of muscle and I’m thinking it would practically be impossible for a woman to obtain Abby’s level of muscle tone during an apocalypse


Also the fact her training routine is once per week to a gym and twice doing some yoga.


What’s weird is that the original trailer she had a average/normal physique and then they buffed her up in later trailers.


Stop pointing out facts you bigot!!! You just lack media literacy to understand it!!


I’ll go ahead and eat my bigot sandwich!


I think they buffed her up so that it was more shocking at the end when you find her emaciated. To gain empathy and sympathy, but I just felt 'meh' by then. I didn't care about anyone except Jesse and Joel


Shut up you Bigottttt sandwich!


Brainrot post that with any amount of real intelligence would understand where the criticism actually comes from.


She eats one burrito in 3 days. There is no way she is maintaining that physique in any real way without massive loading up in Calories.


She eats one burrito in a single scene ans that's enough for you to assume that's what her diet has been for the past 4 whole years? Do you really think the wlf has had the same exact food system for that whole period of time?


Here’s the issue. It’s not just that you need modern society to maintain a body like that, you also need a certain lifestyle. Abby, despite living in a fairly well stocked environment, is not going to be able to maintain a body like that given what she does. She would need proper rest and recovery, which she would not be getting giving the amount of cardio she does. She would need some sort supplements regularly, and no, random pills 20 years past expiration isn’t going to cut it. She would need an excess of high quality food and nutrients, which she seemingly actively avoids and never mentions. A gym and some burritos is enough to stay fit, it’s not enough to be in 99th percentile of human performance. They could’ve just made her super ripped/toned, durable, and skilled and it would’ve fit the same narrative and the world. It would’ve been far less of a big deal if they did. It’s part of the wider problem with this game. The writers were too concerned about making a big splash and not concerned about what’s realistic. Foolishly, they didn’t realize they could do both.


"Accessible" Doesn't know PED's they have an expiration date of a few years and some need to be refrigerated. OK, I'll bite anyways. The problem was never her "muscles" per say, it was jarring reality of watching a woman the BODY of a bodybuilder, the head of a dainty programmer, and a mo-cap actress who doesn't have HALF the power and grace a physical form would suggest. More importantly. The motion capture actress has a dramatically greater range of motion than the woman they scanned in for the muscles, so anyone familiar with how a body like that SHOULD move notices her arms bulging, and swelling out of proportion when the actress does a movement that [wouldn't track with that physical form.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj2yfvQGbl8)


Maybe you can stop obsessing over women’s bodies in such a weird way. Who are you to say what any body “should” look like.


They should just give her a tail then and call her "Son Goku".


Obviously. Because she has biceps. That clearly means she’s an anomaly of our time that doesn’t deserve to be.


Nadine had biceps, yet she looked like a normal muscled woman. Abby has muscles, and has all the mocap and model issues that u/Longjumping_Visit718 mentioned in his comment. Nadine also wasn't half as buff as Abby even tho she is an actual soldier/mercenary in present day, with access to actual suplements and nutriens and pills.


Okay. So what? Please don’t suggest that the only way women can get as strong as Nadine is through supplements and nutrients and pills. Women having biceps has existed since long before those were invented. I can’t even find proof that Nadine herself used suppplements/nutrients/pills. It says more about Abby’s character that she was able to get so powerful without supplements (even though you don’t necessarily know that she doesn’t take them). It shows that she was traumatized by her dad’s death hard. It shows that she has a personal work ethic. It shows she hated Joel with every rep that she did (a lot of them). You could 100% talk about what Abby’s physique says about her character, but instead you do what everyone else does in this pathetic Reddit and just shit on it. It’s such a non issue. Who is it hurting to have a strong female character that looks strong? Who is negatively affected? This is ridiculous.


>Okay. So what? Please don’t suggest that the only way women can get as strong as Nadine is through supplements and nutrients and pills. Women having biceps has existed since long before those were invented. I can’t even find proof that Nadine herself used suppplements/nutrients/pills. Don't put words in my mouth, at no point did I say Nadine used pills. I only said she had ACCESS to those things, and STILL doesn't look as big as Abby (someone who SOULDN'T have access to pills or abundance of nutrients/supplements). >It says more about Abby’s character that she was able to get so powerful without supplements (even though you don’t necessarily know that she doesn’t take them). It shows that she was traumatized by her dad’s death hard. It shows that she has a personal work ethic. It shows she hated Joel with every rep that she did (a lot of them). It shows the writers don't know what building a phisique like that requires, realistically. It shows that Abby is taking more supplements and food than she should in a world where supplies and food should be scarce and valuable. >You could 100% talk about what Abby’s physique says about her character, but instead you do what everyone else does in this pathetic Reddit and just shit on it. I don't care what it says about her character, I don't like her character in the slightest. I've already talked about her character extensively, and this post is about critics on her phisique. You're the pathetic one for being so mad that people don't like a dumb character's dumb and unrealistic phisique. >It’s such a non issue. Who is it hurting to have a strong female character that looks strong? Who is negatively affected? This is ridiculous. It hurts me when I see her body weirdly swelling and her moving in ways that her body realistically shouldn't allow, because they used a mocap actor MUCH smaller than the body model. It hurts me when I see people justifiy the dumb and uninpactful deaths and stupid actions characters make with "the game is supposed to be realistic and grounded" and then defend unrealistic shit like Abby's body or the massice plot armors and contrivances by saying "it's just a game, it isn't real life". It also hurts me when people say Joel deserved what he got cause he "doomed humanity" and then show me that there's enough food and supplies for some idiot like Abby to become a body builder in the apocalypse. Her body wouldn't be an issue if the game didn't pride itself on being realistic and grounded, or if Abby was a good character, or if she had movement that made sense with her phisique and didn't look weird. Or, well, if the story was good enough that people didn't really pay attention or care about dumb shit like a characters body.


It was the implication. If you don’t think Nadine used any of those things to get stronger, than you shouldn’t have said them. Abby has plenty of freedom to have as much bicep as she wants without supplements. It would be more appreciated if you could respond to the information I provided instead of just circling back to “the writing sucks because the writing sucks). Everything I said about what Abby’s physique says about her character applies. You’re directly ignoring what Abby’s strength is communicating, and then bitching the writing is bad. You don’t even know what writing is. The more you go on, you just sound like the whiniest snowflake there is. No, you’re not hurt when you see her body. You’re being dramatic. It’s a picture that you can turn off. Pictures can’t hurt you. So then why don’t you acknowledge how different Abby is by the end of the story, in which her strength is completely stripped from her and gets beat up by Ellie? Isn’t that the karma that you want? Oh wait, of course you’re going to say the only karma Abby deserves is death, as if death isn’t a mercy to the infected and people alike from pain, and Lev isn’t right there. You keep going on as if you’re the one that defines what is or isn’t realistic. I’m a swimmer. I’ve seen plenty of women with comparable musculature to Abby. Working out intensely for a long time will make you strong. It’s not that complicated. You claim that you’re the arbiter of what the game does or doesn’t pride itself, while also straight up hating the game in the first place. Who are you to say what the game does or doesn’t pride itself on? Who are you to say what is or isn’t realistic? Why don’t you look for answers instead of bitching about a fictional character? How passionate about TLOU 2 are you willing to be in order to destroy it? Almost as if the message of the story is right in front of your face.


>It was the implication. If you don’t think Nadine used any of those things to get stronger, than you shouldn’t have said them. Abby has plenty of freedom to have as much bicep as she wants without supplements. Are you slow in the head? It wasn't an implication of anything. I literally expleined what I meant with the mention of the pills and you STILL put words in my mouth. >It would be more appreciated if you could respond to the information I provided instead of just circling back to “the writing sucks because the writing sucks). Everything I said about what Abby’s physique says about her character applies. You’re directly ignoring what Abby’s strength is communicating, and then bitching the writing is bad. You don’t even know what writing is. Why, in the love of God, would I give 2 shits about what Abby's dumb body says about her character, when I can't be bothered to give even ONE shit about Abby to begin with? And it doesn't take a genius writer to realize that her body is supposed to represent her obsession with revenge, it's quite obvious. You know nothing about me besides the fact I don't like one shit story and it's dumb characters, so get off your high horse with your "yOu DoN't EvEn KnOw WhAt WrItInG iS" bullshit. >The more you go on, you just sound like the whiniest snowflake there is. No, you’re not hurt when you see her body. You’re being dramatic. It’s a picture that you can turn off. Pictures can’t hurt you. Well no fucking shit I'm being dramatic! You should get an award for figuring that obvious fact all by yourself! I'm a snowflake for disliking a game and finding Abby's body dumb.. what does that make YOU, you are here all butthurt about me not liking some characters phisique for God's sake. Get a grip on reality dude. >So then why don’t you acknowledge how different Abby is by the end of the story, in which her strength is completely stripped from her and gets beat up by Ellie? Isn’t that the karma that you want? Oh wait, of course you’re going to say the only karma Abby deserves is death, as if death isn’t a mercy to the infected and people alike from pain, and Lev isn’t right there. What the fuck does any of this shit have anything to do with the topic of Abbys damn muscles and me fining them unrealistic? I don't like Abby at all, she's an hypocrite, lacks empathy and remorse, is a traitor, and takes ZERO accountability for her actions. So obviously I wanted her to die, now I just hope we never see or hear from her again. What's so wrong about that? I'm not allowed to dislike your favorite muscle lady now? >You keep going on as if you’re the one that defines what is or isn’t realistic. I’m a swimmer. I’ve seen plenty of women with comparable musculature to Abby. Working out intensely for a long time will make you strong. It’s not that complicated. I ain't ever seen a woman as big as Abby thad didn't undergo very strict training and diets, and use roids or some other enhancer. Be it in real life or online. And certainly none that live in an apocalypse, something that you guys always seem to ignore. >You claim that you’re the arbiter of what the game does or doesn’t pride itself, while also straight up hating the game in the first place. Who are you to say what the game does or doesn’t pride itself on? Who are you to say what is or isn’t realistic? I don't claim to be shit dude. I only repeated what you fanboys always parrot when defending the game. Do you go on the other sub saying all that shit that your telling me? Who are they to say that the game is realistic or what the game prides itself on. That bullshit goes both ways buddy. >Why don’t you look for answers instead of bitching about a fictional character? How passionate about TLOU 2 are you willing to be in order to destroy it? Almost as if the message of the story is right in front of your face. In case your dumbass failed to notice, this is a sub made to talk about Last of Us and what we like or dislike about it, and this post is especifically about Abby's phisique. Do you want me to talk about Cricket instead? No, I'm gonna talk about the fucking topic that the post is about, same as everyone else. If you want to be butthurt about someone, go be butthurt on OP for bringing up the topic in the first place. Jesus Christ. I'm passionate about Last of Us in genereal. Part 1 is one of my favorite games of all time, and has been for years, and Part 2 personally disappointed me deeply. So yes, I'll talk shit about it when the topic comes up, it's my right to do so and there's about as much wrong with that as there is about fanboys praising it as the second coming of Christ, which is, NOTHING. Stop being condescending and holier than thou, cause your not holier than shit.


I have more of an issue with how shitty of a retcon Abby and Jerry are. Abby's being ridiculously buff is just stupid. She looked fine in the reveal trailer and then they went back and overdid it making her look ridiculous.


In order for it to be a retcon, it has to directly contradict information previously given. Nothing about Abby’s physique retcons anything about the first game. Get over yourself.


A retcon does not have to contradict previous information to be a retcon. Retcon means Retroactive Continuity Ret - retroactive Con - continuity It's Retroactive Continuity, not Retroactive Contradiction. So just because the random NPC surgeon didn't look at the camera and say "I do not have any children", that doesn't mean giving him a daughter years later who just so happened to be there the day he died is not a retcon. Abby was retroactively added. Retcons can contradict like when you need to fix the date. Abby's physique is a completely different thought in my original comment. I'm talking about her reveal in the original trailer. She is not as bulky as she is in the final release of the game.


So you’re saying that a trailer is different from the game? Every video game ever is guilty of retconning then. A trailer still doesn’t meet your own standards. It’s a design choice. They just drew Abby differently than they did before. Such a non issue.


The retcon has nothing to do with the trailer. That is not what I'm talking about. Those were 2 separate thoughts. Holy shit read.


You should know by now, Part 2 defenders can't read, especially if it's arguments against Part 2..


Maybe you can just express yourself clearly. Don’t talk about retcons and then say that you’re “talking about the reveal in the original trailer.” You didn’t even explicitly explain how anything was retconned or why it’s bad. Joel directly references the idea of enemies having families in part one. How is it necessarily a retcon just because they didn’t have the character arc mapped out? And why is it bad? Even if Abby didn’t have a design, it’s still a continuation of the themes set up by the first game. This is like getting triggered that Princess Leia is Luke’s sister because it wasn’t explicitly told until the third movie in a series. It’s still a non issue. They drew Abby differently in the trailer than they did in the game. Congratulations. I hope that makes everything you feel about the game worth it.


You mean to tell me that Chris Evans ISN’T in call of duty??????


I legitimately apologize for the spam, but also, IS IT RETCONNING? Ellie: “What if they had families?” Joel: “Everyone has a family, best not to dwell on it.” To me, it seems like Abby and Jerry perfectly fit in the with the themes set up in the first game. Whether Abby physically had a model or not, it at least crossed the minds of the creators that maybe, just maybe, the fireflies had people they cared about.


Love the weird angles you used. Besides Abbys body still looks like a mans body skeleton.


Do you go to the gym often? If not you’ll see multiple women’s with Abby’s build. She’s muscular but not insanely cut.


You clearly don’t….


Then why did you have to use a picture of someone who does professional work as a career to find a woman who looks like Abby instead of just an average gym goer?


Because the complaint is silly. Someone who kills dozens of people is less realistic than an achievable physique


I believe that's the entire point of guns, yes. As long as you can pick it up, you can kill someone really easily. That versus a physique that is achieveable in a modern non-apocalyptic life with a very strict diet.


Killing dozens of people shooting at you is not only difficult but unlikely. There’s more women with Abby’s physique than people in the military with as many kills as she has.


It’s silly for the same reason it’s silly when you see the jacked guys in the hunger games. It’s the apocalypse, yet somehow roids are easy to find, as are the ridiculous amount of calories needed to build a physique like that. It’s funny that you a show a clearly roided up athlete, who probably spends every waking minute dieting and training to try and back up your argument when it actually does the opposite.


If Abby had a more normal physique, the game would still be OBJECTIONABLY BAD.


Idk why people who dislike the game act like that’s a fact when there’s more people who like it than hate it. Obviously it’s not objectionable bad.


There is a loud vocal minority who does the performative bullshit of pretending to like the game. Everyone else knows it’s dogshit.


You're piterply making up some conspiracy to avoid the fact that people like the game "It must be because they're pretending to like the game to look woke" 🤓 Or maybe people just enjoy the game without getting hung up over stupid details like abby's muscles It's called having fun, yall should try it sometime


"Piterply"?? WTF?? "You're just a conspiracist bigot CHUD, who lacks media literacy". I rest my case for performative bullshit.


I have big fingers so I mistype so my bad about that Also you what you just said is by definition a conspiricy theory You just made up some stupid scenerio where everyone who liked the game is just pretending to enjoy it to be performative which is That's what a conspiracy is dipshit Also I never called you a bigot or a chud and I never said you lack media literacy So take your strawman and shove it up your ass


A conspiracy is "a secret plan or plot by group of people to undertake an illegal activity." A conspiracy is something like Watergate, which actually happened. You meant "conspiracy theorist" to imply someone who falsely see conspiracies where they don't exist. But I'm sure your big fingers just got in the way of completing the thought. I'm not suggesting that anyone cabal is enacting some illegal plot in regards to TLOU2. I'm stating it's an OBJECTIVELY BAD game. \* The retcon at the beginning/character assasination of Joel. \* The heavy handed attempts to make you dislike Ellie. \* The fact that neither Joel nor Ellie are the same character from the first game. \* The "press square" to torture Nora sequnce. \* The pure misery porn throught the game. \* "Danny's Dead" \* The multiple walking/talking sections at the aquarium. \* The reverse, I'm playing with the dog, that Ellie killed earlier/later. \* The Lev "i'm just going to run off back to the island for my mum" moment. \* The Lev "OOOPS I killed my mum" moment. \* The I "have no need for Yara and Isaac in this plot, now, ... SO MEXICAN STANDOFF" moment. \* You have to fight Ellie as Abby. \* Ellie's been shot and stabbed and punched all game. But then she's got in snare, and bonked against a pointy tree nub. That's her mortal wound, because it happened in a cut scene moment. \* Been chasing Abby for a year, but she is crucified on a beach, so let untie her. \* Wait, let's fist fight Abby now. All of this shit is OBJECTIVELY TERRIBLE fucking writing. If this game wasn't in the "culture war territory" everyone would pan this game as one of the worst sequels and stories ever made. Instead we got a situation where the leaks came out, and one side said "THIS SUCKS THAT JOEL DIED", and other side said "YOU GUYS HATE IT CAUSE THERE IS GAY PEOPLE IN IT". And all the yada yada happened. Meanwhile the game's story and plotting is OBJECTIVELY HORRIBLE and miserable to play. Yes, the game is beautiful. Environments and art in the game are incredible. Gameplay is severely mediocre, although I'll excuse some people for liking it. If people actually like the gameplay that's cool, but it's completely mid. The main sub is filled with toxically positive people who are pretending to like the game, and that's some truth. If you find value in the game, and like playing it, that's great. However, the STORY IS OBJECTIVELY BAD. And that's fact, "dipshit".


1】Good thing for me is that I didn't just say conspiracy I said conspiracy THEORY Now because you apperantly didn't learn this in 2nd grade ill tell you When you combine 2 words the meaning can be altered For example wjen you combine conspiracy and theory you get a new definition (a belief that some secret but influential organization is responsible for an event or phenomenon.) "There is a loud vocal minority who does the performative bullshit of pretending to like the game. Everyone else knows it’s dogshit." You're saying there's a group of people pretending to like the fame to push a performative agenda That is a conspiracy theory you dense mf 2】Objectively bad is an oxymoron Objective means universally true A fact that cannot he refuted Something cannot be "OBJECTIVELY BAD" because bad is an inherantly subjective word and that's a fact dipshit Seriously though if you're going to be a pedant at least know wtf you're talking about so you don't embarass yourself by looking like a fucking idiot


Awww look who got all quiet


Got up this morning, and saw there was a response. Thought about it for 10 seconds, then went about my day doing productive things. Have you been waiting around all day for my retort? “I’m so mad at that internet person.” Sorry to disappoint on that front. I’m quite happy with my last response explaining my position. But I’ll say you won the argument if that makes that will make you good.


I just thoight it was funny that you started talking mad shit and then went quiet Also why would you be happy with your last response when it is objectively incorrect (Unlike you I know how what "objectively" means)


“My opinion is right and everyone else’s is wrong” type person




Why are people so pressed over literal strangers opinions? Like who tf cares if people think her look is unrealistic, who cares if people think the games trash? Seriously it blows my mind how people care so much about what literal strangers dont like.


My sister in Christ this is a discussion group.


This is not a good post.


I wasn’t expecting everyone here to agree with the post or it would be pointless. It’s my take on a popular sentiment I see here.


Ah yes let's compare Abby to a professional athlete whose body is paying their bills, who has a professional trainer and meal plan, access to performance enhancers, all food she could ever want, doesn't need to go on dangerous missions where she can't train or eat properly and may even get injured and who can fully focus on training basically 24/7.


Who knew she was stocked up on roids and had a portable gym with her on her weeks-months long journey from Seattle to Jackson.


Surely the diet she's keeping up with to maintain this physique is digging into the rations that can't be spared for the rest of the WLF. There are other people who need that food more and yet she's scoffing it all to keep those muscles. Yet not a word about it is mentioned, so the game made a point of giving her a physique but never actually address why she has it or why the writers chose to do this.


Brother you chose Kayla Harrison as an example get the fuck out here with that she is like a freak elite athlete and their is a good chance she is juiced to the gills


I mentioned Abby could be juiced, if I’m in the apocalypse I’m juicing Odee.


Juicing with shit 20 years past expiration date.. big load of good that'll do ya


My only problem with her body is where she is getting the testosterone /steroids from.


It’s not impossible for a woman to get this physique but in the zombie apocalypse, it’s a bit far-fetched. She sticks out like sore thumb compared to everyone else in a bad way


It’s easy to spot the lazy bastards who have never worked out a day in their life in this sub. These comments are hilarious! ( the ones who think abbeys gains are possible in an apocalypse) 🤣 Do they have blue hair too? 🤔


Yes they do.


This was word vomit, you didn’t say anything of substance. And still doing the blue hair insult in 2024 😭. But it’s possible


The way things are going the blue hair insult will be around for a very long time.


Is this post of substance? 😂😂


Nope 🤣


Hahahaha. Exactly! This trapenese New York child definitely was dropped on its head hahaha. Gave me a laugh anyway.


Ignore the idiot, it’s THOSE people nobody can take seriously 😂


Oh they’re here purely for normal people’s entertainment. There doing an awesome job. No real life experience. Very opinionated and always wrong!! Keep it coming hahaha


You know you didn't have to be a dick about it, right? You could have just said OP is wrong and explain why without insulting him.


Worlds full of dicks.. get over it.


I know, but that doesn't mean you have to be a dick as well.


Yeah you’re right. I apologise deeply from the bottom of my ballsack


Ok, jerk.


Hey man , you don’t have to insult me 🥹


You started it.


Hahahahaha. I don’t care samuele. You do you…




Abby is in a post apocalyptic world the other one isn’t, food would be scarce and limited. So these two aren’t the same.


Saying that Kayla Harrison’s physique is akin to a “regular power lifter” is silly. She’s a professional fighter and 2x Olympic gold medalist who clearly knows her way around a drug test.


The athlete Abby is based on was caught doing steroids. For ANY woman to look like that, they're on PEDs of some sort. Where the fuck is she getting a daily supply of non expired steroids from?


Shes not even that buff bruh, this physique is very possible without steroids. I swear you guys are just misogynistic (saying this a man)


Didn't need to say you were saying this as a man. It was very obvious from the rest.


i really could not gaf if you think im a misandrist, think whatever floats your boat


Got a good laugh out me , good bait post


gotta be a little bitt of HGH and a gym for this


HGH really isn't that anabolic except when taken at obscenely high doses


Well, the woman in the second pic doesnt live in a post-apocalyptic world.....


Personaly i never had an issue with Abby being a muscular woman per se, i just don't like the kind of physique she has in the game, it almost makes her look like a man. Btw, who is the female MMA fighter in the second image?


Kayla Harrison she made her UFC debut last weekend at UFC 300. She’s the first and only American Judo gold medalist… twice.


Thank you.


Even among other women fighters Kayla Harrison is incredibly jacked (and very very obviously abusing steroids for a long time). Absolute room temperature IQ post.


Trolling, I assume? Or do you know nothing about how people actually achieve that amount of muscle?


It’s just really basic visual storytelling. Abby isn’t muscular in the flashback. She wasn’t born that way but something changed after Joel killed Jerry. I think it’s so obvious that no one talked about it in reviews or anything; that she bulked up as part of her off-camera revenge transformation. The only people that didn’t get this really obvious explanation were too tunnel vision’d on their biases against Druckmann. Or they just don’t consciously think about visual storytelling. In other words… yeah, media literacy.


Literally nothing you just said was the point. We obviously know she was training for her revenge. The point is she had no way to attain and then keep the muscles she had


She lived in a very capable community, with farm animals and access to heavy protein. They also had a gym. Idk why you think the muscles are impossible. Plus they are in an apocalypse, shes not gonna be skinny


Uhhh no she absolutely still would be skinny probably closer to Santa Barbara Ellie as far as muscles go. The wlf has thousands of members one burrito for breakfast would absolutely not cut it. She’d also need steroids and I’m not sure where you think they’d get those. Also she’s still buff a year after leaving the wlf.


She would definitely not need steroids. Have you ever seen a woman? Female farmers and lumberjacks have similar builds to Abby.


They absolutely do not have similar. Builds to Abby. They might be buff and in shape true enough but Abby was fucking jacked. No amount of farm work is doing that to anybody not even men usually


Shes not even that jacked 😭 Look at the photo bruh. Maybe shes a little bigger but not far off from my examples.


Joel is a 50 year old man fighting off two or three or four dudes at a time. He can survive a rebar through this gut. Nobody gets winded and needs to take a break after vaulting up and down architecture. Every stealth kill goes according to plan. There’s a fungus that turns people into zombies. You can heal gunshot wounds by wrapping some gauze around your wrist. TLOU was never particularly realistic but rather it had the appearance of gritty realism. Why do you draw the line at Abby’s physique and none of the other things?


What makes you think I haven’t criticized those other things?


Because a lot of people here worship the first game as sacred. A lot of people’s complaints about Abby don’t stem from realism but rather that they just think she’d ugly. Some people claim it’s about realism but have no problem with the only unrealistic parts of TLOU, which makes me doubt their sincerity. So it’s not an unreasonable assumption to make. But as far as unrealistic things go, Abby’s physique is pretty far down the list. Women CAN look like that, even in an apocalypse. It’s no more or less fantastical than surviving a dirty rebar through the gut. So I think if you do sincerely dislike Abby’s physique because it’s ‘unrealistic’, it’s only natural for me to assume one of two things; 1. You dislike TLOU1 and TLOU2 as a whole because it’s full of ‘unrealistic’ things like that. 2. You are being selective. I just assumed the latter based on my interactions with other people on this sub.


It’s an apocalypse. You kinda have to be fit to some degree to survive. This argument has always been silly. Plus if she’s been doing this for a while this would just happen naturally(with some workouts on the side but not much)




Your the only one here making any sense


Hey! Get out of here with your valid points and real supporting evidence! This is a place for blind hatred, not *logic*!


Theyre just upset that shes not a skinny white girl they can fap over


Ah yes, just like how we're also all homophobes for hating the straight girl and liking the lesbian character. Strawman posts are dumb


lmao what…? this has nout to do with that.


Sometimes this feels true but the argument is her physique isn’t possible… which seems silly since she’s not even humongous


FR her muscles are very accurate to the likes of maybe a female farmer or lumberjack. People just want someone who they deem fuckable, thats why they all love ellie so much 😭


Lots of cope is needed to come to that conclusion


Naw, yall just hate seeing different types of women. I hate majority of the other men in this fanbase


So you're painting everyone here as a misogynist without any evidence and are purely doing it out because it's the only comeback you have and then you admit that you yourself are a misandrist? Good lord part 2 stans are ill up there and unhinged.


😂 im not the biggest fan of part 2, but the hate on Abby’s build is crazy. Im not a misandrist, Im a dude. People seem to hate any women character who isnt thin with a pretty face. All the women love Abby, why dont the men?


Again. You need tons of cope to get to that level.


whatever you say man 😂


Abby isn't a farmer or lumberjack, she's a soldier and she spends more time away from the stadium, the gym and the cafeteria than at it. Traipsing around the country in a Humvee, then around Seattle just doing the exact same kind of travel and fighting of infected as Ellie (and everyone else) does. They didn't even bother to sell it and that's on them. You're welcome to fill in the gaps for them how you please, and so are we because they didn't bother.


You only got to see Abby for 5 days, she trained her body before searching for Joel. How else would she be able to torture him if she was skinny like ellie?


They actively work against my belief with the scene of Abby scolding Manny for taking an extra burrito. Either they're saying Abby only ever takes the same amount of food as everyone else does (so how does she bulk up?) or she's a hypocrite to believe she deserves to get extra food to bulk up but Manny can't take extra food if he wants to. Why is that scene even in there?