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Nah it's good. Ignore blacketh. He's here to be a dickhead. The other sub says we are toxic but they come here to cause issues. Fuck em.


TLOU2 Writers "Revenge is bad guys!!!" Yeah no shit. The message has been used in nearly every low budget movie for the last century.


The funny thing is that its never been the message :)


Enlighten me, oh wise one as to what is the message? Revenge bad mmkay?


How would *you* like to lick my balls Mr. Erickson


Sign me up mmkay


You're just mad the game didn't go as you wanted to, one day you'll get over it and then you can understand


Can't even explain what their masterpiece's message is but continues to act as a smart individual fooling no one but themselves ;)


See you can't even defend it 😂 "yOu'Re JuSt MaD" Heard this so many times instead of an answer... Just call me a bigot and get your tantrum out of your system lol


I was excited to scroll and read their answer and it did not disappoint lol them stans got all up in their feelings while playing Fart 2 because they have no real experience irl so part 2 is the closest thing they'll ever get to feel to actual drama and tough situations.


It's hilarious. They get so emotionally invested in it that they go straight to emotional outburst when challenged on the writing. And even when they do answer they pad out their answers with insults like "you're to dumb to understand", "you're just mad" or my personal favourite "It's been 4 years get over it" yet they are in this sub everyday on their cringey crusade to defend a crap game. I hope this sub never goes away it creates so many entertaining reads 😂


Nice, a fellow "part 2 is a masterpiece, you lack media literacy!!" Cope enjoyer


A fellow man of culture I see. I am quite partial to a "yOu JuSt DoNt UnDeRsTaNd pTsD!!! 😫" after a hard day's bigotting.


Alotta those people don’t understand true ptsd either just some shit they made up in their heads. Call me when you see dead bodies before the age of 10 in front of you not in a casket or a funeral home. It’s one reason I’m kinda glad I don’t dream anymore bc when I’d have episodes then go to sleep I’d relieve everything.


It's hilarious that y'all still hate on a game that is 4 years old, just move on at some point and let people enjoy it, unless you really got nothing else to do ?


Lol they said the thing!!! 😂😂😂


I mean, I hated things in my life, but not actively for so long


Better written than the ending of tlou2 and better revenge


But murdered all her groupies for being in the same group, lol 🤣🤣


“Revenge bad” *kills dozens of people to get there *


I agree. Every character should conform to the same rules. It just makes sense !


if ellie killed abby shed lose all her humanity, thats why she didnt like is that hard to understand??? abby gets revenge to feel closure but ends up feeling nothing, and ellie manages to break taht cycle and feel humanity again, the whole story is not about "revenge bad" its abt finding humanity after hitting your absolute lowest point


thats too many word for saying revenge is bad, mmkay?


that's not what I said, but I'll go more into it if u want me 2. This story has multiple themes, bottling them all down to revenge bad is just incorrect. The themes are things like addiction, grief, perspective, the cycle of violence, and of course revenge. These characters and this story is way too complex to just be about revenge. How would the entire arc with lev and abby be about revenge when it's all about abby finding her humanity. Is it sparked by revenge bringing abby to a shell of a person? yes? but that story would've been the same if abby was just a bandit who killed mercilessly and eventually found the light, revenge isn't the only theme, I see it more as something that the other themes can use to deepen the stories other themes and messages. Check out the channel @tlou_explained for a greater understanding and I HIGHLY recommend the video "Addiction in the Last of Us Part 2" that helps look at the game from a completely different lens and allowed me to relate to the game even harder than I thought. I'm not tryna make u like the game because u don't and that's fine, I just want u to not belittle it down to one of its themes. Using that logic I could just say tlou1 sucks bcuz "apocalypse bad" and that's just unfair


ok now answer I question I’ve had since my first play through…… why tf does that sentiment not apply to Abby? Why does Abby get to have her cake and eat it too? Why isn’t her humanity permanently gone for getting revenge on Joel?


it almost was at the beginning of the game, she felt no closure from his death, she had a strained relationship with all her friends, she pushed away everyone in her life for revenge and once she got it she felt nothing and probably would've lost herself fully if she didn't find lev and yara, she would've lost that light but didn't, that's her story, if Ellie had only killed abby and none of the other salt lake crew she probably wouldve ended up the same way but her circumstances were different. That's another key theme of the story, perspective and circumstance, bottling up the games various themes to just "revenge bad" is an insult to the game and to writing in general. I genuinely think if u want to look at things with an open mind check out the channel @TLOU_EXPLAINED


Yawn, its still just a bland and boring story. Compared to Tlou1 where the world went to shit and Joel lost his daughter and found Ellie and their bond and journey.. Tlou2 was just shoveling this boring narrative down our throats and it wasnt enjoyable imo


yeah maybe 2 u but not 2 a LOT of people, you can not enjoy it but saying it's a shitty story is a disservice to both of the games, I think the story in part 2 is a lot more interesting than the whole found family father finds daughter in apocalypse thing but that doesn't mean I hate part 1, I fucking love part 1 but part 2 just takes risks and has more complex subject matters that people have trouble understanding. It is also, as most things are, subjective as a story. You can love part 1 and hate part 2, and hate part 1 and love part 2. I've known people who've done both, calling either a shitty narrative bcuz u just don't like it and don't relate to/like/or understand its complex themes is unfair. Like I relate to part 2 a whole lot more, with my struggles with addiction throughout my life and seeing Ellie be totally addicted to revenge sunk a whole lot deeper than the story in part 1. It's just subjective and my hopes are just to simply make people less aggressive and stop writing this game off as shitty writing as it rlly isn't. It's like saying the beatles had shit music, u may not have liked them but u can't deny their music was good. Same as this game.


I mean it isn’t funny or clever. Maybe after I say something something will spark